Recycled Love

By silver_mist1918

906K 9.6K 1.1K

Having your pack massacre, your parents executed is tough. But when your mate rejects you, it's a recipe for... More

Recycled Love
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
IMPORTANT- Author's Note
Chapter Twenty Nine

Chapter Twenty Six

19.4K 267 25
By silver_mist1918

I know, I've been a really naughty girl and I'm sorry. I don't want to waste time giving excuses, I know I've been awol most of the time and I'm sorry for that..


Adelina’s POV

“Adelina baby it’s time to go” Peter called from downstairs.

“Hold your horses I’m coming” I yelled back. Tonight the pack was holding a bonfire in the clearing by the lake to welcome my sister and me to the pack. I had to literally drag Anna to get dress because she refused to go. It was only when I mentioned she’d be meeting Rosie she agreed to come. She said something about ‘Kicking her ass’

“You said that an hour ago” he complained from in the living room.

“I mean it this time” I said knowing very well I don’t. I dressed in a black pair of skinny jeans, a dark green v neck t shirt and black knee length boots. I kept my hair in a neat ponytail, applying minimum make up. I made my way down the stairs ten minutes later, to meet a disgruntled Peter.

“Finally” he shouted throwing his hands in the air in exasperation.

“I wasn’t even that long” I pouted

“Yes you were. I’ve been waiting forever”

“Don’t be such a big baby Alpha Grayson” I taunted

“Hmmm, I actually love the way you call me Alpha Grayson, it’s a huge turn on” he purred.

I wrapped my arms around his neck leaning my forehead against his “Good to know”

“God Adelina let’s leave now before I lock you in my room for the rest of the evening”

I brushed my lips against his slowly, “I’ll be your prisoner any day Alpha Grayson”

“I love you” he whispered. I could never get use to him saying that to me.

“I know” I said smiling

“And I love you too would’ve sufficed” he complained

“Fine, I love you too”

“That’s more like it” he said kissing me lightly on the lips “Is your sister all ready to go?”

“She’ll be down shortly. I suggest you keep her away from Rosie”

“Duly noted” he said smiling, catching onto the subtle warning

When we arrived at the clearing the bonfire was already in full swing. Most of the members were either surrounding the fire chatting away happily or roasting marshmallows. During my stay here I never really noticed how close knitted the pack really was, but seeing them now, I know that they’re a family. That made my heart swell with love for my new pack. I felt at home again. Nothing could possibly ruin this moment for me.

Peter made his way to the centre of the circle, where everyone had their eyes on him. He cleared his throat loudly, so silenced flitted throughout the clearing.

“Good night everyone” he greeted, his authority dripping in his words; which turned on my wolf badly.

A series of goodnights travelled all through the pack while each pack member bowed their head in submission.

“As you all know we have two new members joining our pack tonight” he started “Can you both step forward” he motioned for us to join him in the front of the pack.

“Do you Adelina and Arianna promise to stay devoted to the Rossetti pack; to stay faithful to your alpha and others in authority?”

“I do” both Anna and I said together. The moment those words left my mouth a flurry of thoughts jumbled in my mind letting me know that I was an official member of the pack. I immediately build a wall around my thoughts to keep them a secret. I reverently bowed my head in surrender to my new Alpha. Peter stood proudly in front of us his power projecting out to everyone. In that moment I felt proud to call him my mate.

<I’m something to look at aren’t I?> Peter asked telepathically. He’s the only person allowed to invade people’s thoughts even if a mental shield has been put up.

<Stay out of my head Alpha> I retorted.

<You know you want me> he said waggling his eyebrows

<Shut up>

“Everyone welcome the newest members of the Rossetti pack Adelina and Arianna Rae” the pack broke into applause welcoming us to the pack.

Peter raised his hands silencing the pack once more “There’s more” he said, everyone began whispering, wondering what else could be important “I also want you guys to welcome to the pack your new Alpha Female” he said. My heart literally stopped beating when he said that.

