Od jaeminteu_

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A collection of imagines for dear CARATS ©jaeminteu_ Více

Request Form
#1 Seungkwan
#2 Mingyu
#3 Wonwoo
#4 Hoshi
#5 Mingyu
#6 THE8
#7 Jun
#8 Joshua
#9 Woozi
#10 Hoshi
#11 Mingyu
#12 Hoshi
#14 Jun
#15 Vernon
#16 Dino
#17 Jun

#13 S.Coups

2K 34 12
Od jaeminteu_

Request from:


[Seungcheol's P.OV]

I'm finally done with today's task, as usual, bully (y/n). It is a difficult thing to do, really. Imagine when you are forced to bully someone you actually like as a task. Keyword: forced. And it's forcing, so basically I'm kinda bullied too but indirectly.


I still decided to drive even after drinking a few shots of vodka. I had to admit that I'm not a good kid. I did what underage kids are not supposed to do. I had a fake ID. I was drunk driving and as expected, car accident happened.

After a week or so of being hospitalised, I went back to school. I decided to change myself, my bad habits. Why? I killed my loved one, my mom, in an accident. If a person died because of an accident, it's unfortunate. I felt selfish, she died but I'm still alive.

As I reached school, I was greeted by the school's popular "group" or "gang". The main members are all siblings and the rest are some students. I hated them. They are so "big" and respected that they have the power to threaten people.

The oldest member aka the leader aka the oldest brother among the siblings aka Nam Minwoo, he gave me a punched on the face. I touched my cheek and glared at him. Other students' attention were on us now.

"What the actual fuck..." I muttered.

He then grabbed my collar and yelled, "You killed our parents!"

"Wondering how we know? We asked for some investigations to be done," the younger sister, Nam Soojin, stated in an arrogant manner.

"You're the one supposed to die... Not my parents, not your mother," Minwoo hissed.

The mentioned of my mother hurt me. I removed Minwoo's grip from my collar and clenched my fist. I decided to change right? I'm trying to calm myself.

"I know it's my fault. It was an accident. My mother died too, you're not the only one who's suffering..." I whispered, "Now excuse me.."

Just as I walked away, Minwoo said something.

"Then should I threaten your father too...? Do you even know that your mom actually owe money from our parents' company? She haven't paid back by the way..."

I sighed, what a great way to start a new day.

"So what do you want me to do..?"

"Ah glad that you finally asked," Saemi, the youngest sister, smirked, "Bully (y/n) with us."

Among all people, must it be her...?

"It's annoying that she always ranked first and get lots and lots of compliments from the teachers, I mean I did well in class too but why must it be always her? And Mingyu oppa... He like her. Can you believe it?! The tall handsome Kim Mingyu likes an ugly duckling... He dare to tell me that smart is the new sexy, wow..?! Even when (y/n) told him she like someone else, Mingyu oppa still stick to her.." Saemi ranted.

Because you're a childish immature bitch duh. But (y/n) likes someone else...?

"Hmm.. Not a difficult task right...?" Minwoo smiled, a satanic smile.

"We are so gonna have fun and Choi Seungcheol, you're like Minwoo.. You will graduate next year and that's it, you don't have to continue this. Not long right..." Soojin smirked, "and don't worry, all you have to do is just follow our instructions. We're just gonna plan and you do it."

"What if I don't accept..?" I asked.

"You'll see," Minwoo said, "but most likely will be your second loved ones and the third and you won't like it."

In the end, I accepted the "threat". Even if it was killing me, I do not want to lose anyone else. I'm trying to protect my family... And perhaps (y/n) which I hope they don't know that I like her.. Minwoo is stupid. It's not really a big problem but he make it big. Just a year... Then I will leave school aka hell.

-End of flashback-

I messed my hair because of frustration as I remembered the memory. I walked behind Minwoo and the rest. It looked like I was not accepted in his group or whatever but I don't care. I don't need them to be my friends.

