Finding love without wanting...

By perfectpinkcess

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Aubree or Bree Evans is an 17 year senior in high school who also happens to be a mom to a 3 year old little... More

Chapter:1 Next time I have a kid I'll make sure its ugly
Chapter: 2 Mr.Noah Gold and his million dollar smile
Chapter: 3 Your dad is marrying a twenty two year old
Chapter 4: Your asking for my advice?
Chapter 5: Will you clean my car?
Chapter 7: Liars and slutty disney characters.
Chapter 8: Truth, Pasts and Home Tests
Chapter 9: Food fights, forgiveness and Kidnapping
Chapter 10:Day before thanksgiving

Chapter 6: Twilight and seeing something special.

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By perfectpinkcess

Today is homecoming and I'm very nervous I have never been to a school dance before. In high school anyway. I'm going to Kylie's house tonight to get ready with her and Brooke. Ember will be there too because we are dropping her off at Noah's house after he picks me up.

It's four o'clock and two hours from when the boys pick us up to bring us to dinner before hand, Noah insisted because it was technically our first date.

I arrive at Kylie's house and Taylor her mom opens the door.

"Hi Bree ohh you have Ember she even cuter than last time"Taylor says.

"Thanks is Kylie is up stairs" I ask.

"Yep go right up ohh Ember I have tangled recorded on the tv if you want"Taylor offers.

"Yes please"Ember smile. Thank goodness she remembered her manners.

"Alright call me if you need anything baby girl I'll be just up stairs" I say.

I go up stairs where Brooke is rubbing Kylie shoulders.

"Hey Bree"Kylie smiles.

"Hey what are you two up to"I ask.

"Well since you and Talia got in an arguement and I defended you she has been working me to the bone"Kylie says.

"Oh my god Kyle I'm so sorry"I say sincerly.

"It's fine seriously It will only make me a better cheerleader"she says.

"Really"I ask confused.

"Yeah but I insist you rub my feet"she says.

"Of course"I say going up to her.

"Is Ember down stairs with Taylor"Brooke asks.

"Yep she is watching Tangled"I say.

"Has she finally decided what she wanted to dress up as for halloween?"Kylie asks.

"Nope it's between Elsa and a football player"I say.

"Well I think the footballer player outfit will be easier to get"Brooke adds.

"I think your right"I laugh

"So what time are the boys getting us"Brooke asks.

"Six I think, I'll text Logan"Kylie says.

"Wait is Ben and Lauren coming to dinner with us?"I ask confused on the plan.

"Nope he is at a party at Laurens house before Homecoming"Kylie says.

"Wow a family dinner with a member missing"Brooke whispers.

"Well we have Noah maybe a new family member"Kylie teases.

"I don't think Ben would like it if we made Noah a member and not Lauren"I say knowingly.

"Well she is friends with Talia she can not be trusted"Brooke points out.

"Plus this is my first date with Noah and my first real date period and not even a real date because it's a group and the homecoming dance"I rant.

"You went out with Ben for like three years and he took you out on a date?"Brooke asks confused.

"We were eleven and broke the most we did was play xbox which I hated and watched tv"I admit.

"Huh I remember my first real date like a proper adult it's was also the day I lost my virginity."Kylie says.

"We know we heard this story a thousand times Logan took you in arms and you made sweet sweet love in the back of Jackies van, which she still has"Brooke complains.

"Well it's not like yours is better you lost your virginity to Cooper preston and then realised you loved Caleb"Kylie reminds.

"Ohh I guess I don't have the right to judge"She thinks.

"Come on Bree you know both of ours"Kylie says trying to get me to tell the story of how I lost my virginity.

"Fine"I give up.

"Really"They both ask shocked.

"Yeah I mean Ben has moved on with Lauren and I'm thinking of moving on with Noah so I guess there is no point of keeping it a secret"I say unsure why I kept it a secret in the first palce.

"Okay spill"Kylie says.

"Well It was in the basement of my old house"I start.

"And"Brooke pushes.

"What can I say we had a botte of vodka, a blue ray version of twilight and a condomn he thought he knew how to use"I flat out say.

"Wait you lost you virginity during a twilight movie"Brooke laughs.

"Really that is what you take from that story"I ask.

"Which one?"Kylie asks.

"What"I say confused.

"Which Twilight film"Kylie clarified.

"Eclipse I think"I answer.

"Wow I can't believe you actually told us"Kylie says.

"Kinda makes me wish Ben was here so we could tease him about it"Brooke thinks out loud.

"Yeah, Hey remember the last dance we all went to together"Kylis reminds.

"Yeah it was a halloween dance the school held it was about a week before I got pregnant"I remember.

"Yeah god did you ever think life would be like this"Brooke muses.

