Mother of The Glades

By SummerInSeconds

94.8K 1.8K 514

Lydia came up in the box with Alby. They were the first two gladers. The ones who had to create everything fr... More



8.2K 177 41
By SummerInSeconds

Newt, Chuck, Gally and Winston were in my hut with me. I sat in silence while they tried to get me to talk. "Lydia please talk to us." Gally said.

I looked up angrily, "First we had to banish Ben, now my best friend is possibly hurt out in THE MAZE FOR CRYING OUT LOUD! Minho is still out there! Who knows what could've happened to him! And then that Shuck-face Thomas decides he wants to be a hero and try to save them! No I'm not okay! I don't know if they could survive and personally I don't want or be the person to find their bodies if they are dead." I left my hut and ran to the doors of the maze and sat down in front of it.

Chuck came and sat next to me. "Mother-"

"Chuck. If you're going to try and comfort me I'll advise you now, to not."

"I was just gonna ask if you wanted something to eat." He held out a plate with food to me.

"I'm sorry Chuck. It's just I don't like losing people."

"I know, it's okay. You're our mother, you have to worry about us all. It's your job." He handed me my plate and I set it on the floor and pulled him into a hug.

"Thanks Chuck." I pulled away and he smiled at me.

"No problem."

He sat in the grass next to me and we sat waiting for the doors to open. I woke up to the sound of the doors opening. I jumped up so quickly making Chuck fall to the ground. "Oh my gosh! I'm sorry Chuck!" I helped him up and we called for the rest of the Gladers.

They opened fully and we didn't see anyone. "They're not coming back." Newt said sadly holding my hand. He pulled it away slowly and began walking away.

Chuck and I stayed at the gates and then I heard Zart say, "No way!" Chuck and I looked at each other and then back to the maze.

"Yeah! Yes!" Minho and Thomas came out of the maze carrying Alby. We all put him on the floor carefully and the med-jacks inspected him. I started crying. "You saw a griever?" Chuck asked the first survivors of the maze. I pulled Minho to me and cried even more.

"I thought we lost you guys." I whispered to him.

"Yeah I saw one." Thomas replied.

"He didn't just see it. He killed it!" We all looked at Thomas in shock. Did he really?

I stood up from the ground, "Take him to the infirmary. We need to have a meeting." I told Them. The med-jacks took Alby and everyone ran to the homestead.

"Things are changing. There's no denying that. First Ben gets stung in broad Daylight, and then Alby." I started. "And then our greenie here has decided to take it upon himself to go into the maze."

"Which is a clear violation of our rules here." Gally stood up.

"Yeah, but he saved Alby's life." Fry said looking at me.

"Did he?" Gally paused for a moment, "For three years we have coexisted with these things, and now, you've killed one of them. Who knows what that could mean for us?"

"Well, what do you suggest we do?" Newt asked him from behind me.

"He has to be punished." Saying that, everyone erupted in chatter. Some agreeing and others saying that he saved Alby so he should be off the hook.

"Guys!" I screamed making everyone shut up. "Minho, you were there with him. What do you think?" I asked him. He kept his eyes on me and everyone turned to look at him.

"I think, in all the time we've been here, no ones ever killed a griever before. When I turned tail and ran, this dumb shank," he held his hand out towards Thomas, "stayed behind to help Alby. Look I don't know if he's brave, or just plain stupid. But whatever it is, we need more of it. I say we make him a runner." Everyone erupted in chatter again.

I stayed quiet looking at Minho. Was he serious? I heard Chuck chanting Thomas' name but no one was joining in making me laugh. I then looked over at Thomas who looked just as confused. I would be too if I was in his position. He's been here two days and he's already going to be a runner.

"Look if you wanna throw the newbie a parade that's fine!" Gally shouted. "Go ahead. But if there is one thing that I know about the maze it is that you do not-" He was cut off by the sound of an alarm.

"The greenie alarm? Why's it going off?" I asked. We all ran towards the box. Gally and I opened it and Newt jumped in.

"Newt what do you see?"

He looked up at us and said three words, "It's a girl." I pushed my way to the front and stared at her. She looks very familiar. Where have I seen her before? Everyone was staring at her. "I think she's dead."

"What's in her hand?"

He reached down and grabbed the note from her hand. Reading it out loud he said "She's the last one. Ever. What the hell does that mean?"

Everyone jumped back as she woke up taking a huge gasp. "Thomas. Lydia!" She looked between us and then fell back asleep. Everyone looked at me but I kept my eyes on her. Who was she?

"Still think I'm overreacting?" Gally asked. Everyone switched eyes from of me to Thomas. He was looking more suspicious right now, and from the look in his eyes, he knew who she was.

But how did this girl know who I was?

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