His Angel

By itsirrs

1.4M 28.2K 7.5K

"Angel." Her name left his lips in a breathless whisper. His eyes dark and filled with regret, "Come here bab... More

Chapter one
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen

Chapter two

116K 2.4K 736
By itsirrs


Angel woke up to the warmth of the sun caressing her skin. She stretched her body like a cat and rolled around in her comfy bed before letting out a sigh.

She gazed up her plain white ceiling as she remembered the man from yesterday.

Why did he stare at her like that?

She remembered seeing something she couldn't decipher in his eyes, the same look that she had only seen on Paul's face. Only, the man was staring more intently.

Her thoughts was filled with the man. Her heart fluttered as she, again, thought of the look he had given her yesterday.

A sudden knock on her door interrupted her thoughts before it was opened by no one other than her brother.

His head peeked in and smiled at his sister who's still staring blankly at her ceilings, "I made breakfast, why don't you get ready now, yeah?"

She jumped out of her bed almost immediately and ran to him, wrapping her arms around her brother.

"Morning Jared."

He smiled softly as his sister nuzzled her head in his chest.

"Morning Angie."

She pulled away and looked up at her tall brother fluttering her lashes, "Pancakes with strawberry syrup?"

He chuckled, "Eggs and bacon. You've had enough sugar these past few days."

She pouted. She loves anything sugar related. Her brother always worries too much about her addiction of sweets.

"Aww, don't make that face. You knew I would do anything for that look."

He would. He'd even murder someone for her if she'd like to. Of course, with good reasons.

Who wouldn't when she looked like a very adorable puppy who had just been kicked.

Angel widened her doe eyes even further, looking up at him through her thick lashes while fluttering it at the same time.

He groaned, "Fine, I'll buy you skittles tonight."

Her eyes lit up immediately, "Promise?"

He grinned at his adorable sister, "I pinky promise."

Angel stood up in her toes and kissed her brother's cheek. "Thanks Jared, you're the best!"

He kissed her forehead in return, "Now go get ready or else you'll end up eating cold food."



Even though she ate breakfast already, she still went to the café right after. It's kind of like an everyday thing to do, well except for the weekends.

When she arrived at the café, she walked straight towards the counter where Paul was at and chirped, "Morning!"

Paul scowled from the interruption before glancing up from wiping the table counter. His features immediately softened and he smiled softly at his infatuation.

He walked around the counter before embracing her in a tight hug.

"Morning princess!" He couldn't help but felt giddy at the thought of his princess.

Angel pulled back and grinned, eyes glittering before saying, "The usual please Paul,  I'll be waiting." She then added a wink because for some unknown reason today, she felt...happy.

Maybe because of the anticipation of seeing the man again.

Paul widened his eyes in shock. She seemed... alot happier today, it's almost as if she was glowing.

The sound of the bell rang through out the café making her turned her head only to see an intimidating man in suit strolling into the café as if he owned the place.

Unconsciously, Angel leaned towards Paul trying to hide herself behind his back. Unknowingly making Paul's heart swelled at the attention she's giving him.

She peeked out from his back to see the man roaming his eyes around the small place.

Angel didn't know why she felt nervous in this man's presence. She felt as if he could've eaten her alive with the intensity of his stare he's given her yesterday.

She also didn't understand why her heart fluttered and her stomach did a flip when he spoke in that deep, husky voice of his.

Her soft brown eyes was suddenly locked with a pair of blue ones. She gulped in nervousness when the man started strutting towards her with a domineering aura around him.

His eyes narrowed slightly when he saw his Angel hiding herself behind a guy who looked like he was dazed by something.

He stopped right in front of them and glowered at the male, "Move."

Angel refrained herself from closing her eyes and sigh at the sound of his deep voice.

Paul stupidly narrowed his eyes back even if he felt intimidated by the man.

"Do you not understand me?" He spoke in a calm yet scary and dangerous tone.

Angel could feel her heartbeat speeds up in fear even when it was not directed at her.

"What do you want."

Colton raised his brows daringly, thinking how stupid the guy was to have the decency to speak to him like that.

Angel glanced from behind Paul to see the man's face, there was a dangerous glint in his eyes.


She nervously stepped out from Paul's back and showed herself to the predator.

"Uh..hi" She fiddled with her fingers nervously, finding an interest at the wooden-tiled floor.

The man's features softened almost immediately. He gazed at her with longing.

Her long brown hair swaying slightly, looking so soft and silky. He controlled the urge to run his fingers through it.

"Babygirl," He spoke out in his deep voice. Angel slowly looked up and meet his gaze and Colton gritted his teeth trying not to pull her to him and buried his face into her neck, breathing in her sweet scent, filling his senses with her. Just her.

F*ck. He couldn't wait to make her his.

He inhaled and thought to himself, soon. Soon.


Short but I just had to upload this one.

This is for you, @lifeofanordinarygirl 😘

Oh and by the way, Colton is 25 and Paul is 23.

Thank you for reading!

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