The Story of Raven and the Li...

shayelee8 द्वारा

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The Olympian gods of the past have been visited by the Fates and told by them to watch the hologram displayed... अधिक

Chapter 1: I accidentally vaporize my mutant teacher
Chapter 2: Three Old Ladies Knit the Socks of Death
Chapter 4 - My Brother Tells Me of My Heritage and Teaches Me How To Bullfight
Chapter 5 - Welcome to Camp

Chapter 3: Grover unexpectedly loses his temper

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shayelee8 द्वारा

"I wonder what's going to happen in this chapter," Clarissa said with a smirk making Grover frown upon that comment before the hologram lit up to show Raven in her room making the room go silent to see what happens next.

Raven was busy finishing up her painting when she was hearing footsteps heading towards the front steps of her home. Quickly, she got up and headed towards the main door shouting, "I'll get it!" while changing into her human form.

"How does she know when people are coming?!?!?!" Leo screamed out in awe of that.

"Must be one of her abilities," Grover said shrugging it off as if it were nothing before saying "She always did that when we were kids."

"Yah, I always wondered how she knew of some things before we did. Now I don't," Alex said with a smile on his face and a dreamy look in his eyes that made Aphrodite squeal happily on the inside.

When she opened the door, she saw a beautiful young girl older than her with eyes ever-changing color and long silky blonde hair in beautiful curls, and an athletic build with a young girl that looked like the Olympian Greek goddess Demeter from her history book on Mythology, and a disabled man with curly brown hair, grey eyes, pale skin, and rolled around in a wheelchair. "Can I help you guys?" Raven asked politely.

"Huh, so she's polite to everyone she meets. Where was she when she first showed up at camp?" Alex asked sarcastically.

"Hey, you know what she went through when she made her way to the camp. Cut her some slack," Grover said in a stern tone that made the demigods, and most of the gods, look at him with a raised eyebrow and a mixture of confusion and shock before turning back to the hologram.

"Yes, is Charles Xavier here? We wish to speak with him about two more recruits for his school," the man said with a kind smile.

"Oh, more mutants? Well come on in. But remember that if this is a trick and you work for Magneto, then I will personally send you all to meet your makers myself," Raven said excitedly before lowering her tone and glaring at each of them to get the threat through to them as they came into her home while she closed the door behind the disabled man.

"Wow, remind me not to get on her bad-side," Leo said with raised eyebrows.

"Yah, um..been there, so.....good call," Alex said looking down at the floor making Grover and Thalia smirk and chuckle.

"Raven, are you scaring our newest recruits again? What have we talked about dear sister?" Charles asked jokingly as he moved his wheelchair forward until he was next to Raven and gave her a small smile.

"Sorry big bro but you know how protective I am," Raven said sincerely.

"If that threat is protection then I don't see how she has a bad side," Ares said with a smirk.

"You might not want to let her hear you say that cause let's say things wouldn't turn out well for you," Grover responded nervously remembering that day all too well.

"It's okay sis," Charles responded with a bit of a chuckle before continuing, "Why not show our two newest members the school and see if they wish to stay or not?"

"That is a wonderful idea my friend," the man in the wheelchair said nicely.

"Do you know him Charles?" Raven asked her brother confused.

"Chiron knew her brother?" Thalia asks confused on that part.

"Yah, umm... I don't know," Grover admitted before everyone began paying attention to the hologram.

"Why actually yes, he was at a convention for professors, the one that you didn't want to attend to, and has always been interested in the lives of mutants since I first talked to him about my project on mutation. Why not go on ahead and introduce yourself to these nice people?" Charles replied and asked his sister politely in hopes of her being able to make new friends with those she will become familiar with in due time.

"Raven Xavier, top mutant in my class with teleportation, telekinesis, shape-shifting, and so much more undetected," Raven said in a polite manner shaking each of their hands before pulling her hand back and standing straight in a formal posture with a blank face.

"Wow, so she has so many abilities but she's also saying that she has a lot more? Dang, she must be one powerful mutant," Jason said already proud of the girl who considered him to be part of her family while they were on a mission.

