The Coffee People

By justswimtotheshore

14 1 1

Coffee, like people, is different in many ways. People are like coffee. No coffee or person is the same. More


14 1 1
By justswimtotheshore

      Nobody likes cold coffee. Thats what they say, then they put ice in it, and it is now considered a good drink, they call it iced coffee. I like cold coffee without the ice. My coffee doesn't need the ice to be just as good as the "iced coffee" or coffee that is still hot. My coffee is still good with or without the ice and I like it no matter what.                                                             
People are like coffee. There are people who are fresh hot coffee, those people are the hardest to get to know. The hot coffee people take a while to let you in and are more closed off, burning you if you try to get too close too fast. The warm coffee people are easy to be around and will gladly let you in. The warm coffee people are very trusting and people tend to like them the most out of all the other coffee people.
       The cold coffee people are always the ones to be dumped down the drain. Closed off and shut down because they are different. Some people, though, see the cold coffee and find a way to make it warm coffee again. Those people are rare to find. Iced coffee people are common, everyone likes them, they aren't the nicest or warmest cup of coffee. The Iced coffee people are cold and the ice from them cools the warm coffee people around them and makes them cold. Iced coffee people are the most dangerous people out there. They can turn any coffees day cold.
      Thats only the start of the many different types of coffee people. These people are the base and we are going to dig deeper into knowing the coffee people. The idea of the coffee people is there are certain types but in those types there are different people, not everyone likes their coffee the same.
            Sugar coffee people. One of the most common types of coffee people around. They live for the sweet creamy coffee that has no bitterness at all, its barely even coffee, just sugar and cream. These sugar coffee people are very sweet and the most trusted in the big scale of coffee people, although a common type of coffee these people are quite rare to meet. My point is you would imagine the sugar coffee people to be in the category of fresh hot coffee, but in reality, these sugar coffee people can be the iced coffee people in disguise, sweet on the outside, still cold and will take all the warmth away.
        Bitter coffee people. When you hear bitter you usually think of something that isn't so great. You are right. Bitter coffee people are harder to predict than the sugar coffee people. Bitter coffee people can be warm and welcoming. It takes a really warm
Coffee person to discover this but it does happen. Bitter coffee people can be iced coffee people, they usually are not, mostly though they are considered part of the warm coffee people.
           All of these people can follow the coffee personality rules that I have stated. None of them do of course after all they are just coffee people. The people that follow the strict rules about the coffee are born to be that way. If everyone liked every coffee no matter what there wouldn't be a war over the hot to iced coffee ratio. We need that war, though, because without it us coffee people wouldn't know anything about the difference between all the coffees.

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