A Random Poem Book


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Abandoned Farmhouse by Ted Kooser
Abraham Lincoln Walks at MidnightBy Vachel Lindsay
Across the BayBy Donald Davie
Actaeon By A. E. Stallings
Adam's Curse By William Butler Yeats
Adlestrop By Edward Thomas
Advection Blues By Michael Metivier
Advice to a Prophet By Richard Wilbur
The Affliction of Richard By Robert Bridges
After a Rainstorm By Robert Wrigley
After Apple-Picking By Robert Frost
After the Disaster By Abigail Deutsch
After the Gentle Poet Kobayashi Issa By Robert Hass
After the Winter By Claude McKay
Ah! Why, Because the Dazzling Sun By Emily Brontë
The Albatross By Kate Bass
All Hallows' Eve By Dorothea Tanning
All This and More By Mary Karr
Always Something More Beautiful By Stephen Dunn
America By Claude McKay
The American Soldier By Philip Freneau
American Solitude By Grace Schulman
Amor Mundi By Christina Rossetti
Analysis of Baseball By May Swenson
And If I Did, What Then? By George Gascoigne
And Soul By Eavan Boland
Anecdote of the Jar By Wallace Stevens
Angels By B. H. Fairchild
The animals in that country By Margaret Atwood
The Animals By Josephine Jacobsen
Anne Rutledge By Edgar Lee Masters
Another Feeling By Ruth Stone
Ant By Matthew Francis
Anthem for Doomed Youth By Wilfred Owen
Apollo By Elizabeth Alexander
An Apology For Her Poetry By Duchess of Newcastle Margaret Cavendish
The Appalachian Book of the Dead By Charles Wright
April Love By Ernest Dowson
April Midnight By Arthur Symons
Aria By David Barber
The Arrow and the Song By Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Ars Poetica By Archibald MacLeish
The Art Room By Shara McCallum
As Children Know By Jimmy Santiago Baca
As Kingfishers Catch Fire By Gerard Manley Hopkins
At Carmel Highlands By Janet Loxley Lewis
At Cross Purposes By Samuel Menashe
At Last the New Arriving By Gabrielle Calvocoressi
At Melville's Tomb By Hart Crane
At the New Year By Kenneth Patchen
At the Vietnam Memorial By George Bilgere
August 12 in the Nebraska Sand Hills Watching the Perseids Meteor Shower
Author's Prayer By Ilya Kaminsky
The Author to Her Book By Anne Bradstreet
Auto-Lullaby By Franz Wright
An Autumn Sunset By Edith Wharton
Awaking in New York By Maya Angelou
Backdrop addresses cowboy By Margaret Atwood
The Bad Old Days By Kenneth Rexroth
Banneker By Rita Dove
Barber By Larry Bradley
A Barred Owl By Richard Wilbur
Barter By Sara Teasdale
Battle-Hymn of the Republic By Julia Ward Howe
Battlefield By Mark Turcotte
'Be Music, Night' By Kenneth Patchen
The Bearer By Hayden Carruth
Beautiful Wreckage By W.D. Ehrhart
Becoming a Redwood By Dana Gioia
Before the Birth of One of Her Children By Anne Bradstreet
Beginning By James Wright
Bells for John Whiteside's Daughter By John Crowe Ransom
Bent to the Earth By Blas Manuel De Luna
Bereavement By William Lisle Bowles
Big City Speech By W. S. Di Piero
The Birth of John Henry By Melvin B. Tolson
A Birthday By Christina Rossetti
Black Boys Play the Classics By Toi Derricotte
Blackberry-Picking By Seamus Heaney
Blackberrying By Sylvia Plath
Bleeding Heart By Carmen Giménez Smith
A Blessing By James Wright
Blind Curse By Simon J. Ortiz
A Blind Fisherman By Stanley Moss
The Bloody Sire By Robinson Jeffers
The Blue Booby By James Tate
A Boat Beneath a Sunny Sky By Lewis Carroll
Boy and Egg By Naomi Shihab Nye
Break, Break, Break By Alfred, Lord Tennyson
Break of Day By John Donne
Break of Day in the Trenches By Isaac Rosenberg
Brian Age Seven By Mark Doty
Bright Copper Kettles By Vijay Seshadri
"Bright star, would I were stedfast as thou art" By John Keats
Broken Promises By David Kirby
The Brook By Edward Thomas
[Buffalo Bill 's] By E. E. Cummings
Buick By Karl Shapiro
Burning the Old Year By Naomi Shihab Nye
Cabezón By Amy Beeder
Cadillac Moon By Kevin Young
Caged Bird By Maya Angelou
Calmly We Walk through This April's Day By Delmore Schwartz
Camouflaging the Chimera By Yusef Komunyakaa
Camouflaging the Chimera By Yusef Komunyakaa
The Campus on the Hill By W. D. Snodgrass
Candles By Carl Dennis
Carnival By Rebecca Lindenberg
Cartoon Physics, part 1 By Nick Flynn
Catch a Little Rhyme By Eve Merriam
Cathedral of Salt By Nick Flynn
A Celebration of Charis: I. His Excuse for Loving By Ben Jonson
A Certain Kind of Eden By Kay Ryan
Channel Firing By Thomas Hardy
The Charge of the Light Brigade By Alfred, Lord Tennyson
Chez Jane By Frank O'Hara
Chicago and December By W. S. Di Piero
Chickamauga By Charles Wright
Childhood By Margaret Walker
The Children of the Poor By Gwendolyn Brooks
The Children's Hour By Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
The Chimney Sweeper: A little black thing among the snow By William Blake
The Chimney Sweeper: When my mother died I was very young By William Blake
Choices By Tess Gallagher
Chord By Stuart Dybek
Chorus Sacerdotum By Baron Brooke Fulke Greville
City Lights By Mary Avidano
The City of Sleep By Rudyard Kipling
Clear Night By Charles Wright
Clothespins By Stuart Dybek
The Clouded Morning By Jones Very
Coda By Basil Bunting
Cold Blooded Creatures By Elinor Wylie
The Collar By George Herbert
Come into Animal Presence By Denise Levertov
The Coming of the Plague By Weldon Kees
Concord Hymn By Ralph Waldo Emerson
Confessions By Robert Browning
The Conqueror Worm By Edgar Allan Poe
The Consent By Howard Nemerov
Constantly Risking Absurdity (#15) By Lawrence Ferlinghetti
Contraction By Ravi Shankar
The Convergence of the Twain By Thomas Hardy
Cool Tombs By Carl Sandburg
Corn Maze By David Barber
A Country Boy in Winter By Sarah Orne Jewett
A Country Incident By May Sarton
Courtesy By David Ferry
Coy Mistress By Annie Finch
The Craftsman By Marcus B. Christian
Crepuscule with Muriel By Marilyn Hacker
The Cricket and the Grasshopper By Dan Beachy-Quick
The Cross of Snow By Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Crossing the Bar By Alfred, Lord Tennyson
Curandera By Pat Mora
Dancers Exercising By Amy Clampitt
Danse Russe By William Carlos Williams
The Daring One By Edwin Markham
The Darker Sooner By Catherine Wing
The Darkling Thrush By Thomas Hardy
Dawn Chorus By Sasha Dugdale
The Day Lady Died By Frank O'Hara
The Day By Geoffrey Brock
The Days Gone By By James Whitcomb Riley
Deaf-Mute in the Pear Tree By P. K. Page
Dear Reader By Rita Mae Reese
Death of a Naturalist By Seamus Heaney
The Death of Allegory By Billy Collins
The Definition of Love By Andrew Marvell
Degrees of Gray in Philipsburg By Richard Hugo
Delia 33: When men shall find thy flower, thy glory, pass By Samuel Daniel
Deliberate By Amy Uyematsu
The Delight Song of Tsoai-talee By N. Scott Momaday
The Delta By Bruce Bond
Desert By Josephine Miles
The Destruction of Sennacherib By Lord Byron (George Gordon)
Diameter By Michelle Y. Burke
Difference By Stephen Vincent Benét
Digging By Seamus Heaney
Dirge in Woods By George Meredith
Dirge Without Music By Edna St. Vincent Millay
Discrimination By Kenneth Rexroth
Disenchantment Bay By Timothy Murphy
A Display of Mackerel By Mark Doty
Do Not! By Stevie Smith
Domestic Situation By Ernest Hilbert
The Donkey By G. K. Chesterton
Double Dutch By Gregory Pardlo
The Doubt of Future Foes By Queen Elizabeth I
Dover Beach By Matthew Arnold
Dream Song 14 By John Berryman
Dreamers By Siegfried Sassoon
Dressing My Daughters By Mark Jarman
Driving in Oklahoma By Carter Revard
Driving toward the Lac Qui Parle River By Robert Bly
Dyed Carnations By Robyn Schiff
Eagle Plain By Robert Francis
Eagle Poem By Joy Harjo
The Little Girl With The Flower