"Yeah"I confess.

"What"Kylie asks.

"Yeah I mean for guys your both still with your middle school boyfriends, Kylie your like the best cheerleader on the team and Brooke your in the top of our class both your lives so far are going right where you thought but for me my life took a 360 degree turn into crazy town I'm a fuck up"I rant.

"Bree you are not a fuck up. I'm a fuck up I slept with a guy Caleb hates just to get back at him for flirting with Naomi Mint and we were broken up for six months because of it I could have lost the guy I love because I so jealous all the time"Brooke says.

"Yeah and I'm so perfect I stopped sticking up for you last week because that bitch Talia said she would but me on the bottom of the pyramid we all fuck up somrtime you just get a beautiful little girl with yours"Kylie says sarcastically.

We all start to cry and laugh when Ember walks in.

"Mommy whats wrong"She says coming over to me hugging me from behind.

"Nothing baby girl why don't you help us get ready for the dance huh"I say in an excited voice .

"Yay"She screams.

"Come on fire cracker"Brooke says lifting her up.

Fro the next hour or so we start to get ready I very rearly wear makeup mostly because I'm aways out of money. So Kylie did a smokey eye on me and Brooke because she is the most girly out of all of us and can actually do makeup.

Then I cruled my hair because I can do that. Brooke put her hair in a sleek pony tale with the help of extensions as het hair is naturally shoulder length.Where as Kylie straightened her hair.

Then finally I put on the dress I rented becuase it was cheaper. It was a deep purple which was covered in lace and it was knee length.

Finally it was six o'clock and the boys arrive Ember ran downstairs to greet them and I couldn't help hear the exchange.

"Hey Fire cracker"Caleb says.

"Hello"Ember chimes.

"Do the girls look good"Logan asks.

"They look like princesses"Ember replies.

"Hey Ember"Noah say.

"Hi"Ember says shyly.

"You look very nice"Noah says.

"Thank you"She smiles I guess that girl is a sucker for compliments

Me and the girls make our way down stairs. I see the boys look up at us smiles on all their faces.

"Ember you were right they do look like princesses"Caleb says.

"Told you"Ember says.

"You look Beautiful"Noah told me.

"Thank you, you don't look to bad your self"I say.

"Okay lets take pictures"Taylor says

We take picture for what feels like forver and of course my favourite is the one of just me and Ember.

"Wait"Noah says getting in the picture with Ember and I.

This make me surprisling happy.

"Okay have a nice night kids and Logan I want Kylie before midnight"Taylor warns.

"Of course"He replies.

We go outside and there is a limo.

"Really"I ask surprised.

"Yes Really"Noah says opening the door.

We all get in and Ember is very excited.

"Mommy I like the fancy car"She says and everyone laughs a little.

"Me too baby"I say kissing her forehead.

Before I knew it we were at Noahs house. Me and Noah get out with Ember and Carly opens the door.

"Hello Ember"She smile down at her.

"Hi"Ember says hiding behind my leg abit.

I get down to her level.

"Baby this is Carly and you and her are going to hang out for a bit okay"I say.

"But I want to go with mommy in the fancy car"She whimpers.

"Ohh but you will so much more fun here Carly has so many disney films and I also hear she might have mac and chesse waiting for you"I whisper.

"Mac and cheese"She squeals lowly.

"Yep, Okay"I say.


"I love you my little firecracker"

"I love you too mommy"

I hug her and kiss her on the head .

"Bye baby"

"Bye mommy"She says walking into Noahs house which was quite nice.

Me and Noah get back into the limo.

"Hey Bree you okay"Kylie asks.

"Yep I'm fine I just hate leaving her"I admit.

"Well remember you deserve some fun too"Caleb says.

"Yeah your right so where are we going to eat"I ask.

"Coastline"Noah answers.

"What that is the hottest restaurant in town and like impossible to get into"Kylie says.

"My aunt owns the place I work there on the weekend sometimes"Noah admits.

The Limo stops and we get out heading toward the door of the resturant. When we walk into the resturant we are greeted by a plump woman wear a powder blue blazer with matching skirt.She had short curly brunette hair.

"Noah"the woman greet.

"Aunt Scarlett"Noah say going and hugging the woman.

"Wow don't you look handsome just like your grandfather I have always siad that you have his eyes"Scarlett admires.

"Thanks, aunt Scarlett there is someone I would like you to meet this is my date Bree"Noah sasy ushering over.

"Oh my aren't you gorgeous"She says looking at me.

"Thank you, your restaurant is beautiful "I compliment.

"Why thank you dear let me show you your table only the best for my favourite Nephew"She says.

She bring us a table right beside the window each couple getting their own table.

