Confused Much? // l.t

By contaminate

42.8K 976 191

New York City. Portrayed as the busiest city in the world. But behind it's luxurious attributes is your avera... More

01: Beginning of an Adventure
02: "Niall, did you just fart?"
03: Well, that was embarrassing
04: Cat Fights
05: Drastic Decisions
06: National Falling Day?
07: Explanation and... Statue Games
08: Drama Llama
09: Constipation Contest and Goodbye's?
10: Problems and Unknown PedoBears?
11: Brown Substance
12: Going Mad
13: Accidents, Loads and Loads of Accidents
14: Panda's, Haylor and Attacking Floors?
15: Wetness, Smiles and Taken
16: Lower Regions
17: New York City Police and Hatred
18: Broken Beyond Repair
19: Trying to Forget
20: Media Attraction to the Max
21: Hidden Feelings
22: Mood Swings
23: Arrivals
24: Jerk with Tight Pants
25: Over Thinker
26: Barefoot
27: Sixteen Water Balloons

28: Tolerable

291 16 3
By contaminate


I could tell that Louis was fumbing beside me, not sure of what to do and what to say. It was strange to see him like this; trying not to bark in my face, an action that would surely resemble a dog. Yet, the victorious feeling that I had in my gut told me otherwise: having pissed off Louis Tomlison felt good, indeed. 

And as this boy begrudgingly reached over to buckle himself up in his seatbelt, I could tell he had accepted his unknown fate. 

"Why on earth would you bring a person who's angry with you, in a car with them?" HIs hair lazily flopped over his eyes as he muttered. 

"To be quite honest, i'm not sure." I shrugged, turning onto the freeway. In my mind, I had a pretty good idea to where I was taking the both of us. 

"You're not sure?" 

"Yeah, it was one of those 'live in the moment,' things." I shrugged once more, keeping my eyes on the road. 

He scoffed in reply, "Have you been stalking me?" 

"That's obsured! Out of all people, why would I be wasting my time stalking you?" 

"Because i'm fabulous?" He tried for an answer, making me glance over at him with a glare. 

My lungs let out a deep breath at his narcissism, keeping my mouth shut closed. Maybe if I stayed quiet, Louis would elaborate on his comment about me stalking him. Our small argument had gotten me to loose track of what I had said in the first place, making my silence almost unnessary. However, I stood - sat - my ground. 

"Look, my twitter bio has something to do with living in the moment... because everything's uncertain." From my side-vision, I could see him nervously scratch the back of his neck. 

"Oh," I replied bluntly. 

"Yeah..." My attempt at keeping my awkward chuckles to myself almost failed as Louis trailed off. 

He sighed, "Look; you've practically kidnapped me-" 

I hastily inturrupted, "-I wouldn't call it kidnapping." 

"Uh-huh, what is it then?" Louis challenged, sitting back in the passenger seat.

"Um..." I thought, "borrowing?" My voice rose higher at the end, as if i was asking a question. 

In reply, Louis simply shook his head and continued. "You kidnapped me," He stopped my incoming second inturruption by putting his hand up. "You suck at driving, so you're also putting me in danger." 

I mindlessly took my hand off the wheel and attempted to shove him over. This led to the car shifting dangerously into the lane baside us, making Louis let out a girly scream. Just as fast as I retracted my hand, I stuck it back on the wheel, balancing us out. 

"See? You're crazy!" He yelled, tugging at the front of his hair in frusteration. 

In content, I sighed. Having this boy, who has done nothing but create havock in my life, be stressed out just by me shoving him into my car - made me feel almost happy. Almost. Loosing my best friend, moving out of my dream city, making a fool out of myself and driving barefoot - it was all due to him. 

And man, was he going to pay. 

"You sound like an absolute physopath." Louis stated blunty. I could feel his observing stare peircing through my smirking-self. 

"I won't even ask if I said my thoughts out-loud." Because it was obvious that I did. 

"You think about things like that? Torturing people!" He exclaimed, panicking again. 

I laughed, shaking my head. If I was sure about something, it was this: I wasn't trying to torture him. It was morally just... testing the waters. 

"Only when it comes to you, Louis." I took a turn onto my neibourhood road. "Only when it comes to you." 

There was a gap containing everything of nothing in the air. I could tell that Louis wanted to say something by the way his mouth opened and closed. Seeing this happen, had resulted in moving my head to the side. Which then led to almost banging into a random house's fence. 

