Almost Everything

By NiElTh

872 79 32

COMPLETED This story is based on Danger Days by My Chemical Romance.... So now's the part where I attempt to... More

Let The Engines Roar
The Kids From Yesterday
When The Sunlight Dies
Be A Burning Star
You Better Go Home
Motor Babies
Until My Heart Explodes
Against The Ones Who Planned It
You're Unbeliveable
Louder Than God's Revolver
Of A White Dream
Hold Your Heart
The Last Of All The Rides
Young And Loaded
Hide Your Body From SCARECROW
I Guess This Time We're The Enemy
The One To Save You
When The Sun Goes Black
You Only Live Forever In The Lights You Make

Sing It Out

29 4 3
By NiElTh

The past hour of my life was filled with a gut wrenching silence.

Once Dr. Death Defying delivered the news of change, Electric Eclipse casually walked out muttering something about 'space'.

So, we left her in the sleeping quarters for a while as Jet Star gave Jade a tour of the beat up diner.

She looked revolted and intrigued by how we live our lives, her smokey eyes were flowing with the brand new information that her brain is slowly receiving.

But now, as Jade changed into some clothes, everyone was as silent as death due with not knowing quite what to say in this kinda situation.

I could tell by the way Fun Ghoul was playing with his long, coal black hair that all he wanted and needed to do was check on Electric, but so did I.

My soul spun like turbulence at the possible thought of her being in any kind of pain or heartbreak and it took a brass weight on my mind.

She is my best friend, but she also needs some time alone to think and process all the tragic information that she has had today.

Though, her sister isn't the tragedy.

Electric did look slightly relieved to see that her sister was still breathing yet it was almost obvious that she came here to start over and to forget her past- now her past is joining her.

"What do you all think? It feels a bit strange," Jade waltzed into the diner wearing the clothes that I had found for her. "I mean, I've never worn colour before and these materials," her pale hand brushed against her purple fading dungarees before she tugged at her periwinkle denim jacket that had patches covering up the wholes. "And what are those?" She gestured to her lilac coloured trainers, the laces were evolving into a stained yellow rather than white.
"Now you're dressed as a Killjoy, you need to be named like a Killjoy." I was currently propped up on then work top with my legs crossed over before I pointed to the booth so Jade could sit with the others. She planted herself next to Kobra Kid who gave her a light smile.
"How about Razzle Dazzle?" I turned my head to see Electric Eclipse slouch against the door way, her arm placed on her hip as the other one dangled down.

"That's a good suggestion, but I don't think it's a suitable Killjoy name, right?"
"Uh huh," Party nodded to Jade in clarification before smirking at Electric, who, obviously knew that.
"Hey Electric," I slapped the counter space next to me and she slid over and laid down on her back, resting her head on my legs.

Her tongue cracked through her lips and her face tied into a knot at me. I did the same back.

"So, a Killjoy name," I repeated whilst my mind scrambled over possible ideas.
"Spark Twilight?" Jade suggested before Electric chuckled..
"That's nothing like Electric Eclipse, is it?" I smiled down at Electric before muttering 'be nice'.
"Oh. Sorry, I didn't mean-"
"It's fine, you're just new to all," Electric pinned her hands in the air before letting them drop back beside her, "this."
"How about.. Cyanide Cat?"
"But I'm not an animal..." Jade mumbled at Kobra Kid who then blushed at his own name.
"What about Rebel Rogue?"
"Party that's brilliant!" Jade squealed before giving him a messy high five. "Can that be my name?"
"Sure, welcome to my team Rebel Rogue," I pushed Electric off my legs and I began to lead everyone to the door, Rebel followed like a stray dog that had just found a respectable owner. "Now, let's see what'cha got so far." Electric fist pumped the air.
"Training?" She asked excitedly, though she wasn't excited about herself training, more like watching her sister train.


Dusk had turned the lighting inside the rotting oak barn to iris, casting faint blush purple lighting onto all of our masked faces.

