Adopted By Creepypasta

By sweetjuxtaposition

179K 6.1K 2.9K

Kaya Sins was adopted by a rich family at a young age. She's been causing trouble for the few years she was t... More

Author's Notes


20.6K 370 194
By sweetjuxtaposition


"What's the worst that I can-" I stopped myself when I heard someone clear their throat. Was my sister going to ask me for something else again?

I sighed knowing that she was going to ask me something selfish and inconsiderate. That's all she ever did when she bothered me. Usually, I refused, but my abhorrent Stepdad usually forced me to say comply right after.

Carly rolled her eyes and applied more lipstick to her fully red lips. I wondered why she even had lips. It wasn't like she'd ever get kissed by someone who actually liked her for her personality. She was a brat with a nice body, and she was quite easy too manipulate. She wore more makeup than clown. We had too many differences to be living in the same house.

In fact, all my family had differences. Almost everyone was a different race because my Stepmom couldn't have children, so she adopted a lot, too many actually. I couldn't remember my own siblings names. She somehow managed to get me, and I was officially trapped in this place.

I am African-American. My "step mom" is Indian, and my "step dad" is Hispanic. I hated about everyone in this family, but I had this huge hatred for my step dad.

Anyway, I'm eleven, and I skipped two grades because I did extra work with my private tutor who recently got fired. I'm going to ninth grade at the end of summer, but I'm hoping I can run away or go to a better private school. Knowing more kids my age would be kind of nice.

"What do you want, Carly?" I muttered. She was turning sixteen in one week and because I was only eleven, she thought that she could boss me around. Of course, she could not. Everyone knew that I was the real princess of this house.

"Kaya, make my invitations for me to my party, okay," she commanded as if I was simply going to say yes. Ugh, the bratty princess.

I shook my head and explained, "I have a life to attend to. Make your own invitations because it's your party." I looked back at my laptop whilst reading about the most ancient towns of Akebulan. Too bad those places were probably wasted away by now.

"You mean researching at pointless things that don't matter," she muttered.

"Yep, I want be an explorer, and you want to be a model. Two completely different things," I muttered, my eye twitching. God, she was irritating.

"You have the best art, though! That's not fair, and there's no chance you'll be an explorer since Daddy wants you to take this place over," she whined.

"You know, I might have considered giving you my inheritance if you weren't such a pompous brat. We both know I won't do much with it," I muttered then gestured her to the door.

She didn't realize just how lucky she was, and I don't think she'd ever realize it either. Although I may get all of the stuff our ignorant daddy owns, I did not want it. And at least she was treated like a real human. I was seen as a doll made for everyone's amusement.

I glared at my sister her, and sighed, knowing she wouldn't leave. "Go," I shouted, "Leave! Bye. Flee. Abandon ship! Just get out of my room!"

She began clicking her tongue instead. I tapped my fingers against the the laptop and clenched my teeth.

"Can you not go one second without annoying someone?" I snapped.

She just laughed. "If I annoy you, you just wait for your birthdays. Oh yeah, I'd still be older!"

I sighed, closed my computer and stared at my lap.

"You know, Carly, I never gave you your diary, did I? I know your crush personally. I'm sure he'd enjoy your fantasies..."

A look if surprise came on her face, and she opened her mouth to say something not a single thing came out. Her face simply glowed a bright red, and she stomped out like a toddler who couldn't get a cookie. I sighed knowing I'd hear from her rather sooner than later.

Did I mention it was summer? It was mid-summer to be exact, and I hadn't been enjoying it. It was just an excuse for my parents to boss me around whilst my stepdad tried to mock me about every little thing I ever did wrong. Also, I just got bad memories about old friends I'd never see again.

"Kids, dinner!" I heard my Mom, stepmom I mean, yell from downstairs. "You come with them Kaya!"

I groaned and stared at the ceiling. I wasn't hungry, and she always gave me the last thing that came off the stove. It was often undercooked I should add.

I slid down the railing of our stairs and hopped onto the ground. "Childish," Carly rolled her eyes and muttered while applying even more lipstick to her lips when I got down.

"Have you ever considered that I am a child? Also, please, just stop with those red lips, Carly. It's really making you look like an old lady."

She blew an air kiss and applied more lipstick whilst rolling her eyes. I sighed and put my hands on my hips of this dress I had been forced to wear.

I stomped up to the table and was about to grab my food when my step mom suggested something that would've made me die of laugh if it had been a good day.

"Why don't we eat as a family instead of you stomping off to your room, Kaya?"

I chuckled as if she was joking. Finally, I gave them a small smile and worked up an over the top sweet voice to explain, "You can do that, but I have some things to do myself." I grabbed my plate and walked upstairs refusing the urge to say something else snarky.

