Don't Let Me Go

By iflysolo24

210K 5.7K 953

Logan is a 17 year old who just started her senior year with her best friend Camren. The teachers see Logan a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Author's Note
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 22

5K 129 108
By iflysolo24

I step out of the shower and dry myself off. It is almost 6:30 a.m and I have to be at the high school in an hour. I want to get there early and get settled in. Weddington High called and asked if I could fill in for their Psychology teacher, Mrs. Avery who was going out on maternity leave. I look in the mirror as I button up my white blouse before tucking it into my navy blue pencil skirt. I turn around and look at Logan who is still sleeping.

It is the beginning of March and my birthday is in two weeks, I can't believe I will be 24 years old. Kasey will be coming to town with Erin and Henry and staying for a week. Logan says she has something planned and I am so excited. After the dinner cruise she took me on for Valentine's Day, I can't wait to see what she has planned for my birthday.

I straighten my blouse before slipping on my navy blue blazer. I walk over to closet and pull out some simple heels that match. I take one last glance in the mirror, moving a strand of hair back in place before walking over to the bed. I lean over and plant a soft kiss on Logan's  lips.

"Wake up baby, it's time for you to get up." Logan groans and rolls over, sitting up on the side of the bed.

"Good morning baby, you look good for your first day. You nervous?" She stands and leans to kiss me on my cheek. She knows better than to kiss me on the mouth first thing in the morning! I don't play that!

"Yeah, you know I am. New city, new school with new people. I'm freaking out just a little bit." Logan hugs me.

"You will do just fine, you were born to teach it's what you love." I smile, she is right. I will be fine.

"Thanks baby, I am going to go fix some coffee and then I am going to leave. Don't forget to drop Addison off with Camren before you go to class." Logan nods as she checks on Addison while stripping to head to the shower. "Tell her I said thank you and  don't forget you have to pick her up this afternoon, I have softball tryouts today." I grab my duffel bag from bedside the door.

"Alright, I got it baby. Have a good first day, see you this evening." I walk over to Addison's bassinet and give her a kiss on the forehead. Camren has decided to finish her senior year online. She feels it will be easier and they won't have to pay for child care for Julianna. She offered to watch Addy for us while we are at work. We do pay her and it just helps the both of us out.

"Bye baby girl, be good for Auntie Cam today." I kiss her again and head to the kitchen to fix my coffee to go. I look over at the clock to see that it is now 7:15 and school starts at 8:00. I rush out the door yelling goodbye. I hop in the car and start the 15 minute drive to school. I hear my phone going off in my purse as I park in the employee parking lot. I climb out of the car and check my message from Kasey.

Kasey: Hey bestie. I just wanted to wish you a great first day at the new school. You got this! Call me when you get off, I want to hear how things went.

I quickly text Kasey back so that I can find my classroom and get situated.

Me: Thanks babe, I will call you after softball practice, love you.

I rush inside to find the office, when I finally get there after some directions from a few students I approach who I assume to be the secretary.

"Hi, I am Miss Shannon Peters, I am here to take over for Mrs. Avery." The secretary immediately looks up at me and smiles.

"Oh yes, hi and welcome to Weddington High. I am Mrs. Linda Brown the secretary. You will be in classroom 208 on the second floor, wing B. Principal Grace left these papers for you. Let me know if you need anything."

I walk out of the office flipping through the stack of papers that seem to be instructions for my class on where they are, lesson plans etc. and then information about the softball team.

It seemed like forever but I eventually found my way to the B wing and to 208. I am approached by a gentleman standing outside the classroom next door, the hallway was just swarming with students.

"Hi, I am Jake Mitchell, the Civics teacher. My classroom is right next door if you need anything." He smiles and wait, did he just wink at me? I nod my head and thank him, quickly rushing inside and sitting my stuff down on my desk. I just needed to sit down for a moment and breath.