We were hidden away separately as Rebel Rogue placed her mask onto her nervy face.

The mask wasn't anything special, it was just a satin mustard coloured mask which was kinda shaped like a cat- it had cute 'lil cat ear on it, which Rogue had called 'different but cool'.

She tied the string around her head and hair, which was shoved up into two buns.

I could peek at everything she was doing behind a chipped beam.

Rebel Rogue held her gun out infront of her as mine was clutched to my side.

The guns were ones that have ran out of battery, all the old ones that we've used we keep for practising one on one battles.

Rebel was standing in the open centre space of the barn, pointing her toes and making patterns in the golden sand, spraying dust all around her.

I was patiently waiting for the first Killjoy of my clan to pounce at her, but so far nobody has showed their masked selves yet.

That was, until Jet Star rolled across the ground and placed his gun against Rebel's head-

Who then gracefully twirled out of his grip and 'shot' him in the chest.

Jet's jaw collapsed to the floor in shock before, as the rules state, he played dead.

He fell to the floor and laid as still as a freeze frame. Well, mostly.

D-did she just take out Jet Star?

I know she said that her Father began to train her up, but... She moved like a whirlwind.

She was oozing with grace and fought rhythmically, as if this was all just a dance sequence that we perfected together.

Party ran like thunder towards her, but she just hand springed over him, before falling to her feet and back bending before shooting him.

Then Ghoul jumped off the second floor, he landed with a thud before shooting Rogue.

Sharply, she grazed her body against the floor in an elegant roll, before jumping on Fun Ghoul's shoulders and flipping him around, so she was on top of him, straddling him. She pressed her gun to his forehead and yelled, "BANG!" Before he swore and stayed still, grumbling about the impact that his body had with the ground.

I slipped out of my hiding space, revealing myself to a sweaty, breathless Rebel. When she saw me she held a manic grin, her hands quivered and she gripped her gun even tighter.

My heart rate picked up speed as she ran over to me, her trainers gliding through the grime we trained in.

She was confident, I could tell by the way she idiotically tried to slide underneath me.

So I back flipped over her gliding body that was on the floor and crushed my foot against her rib cage.

She gapped at me as I flicked my gun around my fingers and giggled before shooting her.

"BANG!" Everyone screamed at her, causing me to chuckle even more.

I lifted Rogue up by the straps of her dungarees and she kept her gaze onto mine. "Wow Rogue, you were-"
"Y-you... That was amazing! You're so great!" She grinned before spinning around and working her way to the moaning mess of bodies on the floor.

"Sorry about that.." She mumbled whilst grabbing Party's hand and tugging him to his feet.
"Na, it's cool, but ya know, revenge..." Party Poison smirked showing his petite teeth.
"What do you mean- ah!" She yelled as Party tripped her up. She crashed on top of Fun Ghoul, her head banged against his chest as her legs pinned to his sides.

Fun Ghoul gasped for air before putting his tattooed middle finger up at Party.

Rebel Rogue stayed still, hard breaths came pouring out her mouth as she stared into Ghoul's confused eyes.

"Uh, hey.. I don't know what they do in Battery City Dude but can you get-" then she kissed him.

He was half way through speaking, his mouth was open and she parted her salmon coloured lips on to his.

Fun Ghoul widened his eyes before trying in his best attempts to peel the girl off of him, but it wasn't working.

My veins iced over in pure shock.

Party and Jet were just stood, staring with there eyes frantically looking at the two.

"Oh fuck no!" Electric dropped down next to me, she slipped off her mask and flipped her hair around her, flawlessly.

Where did she leap from? I have no clue.

Electric was extremely loud, like a boom box most of the time but when she chose to and if necessary, she could move like a ghost.

