Shades of Innocence (A GerIta...

By loudfirecrusade

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*This story does not belong to me in any way. This story is owned by Henrietta R. Hippo on* Fe... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19: Epilogue

Chapter 17

2.1K 60 55
By loudfirecrusade

Feliciano thought he felt Antonio's hand on his shoulder but he couldn't be sure. His entire body had gone completely numb, completely confounded, he wasn't sure if he was just having an incredibly lucid dream or if this was indeed reality. Ludwig, his beautiful Ludwig had escaped from the prison, he was on the run...and police had been ordered to shoot him if they saw him...

"Feliciano, are you okay?" Antonio murmured softly into the silence, giving his shoulder a firm shake.

Feliciano nodded numbly. "" the Italian couldn't be sure whether he'd actually vocalised whatsoever. He couldn't think how he could possibly connect his brain to his lips in order to get them to move, or to produce any sound. The television was still blaring, shouting at him from the floor in front of them, it was just a muffled echo to Feliciano who swallowed heavily, his heart beating a slow, uneasily rhythm against his ribcage. On screen the newsreader had vanished and was replaced by another, more cheerful face who was telling the viewers about the storm of rain that would be hitting the town tonight. Antonio was squeezing down on his shoulder again, trying with great intensity to get the young man to speak; after a few solid minutes of staring blankly at the television screen Feliciano shifted himself away from his friend, slowly shaking his head.

"...I, I think I need to go to bed..." Feliciano managed to croak out softly as he began edging himself backwards towards the kitchen.

Antonio switched off the television before he cautiously followed the young man; the Italian had never thought he'd seen the Spaniard's look of sympathy ever so prominent on his face. He kept his eyes fixed firmly on Feliciano, his brows furrowed with deep concentration and concern as they moved slowly back through the kitchen and into the small corridor adjacent. Feliciano's back eventually met his bedroom door and he slipped inside hurriedly and shut the door before the Spaniard could follow him any further. After what he thought must of been a moment's hesitation, he heard the older man move, disappearing through the backdoor of their apartment and trekking quietly downstairs to join his partner in their cafe.

Once alone, Feliciano leant himself up against the closed door of his bedroom with his eyes wide open, his lips quivering ever so slightly. His room was dark and felt strangely cold around him; the heavy rain splattered his window outside behind him and the Italian thought he could hear the soft rumble of thunder in the distance. Feliciano's hands found his messy fringe and he clung tightly, twisting and curling his fingers into his hair to desperately distract himself from the infinitive number of dark and horrendous thoughts that were flashing across his mind.

Every scenario that revolved in his head involved Ludwig in some way. Ludwig lying face down on the side of the road after being knocked over by a police car...Ludwig lying in a pool of his own blood after being shot at by any number of armed police officers...Ludwig being attacked by a member of the public who recognised him from the news story and had gone berserk...each and every vision involved the German's gory end. There couldn't possibly be any chance of the man getting away unharmed; the police had been given permission to shoot and Feliciano knew that they wouldn't hesitate to do so. The Italian felt sick, his stomach hadn't been churning this badly since his early days in the prison. The young man suddenly pushed himself away from his door and began pacing frantically back and forth about his small bedroom, his hands still weaved into his hair.

What had Ludwig been thinking? What on earth had the man been thinking!? Escaping from prison! Was he really that idiotic? Did he not realise how unbelievably serious escaping from prison is? That they'd stop at nothing until they'd hunted him down!? Killed him!? Feliciano couldn't even comprehend his insane actions, he kept trying in vain hope to believe that there had been a mistake, that Ludwig had been in the prison the whole time and that the guards had just miscounted...but out of his bedroom window a small glow in the not too far off distance, a helicopter was shining a beam of light down onto the streets below as it flew through the sky, searching. The Italian let out a soft whimper and sunk onto his bed, head in hands and rocking slowly back and forth.

Feliciano was overcome with guilt. There was only one possible reason he could think of as to why Ludwig might do something so mind boggling dangerous...

