I Think I Love The Bad Boy

By whitechic111

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Riley Devin is just a sixteen year old girl, she isn't popular, she only has a couple friends, she's a nerd... More

Chapter 1: The Unfortunate Prank
Chapter 2: The New Boy
Chapter 3: More Annoying Alec Rinder
Chapter 4: Beaches & Hot Guys
Chapter 5: Shopping With Sarah Cameron
Chapter 6: Jess Has Got A Guy, Riley Has Got A Ugly Study Buddy
Chapter 7: We're Playing The Players
Chapter 8: Sarah's First Day At School
Chapter 9: Party Time
Chapter 10: The Full Story
Chapter 11: Fresh Start
Chapter 12: Look Out Lindale #nevermind
Chapter 13: Relief Party
Chapter 14: Relief Party Part 2
Chapter 15: A Weekend With Alec Rinder
Chapter 16: Hospitalized
Chapter 17: Freedom!
Chapter 18: We're In For One Heck Of A Ride
Chapter 19: One Boyfriend, Saving Me, From My Ex-Boyfriend
Chapter 20: Our First Party Together
Chapter 22: Happy Birthday Babe!
Chapter 23: Roady Mom? Yes!
Chapter 24: Let's Drive
Chapter 25: Driving Part 2
Chapter 26: Home
Chapter 27: Seventeenth Birthday
Chapter 28: Rocks Are Hard But, This Is Harder
Chapter 29: The After Math
Chapter 30: Summer Dance
Chapter 31: School's Over Party
Chapter 32: August 13, 2015
Chapter 33: The Twelfth And Final Year
Chapter 34: Sarah's Baby Shower/Family Reunion
Chapter 35: Winter Vacation
Chapter 36: Slip Up?
Chapter 37: We're Fatal Apart From Each Other
Chapter 38: The Last Dance
Chapter 39: Hope I Never See You Again Lindale
Authors Note

Chapter 21: The Week before Alec's 17th Birthday

24 3 2
By whitechic111

May 1st
"I have no idea what to do for his birthday," I say to Jess, "You guys have only been dating for a month," She says, "I know but I still need to get him something," I say, "Maybe a watch," I say, "No then you won't have anything for Christmas or anything," Hess says, which is true, "Yeah but for our third week anniversary he bout me this," I say showing her the string bracelet with a wooden charm that says 'Riley❤️' I teared up when he gave it to me, and now I didn't know what to get him his birthday was this's Saturday. "Well you could do a surprise party," Jess said, "That's a great idea!" I shouted a few people looked at us, we were sitting in Starbucks waiting for Sarah, "And as a present you can give him your virginity," Sarah said from behind me then sat down beside us, "Just kidding," she said holding her hands up, it's been a month would that really be such a bad thing? I mean my grade eighty sex Ed teacher said if your not ready to have a baby then your not ready to have sex. But I mean k could deal with a baby if it did happen even though it won't we'd be safe. "Seriously though stop thinking about it, you've been dating for a month," Sarah said, I took a sip of my latte. I felt bad for the guy he's been so patient all we've done is kiss and thats pretty cool compared to a guy who's life was sleeping with someone once a day at least. "Seriously stop Riley it was a joke don't actually do it, I mean me and Joe haven't slept together and we started dating like a week before you so.." Sarah adds putting her hand on mine, "Yeah and Martin and I haven't slept together and we've been dating since before she was here, an he's still a virgin," Jess adds, "Okay I'll drop it, why didn't you come to the party on on Friday?" I ask them taking another sip of my drink, "Because we didn't want to, plus every weekend you guys have been partying we needed a break," Jess says, "It was a pool party," I say, "Did you get pushed in?" Sarah asks, "Yeah twice," I say, "First time it was Alec but I got him back and the second was Dylan Alec thought that meant he liked me so he threatened to beat the crap out of him," I say smiling, "Your boyfriend is really protective of you," Jess says, "Yeah I know," I say still not used to calling him my boyfriend, still not used to having a boyfriend, and I don't think I'll ever get used to his kisses, "He's been teaching me self defence too," I say, "Really?" Sarah asked although I can tell she's bored, I check the time, 12:00 "Oh I've got to go in going to be late?" I say standing and grabbing my coat, it's snowing outside again. "Where are you going?" Sarah asks, "I've got a lunch date," I say winking as I pull my hair out of my coat and take my drink with me as I rush out to my car. I wonder what Alec's planned today he has a thing for surprising me lately. At home I rush straight upstairs to change out of my loose hanging leggings into a pair of jeans, I close my door and grab some pants then start to pull my leggings down, "What are you doing?" Alec asks, I scream and jump into the bathroom pulling my pants up, "What are you doing here?" I hiss once my leggings are back up again, "Waiting for you to get here so I can take you to lunch, why are you changing? Those are fine," he says, "Uhm not because I want to look good for you," I say he hates it when I change just for him, "Let's go," he says taking my hand and pulling me out of my window into his room and downstairs to his moms explorer, I sit in the passenger Alec usually drives his moms car when it's snowing his mom won't let him ride his motorcycle but I don't blame her. "Where are we going for lunch?" I ask, "It's a surprise," he says I sigh, "Babe you know I don't like surprises," I whine, he chuckles, "You'll like this one," he says, we drive for a half hour out of town and then we arrive by the beach, "What are we doing at the beach in the middle of winter?" I ask, "It's a surprise," he says I groan, he gets out after parking in front of a small cafe, "I know it's not a huge surprise but here we are," Alec says pointing to the cafe, "They make the best homemade soup," he says, he's crazy to drive me a half hour out of town to some cafe with the best sandwiches. I laugh and follow him inside as he orders for us we sit down and munch on our soup and hot drinks before we head back. "Your birthday is this weekend," I say making conversation, "Yeah I know," he says, "I can't believe your older than me," I say, "Do you have any plans?" I ask him,