"I wanted some time to talk to you on your own"Noah says pulling out my chair for me.

"Thank you"I say sitting down.

I go to grab a menu but Noah stops me.

"You don't need it I know the best stuff here"Noah brags.

"Really"I ask.

"Yes have a little faith"Noah says.

"Okay I trust you"I smile.

The waiter came over he was a short man with chestnut hair and about mid-twenties.

"Hi I'm Gavin and I'll be serving you tonight are you ready to order"He asks.

"Yes for starters we will have chessey garlic bread, then for our main course we will have the shrimp alfredo and then for dessert we will have oreo cheese cake"He orders.

"And drinks"Gavin asks writting down our food order.

"I will have a coke and she will have some ice tea with two sweetner packets so she can sweeten the ways she likes"Noah smirks at me.

"That will be right up"Gavin smiles and walks away to the I kitchen.

I glare at Noah.

"Who told you"I ask.

"Told me what"He asks.

"That I hate garlic bread unless it's cheesy, that I love shrimp with a passion and cheese cake is my favourite dessert ooh and lets not forget how you magiclly knew how I love my favourite drink Ice tea"I rant skepical.

"Lets just say lucky guess"He says.

"Really"I say even more skeptical.

"No I know you only like cheesy garlic bread because you told me remember the cafiteria was serving garlic bread and you gave Kylie your and when I asked you why you said you didn't like garlic bread you only like cheesy garlic bread"he reminds.

"What about the shrimp"I ask.

"When you where teling me the story about the time you, Kylie and Brooke snuck into Brooke parents dinner party and ate all the shrimp because it is your favourite"He remind again.

"And the Cheese cake"I ask.

"You begged Kylie to have Cheese cake at the eighteenth birthyday party you guys had for her"He remind again.

"And finally the ice tea"I ask.

"Yesterday morning when Caleb brought you ice tea for say thank you for helping him with his shift at the diner you asked him did he put two sweetners in it"He say resting his case.

"Wow I don't know wheither to find that sweet or creepy"I joke

"Sweet I hope"he smiles. God his smile is amazing.

"Sweet it is but now I want to know you"I say.

"Okay want to play twenty questions"Noah suggests.

"Sure I'll start.Whats your favourite colour"I ask.

"Red. You?"He ask.

"Green but not like puke green like emerald green"I clear up.

"Okay Whats your biggest fear"He asks.

"Becoming my mom" I say.

"Really mines becoming my dad"He says.

"Why"I ask.

"He gave up a twenty five year marriage and his youngest son for some twenty two year old bimbo, I never want to be that selfish and stupid"He says angerily.

"Well guess we both have at least one shitty parent"I say.

"Heres your drinks"Gavin says butting our drinks down.

"Cheers to that"He says.

"Cheers"I smile at him.

For the next hour and a half me and Noah talked and laugh about anything and everything.

"Okay we have been waiting for you two to finish for a half an hour come already"Loagn says.

"Ohh sorry guy we just lost track of time lets go"I say.

The six of us get in the limo to get to the school for the dance. We get out and see Ben and Lauren getting their picture taken.

"Hey guys"Ben calls over.

"Hey Ben"I say.

"Bree you said you weren't come tonight wheres Ember"He asks.

"She with my mom"Noah said

"Ohh will I pick Ember up after the dance"He asks.

"No it's fine Me and Noah aren't staying very long I'll just drop Ember off at your house on my way to work tomorrow"I say walking over to the camara guy.

Me and Noah get one of these typical school dance photos one where the guy stands behind the girl.

We walk into the gym and it is tranformed with decorations it's beautiful.

"Want to dance?"Noah asks me.

Just then 'All of me' by john legend came on.

I wrap my arms around Noahs neck and he puts his hands on my wiast.

"Those hands better not go too north or too south"Caleb say to Noah.

"They wouldn't its fine"Noah assures him.

"What a gentleman"I joke.

"Have I told you tonight you look beautiful"Noah asks.

"Yes"I say.

"Well you do"Noah says.

"Thank you"I blush.

We dance to a few more songs when another slow song came on. I start to dance with Noah awhen Ben comes over.

"May I cut in?"He asks.

Me and Ben look at each other confused.

"Em...sure"Ben says confused going over to Caleb and Logan who were getting punch. I turn to Ben  with a confused stare.

"Why so formal"I ask.

"Thats they way they ask in the movies "He answered.

I put my arms around his neck.

"So is your girlfriend okay with this"I ask.

"Yeah she is fine, is your boyfriend?"He asks.

"Noah is not my boyfriend"He reply.

"I think he wants to be"He says.

"Yeah maybe"I reply.

"So I really don't mind picking up Ember up"Ben offers.