Constancy to an Ideal Object By Samuel Taylor Coleridge

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Since all that beat about in Nature's range,
Or veer or vanish; why should'st thou remain
The only constant in a world of change,
O yearning Thought! that liv'st but in the brain?
Call to the Hours, that in the distance play,
The faery people of the future day—
Fond Thought! not one of all that shining swarm
Will breathe on thee with life-enkindling breath,
Till when, like strangers shelt'ring from a storm,
Hope and Despair meet in the porch of Death!
Yet still thou haunt'st me; and though well I see,
She is not thou, and only thou are she,
Still, still as though some dear embodied Good,
Some living Love before my eyes there stood
With answering look a ready ear to lend,
I mourn to thee and say—'Ah! loveliest friend!
That this the meed of all my toils might be,
To have a home, an English home, and thee!'
Vain repetition! Home and Thou are one.
The peacefull'st cot, the moon shall shine upon,
Lulled by the thrush and wakened by the lark,
Without thee were but a becalméd bark,
Whose Helmsman on an ocean waste and wide
Sits mute and pale his mouldering helm beside.

And art thou nothing? Such thou art, as when
The woodman winding westward up the glen
At wintry dawn, where o'er the sheep-track's maze
The viewless snow-mist weaves a glist'ning haze,
Sees full before him, gliding without tread,
An image with a glory round its head;
The enamoured rustic worships its fair hues,
Nor knows he makes the shadow, he pursues!

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