redemption ▷ winchester/mikae...

Por ryughs

8.7K 399 43

❝She's my redemption.❞ ━━━━━━━━━ ©wonderbats | 2016 ... Más

r e d e m p t i o n.


1.1K 61 11
Por ryughs



there is no light, there is no charm
all my belongings, i hold with one arm
under the bridge, sleep in the shade

jumped at the familiar voice from an two hours ago. "Holy hell, I thought you died!" Exclaimed Dean. "Like I said, darling. I cannot be killed." Rebekah remarked. "You are not the first people who attempted to kill me─bloody Salvatore's." Scoffed the blonde propped herself up onto her elbows, looking at her feet; trailing up to her now ruined, bloody shirt. "You boys─." Pointing her fingers at the two Winchesters. "Owe me a bloody new shirt."

"Well, I think you already have what you need." Dean chuckled as he motioned towards the blondes bloody shirt. Rebekah just rolled her eyes, "Oh how comical of you." Scowling towards the Elder Winchesters direction.

Knowing they won't retrieve her a new shirt, and knowing she could easily get herself a new one; her thoughts trailed off focusing onto something else. Something, trailing to the topic of Sam. "You my dear, I have a question for you."
Questioning Sam. Sam's breath hitched, becoming tense  he was hoping this will bot bring trouble between him and Dean. However he knew he couldn't stop her from talking. "What are you?" Knitting her brows as every word slipped out. "You did not stay under my compulsion, you're either a witch─warlock? Never cared to see the difference. Or are laced with something that you know cannot compel you." Tilting her head, waiting for his answer. "I-I don't know?" He truthfully said, but he had an idea in the back if his head on what it could be, he tensed up. Feeling Deans eyes on him, wanting the feeling of his older brothers eyes burning into his soul to stop. Once again the original blonde spoke tearing Deans focus off of Sam. "You really do not know?" Rebekah sighed, her thoughts trailed off thinking what to do with the two idiotic brothers. Failed their attempt to kill her, left her temporarily rotting body in the back of their car as they chatted, ate in a unsanitary diner in the middle of nowhere.

"Lovely, meet you two. Really." The blonde lied, she hoped to god not to bump into these imbeciles. "But I must go." Sitting up right and shifting to her right to exit the vehicle. "Woah, woah." Dean attempted to halt the blonde. "We can't just let you go, wander around."

"What are you going to do? Kill me?" Rebekah laughed at how ridiculous it would be if they were to put another stake in her heart. "Maybe." Dean mumbled to himself as he rolled his eyes. "I can hear you roll your eyes." Rebekah spoke. "Well I'm sorry, is it bothering you?" Dean said as if he cared, but the sarcasm was very evident in his tone. Rebekah just scoffed. "Just remember I can compel you to forget, whereas your brother will exclaim to you saying he saw a vampire and you will forever think he is insane."

"Keep that in mind, pretty face." She warned Dean. "Now off I go, goodbye." Saying and hoping to be her last goodbye to them. Within a second she was gone─just into thin air. "The hell! She's like a Cas two-point-o. Except like hot in a way, wit-with these sharp fang-y teeh, and god!" Dean groaned as he banged his hands onto the steering wheel.


Deans phone began to ring, he immediately took the phone out of his pocket. Seeing Sam across the screen. With a swipe across the screen to answer, putting the phone to his ear. "What you got?" He asked his younger brother. "Uh, nothing yet. Nothing that I could explain." Sam truthfully said. "So we have no lead to what this bitch is?" Dean said annoyed, and it was quite evident as well. "No." Sam sighed. "Look I'll keep searching, I'll call you if anything comes up or if Bobby calls." Sam spoke. "Alright, I'm gonna keep looking around to see if there's anything weird goin' around here." And with that Dean hung up the phone and continued to walk down the street. He kept scanning the streets, back and forth; back and forth. He continued to walk and scan till something caught his eye. A bar. Rousseau's. Dean felt a sense of relief course through him. He hasn't had his daily dose of liquor, and he definitely needed now. He made his way towards the bar.

As he pushed through the doors and into the bar, the floor creaked. The smell of Gumbo, and liquor flowed through his nostrils. Dean inhaled and exhaled the scent of the place. Feeling somewhat relaxed. Making his way towards the stools and slumped down onto the stool. The sound of jazz filled ears. Dean fluttered his eyes closed, in taking this relaxing scene.

"Can I get you anything?" Said a feminine voice.

He opened his eyes, looking left to right for the voice, and finally in front of him. A blonde woman, green eyes, and a warm; welcoming smile placed on her lips. "Uh, yeah, just bourbon. Thanks."