"Nah I was just thinking about a movie night with you," he says grabbing my hand,

"what do you want from me?"

"I don't want any gifts,"

"Are you kidding me? Everybody wants gifts,"

"I know but there's nothing that I want maybe a nice hoody, or another helmet for my bike," he says, I nod, to be honest there's nothing I want this year either, why does he have to be so difficult? Maybe I'll buy him a fish or a hoody or something, he kisses me goodbye and I go home it's now 2:00. Mom is squealing in the kitchen when I get in, "Mom why are you screaming?" I ask once I get in and hang up my coat and kick off my shoes, "We won!" She screams showing me the letter stating that mom has won the court I squeal to. "What did we win?" I ask, "I won custody of you, $300 a month per kid from your father, your college and the others half payed for by him, I got full custody of you guys, and all of this means we don't have to move!" Mom screams I scream too, "And he helps pay for your schooling," she says. I sit down at the island. "Are you hungry?" She asks, "No I just had lunch with Alec," I say, "Mom what do you buy a boy turning seventeen for his birthday?" I ask,

"Oh I don't know is Alec's birthday soon?"

"Yeah it's this Saturday, and I don't know what to get him, we're doing a surprise birthday party," I huff

"Maybe a nice hoody well I don't know,"

"Mom I was thinking about something and well I need to hear what someone else has to say about it," I start I look at the island and blush, "We've been dating for a month now and well I was wondering what you would think of me giving him my.....virginity?" I say

