Soul Chaser: Broken (on hold)

JJCBlogger2000 द्वारा

725 17 17

"If you wish really hard, your wish can come true." Yukari Maiko and Syaoran Tatana were friends for what se... अधिक

Chapter 1: Sweet Pixie Tree

Chapter 2: Lock it in a Locket

22 3 1
JJCBlogger2000 द्वारा

hmm.... SoulChaser doesn't seem to be doing as well as the others... shall i continue? 

Syaoran's P.O.V: 

I caught up to Ike and Yukari just as they were turning down the hall. "Hey guys! can you help me prepare for the Vaditum today?" I asked.

Ike laughed. "Syaoran, we helped you yesterday AND the day before! hm..come to think of it, we've been helping you every single day since the Vaditums started! I'm worn out! You can ask Yukari!"

Yukari laughed backing away. "No no no! Not going to happen! Last time i helped you with one of the study tests, you ended up sleep walking coz you were so tired and you attacked me with a paper sword! I GOT A PAPER CUT!"

I smiled. "Yukari! You sleep walk too! well...sleep bite... anyway don't worry Yukari! this time, it's a physical! I'm competing against the top five!" Top five is what we refer to as the top students of our class. we don't even call them by there names, just 'top five' . 

"Oh yeah! The last Vaditum! " Yukari clapped her hands together excitedly, "Once you pass this, you're fit as a fiddle and ready to go to Uni!"

Ike flipped through his book. "Physical hey? Yeah Yukari should help you, besides i got my glasses! I can't be near rough activities."

Yukari stared at him. "Ike Satani Hiko! You lazy, glasses crazy jerk! Why you dumping everything on me!" 

I laughed. "Hey hey hey, now guys no more fighting. I you guys want to fight then do it in the Vaditum! I bet you guys could do some serious damage! remember last time you guys argued? You guys were argueing about what we should get for lunch and I ended up being the one who got whacked in the eye with a hot dog. "

Yukari blushed looking down. "I AM SO SORRY SYAORAN!" you could practically see the embarressment glowing around her. "I was aiming for Ike's stupid head!" she glared at Ike. Typical Yukari. 

I smiled. "It's okay. I just had to have my eyes checked and all and had to have a piece of hot dog removed from the inside of my eye...wonder how that got there... anyway. No damage down!" I said calmly.

"Well," Ike stepped in, "Since Yukari hit you, she is indebt to you so... Yukari will be helping you with today's Vaditum practise! Besides, as you can see, she's already got the whole 'physical' part down! No one could be better! " Typical Ike, never wanting to go anywhere near anything with the letter 'Phy-' in them e.g Physical, Physical Eduacation, Physical Science, Physical Activities, besides Physics. Thats something he likes. 

Yukari stuck her tongue out at Ike which made him laugh. It was weird. They've got totally opposite personalities but they can still stand being in the same room with each other without spitting spit balls at each other, mainly because Ike thinks it's disgusting and Yukari can't spit. Believe me she's tried! All that comes out is a pfffffft sound. Anyway they also can go through a day without having a tranquilizer dart war, unlike some people... Yes, i know a lot of strange people. 

"Well....Ike has got a point there..." i mumbled scratching the back of my head nervously. I had to be VERY careful right now, because i had an uneasy feeling that if i didn't choose my words right, Yukari was going to bite my head off.

Hey that reminds me of a time when we were kids. All three of us went on a camping to the Atuarra. It's Latin for Water Land. I bet you guys are thinking 'wetland' right? It's like a lake except its also not like a lake. Okay! Restart! Atuarra (pronounce a-tooRa ((sorry i'm not good with pronounciations)) ) was a lake with water like air. We could breath in it but it still had the other characteristics of water like bubbles and underwater animals. We camped in Atuarra with Cyads swimming , or floating, around our tent. 