Finally, my families picture-esque home came into view. 

"You took me to your house?" He asked, astonished at my actions. 

I smiled, a real genuine smile. Internally, I hoped for him not to be freaked out by my pedophile tendencies. But for some reason, I had a feeling that Louis had gotten that vibe a long - long time ago. 

Probably starting from when I called the cops on him. 

"Yeah, I took you to my house. Well - my famlies house. It's more like a home, to be honest." I undid my seatbelt, the 'click' being the only noise in between us. "Now get your fine ass out of here. We're going inside." 


My mothers slobber was all over my both of my cheeks. Her tight grip was making my insides shriek for their lives as my mum - again - kissed my face. This was one of those times where I wasn't sure whether hugging her back was the right thing, and embrace the love my mother had for me - or run away and hide in a corner, forgetting that the - most likely - smirking boy watching our embrace, with the name of Louis Tomlinson, ever existed. 

The one problem was, that I had tried that before and it hadn't worked. 

At all. 

"Amanda, you've finally brought a boy home!" My mother cooed, pinching my wet cheeks. I was now, not sure whether the dampness was from her spit, or her tears. 

We were stood on the welcome mat inside my home. The second we had stepped in, my mother had emveloped me in a bone-crushing hug - not letting me even finish my completely normal scentence of "Hey mum, i'm home." 

"She kidnapped me!" I heard Louis call. His smile was practically heard from behind me. 

I shook me head, disagreeing. "I borrowed you, Louis." 

This comment made my mother gasp. "Now Ms. Miller, we've talked about using men for one night and never talking to them the next day. Am I right?" 

"Y-yeah," my face was the colour of a raspberry. May I mention, that I hate raspberrys. "B-but we're not doing anything, I swear." 

"Oh honey," my mother looked at me dead in the eye. "You and I both know that you are not a virgin."

"MUM!" I gasped, pushing her away with all my might. 

This caused for me to fly back, bumping into a shaking Louis' chest. He and my mother were doubling over in laughter, not caring to acknowlege the embarassed, furious, close-to-a-vein-popping tempered girl whom they were making indirect fun of. 

My mother shook her head, removing her brunette hair from her face. Her blue eyes, which I had inherited, twinked amusingly at me. 

"Oh man, I needed that." With that, she turned around as if nothing happened. "Have fun kids, stay safe." 

Immediatly, I grabbed Louis hand (mentally repeating 'ew' over and over again in my head) and bolted up the stairs. I didn't need another run-in with anyone else in my family, espicially my father. He'd not only scare the poor - excuse me, filthy rich - boy away from me forever, but make me seem like some unwanted peice of rubbish that you wouldn't want to even look at. Wait - maybe that isn't such a bad idea. 

"Where are we going, Mandy?" Louis broke me out from my thoughts, from using my hated nick-name. 

I gritted my teeth together, trying not to cuss him out. "Don't call me that." 

He laughed. I hate to admit it, but it was a beautiful sound. His voice rung through the narrow hallway of our upstairs floor. We passed by my old bedroom - which was now my fathers study. A flashback of me crying helplessly against the wall in that room flickered through my mind as we passed the door, causing me to stop in my tracks. 

"What's wrong, Amanda?" Louis asked, his voice not mocking. 

He had called me that night. He had told me that I wasn't what people online were saying. 

We were stood in the middle of the hallway. His front was close to by back, with his hands on my biceps. It wasn't sexual, it was comforting. The change in the atmosphere was horryfyingly quicker than a snap with your fingers. Just seconds ago, we were making fun of each other. 

Now, I was asking him questions that made me uncomfortable. 

"L-Louis?" My voice shook, not bothering to wait for an answer. "Why'd you call me?"

I heard him gulp, "Call you? When did I call you?"


Just by the unsure, shaking tone of his voice, I could tell that he remembred. He rememberd my time of absolute vulerability and I couldn't do anything about it. Sighing, I shook my head, trying to push away my thoughts of the long, dark night. Knowing he remembered wasn't settling well in my stomach, let alone that we was denying anything related to that. 

"Nevermind," I mumbled. "Let's go in my brothers room." 

He let out a breath of what I swore was relief. But just as soon, he hastily changed the subject. "You have a brother?" 

"Yeah, his name is Jett. He's annoying as hell..." I thought about him some more as we walked to his bedroom. "But I love him, I guess." 

A sound of agreement came from Louis' throat as he was stood behind me. But that was soon replaced by a question.

