Euphoria (Inspired by Silence)

By Medsforthebroken

294 4 1


Euphoria (Inspired by Silence)

294 4 1
By Medsforthebroken

Kiss me on the forehead & tell me everything's alright

 Call me in the morning & really late at night.

 I don't care what happens as long as I got you by my side

 With you it's like the cyclone, but fuck, I'm ready for the ride.

 Just promise not to leave me solo, 

 stranded in this Sahara desert with no water.

 We'll be like Patch & Nora, 

 So wrong for each other, but that's what makes us stronger.

 Just kiss me a little longer, hold my hand a little tighter

 But here's a reminder; I'm both a lover & a fighter.

So draw your guns, but no need to reload them.

 I'd love to pull the trigger,

 but I have expectations, & I'll uphold them.

 I guess it's true what they say,

 Just like Jev & Nora Grey

 Cause even through the toughest of times,

 You put your shit aside, hold my hand,

 And tell me everything's alright.

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