Ross Is My Life (✔)


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Love <3 at first sight. Ross meets this girl and falls in love with her. She felt the same way also. What wou... More

Going to a Concert
Arriving at the Concert
Meeting R5
A Text from Ross
Hanging Out
Telling the Truth
What happened?
Who texted?
What's Going On?
The Next Day
Can you please tell me?
Please Don't be Mad at Me?
Happy Birthday
It's Her
I'm Sorry and I love You
What just happened?
At the Concert
What should I Do?
Best/Worst Day Ever
The Very Next Day
The Party
Where's Ross?
What Have You Done!?
I Want U Bad
Best Friend Day
How Could You!?
What Can I Do & Who's that?
Thank You
What the Hell?
Authors note
New Stories

The Perfect Day/The Date

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Chapter 20 - The Perfect Day/The Date

(Rocky's POV)

I am so excited to go on my date with Jen. It was going to be perfect. Only because she's perfect. I just hate to see her upset about Ross and Tina, I mean they're already fighting. Gee. I hope Tina's alright. Anyways, I was going to take Jen to a carnival, where we'll go on the ferries wheel, stop at the top and then, we'd talk, hang out, only us, at the top and maybe, possibly get our first kiss. I just can't wait. I'm dancing out my pants. I'm so glad that I met her and asked her out. I felt so confident that she would have said yes when I asked her out. She's just so amazing. I just wanted the whole world to know that.


As I was heading to get breakfast, I stopped by Rydel's room to check up on Jen and she was still a sleep. I didn't want to bother her so I just kept on walking. She looked so cute when she's a sleep. I just want her to know how much she means to me. And that's A LOT. She's special to me in many ways. "Hey." Ross said as he snapped me out of my thoughts. "Huh?! Hi!" I said quickly. "Are you okay?" he asked looking at me strangely. "Yeah. I just can't stop thinking about Jen and when I asked her out." I said as I looked at my bowl of food. "I know how you feel." Ross said looking a little upset. "What's wrong with you?" I asked trying to get my mind off of things. "I just miss Tina. Her hugs. Her laughs. Her smile. Her hugs, Her kisses. And most of all, I miss her telling me how much she loves me." he said as a few tears ran down his face. "Cheer up dude. Things will get better. Besides why did you guys even break up?" I asked really concerned. "Riker told her that he loves her..." he said but I stopped him from finishing. "Wait, so you're telling me that, you broke up with her just because of something Riker said?." I asked looking confused. "No. Not just that. She didn't tell me and she said that she thinks she has feelings for him." he said looking at me. "Oh. Maybe it was a miss understanding. Why won't you talk to her?" I asked. "Because I'm afraid I'll hear the things I don't want to hear." "You never know unless you ask." I stated. "I don't know." "Ross, if you love her then why won't you tell her instead of standing here and talking about how you feel about her then ACTUALLY telling her yourself?!" I said a sure of myself. "So marched your little bottom up the stairs and talk to her!" I yelled as I pushed him upstairs. "But...." he said as I shoved him into Rydel's room.

(Ross POV)

"Um...hi." I said as Rocky stood by the door watching me. "Good morning boyfriend!" Jen said as she got up and gave Rocky a hug. "Hi." Rydel said in return. Tina didn't say anything. Does she hate me? Have I ignored her to long? Did she lose feelings for me? Wat have I done? " I talk to you?" I asked looking at her. "Yeah." she said as she got up and followed me out the door and into my room which was next to Rydel's. "So...whats up?" she asked as if we were just friends. "I'm sorry." I said looking away from her. "For what?" she asked pulling me lightly, so we were face to face. "I'm sorry for over reacting and losing you. That was a nightmare. I can't think or even talk straight without you. Tina you are....." she stopped me before I could finish. " don't have to apologize. I'm the one that should. I lost you. That was the most horrifying thing that has ever happen to me. Why? Because you're the greatest guy I have ever known and loved. It hurts me not to see you every single day and hear

your voice. Every time you talk my heart skips a beat. You mean everything to me and I hate it that we're not talking or even communicating with each other. I just wanted you to know that I love you very much and not matter wat I'll alway love you." she said as tears ran down her eyes and so were mine. I couldn't say anything, but this... "I love you until I die." She kissed me and didn't let go. I felt that spark. Like as

If there were fireworks exploding around us. Rainbows form. And stars starts to glow above us. My heart was pounding. Everything was perfect. Just perfect.


(Tina's POV)

I am so happy and thrilled that Ross still loves me and wanted to get back together. I guess it was a stupid idea to have feelings for Riker. That's why I'm over him. I haven't talked to him in a while now. I wonder wat happened to him...? Anyways, Ross and I are

finally back together. He means everything to me and us getting back together is a miracle. Yeah. That's how much I love him. You would have thought the same. Ross is a great guy and I'm really glad that I met him. I'm so happy that I want to jump around. That would be silly. Jen had a smile on her face the whole entire morning and noon. If she's keeping that face until the nighttime I'll be really freaked out. Then. Suddenly. Soon. We were about to go on 'Jen & Rocky's ' date.


We all got ready. When we were done, we all headed off to the carnival. On the way there, Ratliff and Emily seem like they had a thing going on. Why? Well, as soon as we arrived the took off with each other and left us. Then Rocky and Jen left and Rydel went on rides with Ryland. It was just me, Ross, and Riker. It was awkward. Then Ross took my hand and pulled me to one of the game booth. I felt sorry for Riker. He was all alone. But then he met a girl. Eheh. That's better then nothing. Anyways, Ross and I were playing the games the carnival had he won me a giant teddy bear. "Thanks." I said hugging him. "Your welcome." he said as he kissed me on my cheek. I started blushing. Then out of no where he took a picture. "Hey!" I said trying to take away his phone. "What?" he said running. We chased each other until we ended up at the Ferris wheel. We both got on and were off to the top. While we were on there we saw Jen and Rocky together. They looked like that had fun. I'm glad they did. Then the ferris wheel started moving. Broader you know it, we were at the top with Jen and Rocky under us. "This view is amazing." I stated. "Not as much as you." Ross said making me want to hug him real tight. "Aww!" I said as I kissed him on the cheek. But when I went to kiss his cheek, he turned his head and our lips touched. When he let go I laughed which made him laugh. I love his smile. It makes me smile. This was a perfect day.

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