[3rd person P.O.V]


'No. Not now...' Seungcheol groaned.

Minwoo and the rest stopped and Seungcheol had no choice but stopped on his tracks too. Seungcheol turned around to look at the person who called him and he mentally groaned. The expression on her face made Seungcheol weak and wanted to pull her into a hug.

"Seungcheol, I have something to say..."

"Ugly duckling, make it quick will you?" Soojin yelled which made (y/n) flinched.

"I... I uh... I like you..."

'Fuck... Can time stop now...' Seungcheol thought.

Minwoo and the rest burst into laughter.

"Gosh... Ugly duckling, you think he will accept a girl like you," Saemi chuckled.

"I pity you, Choi," Minwoo sighed.

Seungcheol took a deep breath, "(y/n), if you think I'm gonna accept you, the answer is obvious isn't it? Just like what Saemi said, who will accept a girl like you? Oh and I'm not like Kim Mingyu who said smart is the new sexy. Pfft. What kind of bullshit is that."

Seungcheol then just walked away, leaving (y/n) heartbroken. He was actually heartbroken too, he could not see (y/n)'s face any longer. He couldn't even believe he said those words.

Three years passed since that incident. Seungcheol graduated but he was not happy. He continued his studies in university and he still was not happy. He tried to distract himself but he failed in the end. After that incident, (y/n) did not go to school. She was not in the graduation ceremony. She was gone after the incident just like that and nobody bother to find out, well only Mingyu. Seungcheol was actually wondering inside but he could not show it. He blamed himself.

'It felt like Minwoo and the rest knew I like (y/n)... They asked me to bully her. So it's like they're actually hurting (y/n) by using me... They still hurt my loved ones..' Seungcheol once thought but he was still unsure.

Suddenly someone slapped his table and made Seungcheol flinched. The person then laughed.

"Cheol, you know you have been like this since first day in Uni which is the first day I said hi to you. Maybe you can tell me..."

"Yoon. Jeong. Han. I'm fine," Seungcheol smiled.


Seungcheol sighed, "I made a huge mistake during the last year of high school...."

Seungcheol continued explaining and Jeonghan, as a best friend, listened to him with full attention. As the mention of (y/n)'s name, Jeonghan was stunned but he just let it be. He thought it was impossible. He thought probably it was just another girl with the same name.

"You still like her?"

"Yes! I can't believe it too.. She's gone.. Just like that... And I don't know where she is. Then here I am asking Kim Mingyu every week if he found her but well... As days passed, he gave up but still hoped for the best. He said he have no feelings for her anymore..."

"Wanna grab some coffee later?" Jeonghan asked, "I wanna meet my friends, I kinda feel old..."

Seungcheol nodded, "Sure..."

After class ended, they went to the coffeeshop Jeonghan was talking about. It was one bus stop away.

Jeonghan went to the cashier and smiled, "You know you can't be reading if the cafe is crowded right..? I mean just because there's lesser people now, you still have to be aware when customers are coming right..."

The cashier looked up and her eyes widened as she grinned, "Jeonghan!"

She looked at Seungcheol, "And you bring your friend.."

"(y/n)...? Is that you...?"

(y/n) blinked, "Do I know you...? You looked familiar though... Wait, are you Seungcheol..?"

At that moment, Seungcheol felt the same feeling that he felt on the incident, heartbreak. He wondered what happened.

'So I was right... It's this (y/n)... And the good cook Kim Mingyu... And she told me when she kinda regained her memories..about Seungcheol.. I should've known better...' Jeonghan thought.

"(y/n) the usual please," Jeonghan smiled.

(y/n) nodded and she was about to call her colleague but she was disturbed.





Mingyu get out from the kitchen and glared at the group of ten people which is the only customers at that time.

"I told you guys I came here for work," Mingyu sighed.

"And we came here for fun and obviously we need you to help us with our homework..."

"I'm a barista not a tutor, now (y/n) what's- Seungcheol...?"


