Welcome To The Club of Delinq...

By PupPupPop

2.1M 68.1K 22.3K

A Wallflower. That's what Sony Parker was at Riverbank High, and she was content with it. Until one day when... More

Welcome To The Club of Delinquents!
He Killed Them, With His Thumb!
You Got Paint On My Shoe.
You Wanna Be Friends?
Brothers? o5o
Mad-Dog Jagger o6o
A New Friend . . .
Funny Shit o8o
My New Mommy
New Family
What A Slut
Brother And Sister
Jagger's Past
I'm A Delinquent!
Vincent's Past
Paul's Past
Matty's Past
Police All Around
Ivan's Past
Sleep Over
Warm Environment
Stress Builds
Most Important
Brothers Related
Only Friend
Heart Just Broke
To Court!
Back Home
A Strange Idea
I Love You All
Being Greedy
Food Equals Affection
Group Date
Grew Some Balls
Because I'm Not
Chaos Ensues
Climax-. Not Like That You Perverts
Like To Know -END-
Who Is Your Delinquent Boyfriend?


39.3K 1.2K 536
By PupPupPop

Angelica's eyes widened as Sony fainted. The worst part of all of this, Sony didn't faint in her arms! She then sends a glare to all the teens who were still fighting amongst each-other. It's their fault of this happened! She knew it! She should have killed all of them when she had the chance!

Expect for 'Bomb Loan', he's almost as important as Sony!

Angelica takes out the gun from her purse and shoots at Ivan, who still had Sony in his arms. Ivan thankfully dodged the weapon's attack by moving his head to the side. Jagger growls at her action.

"What the fuck was that for! ?" Angelica still points the gun at the two, also moving it towards the other boys in the room.

"Look what all of you did to my precious Sony!"

Vincent frowns at the way she thinks of Sony.


She continues on ignoring his interruption. "She just came from the hospital and all of you make her faint? ! I should kill all you bastards right now!"

All of their heads lower a bit in shame, knowing that the outburst they caused have made Sony pass out. Matty then lets out a laugh and takes his hand out.

"Then how about I take her back home~." Paul's hand twitches as he sees the sort of gleam come on Matty's eyes. He then takes a book off a desk and throws it at the man's head, making him stop his actions mid-way of picking up Sony.

"You pervert! You can't be with Sony she's a high-schooler and your a college student!" Matty then turns to Paul with the same bright smile.

"Remember, it's okay if consensual!"

Vincent frowns at all the people around him. He could of sworn they were all friends. That was the title Sony always addressed all of them. Then again, she also addressed him the same way too. His eyes then downcast with a gloom. She pushed him away, does that mean she doesn't want him to be the most important person in her life? Vincent then turns back up to see all of them were still arguing. It was then that he felt a pang in his heart, the teen started to rub at his chest before sending a glare at the other boys in the room. Well, he knows he's the best choice for Sony.

From the side-lines Andy was laughing his head off at all what was going on, and Bridgett's face was bright red while she was panicking on what to do. Joon yawned at the scene, he still hasn't got back all the sleep he lost from that day Sony got shot. Never in his life has he ever stayed up so long. Bridgett then looked over at Joon with wide eyes.

"W-We h-have t-t-to do s-something!" Joon opened his eyes, which now had bags and let out a groan. He then turned back to the arguing crowd. Sony was still unconscious and was being held by Ivan. Like hell he's going to stop the fight, they'll kill him the minute he says a word. To be honest, he's surprised Paul's still living being around all the delinquents. It was then that he heard the sound of munching and his head turned to Andy who was eating some beef-jerky. Everything then clicked in his head.

"Hey, Andy." The rusty-haired teen turned his head to Joon with mouth still filled with food.

"Yeah man?" Joon then pointed to the escalating disaster with a finger.

"Go and get Sony." Andy frowned at the command.

"Why? Dude, I'm eating here! Besides, that crazy girl is going to get Sony-."

"-I'll buy you McDonalds for a week."

" . . ."