"Listen Sis I'm giving you 3 seconds to get your lips off of my boyfriend and the only reason I'm giving you 3 second's and not kicking your ass right now is that you don't know that he," she gently pointed at Ghoul, "is my boyfriend. So.. Am I gonna have to count down or..?" Rogue practically scrambled off Ghoul before placing her pale, trembling hand over her mouth and crossing her gaze between Ghoul, who practically jumped all the way to Electric's side, and Electric's furious look.
"Electric, you're my sister, if I knew-"
"Exactly Rogue, you didn't." Electric Eclipse sighed deeply, before Fun Ghoul draped his muscular arm around her strong shoulders, "but now you do and you have to promise that you'll never tell anyone. Alright?" Electric's voice was sickly, it was like when you've ate too much cake and drank too much coke, but you still wanted to eat more cake and drink more coke.

It was her rare threatening voice, the only one she use on people that she actually liked.

"Why? I mean, yeah of course I will. Anything to get us back so we have a solid sisterhood," at that Electric stifled back a laugh by biting her lower lip, "but why can't I tell anyone?"
"Because it's against our laws, but I love the two of them very much so and they're not doing any harm so," I shrugged my shoulders up and down, making my rusty chains jungle from the green shoulders, "I don't mind. But if you tell anyone I'll kill you."
"Sure, you're secret is safe with me. I swear it on our Killjoy clan! Oh and sorry Ghoul, I don't know what came upon me..." Rogue's cheeks darkened to a blood coloured red as Party just giggled before pushing her lightly.
"Never mind that, can we talk about how much this bitch can fight?!" Party ran his fingers through his vibrant red hair.
"I was a bit rough though-"
"Oh Babe I like it rough though.." Party winked his coffee coloured eye at her and I rolled my tired eyes at them both.

"Party Poison for once can you stop being either flirty or sassy?" I asked annoyed and I placed a hand over my bronze hip.
"As soon as I was born I've been asking that Silver. The answer is-"
"Nope!" Jet Star cut Kobra Kid off and Fun Ghoul started to chuckle, causing Electric to nip at his jaw.
"Who's on night patrol tonight?" Jet Star questioned with a higher tone of voice, clearly he doesn't want it to be him.
"We'll go on night patrol?" Electric offered and it didn't take a rocket scientist to who she meant by we.
"Oh yeah," I smirked, "Rogue it looks like you're joking Electric on your first ever night patrol-"
"I was on about me and Ghoul! We need some time together, ya know what I mean?"
"No I don't but I also don't care. You have a sister you need to sort stuff out with, so you can go on night patrol another night with Ghoul."
"Oh for god sake! All I want is a night alone with my boyfriend," she groaned, "is that so hard to ask?"
"Uh.." I widened my eyes at her. "Electric can I remind you that your relationship is illegal?"
"Fine. Rogue, come with me," Electric quickly walked past me with her hips swaying and grabbed Rogue by the wrist, "I have questions and you have the answers."

Electric Eclipse's P.O.V

I enviously watched as the diner's lights faded out, so it was discreetly disguised against the cold night. My teeth chattered as my skin began to get covered with teeny bumps.