"Silena Beauregard. Ability is to be able to persuade anyone to do my bidding if concentrated really hard and always a beauty perfectionist," the beautiful young girl said with a small smile.

"Katie Gardner, known abilities are able to make crops grow at an accelerated rate and bend it to my will," the young girl said with a neutral expression on her face.

"So you are a persuasion mutant and a garden mutant. Cool! Charles can I show them the simulation room where I do my training?" Raven asked her brother eagerly making a sad face.

"Oh boy, she's making the puppy dog eyes. Believe me, she gets whatever she wants with pulling those eyes on her brother," Grover said with a smirk making most of the demigods chuckle while Artemis smiled at what this girl can do.

"Okay, sure. But don't let them anywhere near the controls, we don't know what would happen if the controls were pushed without an adult's authorization," Charles said complying to Raven's puppy dog eyes.

"See what I mean?" Grover asks making the demigods chuckle while Artemis hid her smile behind her hand.

Raven smiled and gestured for Silena and Katie to follow her. They walked along behind her and headed to the training room while Charles and the man in the wheelchair talked. "She's obviously grown Charles, but you can't keep her here forever because this is becoming more frequent. Someday, a monster will take advantage of her naïve and kind nature and kill her," the man in the wheelchair said to his friend.

"Wait, wait, wait, she had a kind nature? Where did that go?" Alex asked out of the blue.

"It died the moment she first came to our world," Grover said mournfully making the gods look at Grover in concern and not really liking what would possibly come next.

"I know Chiron, but she isn't ready. We need more time," Charles said sadly to his friend/Chiron.

"Is she ready or are you not ready to let her go?" Chiron asked his friend wisely.

Charles became silent and looked down before saying, "I don't want to lose her the same way I lost my other sister."

"He had another sister?! Why didn't she tell us?" Clarissa asked with wide eyes.

"One, because you were not very nice to her and two, she probably didn't know to begin with," Alex responded to Clarissa remembering that day loud and clear.

"You didn't lose her, she chose her path, it wasn't your fault," Chiron said in a reassuring tone.

"You really believe Raven is ready?" Charles asked his friend with a bit of hope.

"She has to be at some point, if a Fury is able to find her out here then she must be taken to the camp for her safety," Chiron replied with a grim tone to his voice.

"So Chiron knew about her existence to begin with but never brought her to camp. Why?" Thalia asked Grover in confusion.

"Charles made the request to let Raven mature more and let her become more comfortable in learning our life. Like Charles said earlier, he didn't want to lose her the way he lost his other sister. He really cares about her," Grover replied making Hermes smile at the strong bond between Raven and Charles as brother and sister.

The hologram zoomed in on the young men's faces before blacking out and lighting to show Raven, Silena, and Katie in the training room. "So this training room helps test mutants to the limit of their abilities and each accomplishment you make gets you closer to achieving a new level. Right now, I'm on the hard level where it works me to my ultimate limit and often hurts whenever I make a huge mistake that ends my life in the simulation and so far, I'm the youngest to achieve that," Raven explained before going quiet and saying "Oh gods I'm bragging. I'm sorry for that."

"Humble and apologizing for her actions. I'm beginning to think that she's not much of a nuisance yet," Hera mumbled to herself surprising some of the gods as Hera had always thought of every demigod as a nuisance.

"Why are you sorry for bragging about your accomplishments?" Katie asked confused at this girl's actions.

"Charles always said that bragging can lead to one becoming vain and selfish and lose their right to ever becoming a member of the X-men team," Raven recited from her head as a response that her brother always told her.

"Wow, Charles really controls her life," Leo remarked before getting smacked upside the head by Piper.

"At least she has a family that has cared about her in the past and still cares about her enough to keep her safe from this world," Piper remarked back hotly remembering her strained relationship with her father that was now only patching back up, making Aphrodite smile at her daughter's remark and was proud of her child.

"Does your brother control your life?" Silena asked Raven bewildered at such a thing being said.