Cyads are like flying fish except they glow and light up the entire Atuarra. Their light reveal all the other weird creatures in the depths of Atuarra. It's a really beautiful place. Well it would be better if you weren't camping with Yukari. I woke up with her climbing on top of me and dream saying, "Ohhh come here watermelon! " and biting my head..well we sorted that out by ducktaping her inside her sleeping bag.

Everything was fine until i was woken up by something sounding like a dying that case it was a dying Ike. Poor dude. Yukari was clinging to his head saying "Yummy yummy watermelon" and biting him while he flopped around helplessly in his sleeping bag. He kinda looked like a Cyad without wings...Sometimes...i think Yukari is part...wolf or something...or a sleeping wolf. Okay back to today.

She folded her arms. "Fine, but if i get some permanent damage like lose an arm or something in the process. I'm going to get a new one from you by getting one of yours amputated. Then i'll use it as a replacement for what ever i'm missing." she said glaring at Ike. She can be scary at times, but thats why we all love her! sort of.. 

Ike took off his glasses and carefully wiped them on his 100% cotton shirt. you know how long it took him to get that? Those t-shirts are rare! well in our city anyway. "My My Yukari. I never thought that this day would ever come, well not in another millenium. The day you'd use such intelligent words such as permanent, amputated and replacement. How did you gain IQ points so fast?" 

Wow! Ike did it! I could hear something snap inside of Yukari. I could already imagine her strangling Ike but that would get the attention of the hall monitors and we already had enough complaints from the nurses in the infirmary about half dead hall monitors coming in with ceiling fans or locker doors attached do them. don't ask how that happened. 

She cooled off, closing her eyes and takomg a nice deep breathe. When she opened them again i knew straight away what she was about to do. There was a red glow coming from her eyes. Not good. She took another deep breathe and muttered a word under her breathe while glaring at Ike's hair. "ignis". Usually Yukari preferred water and light magic to fire, but it didn't mean she hadn't any fiery tricks up her sleeve. 

Suddenly Ike's hair burst into flames and if you painted him with stripes of pink and white, i swear he'd look like a giant birthday candle! Well...a birthday candle with legs. He immediately ran around trying to put out his hair. It was an enchanted fire so blowing on it or simply "Stop, Drop and Roll" were totally useless.

Yukari smirked at her 'work of art', "Ike, for once you actually look hot!" she said fluttering her eyelashes and fanning herself with her hand while laughing. This is the ONLY time Yukari would ever say that! 

 Ike cast a water spell to put out his hair, "very mature Yukari, Very mature." he said with a roll of his eyes. "If you'd stop playing games, you've got a date with combat practise. The Vaditum is tomorrow." he said wiping his burned black glasses.

Yukari smiled triumphantly, clearly declaring she had won this battle. "Oh and about the Vaditum. " she unclipped something from around her neck, took my hand and placed something cold and shiny in my hand. 

I looked down to see the white gold locket i gave her when we were kids has a form of our friendship. I'll tell you about it another time. I looked at her, slightly confused, "Why are you giving me this? don't tell me you don't want to b-" 

She poked my nose. "Slow down dude, let me speak. This locket has always brought me goodluck and happiness. I want you to have it when you go into the Vaditum, you know? for a bit more luck!" 

I smiled hugging her, "Thanks Yukari. " Ike stood looking at us, "So she gets a hug and a 'thanks' when she gives you a locket and i get a split headache when i give you my entire night to study with you for the 'so you think you can think' Vaditum?" 

I laughed, "Come here Ike! GROUP HUG!" Ike rolled his eyes with a smile and we all did a HUGE hug. I felt Yukari do something fidgetty and Ike's hair suddenly caught a lite again in a blazing white flame. As he ran off trying to put out his 'hot' hair, I glared at Yukari. "Really? Yukari? Really?" She was hugging me smiling, "After all, Three's a crowd! this is much better!" 

I smiled hugging her back just as Ike came back covered in water. "Let the Combat Begin." 

it took me a long long time to write this chapter and i seriously hope you guys like it! i'm seriously worried about this book...should i continue?


pic: the locket. i'll find a more better pic next time.

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