The Angel From God

By BiancaRoodt

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Lily Clark is just your normal 17 year old, from California. Her mom and dad is divorced and like you guessed... More

~Cast list~
Chapter 1~Intruder alert
Chapter 1 part 2~ Thank you
Chapter 2~She's Different
Chapter 3~Feelings
Chapter 4~Dreams and dinners
Chapter 5~Spiders
Chaper 6~Don't panic
Chapter 6 Part 2~ Apology
Chapter 7~Dad
Chapter 8~Speechless
Chapter 9~Girl talk
Chapter 10~Surprise visitor
Chapter 11~Past memories
Chapter 12~My hero
Chapter 14~ Wedding Dates
Chapter 15 ~Wedding
Chapter 16~Tied up
Chapter 17~True colors
Chapter 18~Pain
Chapter 19~Safe her
Author's Note

Chapter 13~Hidden secrets

34 7 5
By BiancaRoodt

Lily's POV

"What are we looking for again?"  Dust made it's way in my mouth, making me cough.

We were in the attic of Alec's house, our parents were downstairs probably flirting. That thought made  goosebumps form all over. If someone saw me now they would see me as a chicken and chop me up like the rest.

"Some old record players." Alec's voice broke my thoughts, with only a dim light could I see his face.

It was dusty,scary and dark in here. There were loads of closes boxes in here, if he thinks that we will find it in just 10 minutes he sure are wrong.

"You carry on looking I will be right back. Oh and please don't break anything."

"When we are done here you owe me a delicious piece of chocolate cake." I stated.

"Sure you need it anyways." He quickly made his escape before I could stabb him to death with an key.

I used the key to open yet another box that were taped closed. There were many news articles in this one. My eyes caught one that stood out

20th April 1998

Tom Parker is the police's only suspect in the death of his wife.

All evidence point to Mr. Parker after the tragic death of his wife. She was found in their living room after their 7 year old son, Alec Parker saw her and called it in.

She had several stab wounds that indicate she was murdered. After talking to the neighborhood they described the family as perfect loving family. They always attended to all sosial events. No one ever saw this coming.

May Mrs.Elizabeth Parker rest in peace.

Fear is not even the word to describe how I feel. My mother is dating a man accused of murder,but not just anyone his own wife.

"Hey I'm sor-" Alec startled me, I tripped over my own feet as I were about to fell.

Before I could even touch the ground his arms were around my waist.

"Why do you always save me?" I whispered more to myself but he still heard it. He was still holding me as we gazed in each others eyes.

"Maybe I'm your guardian angel.." He suggested as his warm breath brushed against my now warm cheek.

He leaned in, something just pulled me closes to him. I could almost feel his lips on mine.

"Did you find it?" We were both startled by his father standing at the steps of the attic looking at us. This moment just had to be ruined.

I took this as my chance to put the old newspaper piece in my pocket without them noticing.


Morning soon became night as I sat on my bed with my laptop in front of me.

What are you hiding Tom Parker.

I found out that Tom was admitted at an insane hospital. While Alec lived with his aunt. Tom got out and started his own business because no one would hire him. Soon they moved here,where they started a new life.

I won't allow my mother to date some psycho! One question lingered in my mind.

Did he kill his wife or was is just an misunderstanding?

My thoughts got interrupted by my phone ringing. Without looking I answered.


"Hey Lily it's Alec" he sounded a little sad.

"Is everything fine?"

"Yeah it's just, will you meet me at the coffee shop?"



Alec and I was currently sitting in front of each other.

"So why are we here?"

"I feel the need to get things of my chest."

"Why don't you talk to your dad?"

"It's him I want to talk about.."


"He's been acting weird again and-" I cut him of.


"Yeah about a week before...mother died he acted out, getting mad all the time,drink like crazy... I'm worried." He looked so helpless and it broke my heart to see him like this.

"Don't be Alec I'm sure nothing bad will happen." I placed my hand on his.

I knew perfectly well that nothing was going to be okay. I knew what was coming but couldn't do a darn thing about it.

Hope you loved it!! Never saw that coming did you?? Please vote or comment!😀🌸

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