Hard To Love

By xoxolazygirl

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"No need to be a d*ck. You know that's supposed to be a part of your body and not your personality, right?" ... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2. New/Old Friends
Chapter 3. Karma is a B*tch
Chapter 4. Confrontation
Chapter 5. Disappointment
Chapter 6. Shall we make amends?
Chapter 7. We are friends
Chapter 8. Sweet Dreams?
Chapter 9. Friendzone's a b*tch
Chapter 10. Start of something new
Chapter 11. Kisses, fights and more kisses
Chapter 12. Happy Birthday Emma
Chapter 13. It's over
Chapter 14. Friends in need
Chapter 15. Feelings
Chapter 17. A Different Birthday Celebration
Chapter 18. Make a move
Chapter 18. Part 2. The aftermath
Chapter 19. He's okay-ish
Chapter 20. Close
Chapter 21. Part 1. The Ugly Truth
Chapter 21. The Ugly Truth. Part 2
Chapter 22. This Is It
Love Me Harder.

Chapter 16. Parties and Tequila shots

70 4 12
By xoxolazygirl

Emma's POV

The music was playing loud at Stella's house when I walked in.

Nate managed to get James to have a party and they even managed to convince McGrumpy to let them have the house for the night.

Which really didn't take much convicing because Demi suddenly got sick and couldn't make it at the party. Connect the dots people.

Speaking of Alex and Demi, let me say that Stella wasn't okay with them seeing eachother and a week ago after I left they got into a huge fight. Thank God though they worked everything out and Stella wrapped her head around the idea of Demi and Alex as a couple.

It took her a few days to do so though.

It took me a few days to wrap my head around what almost happened a week ago at my dorm with Nate. We almost kissed.

It was obvious that if Demi hadn't interrupted to talk about her's and Stella's drama me and Nate would have kissed.

I'm still debating on whether it was a good thing that she interrupted or not though.

Back to tonight's party, as much as I love those, I think the Dj here is overdoing it with the bass because I just walked in and I can feel a headache coming. It could be because I'm tired too though.

I adjusted my eyes to the low lighting and tried to spot Stella or Charlotte somewhere around.

I soon spotted Stella and walked over to her

"Thank god you're here." She said pulling me in a hug. All the drama forgotten.

"O-kay. Good to see you too Stel. What's wrong?"

"You look great. I like the skirt." She complimented

"Thanks. It's new. You look great too. Now, what's wrong?"

"I can't stand him." She said with an angry sigh.

I gave her a confused look and she explained "Chris."


"Come on Emma. You've met him, he's friends with James and Nathan."

"Black haired one who plays football?" I asked over the music

"Yeah." She cringed

"What did he do?" I asked

"He keeps bugging me. And he's rude." She said rolling her eyes.

"Come on sweety. It's nothing a little alcohol can't fix."

She chuckled "True. Want me to find a bottle for us?"

"You bet I do."

"Alright alright I'll be back." She said before walking away.

I felt someone tap my shoulder and I turned around only to find an extremely attractive Nate looking at me with a gorgeous smile on his gorgeous face.

I said gorgeous twice, didn't I?

Okay I need to stop, this is getting too much.

The past week things have been kind of awkward between us and it's not something I particularly like. I'm used to things always being pretty easy around him and I don't wanna ruin a friendship.

Nate looked at me up and down with a small smirk on his face. And I took my time checking him out too.

He was wearing was a pair of dark washed jeans and a dark blue buttoned up short sleeved shirt and he managed to look good. How do guys do that?

"Hey." I said with a smile

His brown eyes soon found mine "Hey. You look great."

"Thanks." I said with a small smile "So is Charlotte here yet? Have you seen her?" I asked looking around

"Yup." Was all he said

"Well where is she?" I asked

Nate's hand went on my waist turning me around while his other one pointed somewhere. It took me a few seconds to focus on where he was pointing because the feeling of his hands on my waist send chills up my spine.

My gaze followed his finger eventually and I spotted Charlotte and James talking all by themselves with smiles on both their faces.