"Actually, he keeps me safe in here and helps me achieve my goal of being on the X-men team. He doesn't control my life completely because I make my own choices," Raven responded looking at Silena with a smile.

"But why follow his rules and recite them from paper?" Katie asked confused.

"Here it comes," Alex remarked before receiving a small backhand to the side of the head by Thalia.

"Because I lost my memory on the same day Charles found me, took me in, and raised me as his sister. It's the only life I know of," Raven responded with a sad look on her face making them look at her in sadness and sympathy.

"Lets continue with the tour, I'll show you the rooms that you guys will be staying in if you ever decide to stay here," Raven said automatically changing the subject and heading out of the training room.

"That's kind of like her since she wants no attention drawn to her and all," Grover remarked making Aphrodite thrown off the mental list of potential gods that could be Raven's parent.

They began walking out of the training room and headed down the halls that showed the bedrooms two different mutants stayed in each room. As Raven led them to their rooms, Silena and Katie saw a room that was wide open and covered with paintings and stopped to admire it. "Hey, whose room is that?" Katie asked curiously.

"That would be my room and before you ask, I don't have a roommate. No one would want to hang out with an amnesic mutant like myself," Raven responded sadly.

"That bad huh?" Clarissa asked Grover.

"You have no idea and I couldn't even room with her because, at first, she thought my offer was out of pity but since she became fast friends with me, she realized that it was truly sincerity. Although, we can't change rooms cause once you pick a room in Charles's School for the Gifted, you cannot leave it," Grover responded and explained why he didn't room with Raven to begin with.

"We're hanging out with you right now, and your cool," Silena offered her with a smile.

"Thanks but soon you guys are just gonna want to hang out with the cool crowd because they already know the full extent of my powers and treat me as an outcast as always," Raven said with a sad smile.

"Huh, kind of like the way we treated her when we first found out who her parent was," Alex remarked to Clarissa who nodded her head while deep in thought remembering that day.

"What are these paintings on the wall? They are interesting," Katie asked as she studied each painted picture with interest.

"They are fragments of my lost memory that I can recall from dream or a vision in the daytime. Charles believes that if I painted out on a piece of paper, then I might be able to recover some more of my memory but so far I've only been getting fragments and nothing else," Raven responded with a smile at someone finally liking her paintings.

"Wow, you are pretty talented. How did you learn to paint like this?" Katie asked once more as she stopped to take an interest in a familiar painting.

"I don't know, it just came to me so I guess my birth family must've been artists because I've got no other theory other than that," Raven responded unsure of that from outside her doorframe with Silena beside her.

"Well, that could be because she spent so much time painting that she actually became a professional at it," Alex remarked with a raised eyebrow.

"Wow, who is this?" Katie asked pointing to the oddly familiar woman painting.

"Don't know, but I often feel like she is important to me. I just can't place it," Raven responded again as she looked deeply into the woman's eyes and tried to search for an answer before shaking her head and stating, "Well, I better show you guys the rest of the Mansion if you ever want to know your way around the school."

"Of course," Katie said reluctantly before walking out the room following Raven as she lead them through the X-mansion.

"Who is this girl and why are we even here when we can just leave with our charge back to camp and I can get back to kicking Travis's butt? Oh well, Chiron's orders. Better follow them," Katie's thoughts were said outloud on the hologram before it blacked out.

"If she wants to kick a boy's butt, then I'd pay big drachmas to see that," Artemis remarked in a chuckling tone with a smug smile.

It then light up to show Charles, Raven, Chiron, Silena, and Katie eating at a table for dinner. Suddenly, a blur rushed past them making Chiron, Silena, and Katie jump into startlement. Only Raven and Charles were unaffected by the blur. "Peter! What did we say about scaring the newbies?!" Raven shouted outloud making the guests look at her in confusion.

"Who is she...?" Jason was about to ask but was interrupted by Alex saying, "Wait for it."