The day was going by smoothly, my classes were well behaved and I was starting to relax. I was sitting in my classroom eating my lunch because I didn't feel like socializing today. I had too much to get organized. I quickly texted Cam to check on Addison and sent Logan a simple I love you text before my last class arrived. I was more than ready for this day to be over but I still had softball tryouts after school until 5 o' clock.

The bell rings letting me know that my class is on their way, the last time I have to introduce myself and ignore inappropriate comments from the perverted boys in the class. I stand up and walk to the door to greet my new students, I talk to Jake a little bit. He has been very helpful today helping me find things. The late bell rings 5 minutes later and I say goodbye to Jake before shutting the door. I barely make it to the podium before there is a soft knock at the door, I roll my eyes and walk back over and open it. A girl standing about 5'10 is leaning on the door frame.

"Sorry i'm late, I got a little caught up." she says licking her lips. I roll my eyes as the cockiness just flows off of her. I take a moment to take in her appearance. She has very pale skin with long red hair pulled back into a smooth pony tail. She has on a grey batman t shirt with black skinny jeans and black vans. I look back up to her and she is staring right at me. I look at her crystal blue eyes before breaking the contact. I open the door wider, to let her in. She just smiles my way before taking a seat at the back of the classroom.

"Good afternoon class, my name is Shannon Peters. I will taking over for Mrs. Avery while she is out on maternity leave. I want to take a quick moment to go around the room and introduce ourselves and tell me a little bit about yourselves." I walk over to my desk at the front of the room as the first student stands up. They each begin to follow suit. For some reason, I can't keep my eyes off of the red head at the back of the classroom. I shake my head, Shannon you have a wonderful girlfriend at home, don't loose focus.

This has to be the first relationship I have been in that I have not cheated and I plan on keeping it that way. I perk up when I hear that familiar voice begin to speak.

"What's up, my name is Elliott Lowder. My friends call me Ell and I guess you can too." She smiles at me. "I love sports, music and hanging with my friends and that's about it." She sits down but not before throwing another wink my way. I shake my head and kind of chuckle at how bold she is. After everyone has finished I stand back up in front of the class.

"Alright well, now that is out of the way. They have filled me in on how far you guys are. We aren't going to start a new chapter today, we will do that tomorrow. For the rest of the class, I just ask that you answer the question at the back of Chapter 12 and turn it in for a grade before class is over. You may begin and I will be at my desk if you need anything." I take a seat back at my desk and start grading the papers from the previous class. I look up every once in awhile to make sure that everyone is working, I don't mind if they talk but I don't want things to get out of control. I do glance back at Elliott and smile when I see her bobbing her head to whatever she is listening to while flipping through her book. She must have felt me watching her because she raises her head and looks directly at me and smiles. I can feel myself blushing, I quickly drop my head and get back to work.

An hour later the bell rings and everyone rushes out but not before dropping their work off at my desk. Elliott slides her paper onto my desk.

"See ya later Mrs. Peters." I went to correct her but when I looked at her crystal blue eyes, I could no longer speak. I just nodded my head. When the last student leaves, I shut the door and lock it. Rubbing my face as I plop back down in my seat. What the hell is wrong with you Shannon? Another student?! Really?! I have to make sure nothing happens this time. I change into my clothes for softball tryouts and grab my things. On my way to the softball field, I quickly text Logan and thank her for picking Addison up and I tell her I love her.

I reach the field and sit my things down by the dugout. I start to walk over towards another lady surrounded by girls, I assumed she was the coach. I walk into the center of the group.

"Hey! You must be Shannon Peters. I am Laura White, the head coach. Glad to have you on board." She takes a moment and starts to fill me in on the way that she does things. She looks up and yells across the field.

"LOWDER! YOU ARE LATE!" I look up to see blue eyes walking across the field towards us. I find myself staring at her long toned legs in those shorts and her arms, they look so strong. I am taken back by Coach White yelling again. "You already know the drill Lowder, give me 3 laps and make it quick." I watch as Elliott walks towards the edge of the field and starts jogging.