"Well looks like our job is done."

"I bet they'll hook up by the end of the party." He said in my ear still standing behind me

I turned around facing him and punched his arm playfully "Shut up."

"So why are you on your own?" He asked

"Well Demi's sick so she had to stay home" I lied. "And I've send Stella to bring us some alcohol."

"Alright." He said with a smile

"Why are you on your own?" I asked with a smirk

"Well James is occupied, I talked with some people but most of my friends are somewhere around here picking up girls."

"And why aren't you with them?" I asked raising an eyebrow

"I kind of have my eyes set on someone already." He said with a smile looking at me straight in the eyes.

Why does he do things like this? He says things like that and I feel like a 15year old who likes the captain of the Football team and blushes when he looks at her.

"I'm here." Stella said holding up a bottle of vodka "And that" she said pointing at the guy who I think is Chris "Decided to join me."

"That?" The guy asked placing a hand over his chest "I'm hurt Stella."

"Good." She said on full bitchy mode.

That's my girl.

"Stop messing with the girls Chris" Nate said chuckling

"I'm just kidding man." Chris said

I butted in "So are we gonna open this thing up or not?" I said pointing to the bottle in Stella's hand.

"I swear you're an alcoholic." Nate said opening up the bottle

"Give me a break. I get to drink seldomly so sue me for enjoying a couple" I stopped myself because of the look he gave me "...dozen of drinks. Whatever."

He chuckled and filled a red cup for me "Here you go."

He filled his cup, Stella's and Chris' too and we started having small talk.

~2 hours later~

I leaned against the sink in Stella's kitchen while she was getting a new bottle of tequila for me. "Grab me a couple of shot glasses too. Nate said I can't beat him."

She chuckled and handed me the bottle of tequila, she struggled a bit to walk straight when she walked over opening a small cabinet. She grabbed the glasses and walked ovet to me handing them over.

"Thanks Stel."

"Be carefull with that."

"He was the one who challenged me. I'll prove him wrong." I said before walking out of the kitchen.

I managed to spot Nate sitting in the couch with a bunch of other guys with a red cup in his hand. I stood in front of him. "I'm here. Wanna see who can take more?"

"Em." He started with a sigh and I was almost convinced that he'd tell me my idea sucked. But then he smirked "We both know I do."

"Well there's only one way to find out." I said holding up the bottle.

He chuckled and got up from the couch "Wait here. I'm gonna get some salt and lemons. If we're doing this, we're at least doing this right." He walked away only to come back a couple minutes later.

"Follow me Em." He said and walked away.

I followed him and we soon found ourselves in a room.

Nate closed the door and looked at me with a smirk on his face.

"What are we doing here?"

He sat on the bed and patted the spot next to him, I sat down on the bed "If you end up fainting you might as well do it on a bed." He said with a smirk "Plus I like my privacy."

"Not funny buddy. First one to feel bad loses."

"You're on." He said filling both of our glasses. He grabbed the saltshaker and poured some on his wrist, he then passed it to me so I could to the same. I mimicked his actions and we clicked our glasses together.

"Bottoms up."

A couple of shots later

I pouted "This is getting boring. We're both good at this."

A though hit me and I got up from the bed we were sitting on. I struggled a bit to steady myself and turned to Nate. I giggled and took of my jeans jacket "You know what I've never done before? Body shots." I kicked of my heels and smirked. I got back on the bed and straddled Nate catching him by surprise.

See? That's why skirts are good.

"Wanna do body shots with me Nate?" I asked wrapping my arms around his neck and breathing agaist his lips. His breath smelled like alcohol but so did mine and at that moment it was too intoxicating to care.

"Emma, no" He said pulling away slightly "We can't."

"Live a little." I insisted

He stared at me and after a few seconds the worried expression on his face was replaced by a playfull one "Fine."

"Yay." I giggled "Can I go first?"

"When have I ever said no to you?" He chuckled holding onto my waist.

Hm, and he had second thoughs about this.