"So... What do we do on night patrol? Just sit on this car?" I looked across at Rebel and gently shook my head, causing slight exposure to the chilling wind on my neck. "No, we protect the diner. If there are any Dracs we kill them or if a group of Killjoy's need to camp out, we herd them in and let them stay for as long as they need too." I spoke the words that Silver had boringly drilled in my mind.
"It sounds boring. No offence, I mean it's better than home but-"
"Anything is better than home." I finished her sentence for her and I fractured a laugh.
"Why did you not kick my ass for kissing Ghoul?"
"What?" I was caught off guard.
"Well, by the look of terror on Kobra's face when you started talking, he looked like you were about to kill me and I thought you were too. Is it because I'm your sister?" I snorted at her.
"Yeah, you wish. I just wasn't in the mood."
"Mhmm.. You love me, really. You never told me that you did when you were younger, but I knew. I still do."
"Yeah sure." I rolled my silver eyes towards the shimmery sky.
"I am sure.." She re adjusted her jacket, pulling her closer around her as she whinpered in the cold. "So, you said you had questions I can answer?"
"Oh yeah," I flashed my belly bar so it could get some air, "I wanted to know why you didn't come with me and Mom..."
"That's an easy one. Mom asked, I said no because Father needed me. Even though he's an awful person who should die, he needed me to control Battery City for him." She paused, letting our lung's Mist mingle in the ebony black air. "It's just so messed up, if it gets any worse.. It'll be an oblivion. An oblivion that children will be born into and raised in, people won't fall in love in fear over their future. That's not right. So, I stayed. Knowing that I had to save the future, or at least try."
"But you left. Don't care so much now, do ya?"
"Oh I care all right," she snickered before smiling at me, "I care enough to realise that what's best for the future is to join my family and kill the oblivion. The oblivion just happens to be our Father."
"And one big fat dark oblivion he is..." I leaned over the car to turn up the radio slightly but no music was blaring yet, so instead we listened to Dr. Death Defying's traffic report.
"And in other Killjoy news, Zone 4 has found a new recruit- Rebel Rogue! I'll be sending Silver Venom and the rest of her clan to Joy Ride's bar tomorrow night so y'all can see a talented addition to the evolution. Keep Runin'."

I howled like a wolf and started to bang my fists in the air, I've been waiting to go to Joy Ride's bar forever!

I just love the music and the dancing and the alcohol...

"Huh," Rebel Rogue sounded slightly disappointed and confused. "He didn't mention that I'm Korse's daughter.."
"That's because some Killjoys are insane and not in the good way like I am." I stiffened slightly. "If they found out that you were Korse's daughter, they'd kill you. They'd pull out their ray guns, press their crazy ass fingers a against the trigger and they'd kill you without even blinking." Then there was a fearful silence. It was harsh, but it was true.

I knew that being his daughter would one day be the death of me, but not until I'm ready to go.

And before I do leave, I need to fix Ghoul's grammar, I don't want romance letters with awful grammar after I die.

"Ohh... So, if they ask why I escaped Battery City, what do I say?"
"Hmm..." I tapped my fingers against the freezing metal of Party's car. "Do you want to fall in love or just have a one night stand?"
"What?" She spluttered.
"Do I need to repeat the question?" I sighed heavily as she shook her head. She had pulled her hair out of her buns now and it fell frizzy to her hip. "Well, you could say you left because there was a rumour that your street was going to be demolished and that you would of been forced into becoming a drac."
"What about my 'family'?" She air quoted the air family before nudging my shoulder and blazing a smile.

I returned the smile before making up a scenario that could save my sister's life.

"You're 24, so you lived with your boyfriend who had sacrificed his life to save yours whilst fending off some Dracs... Sound good?"
"Was he cute?" I slapped her arm lightly before laughing. "What? I mean, if he wasn't cute then I don't have to act like misery guts!"
"True, I guess. It's your fake backstory so you can do whatever you want!" She giggled at me before it fell into a silence, only this time I didn't feel awkward, I felt at peace.
"What was your backstory?" After a while Rogue spoke.
"Mine?" I raised an unfortunately un pierced brow at her. "I didn't have one. I said that I couldn't remember anything, so they assumed I had concussion or somethin'. I hate talking about it though, so let's not."
"Sorry...l didn't know it was a touchy subject." She sounded generally apologetic and pitiful, which I hate.
"Let's change the subject," she said cheerily before slapping her hands against her shaking knees, "can't we light a fire?"
"We tend not to, it makes it easier for the Dracs to find us."
"Don't you guys have blankets or something?"
"Yeah, but I'd like to keep mine warm. You could get yours though, just don't wake anyone up." Jet Star had set up her bed next to mine, so u was wedged in between my sister and best friend.

Also, I had Ghoul sleeping with his hips pressed against my lower back so... I'm happy.

"I'll be back, don't go all mass murderer on me when I come back." Rogue slid off the hood of the beaten car and ran into the diner.