"That right there is Elliott Lowder, really good athlete. Probably one of the best we have on the team if she would just loose the attitude." I smile.

"Wow, she's that good?" Coach white nods at me as we start to walk over to the other girls.

"Yup, she has a lot of college offers if she can just get her grades where they need to be. Unfortunately, she doesn't have the support system that she needs at home right now. Her Mom is going through chemo for breast cancer, real sad situation."

"What about her Dad?" I scan the field to see how far Ell has made it.

"He works a lot to try and pay the bills. Works out at the plant, working crazy hours. Alright, let's round these girls up and get started, we have a lot of work to do." I fall in stride with Laura as she walks up to the girls who immediately stand up. "Come on Ell, bring it in!" She yells.

I stand behind coach as fills the girls in on the drills we are about to do and how try outs are going to go for the next couple of days. She breaks them up into teams and everyone begins to go their separate ways.

"Surprised to see you out here." I jump at the sound of a voice that seems to be very close to me. I turn around and see Elliott standing right behind me.

"Uh yeah, they asked me to help out with the team." I take a step back.

"Hmm, ever played softball? You don't seem like the type." She smiles crossing her arms across her chest.

I laugh at her comment. "Yes, all have you know. I played in high school and had a full ride scholarship to the University of Saint Thomas in..."

"in Florida, I know where that is. Good school, guess you had to been able to play a little bit."  she smirks at me.

"Yeah I guess you could say that. You better get out there before you are running more laps." Elliott starts laughing as she starts to walk away.

Softball practice went well but by 5 o'clock I was exhausted. I dragged my feet to my car carrying my bag. I suddenly feel someone bump into me knocking my bag off my shoulder.

"Sorry Mrs. Peters." Elliott picks my bag off the ground for me. I reach my hand out for it but she shakes her head. "I've got it, which way are we headed?" I don't even feel like arguing so I just point towards the black jeep wrangler parked two rows away. We continue to walk in silence to my car, stopping at my door. I take my bag from her, tossing it in the passenger seat. "Have a good night Mrs. Peters, see you tomorrow."

"You too Elliott and it's Miss Peters." Elliott looks back over her shoulder at me.

"Huh?" She turns around to face me.

"It's Miss Peters, not Mrs. Peters." I smile and climb into my car. I wait a second and watch Elliott walk towards a red motorcycle parked at the back of the lot. I watch her climb on and slip her helmet on. I shake my head and chuckle. She would ride a motorcycle. I crank up my Jeep and head home, calling Logan on my way to check and see if I needed to pick up dinner.

"Hey Shannon. How was it?" I adjust my Bluetooth in my ear.

"Hey Kasey, it was good. The kids are pretty behaved for the most part and all the other teachers have been really nice and helpful."

"That's good. What about softball practice? It has been awhile since you have played, think you are ready to be coaching?"

"Yeah I do. I am really excited to help these girls. Apparently they almost made it to states last year but one of their best players was injured but she is back this season and seems to be in good shape." I think about the way Elliott jogged around the field and practiced her pitches.

"Oh, wow. That sounds awesome. I can't wait to come up with Erin and Henry! We have missed you." 

I pull in the driveway and park the car in the garage.

"Has she officially moved in yet?" I asked climbing out of the jeep grabbing my bags.

"Yeah, we got the last of her stuff out of her apartment last week. I am so happy having her here. Feels nice to have someone to come home to." I walk into the house after closing the garage door, I smell something delicious and I am reminded how blessed I am to come home to Logan.

"I am happy for you Kasey, I have never seen you this committed to a girl. I just walked in the house, I am going to eat dinner. I will talk to you later Kase. Love you."

"Love you too." I place my purse and phone on the counter, hanging up my keys.

"BABY!" I yell out, taking my shoes off and walking into the living room. Logan sits up on the couch and looks back at me.

"Hey Princess how was your first day?" She stands up and walks over to me, kissing me sweetly.

