My Demons (Doctor Who Fanfic)

By forlorn_tengu

871 31 19

Jessie was just a normal girl living a normal and boring life. She had a rough past and holds something dark... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14 - Final

Chapter 13

34 2 1
By forlorn_tengu

Chapter 13

The machine was humming and the button had been pressed, the electrical charges that were shooting through me were agonising but I endured it for the sake of my freedom. The demon was writhing in agony as the machine was destroying it (along with me) cell by cell. "Have you set it to not restore the demon?" I heard The Doctor ask Novice Hame , "yes, it's set to 'human' so the only one who will survive this process is your friend." I heard her respond.

Why was The Doctor doing all of this? Why did he even care? After all I'm just a normal human, nothing special, so why did he take me on as his responsibility? I don't understand why my future self warned him, how did I know him in the future? Did he try to stop me? I had so many questions and I choose the worst possible time to start asking them.

I started screaming in pain as the machine started to destroy my body, my legs were being turned to dust as it was working upwards. Why did it have to work upwards? Why couldn't it start at the brain and just kill me? I can see why this process was banned now, it WAS inhumane and brutal.

It made its way up my body, the scorching hot lasers and electrical charges firing into my body destroying each part of me. Since I couldn't move it made the process even worse, I began begging for death as I moved my eyes to look at where it was, it was at my chest. "Oh god." I said to myself in terror. It was about to destroy my heart.

"Say goodbye." I heard The Doctor say as he looked at my chest. Was he talking to me or the demon? Why was I questioning his faith in me?

I don't remember anything after that moment, once it got to my heart I must've died, or passed out from the pain. All I remember after that point was opening my eyes to see The Doctor frantically trying to open the now cracked glass dome around me. What had happened to me? The Doctor hardly ever loses his cool. Once the glass had came down and went back into the floor panels The Doctor quickly opened up the straps and hugged me tightly. "Are you okay?!" He asks as he felt my face and down my arms. "Y-yeah... Just... Dizzy." I responded slowly. "Yes the process does that to you." Novice Hame added. "Wh-what happened?" I asked looking up to The Doctor. "The machine began to malfunction, the demon must've tried to escape because the glass filled with a black smoke and the glass cracked." The Doctor paused to kiss my forehead, "but Novice Hame got it under control and I had a little speech, demanding that it let you go, in the end it must've died, or it found a shred of mercy in its black heart and let you." He continued. "His speech was quite sweet." Novice Hame added, ruffling her whiskers. "Shut up!" The Doctor sassed at her. I smiled softly to The Doctor and kissed his lips gently. "You're an idiot." I said, chuckling in my dazed state. The Doctor smiled sweetly at me. "I know." He responded. "You're my idiot." I smirked. The Doctor began laughing and hugged me again. It was finally over, the hell that was inside me, it was finally gone. I was free.

I grabbed the stuff that was removed from my pockets and we both thanked Novice Hame tremendously as we said our goodbyes to her. We then made our way back to the TARDIS and I fell into a chair once we got inside. "It's finally over then?" I asked The Doctor. "It seems that way." He replied. There was a brief silence before I finally asked The Doctor how he discovered where did the cleansing, he told me that when he went to the library to get something, it was to get a book, the book he snagged from the library in New York, that very book spoke of the ritual and how it had been passed down through time, The Doctor then told me he worked out who the machine would've went to, who would've sold it etc, he said there was multiple possibilities and he guessed lucky when he took me to Novice Hame.

After we talked and cleared things up I leaned back in the chair and realised just how normal I felt, "this body feels no different." I said to myself, The Doctor must've overheard me because he informed me that my body was exactly the same, just that every cell was remade and fixed, if it wasn't human, it wasn't remade, hence why the demon didn't survive. So my body was the exact same just it was sort of opened up to extract the monster. I sighed happily, that was new, I never sigh happily. Then again, I didn't feel like there was a cloud hanging over me either, where did my depression go? Was that demon the cause of everything? Why didn't I feel sad over the past?

I looked over to The Doctor, "when you say fixed, do you mean healed?" I asked. "yes, that includes chemical balances." He smiled. "That machine... It healed my depression?" I asked, baffled at the thought. "Yep!" He responded. "But what about the trauma and the past? I was miserable over it all." I added. "No you thought you were, well, the demon made you think you were, think back now, when you look to your past now, do you feel sad?" He asked. I thought back to the old days, all the pain and misery I had felt, it had gone, I felt at peace, like it didn't bother me anymore. "No, I don't feel sad." I said to The Doctor, feeling surprised. He smiled in response. "The demon, it was drip feeding you negative thoughts so when you'd think of something bad you'd blame it on your anxiety or your depression when really it was just that monster trying to control you so you'd give it more strength" The Doctor explained as he fiddled around with the console.

If that machine can heal depression then I'm sure there's a few people who'd want to use it, then again if someone told me a few years ago that id have to die in the most painful manner imaginable and be practically rebuilt then I'd probably turn it down.

"Thank you." I said to The Doctor. He looked at me with a confused look on his face, "what for?" He responded. "For saving me, for not giving up on me, for believing in me, thank you, it means more than you know, you're a good friend." I said to him in a soft voice. The Doctor smiled and looked down at the controls of the TARDIS, "it was my pleasure." He replied, fiddling with buttons.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and started to look through the photos I had taken over the time id had spent with The Doctor. There were pictures of planets, stars, creatures, the odd shameless selfie and that picture I had taken of the Weeping Angel back in New York. "Hey Doctor!" I said loudly to grab his attention, he poked his head out from around the console and looked at me. "Look at this picture I got of the Angel!" I said. He began walking around the console to me with a serious look on his face, "what's wrong?" I asked. "An image of an Angel becomes itself an Angel." He said as he took the phone out of my hands. He fiddled with it for a while and handed it back to me, I saw that he had deleted the picture. "Okay...what?" I said, confused. "That picture, it would've become an actual angel eventually." He explained. I was quite surprised at how versatile the Angels were. I guess The Doctor somewhat saved me again.

I shoved my phone back into my pocket and stood up, "so, where are we off now?" I asked The Doctor with a smile, leaning against the console.

BOOM, the TARDIS began moving. "Home." The Doctor smiled weakly.

My heart sank, Why was he taking me home?

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