After ordering, Jeonghan bid goodbye and left which was unusual. Usually he would stay for an hour or two to spend time with (y/n) and Mingyu.

"Jeonghan, you didn't tell me your friend is (y/n).."

"I thought is was another person..."

The both of them were frustrated.

"Why should (y/n) talk to you and are you sure you want to talk to her..?"

Seungcheol was about to say something but Jeonghan interrupted him.

"I know you have no idea why she was gone. First, she went through depression, okay. Her parents left her, they don't want her. They say she's ugly but she's still accepted by her grandma, and now her grandma won't live long. And then she learned makeup and stuff with the help of me and my female classmates, they're friendly so why not. And once she learned everything, she's a pro and she look like a goddess-"

"Jeonghan, what are you talking? She's know as the ugly duckling in my school... But I mean... To me she's fine. She's pretty from my perspective."

"You idiot shut up and listen. You're right, she's a nerd in school. Why? She studied so hard until so late and she had to wake up early and she had no enough time to do makeovers in the morning. Then the students bullied her, she mentioned you. Sometimes we talked about you, I mean.. She talked about you to me. She liked you... Then one day, she told me you said one whole bunch of sentences that hurt her. So the fact that her parents left her plus the fact that she got bullied plus the fact that you hurt her so much, she hate herself more. What she did? She purposely got herself into a car accident. That day, I couldn't contact her. In the morning, she would send me a good morning but she didn't. I asked Mingyu and he told me she wasn't in school. I got more worried. I spammed her with messages, it was delivered but she didn't read it for hours. Until it was about nine at night, my classmate that helped her with makeovers called me and told me that (y/n) got into the hospital. They were there, they saw the whole accident. They say the traffic light was green and there were many cars but (y/n) still walked across then bam... I'm lucky they were there.. If not, I don't think I will never know..."

"Was she... Badly injured...?" Seungcheol whispered, he felt super guilty.

Jeonghan smiled weakly, "There's a damaged to her brain, so she fell into a coma. Thank God, she woke up in two weeks though. Long but better than nothing. She had memory loss... She had fractured bones and again.. thank God, it's just a small fracture on her leg and arms, it didn't break to two pieces..."

"Memory loss..?"

Jeonghan nodded, "She remembered only certain people. Me, Mingyu, her grandma, and you. She didn't remember her parents' name, which school she go to and there are more but it's not important so never mind.. But for your case, to her, it was like a blurry vision. How she talked about you is like putting a puzzle together, she gave some informations but if you connect it together it's doesn't make sense. I mean we talked about you so I know some things... She didn't remember that you hurt her, but I told her to forget about you. That's it. I don't know if she completely forget about it or still have the memory but yeah...."

"You told her to forget me...?"

"What? I want her to kinda start over and have a better life. I don't really know anything about you that time, so I just told her to forget you because I want her to have a happier and better live onwards..."

"Oh, Jeonghan hyung. You're still here?"

"Oh, Seungkwan? Ah, I was just having some private talk with this guy, Seungcheol..."

"Oh..." The ten of them nodded.

"Seungcheol ssi, you look like a young father..." Seokmin said.

Soonyoung slapped his head, making Seokmin pout, "You idiot."

Soonyoung then smiled sheepishly, "Seungcheol hyung.. Sorry for this Seokmin idiot..."

Seungcheol shook his head with a smile, "It's okay, first meeting."

Then all of them had a small introduction session. The ten of them were super welcoming and nice. They then left and Seungcheol had insisted to stay for a bit and so Jeonghan left him.


Seungcheol turned, "(y/n)..."

"Uh. (y/n) and Seungcheol hyung, I will leave both of you here, I'm kinda in a hurry. Ah and hyung, make sure you walk her home and keep her safe, don't want her to get into another accident, right? Imma go now, I still have to visit my girlfriend. Bye~" Mingyu waved.

Once Mingyu was out of sight, they were left in an awkward silence.

