Prince Vegeta's Story

By liuxufei

7K 240 79

Disclaimer: I do not own Dragonball/Z/GT. We all know that Vegeta grows up to be a loving father and husband... More

Leaving Home
Meeting Frieza
Is Frieza Being Nice?
Continuing on with the dicipline
A Treat
Growing Up
True Love
An Idea

Uh oh

403 13 8
By liuxufei

At first, I wanted to put all the discipline in one chapter, but then I realized that it would be really long. So, I split it in two. Here is the first part.

Vegeta's POV

"So, just why did you try to run away? Don't you know that all escapes are hopeless?" Frieza softly asked, his tone sounding very dangerous indeed.

"I wasn't trying to run away, I just wanted to take a very short vacation." I began a desperate attempt to try and explain myself. Unfortunately, Frieza wasn't very patient.

"Runaways have to get punished," he said happily. "and I will be sure that you get the appropriate discipline. Hmm... just what shall we start with, there are so many possibilities before us, although none of them will be very pleasant for you. Ah... choices, choices." His voice drifted off, his face blissfully content.

I gulped. This was going to be very, very bad. I only hoped that the punishment wouldn't take too long.

"Let's start with some child discipline. I found out that a lot of species use a technique called spanking. I believe you are familiar with that term?" My palms instantly grew sweaty. In a way, you could say that I was familiar with them. On Planet Vegeta-sei, whoever didn't finish their warm-up exercises were given spankings. They would be taken to a closed room and the door would be closed before it began. Usually, the kid would come out sobbing and everyone else would continue about their business. I have never received one myself, and I did not wish to either. But, it looks like I don't have a choice.

Taking out a needle filled with Osperatives, he stabbed my arm. The pain didn't last long. "Now, follow me," called Frieza. I had no other choice. If I resisted, he would have caught me and made my punishment longer. Walking out of the room, I emerged into a stadium which was filled with all of Frieza's crew members. My cheeks flushed red. I was going to be spanked in front of them?!

Frieza grabbed me and threw me over his lap. With one fluid motion, he grabbed my spandex suit and tossed it aside. Putting on some gloves, he said, "Now get ready, this will hurt." My stomach clenched in anticipation.

Then, it began. Then first smack fell upon my bottom, hitting it painfully. Ow! This really hurts. It felt like I got stung by several bees at once, and to make it worse, everyone was watching me and several chuckles were heard. All those thoughts happened in one second. The hand fell down again. And again. And again. My eyes began feeling moist. Struggling vainly in his grip, I wondered how long this was going to be dragged on.

This continued on for a long, long time. Long enough that my mind stopped thinking about the crowd. Long enough that my bottom was probably an angry red now, and that tears were falling. Long enough that I only hung limply across his lap because there was no more defiance in me to struggle. Long enough that I would have fallen unconscious if it was possible.

"Aw... is the little prince crying?" His voice sliced through me like angry daggers.

I could make no response, the only sound that came from me were racking sobs.

"Don't worry," Frieza said. "If the timer is right, then you are almost halfway done."

Halfway done. Almost halfway done. That was my last rational thought. After that, my mind was just a big pond of pain. It must have stopped eventually, but my bare bottom was in too much agony to comprehend it. When I re-awoke, I was on my bed, my bottom still red and sore.

Fenila's POV

I could not believe was was happening to Vegeta up there on the stage. At first, it looked like he was holding his own, but somewhere in the middle, he lost it. Watching him sob softly, I felt mad at Frieza, although I didn't show it.

The "show" lasted for around one hour and some people were laughing like crazy. If only I was strong enough to teach them a lesson. By the end, Vegeta wasn't even responding to the smacks anymore, and only the faint rise and fall of his sides showed that he was alive. Poor Vegeta.

Vegeta's POV

Walking back to the throne room, I winced with every step. My backside wasn't even close to fully healed and walking wasn't very pleasant. All of a sudden, I remembered Frieza's words. He had said "let's start", meaning there was still more pain ahead.

Stumbling into the throne room on wobbly legs, I tensed my body for a beating. Surprisingly, no attacks came from any side. Glancing around, I found that Frieza was sitting calmly on his throne, making no sign that he was gong to attack. Relaxing my body just a little, many thoughts ran through my head at once. Surely Frieza wasn't going to let me off the hook that easily.

"What's wrong? You looked surprised," he asked. "Oh, I know what you're thinking. And no, you punishment is far from done." With a smile, he continued on. "The next phase in your punishment is simply a time-out." Oh, not another one of those. Back on my home planet, I was given quite a lot of time-outs. My father handed them out to me at least once a week. I usually just stayed in a small room for an hour to think about what I've done.

He can't be serious. A time-out, really? But then again, most of Frieza's terms were usually exaggerated.

"So, my foolish monkey prince, you will be locked up for three days without food or water." My eyes bugged out at that. Three days?! And to only make it worse, small spaces were like the bane of my existence.

"Zarbon, Dedoria, take him away now. I wish to see him three days later. With a final smile at me, the door closed behind us. Gosh, this must have been the most times he ever smiled in a week.

"Sweet dreams," said Zarbon sweetly as he threw me into the cell. Then, the door slammed shut behind me and everything was enclosed in darkness.

I fought against my overwhelming sense of panic as the darkness didn't get any better. Eventually, I lost track of time and huddled in one place. Not that I had much of a choice. The cell was so small that I couldn't even lay down fully. The only position I could do was curl up into a little ball on the floor.

The next part will be up by Saturday at the latest. Sorry for keeping you waiting. Like I said, it would be too long if it was only one chapter. Hope you enjoyed the story. Don't forget to comment about anything.

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