Going Nowhere

By addslove

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Regina, known as Gina is a senior in high school. Her life changes as she meets the bad boy Zayn Malik who wa... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
Chapter 13

chapter 6

91 2 0
By addslove

 next day after school Friday

"Zayn just got up and left." I finished telling Sally about last night.

"Okay, maybe it was an emergency?" She tried to help.

"I doubt it." We were on our way to the gym to get some practice in before volleyball practice.

"He's so mysterious." Sally wiggles her fingers in my face.

We arrive to the gym and start drills with other girls already there. They whole day in school I did not see Zayn. I don't think he came to school. I saw his group of friends, but no Zayn. As we were in the gym we see James and Logan peak in. Those pervs. They were probably wanted to see us in short spandex.

We began serving the ball and I hit my wrist bad. I felt like I would get another bruise where Zayn had squeezed the shit out of my arm. I massaged it lightly while other girls were trying to serve. I was the one with the strongest hit.

"Damn Gina, I like the way you hit!" Logan yelled and he and the rest of the room was laughing. I ignored him and kept on spiking the ball as hard as I could. I helped another girl practice her serve as I kept hearing Logan and James snicker about me.

I was at the point where I pretended the ball was their faces.

"Hey Gina don't tell Zayn on us or he will fight us both." Logan started giggling again. I looked around the room and the rest of the girls were gasping. Sally gave me a look to ignore them.

I kept on sweating my ass of keeping the ball in the air. I could hear some girls giggle along with James and Logan, it bugged me.I couldn't believe some of these girls were actually trying to flirt back with them. It was gross.

I saw James copying my stance as I waited for a ball to come to me. I made a grunting noise, which came naturally after hitting the ball, and what do you know? James and Logan kept repeating it after me. I flipped them off as I went over to Sally who was taking a water break.

"Oh real mature you jerk!" Logan said flipping me off in return. I shook my head at him as Sally handed me her water bottle to drink.

"Gina tell Zayn I learned self defense." James said pretending to fight the air. That's it. I went straight over to them. I was angry. Zayn could and would kick both of their sorry asses together.  They saw me approach them and they stood back away from the gym. They were in the hallway putting their hands up, mocking me.

"Gina, all I said was that you were good at spiking the ball, no disrespect." James said sounding sweetly. I ignored his odd remark and I slapped him hard across his face. I instantly smiled, proud of myself for what I just did.

"Excuse me miss?" I heard a males husky voice say. Oh shit.

I turned and saw Principal Matt standing giving me a stern look.

"Come with me, now" He said turning towards the hallway. I turned and say James and Logan trying to hold in their laughs. They were red in the face waiting for Mr. Matt to be out of sight for them to burst into laughter.

As soon as we turned the corner the laughter echoed down the halls.

I followed Mr. Matt into his office. He sat down and gestured for me to take a seat infront of his desk. Oh I remember being here before.

"Miss, Gina is it?" He said

"Mr. Matt, I promise they started it, They kept yelling really rude things at me and-"

"Save it, I saw you strike one of the boys, that kind of behavior is not tolerated here." He inturupted me while writing something down on his notepad. Great. Detention? A letter home? What is this? He finsidhed wrting down and looked up to me.

"One day suspension, do not come to school on Monday." He said ripping the paper and handing it to me. "Make sure your guardian signs this, bring it back on Tuesday morning." He finsished. No way. This is so unfair!

"But, Monday is volley-ball try outs! You can't do this!" I exclaimed getting up from my chair.

"Sorry." He said pointing to the door so I can leave.

"You are lucky I am one of the best on the team, Coach Todd wouldn't care if I missed." I bragged walking out of his office.

"Goodbye Miss." He said as I shut his door behind me. Great. I stomped off to the locker room with a bad note for my sister to sign.

I grabbed my bag and shoved the note into it. I walked pissed off to the parking lot. I was about to get into my car when I heard a noise. It was Zayn's motercycle. I saw it driving into campus. I stalked it as he parked. I squinted a little and to my surpirse thier was someone on his back seat holding onto him tight. Alex. Of course.

I see her take the helmet off as her blond hair flows out. She hands it to Zayn as he places it onto the seat. They both walk into campus. I could just puke. Zayn wasn't in school all day because he was with her? And now I am in trouble because I defended him from James and Logan. It was probably Alex who called last him lat night thats why he left in the middle of our make-out session.

I got into my car and texted Zayn

I hope you had a nice day with Alex..

I drove home even more upset than I was. I just hope Angie will take it easy on me. I instantly felt my phone vibrant as soon as I parked my car in my driveway.

Be ready at 7 tonight

I ignored his text and walked into my house. Who does he think he is? I'm not some puppet he can control. As soon as I walk in I see Angie wating for me. Great. The principal probably called her.

"What happend?" She snapped at me.

"Nothing, I just slapped this asshole, he was shouting degreading things at me." I whine. She rolls her eyes.

"Okay, well you know I can't mess up in taking care of you, You need to be a good girl untill you are eighteen." She said heading to the kitchen.

"I know." I say rolling my eyes.

"You got suspended." She remined me.

"Yeah." "And Charlie and I are going out to the other side of the city tonight, so I wont be home untill tomorrow morning, will you please be good tonight?" She begged me.

"Of course, I have a date." I blurted out. I didn't mean to say it. I guess I did want to see Zayn at seven.

"Oh? Who?" She turned to me.

"Zayn." I remind her. I remember telling her about him. I left out the bad details.

"Okay, well be safe, and be careful, I don't know if I should leave anymore." She said puzzled.

"No! I'll be fine, I promise."

"Okay." She mumbles.

As soon as she heads upstairs to get ready I reply to Zayn. I send him OK as I decide what I am going to wear for tonight.

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