"Well.. Mingyu got a girlfriend, heh," you smiled.

"I still remember he stick to you at all times during high school," Seungcheol chukled.

"I know and I still remembered you. All the memories, it was messed up. But Mingyu helped me earlier... He told me high school times..."

"Minwoo was right... I'm the one who's supposed to die... Not their parents, not my mom, not you who got hospitalised..."

"Seungcheol.. Forget about Minwoo and whoever it is, it's in the past... Just th-"

"How can you say that?? I got you into a coma. You suicided because of me..! I made you feel miserable...  I hurt you. I hurt those who love you too, Jeonghan especially," a tear fell from Seuncheol's eye, "I feel super guilty.."

"Why are you crying??" You panicked, "Look, I'm okay now... I'm still alive... I have those ten guys as my friends you saw earlier, with Mingyu and Jeonghan."

Seuncheol did not say anything and just wiped his tears.


You finally called the nickname that you had been dying to use and to call him. It made Seungcheol looked at you, his eyes full of surprised. Before coma, when you were still bullied, you did what other girls did. Imagining your crush as your boyfriend and such. That still stuck in your heart and brain. Weird, but everything about Seungcheol was still there just that it was kinda messed up and all over the place. Despite of Jeonghan telling you to forget Seungcheol, you could not forget it.

"Cheollie... Even if you hurt me, I will still consider you as my friend."

Seungcheol sighed and smiled weakly, "I didn't get to explain why I bullied you right..."

"Cheol, that was the past, I told you to for-"

"But I like you!" Seungcheol stared into your eyes.

You blinked, "What..."

"Since High School, okay! I bullied you because I was forced to. I was threatened by Minwoo...!"

"Forget Minwoo," you sighed.

"Fine," Seungcheol grumbled, "But I still like you."

You kissed his cheeks, "I still like you too..."

"That time, when I hurt you... I was heartbroken inside. I was in front of them, I had too.."

"Choi Seungcheol, why do you keep on mentioning the past..."

"Because I'm guilty," he pouted.

You just rolled your eyes and puffed your cheeks. Without realising, you suddenly felt his lips on yours. You were shocked. Well you were kinda daydreaming and stared into nothings earlier...

It felt nice to finally feel his lips. His hand went to your nape and the other to your waist, pulling you closer. You finally kissed him back. Both of your lips moved in sync. It felt nice. Very nice. After awhile, you broke the kiss and Seungcheol was grinning, showing his cute dimples.

"(y/n), actually... I got a girlfriend already..."


"I'm talking to her right now..."

Your expression became emotionless. You left him and started to walk away.

"I'M NOT GONNA TALK TO YOU!!" you yelled.

Suddenly, Seungcheol backhugged you while grinning.

"You haven't change..." Seungcheol muttered.

"I'm not the ugly duckling anymore..."

"From my perspective, you're still the same. Doesn't matter nerd or goddess, it's still the same to me..."

His words made you smile. Seungcheol is probably the type who would say cheesy stuffs that make you cringe but that shows his affections towards you and it is cute.



Eunmi_Kim, here's your S.COUPS one shot ^^

Thank you for requesting~~

I hoped you enjoyed it and this is the longest one shot in this book so far. But I feel like I'm telling too much explanations so it's something like nonsense ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 😂😂 hope it's not that boring... And hope it match your taste and expectations 👌🏻

I got this plot when I was in school. It was History lesson and the teacher didn't have enough copies of notes for the class. He left the class to print more but idk why he left for so long that when he came back to class, we only had 15 mins left 😂😂🔫

So during that period when he left, just like usual, the class became noisy and they start talking, using phone in class, and some good kids do their other works.. While me, I just sit there doing my own signatures in a small paper 😂🔫 just like what Dino did in mansae mv 😂

The plot is just like that but I didn't expect to write this one shot for 2k+ words

So, keep on requesting, yeah :>

I'm walking to school hohoho

Have a nice day 👋🏻

Comment and share 👑

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