Mr. Taylor and My Mother

By KatolovesMaxxie

136 5 0


Mr. Taylor and My Mother
First Day Back pt. 2

First Day Back pt. 1

38 1 0
By KatolovesMaxxie

~Three Weeks Earlier~

  “Bye mother!” I yelled as I left the house.

  “Hellu my beautiful girl!” I sang to my best friend Shay as I stepped out of my house and hooked my arm through hers.

  “Hola baby!” She said with a grin. We began to stroll arm in arm down the street to her car. She doesn’t like to park in front of my house, says we can use the exercise.

  “How are you?” I said dragging out the ‘ou’ part.

  “Why I’m just marvelous darling, quiet marvelous indeed. You see I begin school this morning and clearly that is the best use of my time and exactly what I want to be doing. Homework and sitting in a hot room full of sweaty, bored teenagers.” She said in a faux chipper way.

  “Why of course my darling. There truly is absolutely nothing better any of us could be doing.” I laughed as we continued walking, stopping only to pass Jamesys house.

  “Hello my expensive escorts!” James chirped as he hopped down off the wall outside his front porch.

  “Good morning sunshine!” I responded hopping up on his wall, only to be lifted off an swung in a circle. He placed me back on the wall and I hopped off the wall and onto his back. James, being James didn’t have a backpack but instead a satchel so I didn’t need to worry about sitting on it while on his back.

  “‘Sup Jamesy?” Shay asked bumping her hip into his.

  “No all that much. Mama felt the need to wake me extra early this morning to eat her double chocolate pancakes. He sighed and rubbed his stomach. “It was quite delicious.”

  “That’s cause Mama made it.” Shay and I answered in unison.

  “Very true. As long as it wasn’t Mommy’s cooking.” James chuckled. James mothers were one of the most lovely lesbian couple you will ever meet. His “Mama” Stephanie was a secretary at a dentist office, and filled in with stuff at the high school. “Mommy” or “Mom” was a cop. Her first name was Gillian.

  “So my beautiful sidekicks, how was your summer?” Jamesy asked shaking his hips so I swung from side to side.

  “I am certainly not you sidekick!” Shay said slapping his arm.

  “Plus you saw us yesterday.” I laughed slapping his ass.

  “Bitch don’t touch my booty!” James said in a voice an octave higher than his usual one raising his finger in an “uh, uh” manor.

  “Slut you love it!” Shay replied and we all burst out laughing. No one was really sure why though. Thats just our friendship basically.

  “Girlyhands on my buttocks? No way I like that man!”  James squealed and began to run to school.

  “Wait for me my beautiful whores!” Shay called from behind us.

~At School~

  “Shay!” One of the cheerleaders squealed as we walked up towards the school. Shay used to cheerlead and was really good at it. The squad was constantly trying to re-recruit her. She had very little interest in it, plus the head cheerleader was a bitch to Jamesy. We don’t talk to people who are mean to our friends. I slid of James back as she noticed us and waved excitedly.

  “Hey Emily!” Okay so Emily was alright, she was a sophomore though, a year younger than us. I have to say though  that girl had some pretty sweet dance moves that I was quite jealous of. Emily gave Shay a hug and then, another reason I kinda liked her, gave Jamesy and I each one to. James looked shocked. It was kinda funny.

  “Oh my god guys!” And here came the voice that showed how much time she spent with the cheerleaders. “Have you guys heard about the new English teacher?! Becca says he is H-O-T with aa capital H. And O-T. He’s that hot.” She said dramatically.

  “Oh la la!” Shay squealed falling back into cheerleader land. Or as I like to call it-the place of little return.

  “La la land.” I coughed.

  “Land of no return.” James coughed bending over.

  “Shut up hookers.” Shay said elbowing us. “Tell me more Em!” She said turning back to Emily.

  “Thats pretty much all I know. I only know what I heard from Becca. Her mom is like school parent.” Emily gushed.

  “I know right!” Shay said, slowly slipping out of cheerleaderville. That happened when Becca came up. Becca hated me, made fun of Jamesy, and tried to get Shay to dump us. “Look, Em It was super nice talking to you but we have to go find our lockers!” Shay said giving Emily a hug.

  “That tots makes sense!” Emily said and then hugged us all goodbye.

  “Oh my god!” James said scrubbing his face with his hands. “That girl gives me such a headache in such a short time!” He whined.

  “She seems nice. She’s just been corrupted.” I laughed. Grabbing Shay and James’ hands and dragging them into the school building in search of our lockers.

  “Ugh!” James sighed dramatically leaning against his locker. “School is back in session. My life is officially over for nine months!” He said dramatically.

  “Are you sure you don’t wanna join the drama club?” I questioned finally getting my locker to open. I freaking hate lockers.

  “God I don’t wanna do that. I’m not that guy. I’m a Lacrosse guy all the way man.” Jamesy said throwing himself up off the lockers.

  “Whatever loser. Lets get to class bitchachos!” I said pointing in the direction of our first class. Well, ish.

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