"No it's fine plus don't you want to have a special night with Lauren"I ask.

"I don't know"Ben admits.

"What you don't know, what kind of guy are you"I ask

"I'm nervous okay I have only had sex once and we both know how that turned out"He says.

"Ben that was different we were thirteen, drunk and stupid now your seventeen sober I think and a lot smarter"I assure him.

"Thanks Bree"He says giving me a hug and walking away over to Lauren.

Noah walks back over to me  with a smile on his face.

"Hey it's getting late want to go"Noah asks.

"Sure"I smile.

I go over and say goodbye to everyone before leaving.

"How will everyone get home if we take the limo"I ask before getting in the limo.

"I'll send it back"He says.

"Who paid for this by the way" I ask.

"My dad I told him about the dance and he insisted since he isn't here to see me go to it says it will include him in the night or something like that"He explained.

"Do you talk to your dad much"I ask.

"Yeah he calls like every second day"I say.

"Ohh cool do you talk to your brothers often"I ask.

"Yeah like every day they are my main source of advice even though they both tell me completely opposite things sometimes"He says.

"Really?"I ask.

"Yeah like when I told them about you Adam told to go for it and Liam said to wait for a while and see if there is anything special"He said.

"So I see you took Adams advice"I said.

"Nope I want to ask you out the day I saw you but I waited like three weeks and I saw something I think could be special"He smiles.

Before I could respond to what Noah had said  we arrive at his house. We get out and make our way to the house.Carly opens the door.

"She fell asleep about an hour ago"She says.

"Okay I'll just grab her"I say going in to the living room and picking up Ember who sleeping peacefully.

"I'm going to give them a ride home"Noah says.

We walk outside to Noahs car a balck Audi 3.

"Nice car"I whisper buckling Ember in the back of the car.

"Thanks another dad guilt present"Ben says.

I laugh quietly getting in the front of the car. Ben starts the car and we start to drive to my apartment.

"So I told you about my dad, tell me about yours"He asks.

"It's kind of a long story"I say.

"I have time"He reply.

"Okay well I was Born in Chicago but when my mom left we moved here my dad started his company  a few years before so we were well off"I start.

"Yeah keep going"He encourages.

"Well since he so busy with the business he just pushed me off on nannys which I hated so I acted out and  we a terrible influence on my friend i mean they were Bad but i was really bad getting suspened twice in four months"I continue.

"Wow never seen you as the bad girl type"He says.

"Trust me I was the worst so when I was twelve my dad stopped hiring nanny to take care of me and left me two hundred a month on the table for me to keep me alive"I say.

"Really"He asks.

"Yeah and so I started buying achol for my friends and doing really supid stuff and I mean really stupid like getting pregnant at thirteen so I had to tell him so I sent him an email he was furious"I say.

"Well I would guess so"He replys.

"Yeah then for my entire pregnancy I saw him about two times and that is not very much for two people who lived in the same house. When Ember was born my dad came to the hospital when I was a sleep and when Ember came home he just left Three hundred dollars and it did not stretch as far as It did when I was just buying alchol and not Diapers"I laugh and he laughs with me.

"Next when Ember was eight months old and I was in the middle of freshman year my dad told me he had the oppurtunity to expand the company in Newyork and he was going to take it. I had a choice to make stay and be with my friends and Ember be with her father but have no help from my father money or orther wise because the only way my father would let me stay is if I got empancipated"

"Or"He asks.

"Go with my dad be in newyork have everything paid for but leave my friends behind and take Ember away from her father"I say.

"Why did you choose to stay"He asks.

"Well I thought about it this way it was either me have my dad or Ember having hers and I lost my dad years ago might aswell let Ember have hers"I finish.

"Wow thats some story"He says.

"Yeah how long have we been parked outside my apartment"I ask.

"About ten minuets"He laughs.

I go to the back of the car to get a sleeping Ember. Noah walks me up to my door.

"Thanks for telling me about your dad "He says.

"Its only far you told me about yours"I say.

"I really enjoyed tonight"He says.

"Me too"I reply.

"I think I'm winning you over Aubree Evans"He says.

"I think so too"I say.

I lean in and kiss him on the cheek because I did have my sleeping child in my arms.

"Good night Noah"

"Good night Aubree"He smirks..

I unlock my door and Noah turns around to leave.

"Hey Noah"I say.

he turns around.


"I think this could be something special too"I smile.

He smiles and turns around. I walk into my apartment and put Ember in her bed I am amazed she hasn't woke up she usally is a very light sleeper and you wake her with a pin drop.

I walk into my room to remove my make up, wash my face and change into my pajamas to get ready before bed not before txting Kylie and Brooke telling them about my night afterwards. I turn my phone off and get in to bed thinking this could be something special

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