"It was great, I think I am going to like it there. How was the fire academy today?" Logan takes my duffel bag from me and grabs my hand leading me upstairs. "Where is Addy?"

"Sleep in the pack and play. I drew up a warm bath for you." I walk into our bedroom and into the bath to find candles lit everywhere with soft music playing in the background. "Take a nice bath, I am going to put your softball stuff in the washer and dinner will be on the table whenever you come down. I want to hear all about your day." I kiss Logan long and hard.

"Thank you baby, you are amazing." I start to slip out of my clothes and into the tub as Logan leaves, shutting the door behind her. I sit in the tub thinking about Logan and how great a girl she is. I really don't deserve her, I have never had a woman treat me the way she does. I suddenly start to feel guilty. I stop myself. I don't have anything to be guilty about. Yeah I may have looked at Elliott once or twice today but that was it and nothing is going to happen. I emerge myself in the water a little deeper and just soak.


I sit in my car outside of Weddington High talking to Logan on the phone.

"I know I have been working a lot but that is how it is going to be with softball season baby."

I sigh as Logan continues to talk. I have been at Weddington for a week and things have been great but Logan has been feeling some type of way. I know that I haven't been spending much time with her and Addison but we have been getting ready for our first scrimmage this Friday. Next week is my birthday and we are off for spring break. I can't wait for some time off.

"I promise you that next week we will spend as much time together as you want. We just have to get adjusted to this new schedule. I never want you or Addison to feel like I am neglecting you. I love you guys." I start to climb out of my Jeep and walk into the school. "Alright, I will see you when I get home. I will pick Addison up when I get off okay? Well, you want me to grab dinner? Okay." 

I shake my head as I hang up sitting my things down on my desk. I start writing the objectives on the board as my first class begins to file in. I try to get rid of this feeling I had and cheer up. I don't want Logan to feel bad but I also want to do what I enjoy which is teaching and coaching.

The day passes by slowly as usual. Probably because I am not in the best mood after the phone call with Logan today. I sit and eat my lunch thinking about how I am going to balance my work life and home life. I feel my phone vibrate and see I have a text from Logan.

Logan: Hey baby, I just wanted to say I am sorry and I want you to do what makes you happy. I support you and this new job and we will get through this. I love you Princess.

I smile, how is it that she always knows what to say and when to say it. My last class files in and of course Elliott walks in right before the bell rings. I stood there waiting for a smart remark like she always has for me but this time she didn't say anything, she just goes straight to her seat and sits down. I try and ignore this strange behavior from her and start to teach my class.

"Okay class, today we are going to be discussing stress and health promotion." I start writing things on the board as the class begins to take notes. I look back at Elliott and notice that she has her head down and her hoodie on. I was about to say something when something stopped me. I continued on a little while longer before giving them their assignment.

"So what I want you to do is write about the different stresses that you have in your life whether it is home related or school related and then write at least three ways for each of those stresses that you can cope and deal with the situation. You have plenty of time left but if you don't finish, this needs to be turned in tomorrow." The students groan but they jump on the assignment to get it done so that they wouldn't have homework. I stroll around the classroom answering questions and checking on the students. I walk past the Elliott with her head down.

"Miss Lowder, do you plan on doing the assignment?" I say standing beside her desk waiting on a response. After she doesn't say anything, the class starts to pay attention to what I was doing. "Miss Lowder, are you ignoring me? I need you to sit up and do the assignment." I have to stand firm, especially with everyone watching now. I don't want them to think they can run over me. I still get no response, this time I place my hand on her shoulder, shaking her. "Miss Lowder, word with you in the hallway." This time she jolts up and turns around staring at me with this look that sent fear through my body. She looked so angry, I had never seen her like this. Her eyes were so dark that I couldn't stand to look at them.

"WHAT do you want?!" Elliott snaps. I can feel myself getting nervous but I can't let the class notice.

