The Girl Next Door *Luke Broo...

By mrs_brooks_

433K 9.7K 1.4K

Mia Harris has been best friends with the Brooks brothers since she was six and moved in next door to them. T... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chaper 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Author note
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50

Chapter 11

9.6K 237 11
By mrs_brooks_

Sorry I haven't updated in awhile, I been busy. Thank you to everyone who comments, reads and votes for my story. Please tell you friends about this story and comment anything I could improve. I swear I fall in love with Luke more and more each day, anyway onto the story remember vote vote vote x x x

Also if anyone would like to make me a new cover for this book I would love it and will try to somehow include you in this story x

1 week later.
Mia's POV

I haven't spoken to Luke since the fight we had. Him and Brittany are still together I think because I've seen pictures of them everywhere. I haven't really talked to the other boys but they have been texting and calling me nonstop. Today me and India are going shopping to keep my mind of things. We've been spending a lot of time together since my fight with Luke. I check my appearance one more time before leaving to go pick up India. I walk out to my car and hear laughing, I look over towards the brooks house and see Luke and Brittany lying on the grass laughing at something. He looks really cute like that. I quickly push that thought out of my mind and get into my car.


I beep the horn as I wait outside India's house. Soon I see her walk out the door and down to my car.
"You take forever to get ready" I tease as I observe her appearance. She's wearing a short strapless dress that is green down the bottom and black from waist up. Her long blonde hair is straightened to perfection and she has white chucks on. I'm truly jealous of her looks. I mentally sigh and start driving us to the mall. We arrive and start to shop, even though I'm not a big fan of shopping I will tolerate it for India.

After three hours of shopping we decide to leave grabbing a coffee and donut on the way out. I drop her off at her house and drive home. Once I get home I decide to go for a run. I change into sports gear and put on my pink nikes. I decide to go to the park that's about fifteen minutes away from my house. I run there working up a sweat and decide to stop and wait there for a while. I walk over to the swings and sit on it slightly pushing myself. It suddenly becomes very cold and I start to shiver. I pull my phone out of my pocket and check the time. It's nearly six o'clock wow I've been here for a while but I enjoy it.

Luke's POV

I was walking around the park trying to clear my mind when I see a girl, probably about my age, sitting on the swings shivering. She must be freezing, she's only in a singlet and shorts. I take off my jumper and walk up behind her.
"Here wear this, you look freezing" I say holding my jumper out to her while looming at he ground when she doesn't take it I look up to see why. Mia.

"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't know it was you" I reply a little embarrassed.
"It's fine" she replies dully.
"You can still take it, mind if I sit here?" I say as she nods taking my jumper and putting in it on. I sit down on the swing next to her.
"I'm really sorry, I've missed you" I admit breaking the awkward silence. I see her look down at her hands and fiddle with them, which she does when she's nervous.
"I miss you too" she finally says in a quiet voice. "But you hurt me bad, Luke" she adds making me frown.
"I know and I'm really sorry" I plead hoping she will forgive me. This last week was hard without her and I've thought long and hard about what she said siring our argument.
'Im tired of being ignored' repeats in my head a million times.
She takes off my jumper, thanks me and walks away, leaving me with my jumper in my hands and all alone. I kick the ground angrily.

Mia's POV

I open my eyes to be blinded by the sun. I yawn as I drag myself out of bed and into the bath room to take a shower. I stand there thinking everything through as the hot water runs down my back. Once the room gets filled with steam I decide to get out. I search through my wardrobe until I find a pair of high waisted denim shorts. I slip into them and grab a black crop top and a oversized woollen jumper. I go back to my room after drying my hair and lie on my bed. I scan through twitter following some fans and retweeted some tweets until I get a text from India I click on it immediately.

To - Mia :*
From - India :p

I'm moving to London, Fucking London :'( xx

I re read it a couple of times to make sure I was reading it right. She's moving halfway across the world. I reply and hope that she's just joking.

To - India :p
From - Mia :*

You're joking right? When? xx

I instantly got a reply.

To - Mia :*
From - India :p

Nope, tomorrow morning, can I come over now? x

I replied saying yes. Soon I'm going to be all alone. No India and no boys.


I hear a knock on door. I run down to the door opening it straight away and pulling my best friend into a hug.
"I'm not allowed to be here long, I have to pack" she says on the verge of tears once we pull away. I nod trying to keep my tears in that are threatening to fall. We go into the living room and try to hang out like normal but it was nowhere near normal. We watched tv, took selfies and ate food for the rest of the afternoon trying to enjoy each other's company. Both of us knowing that this will be the last time we hang out for a while. India's phone beeps signalling she has a text, I see her read it watching her face change from a smile to a boring expression.
"I have to go now" she chokes out a tear trickling down her cheek. I wipe it away with my finger. We walk outside to her car neither of us talking. Once we get to her black Audi our tears fall freely neither of us trying to stop them. She wraps her arms around me and I return her hug. We stay like that for a while, finally pulling out of our tight embrace.
"I'll miss you" I croak out, my lip trembling.
"I'll miss you too, I love you" she replies trying to smile. "I'll FaceTime, text and call you all the time babe" she adds pulling me into one last hug. She's gets into her car and I watch my best friend drive away from my life. I must look like a mess. I see Luke pulling up into his driveway so I quickly go back into my house. I go lie back down on my bed still letting tears fall every once in a while. I stare at the selfie we took moments before we turned into emotional messes. I post it to instagram captioning it 'I'm going to miss you so much babe'. I then decide to tweet about it.

@mia_harris: Just found out my best friend is moving half way across the world #lifesucks

Attached with the photo of us. I see Luke has just tweeted something and mentioned me in it.

@luke_brooks: Because once upon a time, we were best friends. And, yes, there's been a lot of bad stuff in between. But none of that matters right now, okay? You need me, I'm there. Any time, any place, anywhere @mia_harris

I'm Shocked but realise he's right, I do need him. I tweet him back.

@mia_harris: Come over, I need you, I miss you @luke_brooks

Within five minutes I hear the front door open and in walks Luke. He lies down next to me and wraps his arm around my waist pecking my hair and whispering "everything will be fine" eventually I stop crying and decide to go clean myself up. I must look horrible.
"I need to use the bathroom" I say trying to get out of Luke's grip. As soon as he released me I ran into the bathroom. I removed all the makeup from my face and reapplied a little bit. I washed the tears stains off my cheeks before going back to Luke.
"I'm sorry" he apologises when I get back.
"I forgive you lukey, I've missed you" I say as he kisses my cheek. "What's the time?" I ask him.
"8:45" he replies, wow this day went fast.
"Wanna stay over" I ask hoping into my bed snuggling up.
"Sure" he says as he takes off his pants and shirt, climbing into my bed. We cuddled and talked until we fell asleep. I really missed being in his arms. I missed our late night conversations. I missed his laugh. I missed him.

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