"Why your brother room? Are you too uncomfortable with me being in yours?" His previously caring deminour was changed to a cocky, eyebrow-quirking boy.

I simply scoffed, "I'm not afraid of you. It's just when I moved to New York my dad took over my room." I coninuted to walk though the hallway. "Turned it into a study. I doubt he uses it."

Just as my hand was reaching for the shut, white door that was at the end of the hallway (which was Jett's,) I then heard someone moan. Immediatly, I thought it was Louis. 

"Eww Louis! Keep your sexual fantasties to yourself." I squirmed, taking my head away from the handle. 

I turned around, facing him. His grey-blue eyes made my breathing hitch in my throat, and I felt a wave of hiccups coming up soon. Then was when I noticed how close we were, making me take a step back. 

"Did you moan?" He asked me, in a voice just above a whisper. 

I scoffed, "No! Why would I? I thought you did!" 

His hand went to my mouth, silencing me. Louis' eyes motioned towards the door, following by his ear making contact with the wood door of my brothers room. I rolled my eyes at his action, questioning him some more. 

"What are you doing?" I hissed, grabbing his upper-arm and trying to pull him off. After my fourth try, with no answer, I gave up. This guy was strong as hell. 

"Shh," He replied. Motioning his hand to the door, he whispered. "Listen to this!" 

I rolled my eyes again, crossing my arms. "What are you playing at, Tomlinson?" 

This time he did my oh-so familar trademark eye-roll, and stole my tactic of grabbing my bicep and pulling me towards him. My body hit the door with a small thud, causing him to wince.

"What now?" I looked at him in the eye, making him smirk. 

"Just listen." 

Caving in, I did as told. My ear was pressed against the door, as was Louis'. And that was when I heard it. A courus of moans and groans were heard from through the wood. A few thuds and the ocassional giggle from the other side made me gag. 

Hearing your younger brother getting it on with a girl whom you do not know, was not only sickening but awkward. 

That was when it hit me. 

Jett was under age. 

Before I knew what I was doing, I barged into the room to be met with a frantic looking Jett who was shoved under his covers. What confused me even more, was that he was alone. Not a person, other than myself and Louis standing around somewhere behind me, was in the room. 

That was when - again - it hit me. 

"Jett, Jett, Jett," I tsked as I took a long, hard gaze at the closed laptop sat over the covers of his bed.

His face was burning red, embarassment was shining crystal clear in his aurora. 

"I-I swear I wasn't doing a-anything wrong." Jett was stuttering like there was no tomorrow. 

I just shook my head at him disapprovingly. What he was doing was obvious, and I for one felt a bit embarassed for even coming in the room. However, seeing him in this perfect state of 'reasons to get Jett to do things for me' also known as a sisterly form of 'blackmail,' totally payed off.

"Mm-hmm, sure you weren't." Looking at him once again, but not meeting his eyes, I awkardly exited his room. 

On my way out, I passed Louis trying to conceal his laughter which I was sure was going to be billowing through my house the second I close the door to Jett's room behind me. And just as I did so, I was proved correctly.

"Man, your family is entertaining." He wiped a few tears coming from his eyes. 

You have got to be kidding me. Out of all things, Louis is crying from laughter? I opened my mouth to respond, but all that was stuck in my mind was Jett's face the seocnd I opened the door. It was strange, what I did. But even stragner, was Louis' reaction.

"I've always wanted a little brother," He stated, looking at me as we spoke in the middle of the hallway. "The thing we just saw, being one of the reasons why." 

I gasped, smacking his arm in disbelif. "Louis, that's disturbing on many levels!" I exclaimed. "Watching people do t-" 

"No, no." For the second time today, he covered my mouth with his hand. "It's just enlivining, making fun of your siblings. More specifically, a brother. You know what the person of your gender, living under your roof would be doing because you've done it yourself." 

I then, took as step away from him. 

You've done it yourself. 

"Gee, thanks Mr. Boy Band," I massaged my temples. "What a nice image I have forever incrested in my mind."

He chuckled, tilting his head back as he did so. 

"Babe, I didn't ask you to think of anything." 


OH MY GOSH I'M SO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING SOONER I'M A HORRIBLE PERSON I KNOW. I've decided to update this on 1d day so yay. 

Please, if there's any existing readers of this still (if there are, thank you so much) comment and vote! it'd mean a lot to me. 

~ Shoes_To_Die_For

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