By Flower64

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DEAD INSIDE One town. Two rival schools. Pranks that go horribly wrong. People who are not who they pretend... More

Untitled Part 43


59 4 1
By Flower64

Loud cheers erupted as yet another girl appeared on the red carpet that had been unrolled on the long stage at the back of which the fifteen members of the White Tigers and their five pledges were seated. I'd asked to stay elsewhere for the duration of that third step of the harvest but Milo had been adamant I wasn't to leave his side all evening.

After what had happened to my car, they thought it wouldn't be long before the Black Devils turned up to snatch me so they wanted me nearby at all time.

I had already suffered through four hours of their farts, burps and crude comments during both the football game and the dinner that had followed with the entire football team at a local diner and I was literally counting the minutes till I could go home and sleep that awful day off.

My eyes almost popped out of their sockets when Marla entered the stage wearing a skimpy white bikini that left little to imagination with the highest heels I'd ever seen.

She'd arranged her tight afro curls so they fell all around her face, her make-up highlighted her delicate features and made her light brown eyes look golden.

She looked outrageously fabulous and from the awed looks most boys had around me, I gathered that they thought the same.

I'd never have thought I'd be applauding during such an event but my best friend looked awesome as she walked in front of us confidently. In fact, it looked like she owned the freaking stage.

When she paused to wink at me I couldn't help but smile big and I'm sure I looked like an otter as I clapped with maybe too much enthusiasm while she headed back to the curtains.

I chanced a look toward Marvin and sure enough, he looked smitten but I frowned when I saw him furrow his eyebrows and then shake his head as if to dismiss a thought.

"He'll never choose her..." Milo murmured in my ear.

He can't know... I thought, feeling silly for even thinking that.

"Marvin..." He added as if to show me that he, in fact, could read what was on my mind.

I'd promised myself to ignore him but decided to make an exception for the sake of Marla.

"Why's that?" I asked, bracing myself for the snide comment that was sure to follow.

"He likes her..." His answer left me speechless.

Not only had he answered me normally but he'd also volunteered personal information about one of his closest friends.

"Isn't it the point?" I thought I'd chance it.

"None of us are looking for a girlfriend. We can't afford to give that much power to a girl..." I was tempted to roll my eyes at that but then I remembered how depressed I'd been because of Hugo and my decision never to let somebody hurt me like that again. "Especially Scott, Niall and Marvin who need to keep their head into the game if they want to get picked by the college of their choice..." He went on, which made sense.

To me, at least.

Marla would probably be crushed.

"That's why we only pick safe girls..." He concluded. "They need to be hot, eager to put out, but also and more importantly to know their place. It's not because we f*ck them every day for the whole school year that we're together or exclusive..."

I grimaced at that.

"I imagine you tell them that from the start?" He nodded. "And you don't mind if your... What do you call them?"

"You don't want to know..."

"Hmm...Ok... So you don't mind if your girl or whatever sleeps with somebody else?" I was curious as to how this could work.

"Yet another reason to pick somebody we don't like..." He answered. "We always use condoms anyway so..." He shrugged and I crinkled my nose.

"Have you chosen yours already?" I wasn't sure why but I wanted to know.

"I'm not picking anyone this year..." He answered. "Babysitting duty, remember?"

"That's quite the punishment..." I couldn't help but comment and he barked a laugh, so loud that most boys around us turned around to see what was going on.

I smiled at them tightly, silently pleading for them to resume ogling Marika Loodie who was currently looking a bit lost on the red carpet, and I was relieved when they did.

"Like I said earlier..." His warm breath tickled my skin and I shivered slightly. "I volunteered."

I didn't know what to say to that so I just kept my gaze on the stage as more girls came and went.

"Can I ask you a final question?"


"Can I go home, now?" Maybe he'd be more reasonable now that he'd dropped his attitude.

"You're staying at mine tonight..." He answered and I narrowed my eyes at him, which made him laugh again. "I'm not expecting sex, don't worry..." I rolled my eyes at him. "A BJ, maybe?" My eyes went back to threatening slits and he burst out laughing, earning us more bewildered looks from everyone while I seethed in silence.

Around us, all the boys applauded and I realized round three of the Harvest was over. Earlier, Niall had explained the five steps they'd follow.

Round one, they just looked at all the contestants, disqualifying those who didn't look good enough to their taste. Round two, the contestants were told the "rules" and then had to introduce themselves and tell the boys what they would do for him/them. By then, each boy had between three and five potential candidates to be their - whatever their sport was - very personal bunny. Round three, which we'd just witnessed, almost rivaled with Victoria's Secret yearly fashion show while round four involved a bit of talking and a lot of testing or tasting of some sort. Round five would take place Monday at some point when each boy would go and offer – eye roll please – a flower to their chosen bunny.

Who said that romance was dead?

Only Marla had made it to round three and I was dying to get to Deedee and Mel to know what had happened because one thing was sure, my friends were much classier than most of the girls who'd paraded tonight.

With a bit of luck they'd even give me a lift back.

I tried to be as inconspicuous as I could as I stood up to go and join the crowd of ordinary people at the bottom of the stage but my nanny stopped me before I could even take one step.

"Where are you going?"

"I was hoping to catch Deedee and Mel..." I answered and he nodded so I thought it meant he was letting me go but when he started following me, I froze. "Oh, come on!" I yell-whispered. "You're not really going to follow me everywhere, now, are you?!"