I started unbuttoning his shirt making sure that my fingers came in touch with his chest as I did so. I could feel his breath hitching up every now and then when I touched him.

God that chest.

I get to appreciate it now because of how close we are.

I pushed him down on the bed and grabbed my glass, or his glass, I'm not really sure, filling it with tequila. I took the saltshaker in my hands and leaned in closer to Nate taking in the sight of him laying down bellow me with his shirt unbuttoned. I placed a slice of lime on his lips so he could bite on it.

I placed a kiss on the crook of his neck and I was rewarded by a grunt that left his lips once mine connected with his skin that semed to get hotter by the moment.

I spinkled salt onto the spot I previewsly kissed and licked it off right away, earning another grunt from him. I poured the shot in my mouth and then leaned in closer to him and sucked on the lime while brushing my lips against his.

This small, barely existing, distance between our lips made me crave more.

God I want more.

"My turn" Nate said in a tone that I haven't heard him use before. It was husky, erotic and it made me shiver.

In a quick move I found myself laying on my back with him right on top of me. His jeans didn't to a good job at concealing how he was feeling. But I knew he wasn't the only one getting turned on, the tone he used a few seconds ago alone, was enough to send chills down my body.

He shifted a little to get the bottle and poured himself a shot. He placed himself right on top of me again breathing heavily against my ear while pulling a few strands away, he was positioned right in between my legs. My skirt was barelly covering me anymore.

He placed a butterfly kiss on my neck and I could feel his hand on my outer thigh. His grip tightened on my skin and a soft moan escaped my lips because the intimacy of the moment.

Nate's eyes found mine and he stared at me for a few seconds.

I could see the lust in them but I'm sure he could see exactly the same in mine.

The seconds of him looking at me felt like hours and the next thing I know, he is getting off of me without a word.

He gulped down the shot when he sat at the end of the bed and then got up running a hand through his hair.

I stared at him confused.

What did just happen?

"I can't do this." He said under his breath but it was enough for me to listen.

I raised from the bed fixing my skirt "What do you mean you can't do this Nate? It's not like you were about to have sex with me. " I slurred with my words a bit because of how much alcohol I had in my system but I shook my head "We're just friends having fun. Live a little."

"I mean that I can't do it." He said in a firmer tone with his back still facing me "I would be taking advantage of you."

Taking advantage of me? What am I? A five year old?

We were just having fun, what is he talking about?

He's probably not even into me and he's just making all this up.

"Or maybe I just look that hideous that you can't lick some fucking salt off of me." I said getting angry.

He turned to me with a soft expression on his face "Em..."

"No. Don't say anything. I get it." I said rasing my hand to motion him to stop talking. I ran a hand through my hair and looked around the room for my shoes.

"No you don't get it. I did-"

He was cut off by the door opening and James walking in "I was wondering where the two of you were" He said "Charlotte is leaving and she wanted to see if you need a ride." He said looking at me and he then looked at Nate tiltng his head on the side "Why is your shirt open?"

"Don't mind that." I said in an angier tone "That was obviously a mistake, but I do need a ride home." I grabbed my shoes "I'll see you when I get back." I said before walking out.

Great, now I know for sure that my bestfriend doesn't find me the slightest bit attractive.

I walked past the people dancing trying to keep myself from puking my guts out and found Charlotte by the door.

"Here you are. Do you need a ride home?" She asked with a smile

"Yes. I also feel like I'm gonna puke so sorry in advance in case I do it in your car" I said before walking out of the house.

My head was pounding before I even opened my eyes the next morning. I groaned and my hand found my head rubbing it slightly.

Last night didn't go exactly as planned.

A couple minutes of just staring at the ceiling passed and I decided to finally get myself out of bed.

A note was laying on my nightstand

You fell asleep right when I got you here and that's why you're still dressed. You started rambling in my car last night so you have some explaining to do.

Call me when you feel better, Charlotte.

I walked into my bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror.

Make up smeared all over my face and hair a big mess. Always classy Emma.

I took off my make up and undressed myself before hoping in the shower.