"Hey Mom," I whispered up into the shimmering stars.

There were thousands of them all fighting to be the most bold and beautiful, all ready to kill just to be the one everyone points out...

"It turns out Jade never really travelled far away, she's actually here with me right now. Which, to be honest is strange. It's gonna take a while to get used to her, but I'll do it.." I breathed in the brisk air that created icicles in my lungs. "Oh and I found out that Johnny has been with you for the past God knows how many years. Would ya just tell him some shitty lie like his mail got lost in the post? Thanks Mom-"
"She would be so proud of who you've become.." My body twisted around before I tumbled off of the car and crawled my way back on my feet.
"What the hell Ghoul?! Don't do that to me!" I stroked my hair down, so I didn't look like I had just fallen off a crappy car.

He giggled before grabbing my hand and pulling me into his chest. My arms clung around his neck as I shivered either from Ghoul's touch or the cold that was turning my body blue. "What are you doing up anyway? You should be asleep.."
"I know," he yawned before smirking into my neck, "I just wanted to see if my Baby was alright." I chuckled at him.
"I'm your Baby huh?"
"Oh yeah, you're mine-"
"Wow.. Possession over a person, isn't that illegal?"
"Mhmm.. It's very illegal," he kissed my ear lightly before he grabbed my waist, "it's almost punishable..."
"We only have a few minutes," I shoved him back on to the hood of the car and shrugged off my jacket, causing the glacial wind to slice through my entire body.

Pros of wearing a tank top:

Easy to take off

I look sexy as fuck

It pisses Silver off


Waiting to die of hyperthermia

People always assume I'm up for a quick fuck

"We know you can do a lot in a few minutes. Also what's so funny?" Fun Ghoul asked as I climbed over him. I must of laughed out loud.
"What? Oh nothing, I'm just a funny person." He flashed me that smile I would give my life up for, how he gets minuscule dimples that aren't really there unless you focus.

His hands felt almost numb as they caressed my body.

Even though my lips were chapped and shaky, I still managed to kiss him and by the way he kept whimpering, I'd like to think even when I'm most likely gonna freeze to death, I'm still a good kisser.

I twirled his hair in my fingers and his hands moved down to the very low of my back.

We kissed and we touched in the luminescence of the moon as it produced many dying stars.

I kissed his silky lips for the last time before tracing my lips over the ink designs on his neck.

Against his fair skin, they were an illustration of many stories that he chose to identify him as a person. As a son, as a friend, as the love of my life.

Love of my life.

"Ghoul, what's in it for our futur-"
"Hey- oh my god!" I whacked my head up to see Rebel Rogue huddled up like an Eskimo in her blanket.

Even though she was shivering, her cheeks blushed like hell.

"Oh shit." Ghoul pushed me off him before awkwardly scratching the back of his neck. "I'm so sorry-"
"Fun Ghoul was just about to leave Rogue, weren't you Sweetie?" He mumbled an apology before pulling me up off the ground, sand and dust now clung to my tank top. Great.

"Uh, I'll see you in the morning Electric. I love you..." I pecked him lightly on the cheek before he ran back in the diner, swinging the glass door open and gently shutting it behind him before he allowed himself to get carried away by sleep.

Lucky shit.

Rebel Rogue shuffled on to the perfectly painted black spider design on the hood, still cuddled by blankets but she didn't say anything. She kinda stared at her own grey breath that flowed with the weak wind.

I crawled up next to her, tugging my jacket back on whilst clicking my tongue, a vague attempt to spilt the awkward silence that the cracking radio wasn't doing.

"Here." She unraveled her self from the torn candy floss coloured blanket and wriggled closer to me, so our limbs were pressed together. I was about to complain about my space but she spread the blanket across us both, tucking her blanket covered knees under her chin so it concealed her quivering arms.
"I don't want you to get cold Electric, you'll catch something. I also know that if I gave all the blanket to you, you'd stubbornly refuse. So, we can share. Like old times, if you even remember."