“Where is she?” some members asked

“Right here” he said reaching out his hand for me to take. My mind remained in its frozen state. Am I ready to lead a pack? I questioned myself “Adelina?” Peter called looking unsure of himself. The moment my eyes connected with his I knew that I was ready. I knew I could face the world with him. I reached out to him intertwining our hands together as a sign of our bond. Our destiny was now entangled together forever. I finally found my place and it was right next to him.

I looked around and I noticed that everyone had their eyes on me; were they waiting for me to say something? William however kept his eyes locked on mine as if he was trying to convey a message to me. I smile warmly at him but he kept his face expressionless.

<Peter do I say something?> I asked him telepathically

<Only if you want to> he answered

“Goodnight everyone; it’s truly an honor to be a member of your pack. I know that we don’t know each other but I promise to be the best Alpha Female you guys have ever had. I will be there for each and everyone one of you. Thank you for accepting me into your lives” I said looking at each member in the eye.

The rest of the night Peter refused to release his hold on my hand. He took me and my sister around to greet everyone in the pack. Most of the pack was friendly, with a few that were a bit skeptical about me. We stopped in front of the elder members of the pack.

“Guys I want you to meet the older members of the pack, they were all a part of my father’s rogue pack; this is Pearl” he said pointing an aging woman with emerald eyes “Her mate Jack, Terrance and his mate Elizabeth, and finally this is Sam” he introduced “Guys this is the love of my life Adelina and her little sister Anna” they all looked me up and down analyzing my every move.

“It’s so very nice to meet you” I said politely

“The pleasure is truly ours” the woman he pointed out as Elizabeth said “We’ve been waiting for Peter here to find his mate since forever”

“Peter are you sure she should be Alpha Female, she looks young” Sam suggested

“She’ll be great” Peter said, looking at me lovingly

“Are you sure Rosie not a better pick?” Sam asked again

“Excuse me” Anna spat out “My sister may be young but she has more experience at being a leader than any other she wolves in this pack”

“Anna” I hissed “It’s okay for them to questioned who their new leader is”

“No it’s not okay” she retorted “Do you know who my father was? If you did you wouldn’t even question if she was good enough. Adelina has alpha blood running through her veins; she was the future Alpha of the Redwood Pack, so don’t you dare question her authority, she is you’re Alpha Female whether you like it or not” Anna finished, spinning on her heels and storming off.

“Always so dramatic” I said trying to rid everyone of the tense atmosphere.

“You Rae girls are always so dramatic” Peter teased

“My apologies Adelina” Sam said, bowing his head.

“It’s alright, my sister is just a little sensitive” I said “I’m going to look for Anna” I said to Peter, releasing his hold on my hand.

“Do you have to?” he whined

“Yes you big baby” I teased

“If you must” he said pulling me into him “I love you” he said tenderly

“I know” I said before pulling myself out of his arms.

<So mean> he said

<Love you too>

I walked in the direction of the house looking for any sign of Anna. The sounds of sobbing made me stop in my tracks.

“Hello?” I called out into the dark forest. I walked deeper into the darkness trying to identify where the crying was coming from. “Is anyone out there?” I called again

Isn’t it obvious someone’s out there, otherwise you wouldn’t hear crying.

Do you really have to be difficult now? I asked my wolf

The sound became louder as I walked deeper into the forest.

Are you sure it’s safe to wander out here alone?

What are you scared? I taunted

I’m just saying that you’re never lucky when it comes to this forest. She said

Good point. I agreed

Further into the forest a figure was slumped down in front of a giant tree; their chin resting on their knees as they cried.

“Hello” I called out to the mysterious figure.

“Go away” the voiced croaked, but no matter how screwed up that voice sounded I knew who it was.

“Rosie?” I hollered “What the heck are you doing out here?”