5 hours later I was waiting at the airport for my flight. God I hate all the waiting that you have to do. My head was pounding like crazy and I just took the second painkiller for today since the first one didn't really seem to help.

I'm really glad I had packed everything before hand because otherwise I would miss my flight trying to get everything together.

My phone went off in my purse and I took it out looking at the screen.

It's Nate.

He made me feel rejected last night but I can't let something like that get in between us.
So, what if he doesn't like me like that? We're still friends.

I can't lose him because of something as stupid as this. I may, and repeat, may have developed some feelings for him that aren't exactly friendly, but he doesn't need to know and as long as I don't act on them, they will go away. I think...

I cleared my throat and picked up "Hey." I said in a normal voice

"Em, are you okay?" Nate's worried voice sounded from the other end of the line.

Okay Emma, this is your chance to avoid a very, very, very difficult situation. Don't screw it up, just play cool.

"Well except the fact that I'm feeling like my head has been repeatedly hit by a sledgehammer, I'm fine why?"

He paused for a couple of seconds before answering "I'm just checking. Are you sure you're okay?"

I left a chuckle escape my lips, which I knew was fake "Nate what's up with being worried about me? I drank a bit too much and went home to sleep. It's a hangover, I'm fine. But please tell me I didn't do anything embarrasing last night."

"You-" he paused "Didn't do anything embarrasing. Just danced with me and Stella. We all had a good time." He said sounding releaved.

Trust me, I didn't have a good time. Alright, I did, up to one point, but the you just ruined my whole night.

But what was I even thinking? I've seen the girls Nate's been with, why would he even want to do body shots with me?

I rolled my eyes and I was glad that he couldn't see me. "Alright then." I said in a cheery voice "I should hand up because I need to get on the plane."

"Wait, when will you come back?" He said in a hurry

"Uhm, I really don't know. It could be a week but it could be more. I really missed my family."

"Okay" he said "Just text me when you land."

"Okay okay. Gotta go now, bye" I said and then hang up. I turned off my phone and threw it in my bag.


Stupid, braindead, gorgeous dick.

Get a grip of yourself Emma.

He's your friend.

"Dad!!" I said in an excited voice once I spotted my dad walking towards me with a smile on his face.

He pulled me in a hug the second he reached me "Oh my baby girl."

I struggled a bit after a few seconds "Dad... can't breath."

He let me go "I haven't seen my daughter since Easter and I've missed her, pardon me." He said in a fake offended tone

"Well if you want to see her again it wouldn't be wise to suffocate her." I said with a grin on my face.

"Your sarcasm is getting on my nerves baby girl." He said faking yet again, a mad tone.

I giggled and kissed his cheek "Sorry daddy, come on, let's go now."

He took my suitcase, wrapped his arm protectively around me and we walked to his car.

I missed home.

"You're here." Lexi said running up to me once the door of our house opened and me and dad walked in.

I hugged her back "I missed you too Lex."

"I'm so glad you're here." She said, her big brown eyes lightening up with joy. Her brown hair was pulled back in her usual bun and her sihlouette was petite as always.

"Emma." Mom appeared from our kitchen

"Mom." I threw myself in her arms and she held me in there for a few seconds.

"Come on." She said pulling away "You must be tired and hungry."

"Starving actually" I corrected her

"Let's get you something to eat."


Hm, Nate and Emma got a bit carried away, didn't they? Nate stopped before things got hot and steamy but Emma didn't appreciate his actions. Thoughts on that?
How long to you think Emma will be able to avoid how she feels?

Please leave a comment and vote.

Chapter 17 Preview: "We'll make a stop at Stella's first. Everyone's there and they want to see you." Demi said making me snap out of my thoughts and look at her.


"I said we'll stop at Stella's. Alex offered to help and we'll have some barbeque. A get together since you're back." She explained

"You didn't need to go through that trouble guys." I said feeling bad that they thought they needed to do something like that just because I was back.

"Shut up. We all missed you. It's okay. It's an apportunity to have fun."

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