for you; || c.gallagher

By gallaghoe

172K 3.9K 709

"you don't strike me as the bad guy, gallagher." "it seems like you've got lots of experience." "i'm tougher... More



7.5K 169 12
By gallaghoe

"You can sleep over, but no funny business with that one boy Cameron or whatever his name is," Margaret said. My eyes went wide since she actually thought we'd do any 'funny business'.
"Ok, well no funny business is gonna happen, and his name is Carl."
She started to laugh and reached over to touch my shoulder reassuringly.
"I'm just kidding, I know you're a smart girl. Just don't do anything too stupid," she said, being serious now. I smiled and said a quick thank you before heading upstairs to pack and inform Corbin as well. I've been getting closer to Margaret, even though we both are never really around to talk. I put my phone in the back pocket of my ripped jean shorts and grabbed the bag off of my bed. This is the first sleepover at the Gallagher's house that we're having which probably won't make a difference in what we do besides the fact we won't be leaving till the next day.
I zipped up my backpack and knocked on Corbin's door. He opened it with a bag also, and we decided to head over since we were both ready.
"Bye, Mags," we yelled. I heard her laugh from inside the living room.
"Bye, see you two tomorrow if I don't come back from work too late!"

We were greeted at the front door by Fiona, and I smiled.
"Come on in, they're upstairs."
I nodded my head and stepped through the front door with Corbin following behind. I ran up the steps leading to the upstairs and made my way to Debbie's room.
"Hey, it's Eli," I said as I knocked on the door and then pushed it open. Debbie and Carl were on her bed and we're looking at Carl's phone. They both started to laugh as I put my bag at the edge of her bed.
"Thank god you're here, I thought I was going to die if Carl showed me another one of his stupid videos," she said in an over exaggerated voice as she got up off of her bed to greet us. Carl got up as well.
"If they were so stupid, then why were you laughing," he said more as a statement rather than a question.
"I know how sensitive you get, and didn't want to hurt your feelings," she said in a baby voice. Carl rolled his eyes and punched her shoulder lightly.
"Don't punch me when you know I can beat the shit out of you," Debbie said as she put her hands on her hips, making Corbin and I laugh.

