Crew Campus

By ElieMaine

928 16 5


The Tavern Down The Street
Peaking Timbers

Crew Campus

643 5 1
By ElieMaine


Hello! If you are here that means one of either 2 things.

1.You are here to read the revamped version of '13 Days Of Us'

heres a link if you want to read it~

CAUTION: Terrible Grammar and spelling, not something i'm proud of.

2, You Reaaaally like Nalu!~


Advanced List of Suspected pairings!~

Nalu - Natsu & Lucy

Gruvia - Gray & Juvia

Rowendy - Romeo & Wendy

Jerza - Jellal & Erza

Gajevy - Gajeel & Levy

Zavis - Zeref & Mavis (Mavis Vermillion, 1st master, Zeref the dark wizard)

Lamira - Laxus and Mira

and more to be revealed!~


Nalu- Fluffy, youthful, gooey, romantic

Gruvia- possessive, touchy feely, smitten

Rowendy- innocent, hand-holding stage, blush every five fudging seconds

Jerza- Responsible, romantic, kinda cuddly

Gajevy- Flirty, Badass, PDA ERRWHARE!!~ (i'll try my best =w=)

Zavis- light in my darkness shiz, fluffy, close knit, childhood friends (my guilty ship :D)

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- the dorms are

Lucy, Levy, Wendy, Mavis (2nd year of college so are the boys)

Natsu, Gray, Gajeel, Zeref, Sting, Rogue (lol little awkward, in this AU they're all friends, zer-chan isn't evil!~)

Mira, Erza, Cana, Evergreen (2nd year of University around the age of 20-22)

Extra chars like Romeo and Eve are placed in the same dorms according to gender but are scattered and will have their dorm names announced accordingly later on

all other charas are..... idk, im lazy!~

Please look forward to it!

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