The blur suddenly came to a stop in front of their table, on their right, then formed a guy with choppy silver hair, dark brown eyes, silver jacket, black pants, silver and black shoes, pale skin, and black T-shirt. "Come on Raven, can't I have some fun for one day?" Peter asked in a whining tone.

"We all had fun the day you had your mouth wired shut by accident," Raven retorted with a smug smirk.

The demigods started chuckling at Raven's retort while Artemis, Demeter, Persephone, and Hera hid their chuckling smiles behind their hands.

"Always the goody-goody of the family," Peter muttered angrily.

"Hey, she's my goody-goody best friend," Grover retorted to the hologram.

"Charles, has Hank happened to make any of those earplugs to block out this little weasel yet?" Raven asked sarcastically, while pointing at Peter to make her point, making the guests chuckle at Raven's joke.

The gods began to chuckle while Apollo laughed out loud and said "Someone get some ice for that burn. That girl knows her jokes."

Peter began fake laughing before saying, "Very funny Raven, you should take that comedy routine of yours to Storm. I'm sure that she would love it."

"Maybe I might just take it on the air," Raven said to Peter with a smug smirk making Katie chuckle silently behind her hand.

Grover 'oohhed' and said "This just got real."

"Shut up Raven," Peter grumbled out.

"Hmmm, no," Raven said after fake thinking for a few minutes making Katie, Silena, and Charles chuckle out loud with a snort while Chiron smiled at the girls funny display.

Alex snorted and started chuckling along with Jason and Reyna at how Raven is making Peter remember his place.

Peter just grumbled before getting a sight of Katie and Silena and said, "hey," with a sly smile while winking at them.

"How do you get a one armed Maximoff out of a tree?" Raven asked out loud starting the joke that Peter hated the most.

"How?" Apollo and Hermes asked the hologram eager to hear what she would say next.

In that instant Peter quickly sped out of the room with his superspeed. "And that my friends, is how you get a stupid idiot out of the room by telling the joke he hates the most," Raven announced with a fake bow.

Even though Apollo and Hermes were a little disappointed, they still got a laugh out of that one. "Not bad for a girl," Ares rumbled out with a smirk making Alex send a glare his way before returning it to neutral and focusing on the hologram.

The guests began laughing with Charles and the rest of the people in the lunchroom just as Grover entered the room. Raven saw her best friend and waved him over to their table. Grover smiled and came forward but halted when he saw Chiron, Silena, and Katie. He resumed on towards the table and sat beside Raven with a forced smile before asking, "New mutant recruits?"

"Great acting man. About time you finally came through," Thalia said with a smile making Grover blush a bit.

"Yah, this time we have two recruits instead of the usual one recruit we get every now and then," Raven responded with a smile on her face.

"Well that's good news. Hey Charles do you mind if I take our newest recruits outside to show them around the outside of the school?" Grover asked quickly.

"Huh, I take back that remark," Thalia said after seeing that part making Grover finding the floor very interesting instead of the hologram.

Charles nodded his head in reply and Grover took Katie and Silena out of the cafeteria quickly towards the outdoors leaving their plates behind and a very confused Raven. Letting her curiosity overtake her, she used her shape-shifting power to turn invisible and silently teleported herself underneath the table to the outside of the school while the hologram showed Charles and Chiron talking about important matters at hand. The hologram then blacked out and lighted up to show Grover and the girls talking near the woods, while not noticing that they were being watched. "What are you guys doing here anyway? I asked for Chiron to come help me find out more about my mission," Grover asked bewildered at the two of them coming here.

"Seriously?! She can shape-shift into invisibility and you didn't even sense her watching you?!" Alex asks his best friend in outrage.

"Sorry, it's just that I was busy focusing on the gravity of the situation at hand since I only requested for Chiron to come help with the mission that day instead of checking the perimeter like I should've," Grover explained making Alex shake his head and sigh.

"Chiron ordered us to tag along in case if emergencies because, from what you reported, monsters have been frequently attacking this place where your target is," Silena explained with a soft voice.