“What does it look like I’m doing?” she sneered

“Jeez what got your panties in a bunch? I was just asking” I snapped

“So what you can mock me afterwards. No thank you” she said “Why don’t you go back to your mate seeing as you guys are so close now”

“That’s what this is about?” I asked “Are you mad because I got the guy”

“Of course not. But if you’re going to flaunt it in my face how you won then don’t bother. Just leave” she retorted

“Seriously, I was just walking by when I heard crying and I came to investigate”

“Well now you know who it was, you can leave now” she scoffed

“Okay what the hell is your problem, I was just being nice”

“You’re just being nice? You don’t know what the hell I’ve been through” she shouted

“Oh like what? Having your mate reject you?” I asked “Been there Rosie, I don’t know if you recall but you were the one who tried to steal him from me. You were the one he rejected me for”

“He told you that?” she shrieked

“Of course he did. But that’s beside the point. Don’t go around judging me, because I’ve been through what you’re going through, so I know it hurts like a bitch to get rejected by the only guy who’s supposed to love you more than anything else”

“I’m sorry” she said softly “I didn’t know”

“Yeah” I said “Karma’s a bitch, isn’t it?” I asked

“A nasty bitch” she said

“So who is he?” I asked

“What?” she asked

“Who is the unlucky guy?” I joked

“Just some guy” she said “So how does it feel to be Alpha Female?” she asked

“It’s great, everyone is just welcoming” I smiled “Oh and you suck at changing the topic”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about” she said

“Sure you don’t” I said “How about we go back to the house I want you meet my sister”

“I’m sure she dislikes me” Rosie pointed it

“No of course not, she just hates you with a passion” I assured her

“Great another one of you who hates me”

“I don’t hate you” I smiled “But I don’t particularly like you either”

“That’s make me feel so much better”

“C’mon let’s go” I said walking in the direction of my home.

I can’t believe you’re making friends with her. My wolf exclaimed

I’m just being nice for Peter sakes.

This better earn me some brownie points.

“Why are you being so nice to me?” she asked as we walked to the main house.

“Do you rather the bitchy version because that can be arranged”

“No this is good, I was just wondering why?”

“Well you’re one of Peter’s friends and you’re important to him, and I if we’re going to work out I have to accept the people in his life that he loves”

“He really loves you, you know that?”

“Yeah I know, what’s not to love?” I asked cockily

“I never really understand why; I mean I’m so much more beautiful than you are”

“Thanks” I said sarcastically

“What I meant was I never understood why he loves you until I saw you guys out there tonight. You’re perfect together”

“That’s probably the nicest thing you’ve ever said to me” I joked

“And it’ll definitely be the last” she said

“Oh joy” I feigned excitement “Let me go get my sister” I said to Rosie as we entered the living room

I marched up the stairs in search for my sister, without knocking on the door I entered her room “Anna, are you okay?” I asked

“Just peachy” she answered

“Well I brought someone for you to meet”

“Who is it?” she asked curiously

“Rosie” I answered

“Seriously, must be my lucky day” she said sarcastically

“Don’t you sound excited”

“Can’t you just feel the enthusiasm emanating from my pores?”

“C’mon let’s go”

“If I must” she said

“Oh thanks by the way for sticking up for me tonight”

“No one messed with the Rae girls, it’s about time the world knows that” she said

On our way down I stopped by my room “I’ll meet you down, be nice” I told my sister.

I walked into my room and stripped down. I changed into comfortable clothes. Before I left I noticed a piece of paper lying on the bed. How did that get there? I asked myself. I cautiously picked it up, opening it.

You should’ve stayed away, because they're coming to get you.


Okay I hope you enjoyed it... I really didn't like this one, but from here on out there's gonna be more of the rogue pack again... didn't you miss them???? I did.

Thank you to my fans who stuck with this story even when I was a lousy writer and I didn't have time to upload.

First person to vote gets the dedication.

Remember to Vote/Comment/Fan?

Love Alwayzzz


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