Nothing more was needed to be said. Andy stood up and threw his bag of food at Bridgett who let out a 'yip' at the sudden contents in her hand. The teen ran forward and first thing he did was tackle Ivan and grab Sony from the man's arms. Everyone froze at his actions as the teen then ran back to Joon and Bridgett with Sony still held in his arms with a big smile.

"Got her dude!"

Joon almost fell out of his seat.

"You idiot! Don't bring her here!"

It was then that they heard the click of a gun. All three friends turned to see that the delinquents attention was now on them. Joon let down a gulp as Bridgett was shaking so much she's surprised she didn't start to melt. Andy then turned to his friend with a smile.

"You owe me McDonalds!"

" . . ."


Joon and Bridgett panted as they managed to run away. The three, well, four if you counted a still unconscious Sony, was now in the back of the school. Andy laughed at all the running they did with Sony on his back.

"Wow! Those guys are intense!" Joon sent a glare toward his friend and settled himself on the wall, he had to stop himself from falling asleep once he hit the ground.

"You couldn't just take her somewhere else before running to us?"

"Uh, yup!" He then settled Sony on the ground too and scratched the back of his head.

"What now man?" Joon looked towards Sony, he then looked back at Bridgett.

"Hey." Bridgett jumped at his voice and looked back at the teen.


"Take Sony home, and say she got tired and slept. I don't think it'll be good if her parents find out she fainted." Bridgett nodded confidently and pumped her fist.

"Y-Yes, sir!"

This is her chance! Her chance to be a strong individual and help Sony! Think strong, Bridgett. Think strong!

"There you are, you little shit-heads."

Bridgett let out a yip at the sudden female voice and fell to the ground in a fetal position. Joon sighed at Bridgett's reaction and the entrance of the other girl.

"Dammit, I'm too tired for this."

Angelica walked down to them with her gun still in her hand and along with a scowl. She pointed it towards them and sent them each a glare.

"How dare you try to kid-nap Sony." Joon continued to look at the girl with indiffrent eyes even though she was still holding out her weapon.

"We were just trying to get her out of that mess. If you want you could take her home, as long as your brothers don't follow."

Angelica's eyes sparkled at the idea of going to Sony's house, but then they darkened back and she put her gun back up.

"Wait a minute. What if your some sort of enemy?"

" . . . Excuse me?" Andy laughed from the side-lines.

"She thinks she's in the mafia!"

Joon and Angelica both give him dead-stares, practically screaming out how much of an idiot the teen was. The girl then shook her head at him and turned to continue glaring at Joon.

"Exactly! Maybe your trying to trick me! For all I know you could be in the Chinese Mafia!"

" . . . I'm Korean."

"Doesn't matter you all look chinky anyway."

Joon pressed his temples in frustration at her stubbornness. Is she even getting an education or just learning how to use firearms?

He then turned back up to the girl and pointed towards Sony and Bridgett.

"Listen, I really just want to go home right now. So just take Sony with Bridgett back to her house." Angelica glared at Joon but her eyes softened as she looked at Sony. The girl let out a 'hmph' and went to take one of Sony's arms under her own. She then sent a glare towards the blond.

"Well? Don't just stand there! Help me!" Bridgett jumped at her voice and immediately went to help the girl pick Sony up.

Andy and Joon then were left watching the three girls walk off. Andy then let out a laugh at Joon.

"Hahahaha! She thought you were Chinese."

Joon pressed the bridged of his nose and stood from the ground.

"Shut up."

"Hahahaha! Oh, and don't forget! You owe me food now for a weak!"

" . . ."

Joon could hear his wallet crying.


Sony groaned to herself and opened her eyes to see she was back in her room. The girl let out a yawn and scratched the back of her head. She must of taken a long nap, it's nearly sun-down now. Sony's eyes widened, she hen jumped up from her bed.

Wait! So, does that mean all of it was a dream?

'Bomb Loan' running away, getting shot, and-, and-! Sony's face reddened as she grabbed the nearest pillow and slammed her face against it.

No! It couldn't have happened! As if all of the most dangerous delinquents in the school would suddenly confess to her! Obviously she must have eaten something very terrible to awaken such a nightmare.