I wished that my stepmother would properly punish me. Now, my stepfather would, and god, I'd regret it. Still, how dare she ask me to eat with them?

Give me the food with the worst quality, leave me alone with my father almost every time she went out, and force me to do things for my family? Never would I do something with those idiots.

I lied on my bed and set the plate on the table which I'd most likely throw away later. I was really underweight from throwing away food, and it was becoming a problem. I was nearly a skeleton, but it's not like I starved on purpose or anything. In fact, I was getting to the point where hunger felt quite good.

I grabbed my iPod and went to my music app. I clicked on "Cemetery Drive" and logged back on to my laptop. The sound of a knock made me feel sick."If it's you, Carly, you are not welcome," I sang in rhythm with the music.

I heard a sigh on the other side. "Kaya, it's me." The soft sweet voice of my "loving and caring" stepmother. Of course, I forgot to lock the door, and when she opened it, I had to do my best not to scream at her.

"Kaya, you've been very distant since that accident involving your friend, and we were worried. And, I've been thinking... I just want to ask... Do you hate this family?"

I had never actually considered my hate for this particular family. I didn't know much about families in the first place, but from what I had heard at the orphanage, you couldn't rely on them. In the end, they would only love the idealistic version of their child. Not the real you.

"Of course not. I absolutely love living in this perfect family," I lied trying to just save a whole pointless speech. Who cared about my opinion anyway? I had been adopted when I was seven, and though I despised that orphanage, it was a lot better than family.

My step father peered in, and I looked down at my bed, not wanting to meet his piercing dark eyes. "I'm going to guess that she hasn't asked the real question yet. Please ask sweetheart, and Kaya, make sure you think long and hard about the answer," he said then closed the door. I bit my lip and scowled.

I honestly hated both of them, but there was nothing that could describe the hate for my stepdad. He pretended to be so nice, but he hid Spirits in his man cave. He also liked to punish me up there from time to time but not often because he didn't like to get blood on his floor. He preferred to punish me in the basement though lately he had enjoyed chaining me up in the attic.

But, if his friends were here with him, he didn't care if there was blood on the floor or not. Chances are, I'd get hit extra hard. It wasn't physically painful anymore though.

I tried to tell people. We even went to court, but the jury dismissed me like they dismissed every other spoiled rich girl. They just thought that I was an attention-seeking brat who self harmed. Dumb juries. Stupid juries. Stupid rich men. I hated all of them...

The night we went home, my stepdad handcuffed me to a counter and beat me in front of some of my other siblings. I got hit extra hard too, and he even made one of my brothers have a go.

I never told another soul. While it's a bit embarrassing to admit, I was so scared that his punishments would get worse. If they did believe me, he'd go to court again and use his charm to get out, and I'd be in more trouble than ever before. I didn't want anymore scars made by him. My skin belonged to me, not him.

Tears began to slide down my mother's face, and my eyes widened. What was her problem? "We were discussing about your family absence and wondered if you wanted to be set back up for adoption. Also, you'd go back to the horrible orphanage."

I scowled realizing her emphasis on the word orphanage as if it was worse than this place. At least the adults weren't asinine and beat me half to death. At least they had a councilor who tried to help me with my 'issues.' At least the adults weren't this crazy!

"If you put up with me for more than four years, you should have gotten rid of me then," I felt my voice shake as I continued, "You're just now coming to this conclusion! Of course I want to go back to that loathsome place! It's much better than being in this... Living hell!"

Tears flooded my mothers eyes, and I stared at my lap. God, I hated being this stupid woman cries. It always made me angry, and of course, I'd also be in trouble with my stepdad later, but if I was going to leave, I knew that I could up with it one last time.

"Please just leave," I whispered and closed my eyes. I had lost my composure for the first time in... Quite some time.

I held my hand to my heart as I tried to calm down. Although I was happy to leave, I knew it probably wouldn't be for the better. My stepdad wouldn't leave me alone that easily, would he? And, I was already going on a downfall.

I walked into the bathroom and took a quick shower. When I was completed, I put my soaking wet braids in a ponytail. Afterwards, I oiled my chocolate colored skin skin and put on a nightgown afterwards.

I stared out of my window and saw my parents leave with my other five siblings. I then realized that they had probably left me with my stepdad.


I ran into my room and listened. I could now hear his footsteps pound on steps, and I knew he was either coming to my room first or going in the attic to drink a little bit.

I unlocked my window, opened it, and kicked out the screen. Quickly but carefully, I stepped onto roof tiles and felt my foot slip just slightly. I then realized that my nightgown was window seal, and I began to pull but not to hard because I'd slip down the rooftop if I went back with force.

I then heard whistling in front of my door, and I could feel my heart speeding up. I was getting sick. Not again...

No, he couldn't add more scars again.

Please not again...

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