"Besides, from what you said, what Charles has been doing to this person can't be kept up forever. This person's gonna find out about their demigod heritage soon. One way or another," Katie continued with a bit of a concerned look on her face.

"That's kind of true since she is watching you guys," Clarissa remarked.

"Again, I didn't know she was there," Grover said in exasperation.

"That's not what Charles thinks cause he wants her to mature a bit more," Grover said shaking his head at the girls suggestions.

"Wait, her? This person we're looking for is a girl?" Silena asked excitedly.

"Is? You guys just met her and had dinner with her and Charles. Raven has a powerful demigod smell that seems to be a bit confusing with her mutation smell," Grover replied.

"So she is a demigod-mutant child," Apollo said in realization before being smacked upside the head by his sister saying, "Of course she is? Where was your head all this time we were watching that hologram of Raven's life, in the clouds again?! Honestly, it's things like these that make me wonder how I'm even related to you!"

"Does Raven know..?" Katie was about to ask but was stopped by Grover saying, "Not yet, but I suspect that she is getting suspicious and is also smarter than people are giving her credit for. Someday, her demigod scent will be overpowering her mutant scent and monsters will be able to find her from here."

Demigod? What's a demigod? What are they talking about? Does this have something to do with my forgotten past? Raven's thoughts said outloud on the hologram with the hologram zooming in on Raven's almost invisible, yet confused, face.

"Yup it does Raven. Yup it does," Alex said in a almost sympathetic tone making Thalia look at him in worry but he just gestured for her to watch the hologram.

The hologram then zoomed out to show her watching the three continue their conversation from behind a huge rock. "What are we supposed to do? How do we get her out of here to the camp safely without alerting the monsters?" Katie asked an impossible question.

"I've been wondering the same thing when I found out about Raven," Grover said rubbing his head in frustration.

"And let me guess. You came up with nothing?" Clarissa asks making Grover look at her and say "Well if you count having her pretend to go on vacation for a couple of days and accidently take the wrong turn that could lead us either to Camp Half-Blood or into a handful of monsters an idea, then no."

"Well then we're gonna need to find out how soon, word is the gods began to get suspicious of Chiron's sudden leave. We need a plan to bring Raven in safely or else..." Silena began to say but was interrupted by Grover shouting, "I get it okay!!! My entire career is riding on bringing Raven to the camp without her getting killed!! Thanks for reminding me of when I first failed at my duties as a protector!"

"Grover you didn't fail to protect me. I made my own decision to do what I had to do," Thalia said to her best satyr friend in an exasperated tone.

"And I know that now but I wish I knew that in the past when I dwelled on that memory every day," Grover remarked mournfully making the gods look at them in confusion before focusing on the hologram.

"Woah, sorry Grover. I didn't mean to go there and push you to remembering that. You never failed as a protector, Thalia made her choice and forced you to get her friends to safety. It wasn't your fault," Silena said softly like she was using her persuasion ability to convince Grover of that.

"That's not what the council thinks," Grover mumbled sadly.

The hologram zoomed in on Raven's shocked, yet sad, face as the pieces of the puzzle came together for her before the hologram went black.

"Well, that's one way to end another chapter of Raven's life. Can't wait to see what happens next," Leo said with a bit of sarcasm in his sentence and a bit of optimistic as well.

"Please, if anything this next chapter is going to be boring as the rest of them," Dionysus said with a frown.

"Umm actually this next chapter is not going to end well for Raven," Grover said with a worried look on his face causing the whole room to thicken with a bit of confusion and horror at what could've happened to young Raven.

"Let's move on," the Fates said before the hologram lit up to show the words "My Brother Tells Me of My Heritage and Teaches Me How to Bullfight."

"Uh-oh," Alex says with worry making Hazel and Frank worry for their friend as the hologram begins to show the next chapter.

Hey, here you guys go! Sorry about the whole publish chapter problem. I didn't mean to do that to begin with and really hard writers block and all. Anyway, hope you all love it as much as I do and don't worry, I'm not abandoning any of my books on here. Read, Vote, Comment, and Follow! Shayelee8 Out! Peace!

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