Sony lowers the pillow from her still blushed face. She bit the bottom of her, she guess it wouldn't be such a nightmare. She then stopped, waited a minute, and slapped herself. It wouldn't be good at all! What if they all start to try to kill each-other? Besides, it's not like she could possibly choose one over the other . . .

Sony jumps at the sudden slight scream. Wait, was there someone else here?

"N-No! I-It's f-fine A-Angelica!"

Sony's eyes widened at the voice, Bridgett? !
"Hey~, it is fine! Look at you! I can't let another one of my dear friends go out like that!"


She the heard running, then the door to her room was opened and slammed shut with a panting Bridgett-, wait that can't be Bridgett! Sony stares at the girl in front of her. Wavy blond hair, bright green eyes with no glasses. Who is this pretty girl? !

"B-Bridgett?" The blond jumps as she looks to Sony with eyes widened, she then lets out a smile and goes up next to her friend's bed.

"S-Sony! I-I'm s-so g-glad you're a-a-alright!"

Yup, that's Bridgett.

Sony looks at the girl up and down, still in shock.

"Who dressed you up?"

The girl lets out a blush and covers her face slightly with her hand. Bridgett opened her mouth to speak, but was interrupted by the door slamming open revealing Angelica holding a myriad of make-up supplies in her hands.

"Bridgett~! Why did you run off~?" Angelica's attention was then drawn to an awaken Sony. A bright smile and a squeal was pulled from her lips as she jumped forwards and hugged Sony.

"You're awake! I'm so happy!" Sony let out a laugh and patted Angelica's back.

"I'm glad to see you two, but." Sony looked at Bridgett then back to Angelica once the girl pulled back. "What are you two doing together?"

Angelica then jumped off the bed and also gave Bridgett a loving hug.

"Well~, once Bridgett and I got you home. I was able to spend time with her and realize that she's now another one of my new bestest friend!"

Angelica tightened her hug on Bridgett. Oh yes, Sony saw it. The pleading cry in Bridgett's eyes asking Sony to help her. She sent a girl one of her sympathetic faces, she also got caught in Angelica's friend obsession.

Sony's then remembered why she was fainted in the first place and her face went towards the ground. Should she ask? Maybe it didn't happen, but what if it actually did? She then turned back to the two.

"Um, guys. Did, what happened in 'Friendship Club' actually happen?"

She couldn't say it, it was just such an unlikely situation she couldn't say it. Angelica frowned as she pulled away from the blond while flicking her hair.

"Che, all those guys thinking they're worthy of you Sony. It's ridiculous!" Angelica then pulled forward to Sony with a mischievous smirk.

"If you want, me and some hitmen could go and neater all the bastards."

Sony's hands automatically went up as she tried to calm down the girl in front of her.

"N-No! It's fine Angelica you don't need to do anything to them!"

The girl frowned and pulled back from her friend and shrugged her shoulders.


Sony's face then saddened again as she looked down. What is she going to do? She still has school tomorrow, how's she going to face all of them? Heck, how are they all still going to be alive by tomorrow! Sony then buried her face into her knees. This really is a nightmare, she can't chose between them. They all mean so much to her.

Angelica and Bridgett's face also sadden at Sony's depressed mood. Bridgett then kneels down next to her friend.

"S-Sony, w-we're a-always here f-for you if you e-ever need u-us."

Angelica nodded next to the girl.

"Just give us the call and we'll cut off their dirty ball-sacks."

Sony laughed a bit at Angelica's way of trying to cheer her up. She then looked back to them with a smile and started to play with the blankets a bit, small tears then started to come from her eyes.

"T-Thanks, so much. I'm really glad to f-finally have friends." Both teenagers smile at Sony and give the girl a hug from each side.

After that, they all talked about different subjects. Moving from movies, to how Bridgett looks, and guys. But Sony made sure to move away from that subject as quickly as possible. When both girls were gone Sony was left back in her room alone to think over her thoughts. How is she going to cope with this?

Sony sighed and buried herself deeper into the covers. She'll just have to see what happens tomorrow. Maybe she could call sick?

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