"Miss Lowder, I need to speak with you outside for a moment." I start towards the door but I don't hear any foot steps behind me. When I turn around, Elliott once again has her head back down on her desk. "I mean it Miss Lowder, it is outside or you can go straight to Principal Grace's office." Elliott leans back in her seat and chuckles, she stands snatching her backpack off the ground and walks out the door past me. I quickly walk out the door, shutting it behind me. "Elliott!" I try not to yell as she continues to walk down the hall. "Where are you going?!"

"To see Principal Grace." is all she says without ever looking back at me. I take a moment to take a deep breath before walking back in. I sit down at my desk and allow my class to finish their assignment. All I could think about was what just happened between Elliott and I. I have never seen her this angry, granted I have only been here a week. Yeah she can have an attitude sometimes and likes to try and test you but she has never behaved like this and it honestly scared me.

I was getting ready to walk out my classroom and head to the softball field when Principal Grace stopped me in the hallway.

"Hello Shannon, how are you?" I lean against the wall outside my classroom.

"I am doing good and how about yourself?" She smiles and motions for me to continue walking.

"Elliott Lowder arrived in my office today and said that you had sent her. She refused to talk and so I have reached out to you to find out what is going on."

I nod and begin to tell Principal Grace what happened in class today.

"I have never seen her behave like that. She may try and test you but she has never gone that far." Principle Grace and I stand outside of the doors that lead to the softball field.

"Miss Lowder has an extensive disciplinary history. She has calmed down over the past few months after her Mother's diagnosis but we still have to deal with her outburst every now and then you will learn to get use to it and how to deal with her. Since this was just a small outburst compared to what she normally has, I think 3 days of detention with you shall be suffice. What do you think Miss Peters?"

"I think that is just fine." I can't imagine this person they are describing Elliott to be. I can see her being rebellious but not this delinquent that they make her out to be.

"Great, have a good afternoon Miss Peters." Principal Grace says as she walks away. "Oh and please let me know if Elliott decides not to show up." I watch as she walks off before heading outside to the softball. I drop my stuff off at the dugout like usual before finding Coach Laura who already has the girls working on drills. Looks like we are going to have a good team this year.

"Sorry about being late, Principal Grace was talking to me." I scan the field looking for Elliott.

"It's fine, if you don't mind taking Elliott and throwing the ball back and forth with her."

"Uh...yeah, that's fine. Where is she?" I look back over at Coach Laura who is flipping through her clipboard.

"She is running laps, I heard about her outburst in class today. She knows we have a zero tolerance policy when it comes to  kind of behavior like that. She knows better than that. LOWDER, GET OVER HERE!" I swear that Elliott just popped up out of no where. I glance at her, she has her hands on top of head trying to catch her breath. I don't know how long she has been running but she looks exhausted. I take a moment to look at what she has on. She is wearing a pair of black basketball shorts and a black sports bra showing off her amazing abs. I have never seen a teenager with abs like that.

"Lowder, you and Coach Peters are going to go work on your pitching. Maybe get that curve back to where it use to be."

"Yes Coach." Elliott walks off and I go grab my glove off of my bag before walking over to where she was stretching. We literally just pitched the ball back and forth to each other in silence. She has an great throwing arm. It started off pretty awkward but eventually I begin to enjoy the silence. After what had to be an hour, Coach Laura called the girls back over to bat before ending practice. I on the other hand started picking up equipment so that it wasn't a lot to do once practice was over. I heard the whistle blow dismissing the girls, they all quickly grabbed their things to leave. Laura and I discussed some things we needed to go over before the game on Friday. I pick up my bag and make my way to my Jeep. As I approach I notice a figure standing outside my driver door. I start to get nervous and immediately think about Rachel. I get closer and realize that it is just Elliott but what is she doing here and why is she waiting on me? I'm still nervous, I can't pretend that the way she acted in class didn't scare me just a little bit.

"Elliott?" I call out to her. She slowly begins walking towards me. "You okay?" I can barely see her eyes but she looks away, avoiding eye contact with me.