"No, I'm not fucking doing it," Carl said as he threw his hands up in the air in frustration. Debbie and I couldn't stop laughing.
"You have to, you used up all your chickens already," I said, still laughing. He didn't look amused at all, and slightly glared at me.
"Would you like to lick a plunger, taste Windex or bleach? You're just trying to kill me!" He said, totally annoyed.
"You could have licked the plunger," I said while cracking up.
"It's your fault for picking dare," Debbie said, laughing along with me.
"There is no way in hell am I kissing Corbin."
We both started cracking up laughing again as we had been ever since we gave Carl the dare, and looked from Carl to Corbin as they both looked really ticked off.
"I know something you guys can kiss," Corbin said as he rolled over onto his stomach and put his butt into the air, and he slapped it with his own hand.
"This sweet ass," he said in a seductive voice. We all started to laugh, and I started to feel my stomach aching and my cheeks getting soar.
"Oh my god I need to stop," I said as I tried to pull my cheeks down to their normal spot with my hands, but failing as this caused me to laugh more.
"I'm seriously gonna piss myself," I slightly screeched as I got up but fell back down when I stubbed my toe on the door.
"I hate everything," I said between laughs. Everyone was now laughing at me as I crawled on the floor to the bathroom. I felt someone touch my butt, and I turned my neck to see Carl with my phone.
"What the hell man?" I said in a funny voice, and he started to laugh but didn't look up from my phone. I heard the noise the phone makes when you take pictures, and I grabbed Carl's leg.
"Did I ever tell you that you have a nice butt?" Carl asked me as he continued to take pictures. I heard Corbin and Debbie laugh from inside the room, and I reached up and tried to pants Carl. He jumped over me and out of my reach, my phone still in his hand.
"In your dreams, princess," he said in his usual cocky voice as he ran into his room. I hopped up off the ground and got out of my laughing state and ran after him, but he shut the door in my face. I turned the nob and tried to push my shoulder into the door, but it barely budged.
"Carl, move your fat ass away from the door and give me my phone." I tried to open it again, but he was probably holding it shut so I couldn't. I tried again, and the door flew open and I rolled onto the floor of his room. He was staring down at me, and I got up returning to my goofy state.
"Mr. Gallagher, it appears you have gotten a hold on my phone. May I please have it back?" I said in the deepest and manliest voice I could do. Carl walked towards me and I stepped backwards into the hallway. Carl grabbed my waist and pulled me close to him.
"You know, you never said hi to me when you first got here," he said with a smile that suggested he knew something I didn't.
"Can I just have my phone?" I asked and faked whined.
"If you kiss me, I'll give you your phone."
I raised an eyebrow, and wrapped my arms around his neck. He took one of his hands and pulled my phone out of his pocket. I leaned into him more, and started to bring my face closer to his. He closed his eyes, and when I was barely a centimeter away I quickly switched direction and licked his nose. I snatched my phone and tried to make a break for it but instead was grabbed by Carl, and he turned me around to face him.
"Really? What was that?" He asked chuckling. I put my phone in my waistband of my shorts, hoping he wouldn't take it again.
"It was payback for throwing me in the pool," I said, satisfied. He pulled me close again, but this time took me by surprise.
"Now we're even," he whispered before he locked his lips onto mine. I felt sparks go off in every part of my body. Definitely better than the kisses I've fantasized with him. We pulled away, and I saw a smirk on his face.
"Did I notice a moan?" Carl asked. I didn't need a mirror to know my face flushed red, and I looked down at my feet as he started to laugh.
"Oh my god, are you guys like together?" I heard Corbin say in a girly voice from the doorway, making me turn my gaze to see Carl with his hands still around my waist. My face got even redder when Corbin and Debbie both started to crack up in the doorway, leaving me and Carl to awkwardly stand there as we removed our hands off of each other.
"Shit, I guess I forgot stuff to sleep in," I said as I zipped my bag up after pulling out the contents more than once in search for things to wear to bed.
"Do you want to borrow something?" Debbie asked. I shook my head.
"Nah, I'll just go across the street and grab some." We walked downstairs and met up with the guys in the living room. They were setting up a movie for us to watch, and we had already made popcorn, moved the coffee table, and placed pillows and blankets to sleep on on the floor in front of the screen. I placed my bag down next to edge of the makeshift bed, and started towards the door.
"Eli, it's two in the morning," Debbie said from behind. I turned around to face everyone and shrugged my shoulders as I grinned.
"Guess I'll have to sneak in," I said with a giggle.
"Wait, where are you going?" I heard Carl ask, but I already was out the door and shut it closed so I didn't bother to go back inside to answer. I felt myself immediately get goose bumps from the cold, and silently scolded myself for coming outside in very exposing clothing. I quietly made my way across the street and cursed when I stepped on a sharp rock. Also mentally slapping myself for not wearing shoes.
I made it to the steps and started to quietly race up them, and gently turned the door nob. I slightly pushed to get the door open, but it wouldn't budge.
Probably locked the padlock.
I made my way over to the tree and started to climb up, almost falling a couple of times. I finally made it up to my window, and struggled to get it open with one hand holding onto the tree and the other pushing open the window. After I got it to slide up a good proportion, I lowered my leg through first. I got all the way through, and stumbled around in the dark looking for my closet. I didn't bother to turn on the light, fearing I would wake Margaret from the brightness. I first changed my shorts, pulling off my jean ones and pulling on my loose, grey cotton ones over my lace underwear. I then took off my shirt and unclasped my bra to change into a sports bra. I bent over in my closet and searched on the bottom of it, and when I found my sports bra I heard something crash on my floor. I quickly covered my bare chest with my hands, and turned around to see someone on the floor of my room. The person looked up at me, and I recognized those familiar pair of blue eyes from the moon light coming through my window.
"Carl! What the fuck!" I whispered angrily as I whipped around and grabbed the sports bra from the ground. I stayed facing my back to him, but I still felt his eyes on me. I looked back and saw him staring as he licked his lips. Honestly I thought that was super hot, but I didn't want to deal with that at the moment.
"Sorry to be rude, but staring isn't polite," I whispered in a sarcastic voice. I heard him chuckle, but didn't stop looking at me. I pulled the bra over my head and adjusted it, and felt two pairs of hands start to slide onto my bare sides.
"This isn't a groping zoo, either," I said as I turned around to face him with a smile on my face, my arms crossed over my chest. He moved his hands onto the sides of my face, and his lips brushed against mine for a moment.
"How am I supposed to keep my hands off you?" He asked quietly, his voice almost sounding raspy and gravely.
I moved my arms up around his neck, and kissed him back with a slight smile plastered on my face. Our lips started to move together, and neither of us pulled away. He moved his hands again onto the backs of my thighs, indicating me to jump. I did, and he gripped my thighs and walked over to my bed. He laid me down and hovered over me as we continued to make out. He started to plant kisses on my neck, then started to get lower onto my stomach. I ran my fingers through his hair, and he started to move his hands closer to the seam of my underwear. My thoughts flashed back to the guy at the pool, and I couldn't get it out of my head.
"Carl," I said out of breath. He didn't stop, and I guess took it as a ticket to get even closer. I opened my eyes, and sat up and scooted backwards away from his reach. He sat up and sat on the side of my bed and gave me what looked like a look of confusion.
"What's wrong?" He asked. I opened my mouth, but hesitated with my words.
"I think we should go back, they're gonna think somethings up."
I made up an excuse, and I felt bad about it. He looked away from me and got up and walked over to the window.
"Oh ok," he said. Did he sound annoyed? I thought. I shook the thought away and grabbed a shirt to put on. I quickly left out the window when I noticed Carl already left, and made sure to close it behind me.
I jumped down from the tree at the last couple of branches, and saw Carl start to walk across the street.
"Carl, wait!" I slightly yelled as I caught up with him. He turned to look at me, and I started to speak.
"I'm sorry if I made you think like - I didn't want you or something. I just thought about the guy at the pool and-"
"It's okay," he said and laughed slightly. He grabbed me into a slight hug, and it made me smile.
"Let's go inside before they think we're never coming back," Carl said making me laugh.


Ayeee hope you enjoyed this long ass update! Also, I just published the first part to my other story bitter-warm. It's an Ethan Cutkosky fanfic instead of Carl Gallagher and I would love it if you checked it out :)

Hope you all had/have a nice day or evening, love you all and thank you so much again for reading!

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