Earlier that day the Italian had gone to see him for his monthly visit to the prison; unfortunately, due to the terrible weather, Feliciano had been incredibly late arriving at the prison and was only able to see Ludwig for about ten minutes. Now the German never usually let his emotions get the better of him, even though through the year it had been an intense struggle to live the way he was living, only able to see his love once a month and the rest of his time spent mainly in solitude. But that day, with such a brief amount of time spent together, Ludwig was completely beside himself, he quite literally had a break down there and then in the visiting room and Feliciano was unable to console him. Arthur had to escort him to Elizaveta when visiting time was over and Feliciano wasn't permitted to join him, although he waited until later to hear from the Brit what had happened and the Hungarian sent him her best wishes.

Ludwig was given something to calm him down but it clearly hadn't worked, or had finally worn off. Having Feliciano for such a short amount of time had become too much for him and he must have just gone completely insane. The Italian bit his lip, going rigid on his bed as he took deep breaths, trying to calm himself down. Ludwig wasn't stupid. It was a stupid thing he'd done, yes, but the German himself wasn't idiotic. He was one of the most intelligent people Feliciano had ever met, and being as clever as he was, Feliciano knew there was absolutely no possibility of the man attempting to find him.

A bang from outside brought Feliciano back to himself, inhaling sharply and clutching the top of his legs. He relaxed only slightly when he realised it was merely the bins outside falling over, probably from the harsh winds that thrashed against the house. But a few moments later the Italian heard the backdoor downstairs open and someone yell into the night.

"Who's there? Show yourself you stupid bastard!"

Feliciano crept over to his window and peered down; his brother was below him on the doorstep, glaring out at his dark surroundings. The bins lay motionless on their sides on the pavement at the front of the house but there was no other movement outside aside from the hale of rain that lashed the ground. Romano grunted irritably and disappeared back inside, closing the door behind him and extinguishing the light that had spilled out over the dark side of their house from inside the cafe. Feliciano let out a breath he hadn't realised he'd been holding. For a moment he could have sworn his brother had seen something, or someone, outside their home.

The young man moved away from the window again, and no sooner had he done so did he hear a loud rustling sound outside, it sounded closer somehow, than the noise of the bins falling had been. Feliciano's chest surged with dread as he edged back to his window, peering gingerly out into the dark garden and hoping with all his might that he wasn't going to see what he feared the most.

With a startled yelp that he managed to suppress with a hand across his mouth; Feliciano stared, wide eyed and unblinking, at the figure that was desperately scaling the side of the small house, clutching handfuls of ivy and heavy himself up towards the young man's window. Not really thinking about his actions; Feliciano scrambled to unlock and open his window just as a the blond, sopping wet head of Ludwig appeared in front of him, he was panting breathily as he flung an arm onto the window ledge and clamped down onto it to stop himself falling. Feliciano had the sudden, strange urge to run away, back out of the door. But in the corner of his eye he saw the faint light of the search helicopter in the distance, and in a blind panic the Italian grabbed two fistfuls of Ludwig's saturated, orange jumpsuit and dragged him up into his bedroom. The German fell through the window onto a heap on the young man's carpet; Feliciano just had to time to snap the window closed and draw his curtains shut before a pair of icy cold hands found his hips and were winding themselves tightly around him.

"Feliciano..." Ludwig's voice was ragged and hoarse as if he'd just run a marathon, his body trembled uncontrollably and moisture dripped down his dirty face. The Italian's own slightly shaking hands cupped the man's chin and gently lifted his head from where he knelt in front of him; the German's eyes had deep, dark circles beneath them, his lip was cut and a deep bruise was blossoming beneath his left eye. Feliciano felt weak, his knees buckled and he fell to the floor into Ludwig's fragile form.

"...Ludwig." Feliciano gasped out the man's name, he thrust his fingers into the German's hair as he pulled their bodies close together, Ludwig's soaking wet and unbearably cold, Feliciano's warm and welcoming, and the older of the two burrowed himself into the Italian. Feliciano felt tears spring to his eyes and he held back a sob as he stroked Ludwig's hair. "What are you doing h-here!?" he demanded, almost aggravated even though he held the man tighter still, their bodies trembling together.