"I...I just wanted to apologize for my behavior today during class. I'm sorry." She just stands their looking broken. "I've got to go." She turns to walk but without even thinking I grab her wrist pulling her back towards me. I can't ignore the tingling sensation that has run up my arm from touching her. I stare up into those eyes and I see so many different emotions running through them and just like that the wall is placed back up and I see nothing.

"it's okay, I should have handled things differently. I'm sorry as well." I can't make myself look away from her, instead I feel even more drawn to her. I feel her hand slip away from me. "Ell, if you need anything you can always come to me. I mean it."

"Thanks Miss Peters, see you tomorrow." I stand there as she walks away to her motorcycle.

"Don't forget about detention Elliott!" I yell in hopes that she hears me. I climb into my Jeep and sit there for a moment taking everything in. What the hell am I doing?

Logan's POV

I feel bad for arguing with Shannon this morning. I know that she is trying hard to balance work life and home since starting her new job but It has been hard taking care of Addison by myself and she isn't just my responsibility. Don't get me wrong, I love her and I would do anything for her but she needs Shannon just as much as needs me and I don't want Shannon to miss out on her growing up. I hear Addison getting fussy in the background, I go and scoop her up out of her swing.

"Hey Monkey, are you hungry already?" I bounce her around as I turn the crock pot down before fixing her a bottle. I sit down at the island and feed Addison, I could sit and stare into those brown eyes all day. The door opens and I hear Shannon call my name.


"I am in the kitchen." Shannon walks in sitting her stuff on the counter before kissing me.

"Hey Lo, how was your day?" Shannon takes Addison from me and kisses her. "Hey Mommy's baby!"

I smile at the way Shannon interacts with Addison. "I'm good, how was work?"

Shannon sits down at the island and I start fixing her plate.

"It was alright, stressful but I guess I should expect it, they are teenagers." I take Addison so that Shannon can start eating.

"Why was it stressful? And here, I bought you these to apologize for this morning." I point towards the beautiful roses I placed in the vase on the island.

"Awee thank you sweetie, they are beautiful and I love them. You didn't have to, I am sorry I made you feel like I wasn't spending enough time with you or Addison." I sit down beside her with Addison snuggling on my chest.

"Tell me why your day was so stressful."

"Kids. I just had a student who was trying to test me today and I had to send to Principal Grace and now she has three days detention with me."

"Damn baby, you haven't even been there a week and you already sending people to the principal's office?" Shannon laughs at me. "Tell me about this girl."

"Yeah I guess I am but she is about 5'10 and has pale skin with long red hair. She has these crystal blue eyes and you should see her, she is an amazing softball player."

I take in the way that Shannon talks about this student, the way she stares off into the distance as she talks about her.

"Wow, what's this girl's name?"


I stand up and head towards the stairs.

"I am going to take Addison up and get her ready for bed. I will be back down."

"Okay baby." She kisses Addison before I leave the room. Something about the way she talks about this girl doesn't sit well with me. I try not to create any negative thoughts in my mind but I was once a student of hers and how do I know that she won't do to me what she has done to Rachel or any of her past girlfriends. I shake my head. I still love her.

"Alright baby girl you are all clean." I lay Addison in her bassinet and I sit on the side of the bed and hold the ring that I bought her the other week. I have already gained Cam and Kasey's approval. Almost everything is set for her birthday next week. I hope that I am doing the right thing. I hide the ring back in its spot and turn the monitor on before heading back downstairs. I find Shannon sitting on the couch grading papers.

I sit beside her as she works silently. After about two hours I realize that I wasn't going to get any real conversation from Shannon tonight.

"I am going to go bed honey." I lean down and kiss Shannon. She doesn't even look up from her work.

"Goodnight sweetie, see you in the morning."

I walk upstairs and check on Addison before getting settled in bed. It was about 1:00 a.m when I felt Shannon slide in the bed beside me. Her arms wrap around my waist as she snuggles up against my back.

"Love you baby." She whispers.

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