For some reason I can't explain and to be honest, the process never even reached my massive brain, I gently rested my head on her shoulder.

So we were there in that moment, as sisters, sharing a blanket and agonising warmth that we desperately needed.

It was us against the evil night and pure sky.

"I remember everything I want to and all this time I remembered you so clearly, that a small ounce of me thought you were here." My fingers fiddled with the blanket as I spoke in a sorrow led whisper. "And now you are here and I don't know what to do." I took my head away from her shoulder as she stared at me with tears pulsing in her grey chalk like eyes. "Why now? You had 15 years to find me! Why now?! Because you feared for your own life?"

This is what was known as 'The Electric Current', where I pour out every single thought into one, crashing rant.

Unfortunately for my lovely sister, this wave was so strong it may drag her under. And now it was just me and her.

"How selfish is that?! For all you know I could of been here against my will! Being beaten, tortured and raped for answers on our father! What about Johnny?! Did you just assume that he was somewhere better?"
"I-I don't know-"
"Exactly! You don't have a fucking clue about me anymore and I don't know fuck all about you! How can I trust someone who was willing to leave me in there mind as an 'I don't know'?!"
"You did the same for me-"
"I was told by Mom that you travelled far away! I saw your bags packed!" I snapped. "I saw the train ticket to Beverly Hills! Why did you stay-"
"I told you why!" She began to scream back at me, furiously. "Because if I didn't the people of Battery City would of gone to hell with our Father leading them!"
"What? They would of lost all meaning of life?" I laughed at her mercilessly before sliding off the car. "Honey, they already have. You were scared to leave because you were scared to change. But now, the fear of turning into a brain washed killing machine over runs your phobia of change. That's why you're here." I shook my head at her whilst my eyes boiled with both disappointment and shame. "Not for me and for that I don't trust you."
"Oh my god. You haven't gotten any better from when you where a small child.." She mumbled miserably to her purple trainers.
"What?!" I snapped.
"When you were small, you had trust issues. You wouldn't play with any other child but me and Johnny and the only person you'd ask for help was Mom. Now, you won't trust me-"
"I don't-"
"Electric you won't trust me, you do you really do trust me, otherwise why am I here?!" She jumped off the car effortlessly, like some sort of graceful deer and took my hand in hers.

I tried to pull away but she was fuelled with love, anger, sadness and worst of all, hope. Still, I didn't look at her but instead the glowing moon. "How long did it take for you to fully trust your clan?" My mouth was sealed shut by an answer I knew would only prove her abysmal point. "Exactly. Look, whether it was 5 or 10 years or not it doesn't matter because we don't have the time! How long do you think it'll be until Korse finds us? How long do we have to take hold of this evolution that you're always on about and save our home? Because by then, you will have to and need to trust me.. I'm your sister, I am going to take care of you. No matter what you say or think or do." A strand of blue hair fell in my eyes but her fingers gently flew across my face and tucked it behind my glistening pierced ear.
"I don't need your protection. I have myself and my clan to do that for you." A single warm tear dived down my face, causing a trail of salt and heat to form on my pale cheeks.
"I am a part of your clan now and you can not pretend that I'm not your sister because I am," she sniffled, "four years of my life I dedicated to you, four years of my youth and if you hadn't left I would of given you many many more. Now look at you? You're so impulsive-"
"Impulsive? What do you mean I'm 'impulsive?" I could hear her sigh gently behind me. Her hand still clung on to my own.
"Well, from the stories I've been told-"
"So you're gonna believe every dam story or rumour you fall upon-"
"Electric Eclipse you were just about to have sex on a car! That its self tells me you're impulsive! Let alone how you wanted to kill me when we first me and you threatened to beat me because I kissed Fun Ghoul-"
"Bring that up again and I'll bring my fist up to your face-"
"You see!" She finally ripped her hand away from mine just to clap her hands slowly and sarcastically.
"You almost lost your virginity on a car-" I cut her off with a loud chuckle.
"Trust me Sis, my virginity is long gone and you can thank Fun Ghoul for that!"
"What?!" She tugged me around to face her, she looked so pissed it made me feel proud. "You're 19! What if he had gotten you pregnant-"
"I'm 19 not clueless and idiotic! And I love him and he loves me-"
"What so a guy tells you they love you and you just get naked for them? Is that what you're like Electric? Are you impulsed by love? What if he doesn't love you, have you ever thought about that?"
"He does love me-"
"Why because he says so?!" Her voice was so harsh, every syllable dragged a sharp blade through my beating heart. "Electric, you said it yourself you're insane. You're carefree and rebellious and I highly admire you for that. But, have you ever thought about Fun Ghoul knowing that you wouldn't care about the rules? How you wouldn't care as long as you loved him. He knew that you would sleep with him. Have you ever realised that he's clearly just using you for your body?"
"No.." Now more tears were streaming down my face as my sister tried in her way to do what's best for me. "No. He wouldn't. He loves me."
"He doesn't, he wants your body. He doesn't love you-"
"Shut up!" Before I knew what I was doing, I somehow had pinned her against the car, my fingers gripping onto her jacket so hard it really hurt.