The bartender gave him a nod and left to make his drink. A big, deep sigh left past his lips. All on his mind was last night: what was she? Why didn't Sam get put into the mind control thing? He felt as if stress was crawling out, going to eat him alive. "What brings you here in these early hours?" A voice, masculine, with an English accent. Looking to his left, he saw a man. Dirty blond  hair, with small curls, green eyes. Dean knitted his brows in confusions; however, answered the mans questions. "Needa take my mind off a few things." He sighed, running his fingers through his hair. The man hummed to Deans response. Soon, came back the blonde bartender. "Here you go." She said as she slid the glass to him. "Thanks." Giving her a small smile. "Ah, Cami. Lovely seeing you here." The English, or Scottish, hell maybe even Australian─Dean just didn't give a damn─man said to the bartender. "Quite lovely, since I obviously do work here." The bartender, known as Cami paused and quickly continued. "What are you doing here Klaus?" Questioned the blonde. "Scotch─on the rocks, love" The man quipped, a smirk played on his pink lips. Dean intently watched the two.

Within a few moments Cami left to get the man named Klaus, his order. The Winchester snapped his attention away, looking down at his full glass. Hand wrapping around the alcoholic beverage, bringing it up to his lips; the cold glass made contact. He lifted the glass and he tilted his head back. Allowing the liquor to past his throat, feeling a slight burn from the drink. Instantly the bourbon woke him up. Feeling alert of his surroundings. With the back of his hand, he wiped any access liquor that may have landed around his mouth as he downed the liquor. Removing the glass from his lips, he stared at the now empty glass. His thoughts were flooding. This thoughts were always, negative. Would hardly ever have a positive though coursing through his mind. Placing the cup onto the table; finger tips tracing the empty glass. He rummaged through his pocket, taking out a twenty dollar bill. Slamming it onto the table. "Keep the change." And with that he walked out Rousseau's.


Streets, filled with: music, paintings, laughter, joy, and color. As well a sea of bodies, everyone dancing, chatting about their days. Dean kept pushing his way through the streets. Feeling annoyed and suffocated from so many people he went into a shop. As the door closed, a large wave of different aromas, mixed together pushed through and into his nostrils. Shelves with herbs, oils, candles where everywhere in the small shop. It was empty. "Hello?" Dean called out. No response. Walking through the small isles, scanning the types of items that were sold here. "The hell is this place?" He whispered to himself. In seconds a voice that was not familiar spoke up. "Can I help you?" The voice spoke. Making Dean jump, as the voice was right behind him. "N-nothing, just looking." As he cleared his throat, fixing his tie and any wrinkles in his 'Monkey Suit' as he would call it.

Wanting to leave the shop, though, an idea popped into his head. Going into his suit to pull out a photo of a recent victim he had found this morning. "Did you know Abigail Somers?" Asked Dean, showing the woman─she's short, curly; grey hair, dark skinned─the picture of the recent victim. Two punctured holes on the side of her neck, and her skin as pale as snow. "She was killed, not by someone, but something." The woman say. "Excuse me?" Dean questioned, brows, going inward. Confused on what the woman said. "There's many things that go bump in the night, things you cannot even fathom." She began. "You got that right." Dean mumbled to himself. "Excuse?" The woman said, not quite understanding what he just said. "N-nothing." He lied. "So what do you think killed her?" Curiosity taking over, wanting to know the old woman's answer.


"Vampires?" Dean was in disbelief, they're not real, are they? No, they couldn't, he needs to see to believe. "They walk in broad daylight son, the person you may have bumped into you today may have been one."
Dean did not believe a single word of what the woman said; believing that she was just am old crazy woman. He said his thank you for sharing and turned around, taking out his phone. Unlocking, going into contacts, and scrolling to stop on the contact 'Sam'. His mind swirled again, thinking of the late night incident.

He shook his head, turning around. The woman disappeared. He did not think much about it. Looking back at his phone, he sighed and pressed the call button. Within the third ring, the phone picked up. There was a few seconds of silence, before Sam spoke: "Hey, what's up?"

"I got nothin'." Dean replied as he continued to look around the strange, small shop. "Well, I'm heading to this shop, I think there's something there that can help us figure out our problem."

Dean heard a bell jingle, indicating someone has entered the shop. Curious on who entered the shop, he shifted his head towards the door. As his eyes finally focused on the figure that walked in; his eyed widened, almost popping out and falling onto the floor. "Not this bitch again." He said to myself.

"H-hello? Dean? You there?" Sam said trying to get a response. "Y-yeah, I'm here. Listen, gotta go." Immediately hanging up. The blonde female that walked in looked to her left. A disgusted expression was painted onto her soft features. "Bloody hell, not you. I would have much rather see your much less of an imbecile brother." She scoffed, crossing her arms against her chest. "Nice to see you too." Dean sarcastically said.

Without a word, she turned around and headed out the door, but someone opened the door. Hearing that small jungle from the bells. In came Sam.

"Bloody hell, you two are everywhere!"
Rebekah right then and there wished she could die and not come back.


NOTE.| Welp, this is a snoozer. Was actually debating whether or not to post this. omL
Sorry for not updating nor any of my other books! I'm taking a summer course at my college and everything that is done in 16 weeks are crammed into 4 weeks, which is oh-so hectic. But Thursday is my last day!!! After that I will be able to update a bit more!!💖

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