
By usernotfoundxXx9

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Meet Axel, the alpha of Bay Moon pack. She is mateless, the first Luna to rule alone in centuries. Meet Mason... More

Chapter 1

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By usernotfoundxXx9

Authors Note-
Hi shifters! This is my first werewolf book, so don't hate. All the stuff i say in here is based on werewolf knowledge from other books, if u disagree with a rule or pack custom i put in here, just message me what u think is right. Hope u like it! Btw, this is a short chapter, sorry

Chapter 1
"Axel, wake up." I faintly hear. Someone shakes me. "Wake up!" I slowly open my eyes, seeing a blurry face above me. As my sight clears, I yawn. Judging by the lack of light in the sky, it's much to early to be up. And doesn't the alpha get to sleep in?
"Axel, just because you're the alpha does not mean you get to sleep in," the voice says again. I look to the side. It's my delta, Sam. Since Bay Moon hasn't had a beta since the last one died and left no descendants that we know of, Sam has been filling in until we find someone suitable. He's a good guy, if not a little OCD. The whole "pack mind" is a little annoying, because he always knows what I'm thinking, like just now when he answered my mental question about the alpha sleeping in.
"Axel, as the alpha you have responsibilites. So getting up early is a necessity." See? Responsibilites, necessity. His OCD is showing. "I am not OCD," he shrilly shouts. I shift to human form, so does he. "Whatever,  Sam-I-am. Let's get started. What's the first thing on the agenda," I ask, hating my husky sleep voice.
"Rogues, Axel. Rogues."
"Rogues? They've never really bothered us before."
"Well, now they are. Our patrol caught one last night, demanding to see you."
"Demanding to see me? You know wolf laws state any wolf can ask to see the alpha and it has to be granted. Why wasn't I told?"
"No one wanted to risk waking you up."
"Good that. I'll see the rogue later."
"Ok. Next we have a bird that keeps attacking the cubs."


"God, what a day. Sam, did we get everything done," I ask. "Yup," he answers, "And just on time too. The cubs and den mothers are waking up. Let's get back to the pack house."
"Sweet, and I can see the rogue," I reply. We walk back to the pack house and on the way we encounter a man about my age, walking towards us. "Axel, you're the alpha right," he asks. Sam immediately shouts, "The rogue!" And shifts into his wolf. Two wolves that I recognize as two of my gaurds run up, shift, and grab his arms. "Wait," I yell. "Let's hear what he has to say to me. He did request to see the alpha, and I was on my way to see to him. "
"What I have to say is something in private," he whispers.
"Ok," I reply, "but what you say to me, you say to my pack."
"Fine, I'll say it here." He grins. "My name is Mason Woodsworth, and I am rightful beta of Bay Moon pack."

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