"Well honey my honest opinion is it's still to soon but if it's something that you feel would be nice, I guess whatever but I still want you to wait till after university," she says I sigh. Shes right I mean we've only been dating for a month and it's still soon, I just want to god him a nice 17th birthday present. "I'm going to go watch some tv in bed," I say to mom, "Alright honey, I'll bring your laundry up, "Oh I already did it thanks though," I say, "Yours is done too," I say taking my coat and shoes up to my room, after brushing my hair and teeth, I changed into some shoes and a pj shirt then hopped in bed to watch mistresses. "Need company?" I heard Alec ask, "Nah I think I'm good," I say teasingly turning on the android and my phone at the same time, I go on my phone and tell the girls giving Alec my v card is not the right present. They text back agreeing with me and yelling at me for thinking about it, "Well to bad because I'm bored," Alec says he thumps into my room, he crawls into my bed and leans against the dresser I curl up against him and start watching Mistresses, "Shes hot," he says I look up at him, "she's hot too," he says. I sigh and switch to a different show if he's talking I can't hear the show, "What?" He asks, "If your muttering about hot girls I can't hear what their saying," I say instead selecting Sisters the movie I only get about a quarter into it before I pass out.
I groan slap the top of the alarm clock and sit up Monday morning, I have an exam this morning yay!(hint the sarcasm) I swing my legs over my bed and look out the window my mouth gaping open as I see the foot of snow out my window, "Good morning honey it's a snow day take care of your siblings," mom says then closing my door, yes! No exam today and fun in the snow, I get dressed in a a white t shirt and black sweats then pull my hair back and open my door luckily these kids won't get up until 9 ish so I have time for whatever since its 7:30. I open my door and run out across the snowy grass and knock on the neighbouring door, the door opens, "Hey Riley!" Jared says, "Hey Mr R, can I come in and see Alec?" I say, "Sure," he says opening the door, wait what am I doing? I'm dressed in sweats, greasy hair, and no makeup, what the hell am I thinking? Either way I walk inside the heat swallowing me whole I race upstairs and open Alec's door quietly, before I walk in and close it behind me. I lay down beside his peaceful sleeping body and get under the blankets curling up to as I whisper in his ear, "It's a snow day," I say he groans and rolls over, I start drawing on his back and he fidgets as it tickles in some places and not others. Then I start tasering him wanting him up and out of bed, "Get up lazy bones, we have a fun day ahead of us," I say standing up, he groans again. "I'm shirtless," I stay he shoots up and looks over at me, "I knew that would work, here get dressed," I say tossing him his shirt, he pulls it over his head and stands then throws on black track pants. When he turns around still half a sleep I hit him with a kiss, he's shocked I can tell by the way he freezes then slowly relaxes into the kiss, "Good morning," he coo's I laugh against his chest then hit him, "Time to go, if we want to catch Mistresses before the kids up we have to leave now," I say, "Who?" He asks, "Hot girls on the Television," I say he nods and heads out of his room he comes back a few minutes later grabs my hand and pulls me downstairs and out the door, we relax in front of my television, "So actually I have a surprise for you," I say, I'm laying in front of him, "Really and what's that?" He asks, "Well I have a hair appointment at 2 and I need someone to watch the kids so..." I say, "Is that why you brought me over here?" He laughs, "Kinda," I say pulling at my hair, "So what are you doing then?" He asks, "Well I like the black but I don't think I like all black so I'm getting rid of the blue and putting another colour in," I say my roots are starting to show again, "What colour?" He asks, "Thats the surprise," I say even though I'm not entirely sure I want to do a ombré I know that, but I was thinking either grey or brown or one with all sorts of colours. "Well I'll do it but don't go like hot pink or something," he says I laugh, "Okay," I say. After a episode of Mistresses he left because Ava woke up wanting breakfast and now I was getting ready to go, "Thank you so much," I say kissing Alec on the lips, "Goodbye," I say pulling the door shut behind me I jump in my car and go to the hair salon. After a couple hours I leave with black to grey ombré hair which I like more than I thought although it's not an ugly grey it's a nice grey. When I walk in the door I'm not even sure if I like it yet, "Woah you do look different with different colours," Alec says, "But do you like it?" I ask him she curled it for me, "Yeah yes I like her," he says, "Like her?" I ask giggling, "It I like the hair and you," he says, I chuckle, "Kids?" I ask, "All of them out back," he says, "All of them?" I question taking off my coat, "Yeah my siblings too," he says, "Want something to eat?" He asks me going into the kitchen, "Sure," I say, "Your mom stopped by said to say hi to you," Alec says pulling out a bowl from the fridge, "Alright he sticks the bowl in the microwave and starts it then pulls it out and places it I front of me, it's Kraft dinner, "Thanks," I say, "No problem," he says, "So I was thinking,"

"That's never a good thing," I say

"Hahaha very funny, I was though so,"

"I was joking," I say laughing

"For my birthday you can come with me to meet my grandparents on a road trip,"

"Wait this weekend?"

"No next weekend before your birthday,"

"Okay I'll think about it I thought they already came up?"

"No they didn't," he huffs. So maybe this is what I can do but I still feel like I need to get him something I mean it's 17 years that's pretty big. "Anyways think about it? I've got to go see Joe," he says, he kisses me on the forehead and leaves, "I love the new hair honestly," he says winking at me before he leaves. A moment later all the kids come in, "Hey!" I shout getting up and running towards the door but he's already leaving, he ditched me with all the kids, he's going to get it.

🙃hey guys sorry for the boring chapter it was a fill in chapter and I'm sorry, if you have any ideas for presents for them let me know in the comments and rates!🙃

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