Maybe I am impulsive...

"You don't know anything about our relationship or how and when I let him have my body and it's absolutely none of your business!" My teeth were grinding against each other as I spat my words at her. "I am my own person. If I want to have sex with him I will and if I love him I will and I do! And if you tell me he doesn't love me then you're just an envious little bitch who.. Who... Doesn't even know what love is!" I let go of her before crouching down and sobbing.

Wailing so hard my throat ached and my face burned, tears flowed out of my eyes like ice cream sales on a boiling hot day- never ending.

I could taste the tear's salt slip on to my tongue. The stones in the ground penetrated my knees and the dirt marked my skin.

"Oh Electric Eclipse I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to make you cry-"
"Then what was your aim?!" I screamed at her as she fell down next to me, clutching me into her chest. Her heart beat was thudding against her chest with an irregular speed and force- she was concerned.

"I just don't want my little sister to get her precious heart broken, I don't want you to lash out and kill Fun Ghoul for hurting you." Even though I desperately tried to conceal it, a tear stroked giggle past my lips. "I'm so sorry. It's just I haven't been around people with ya know, emotions that aren't anger in a while."
"I-it's fine. Me and Ghoul, we're just so in love that I get blinded to those type of things. But they're only scenarios, I know Ghoul and him using me," I smiled, "it's not even a possibility."

The sun smashed through the sky and set a blossoming light on to Rogue as she kissed my blue hair gently before brushing away my tears with her shaking fingers.

"I'm glad that while I was away you found a pure sense of bliss and I'm even happier to say that you found Silver, who you clearly wouldn't ever hurt and she would obviously never do anything what so ever to lose or harm you, considering she's letting you and Ghoul be a thing. And as for Fun Ghoul," we watched the sun as it rippled through the sky, transcending the colours from pure nighttime darkness to a radiant day. "He makes you feel euphoric, doesn't he?"

I didn't need to answer her question, because I knew that it was more than true.

So, we finished our emotionally and mentally hectic night shift with my voice piping the song that faintly came from the radio that was finally singing to us as the sun rose from its sleep to wake us all.

"Before the errant scars and the dying stars
Every second that you take to fake your life

Stop and stare
At the accidents and stars that bore you
We don't dare to sing another song for California

Well, anywhere
Where the city lights are hopeless for you
We don't care or need another song for California

Stop and stare
At the accidents and stars that bore you
We don't dare to sing another song for California

Well, anywhere
Where the city lights are hopeless for you
We don't care or need another song for California.."

"Your voice is angelic..." I smirked up at my sister, who had a point.

I had no time to create a massive Scene everyday, I did trust her, I just had to find away to allow myself.

"I have a voice of an angel with actions of a demon.. So, watch out for our evolution Korse..."

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