"I'm actually feeling very horny..." Say what?! "Pretty sure you could give me a hand... Although I wouldn't min..."

I put my hand on his mouth to shut him up and I literally jumped away from him when he licked it.

"Hmm..." He moaned loudly, attracting the attention of most of his friends. I wanted nothing more than to dig a hole and stay in it forever. "I can't wait to taste the rest of your body..." He added loudly enough for everyone to hear.

I was so mortified that I didn't know how to deal with the situation so I just stared at him in disbelief for what felt forever, my cheeks burning until something finally snapped inside me and I slapped him smack in the face.

I was probably as surprised by my uncharacteristic gesture as he was but no way would I let him know that. Instead I walked away, hoping to find my friends quickly and get the hell out of there.

"So you like it rough?" He shouted and I froze again. "Fine by me, Babe, I'm all for a good spanking..." He added before draping his arm around my shoulders as if it was the most normal thing in the world. What people probably didn't notice was how tight his hold on my shoulder was as he guided me out of the main room where most of the partyers were gathered and into a spacious kitchen where a dozen or so of uniform-clad people were busy filling trays with food and jelly shots.

He opened the back door and pushed me outside before closing the door so nobody would hear what he was about to tell me.

"Don't ever lay a hand on me again..." I tried to jerk away from him when I heard his threatening tone and ended up flinching when he tightened his grip. His green eyes were almost black as he waited for me to acknowledge his demand so I nodded once and started breathing normally again when he let go of my shoulder.

I massaged the tender spot, hoping he'd just leave me alone already but he didn't move.

"You're not going to cry, aren't you?" He asked and there was a hint of concern in his tone so I looked up and immediately regretted doing so when I met his bored expression.

"Just shut up..." I muttered before closing my eyes, willing the tears I could feel behind my eyes to stay at bay. A few seconds later, I made a decision, "I'm calling a cab..."

"No, you're not..." He shot back uncertainly and he reached for my arm but I took a couple of steps back.

"It's better if you keep a few steps between us from now on..." I stated coldly before going back inside.

I walked back to the reception room or whatever his usual function was and headed to Niall who was currently surrounded by three girls.

I didn't even have to call him. He must have seen my face because he immediately ditched them to come and see me. He was about to say something but I interrupted him.

"I'm going home ..." I paused for good measure. "Without Bellucci..."

"What happened?" He asked but I lifted my hand between us to stop him.

"I'm going home." I repeated firmly before turning on my heels and heading toward the front door.

"Wait!" I heard him shout but I didn't stop, zigzagging my way through the many dancers. "He has your key!" He shouted next and I lost it. I think I actually stomped, that's how angry I was.

After blowing out a big breath of air, I clenched my jaw and my hands and turned around.

"Go and get them for me, then..." I hissed.

"Tell me what happened..." He prodded.

"I don't owe any of you an explanation on my whereabouts." I was shaking as I said that. "You are not my brother..."

"Fine." He sighed but walked to Milo who was busy alternating between taking a shot and getting a sip of beer.

I don't have a clue what they said to each other but I cringed when I saw the two of them making their way to me.

"No more innuendos and embarrassing situations but you let me stay with you when you're alone..." Milo said offering his hand for me to shake.

"I'm going home and I want my key, please..." I replied coldly with my hand palm up next to his.

"I'm sorry, ok..." He said with a sigh.

"I actually couldn't care less..." I shot back. "My key, please..."

"Now you're being a bitch..." He snapped.

"Milo, Dude!" Niall exclaimed but I didn't let him have his word.

"It takes one to know one, now give me my freaking keys before I call the cops on you!"

"You wouldn't dare..." He challenged.

"Just give her the f*cking key!" A voice I hadn't heard in two years boomed from behind me.

Scott Birmingham, the host of the party and numero uno of the White Tigers had just spoken.

Milo must have had a death wish because he said, "She won't cooperate..."

"Because you f*cked up." The six foot four giant behind me interjected and I hated how disturbed my curly tormentor looked by his friend's reaction. "So just hand her the damn key and camp outside her house in your car to make sure nothing happens to her..." He instructed.

"He can't sleep outside my house." I interjected.

"Well, invite him in, f*ck him, I really don't care how you work it out, as long as he keeps an eye on you..." The B-ball captain answered.

"As charming as ever..." I commented drily. "You're related to him, no?" I went on and I swore I heard Milo chuckle. "How about I go home and he stays here?" I asked him, my eyes narrowed into slits.

"How about you listen to me very carefully..." He hissed back but I didn't flinch.

"Nuh, uh..." I poked him in the chest. "You're going to listen to me carefully..." I poked him again. "After what happened to Sam..." His face fell at the mention of my brother. "I made you promise me one thing..." I paused. "Only one thing, Scott... How stupid of me, right? How could I even think that you would keep your word?" I huffed. "You knew exactly what would happen when you sent Victor after this girl, so don't pretend to worry about me now, it actually makes you look stupid... Which I know you're not."

"Hmm... Ali?" Milo tried to get my attention but I was done with him.

"I made a mistake..." Scott murmured and I felt Milo's surprise next to me.

"People like you don't make mistakes, Scott." I replied. "They make choices and that day you knew they'd retaliate on me..."

"It wasn't like that..." He argued weakly.

"Bullshit!" I snapped.

"You can't talk to him like that..." I vaguely heard Milo say.

"Give me my key or I swear I'll ruin your party!" I threatened and I must have been convincing because he finally handed it to me.

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