Who are you

By wolftheproxy101

24 0 2

2p!Russia x Oc More



9 0 1
By wolftheproxy101

I shout loudly in the blizzard. "Y-you where my everything!" I take out a razor blade and cut my wrists. "good bye my shitty life" I let the cold take over my body but before I black out a warm jacket is wrapped around my body and I'm picked up. "W-why" "shhh girl," the man's accent is Russian. "Just sleep" I sigh and let my body relax and I fall asleep (sryy if I s triggered someone☣) (high green juggalo skip)
                       (Allen is her brother ☠ also Matt is)
I wake up screaming "Shut it girl" I look at the man who saved me "I have a name ya know" I let my Jersey accent drip into every word I say. "then what is your name?" I take a deep breath and calm my self. "It's Kana Greed Jones-Mathieu" I tremble at the annoyed look he gives me. "Vladimir is my name" "Hoosier" I mutter under my breath. "What did you call me" I look for my phone I find it and call my Big Brother Allen "Where have you been sis" he shouts at me "I'm at some ones house he says his name's Vladimir also calm down Allen" "FUCKADUCK" I hear Oliver shout swear jar in the background 'stupid'

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@brandolover21 on tiktok not proof read, sorry if there's any mistakes <3