He didn't answer straight away. Ludwig seemed incapable of doing anything besides feeling Feliciano against him, his head was still burrowed into the young man's cosy chest whilst his frozen fingers clung to the fabric of his jumper. Eventually the German raised his head, his cold, yet somehow warming eyes found the frightened ones above him. "What do you think? I couldn't stand it another second Feliciano..." Ludwig's deep voice made Feliciano tremble even more so, his lips, rough from the harsh cold, grazed the Italian's neck and he shivered.

Feliciano let his eyes drift closed, his fingers tightening in the man's sodden locks. "Ludwig...this is crazy, you're crazy..." his words were softly murmured but lost in translation; neither of them seemed to care about the dire situation, about the search helicopter mere miles from their location, the countless police officers trying to hunt them or the two men downstairs who knew nothing of the German's presence in their home. The only thing that mattered, the only thing that had ever mattered to either of them was that they were together, present in each other's arms, the feel of each other pressed so close together that they were but one entity.

Ludwig eventually found the strength to drag the two of them to their feet, where he let his hands rest on Feliciano's flushed face. "I can hardly believe I'm here..." he muttered, yet clearly their location was the last thing of the German's mind, as he paid absolutely no attention to anything in the dark bedroom other than Feliciano himself.

"How did you even find me?" Feliciano asked quietly in amazement, circling his arms around Ludwig's slim waist, he couldn't help but notice that, like himself, the German had lost a significant amount of weight over the year.

Ludwig let his head rest heavily on top of the younger man's. "You've told me where this place is, I'm sure you have...I remembered the road name and I saw the sign..." he pressed his thumbs gently into Feliciano's face, stroking his soft skin.

Feliciano let out a soft sigh of content. "'re lucky you weren't caught." he murmured, shivering under the German's touch.

"I wouldn't care even if I was..." Ludwig murmured, breathing deeply against Feliciano's head. "I love you Feliciano."

"I love you too Ludwig, so much." Feliciano told him, his voice strained as he tightened his arms as much as his small body would allow, wanting to feel the closeness of the man pressed against him despite the cold, wet feeling of his jumpsuit against his own warm clothes. The two of them stood embracing in the Italian's bedroom, their lips finally met and neither of them could suppress the deep, desperate, breathy moans that escaped them as they kissed. Rain continued to hammer against the window and occasionally a noise could be heard beneath their feet in the cafe downstairs, making them both start with a jolt of fear. Soon however, the grave reality of their situation hit home and with a tremendous amount of will power Feliciano managed to wrench himself away from Ludwig completely. The German looked like a small lost child as Feliciano stepped back from him, his arms groping in the air feebly with a look of deep confusion and hurt upon his bruised and bleeding face.

Feliciano had to look away from him to spare his own heart. "Ludwig you have to go." he said quite suddenly.

He had expected Ludwig to give him the perplexing, anguished look, but he hadn't anticipated how much it would hurt him to see it. "...what? Feli I..." Ludwig stammered uneasily, wringing his hands together in front of him.

Feliciano took hold of them, holding them gently in his own. "Ludwig they're searching for you right now, they'll shoot you if they see you! You have to run." the Italian insisted even though his voice wavered, he could hardly convince himself that this was what he wanted the man to do.

"I only got out of there to see you, I'm not going anywhere." Ludwig told him firmly with a shake of the head.

Feliciano looked at him sadly, using the corner of his sleeve to brush away the droplets of rain that showered down from his hair and clung to his face. "Ludwig you have to...they know about us." he whispered.


"They know Ludwig." Feliciano squeezed his hands, gazing up into those tired, blue orbs. "They know we're together, they've seen me visit you for a whole year...if they have any brains they'll know to come here looking for you."

Ludwig seemed a little hampered by this, his face contorted momentarily. "I see..."

"...Ludwig I love you, I don't want you to get hurt, or worse get...get..." Feliciano swallowed heavily, not able to finish, he hurriedly wiped away a tear that shed down his face.

Ludwig suddenly cupped the man's chin in his hand, pressing their lips together hotly. When he pulled away he stared directly into the man's eyes. "I'm staying until they do, when they show up here I'll surrender und go quietly, but I had to see you Feli, I just...I needed to see you, alone, away from everyone else..." his voice was so low it was almost a growl, he gently pressed his finger against the Italian's lips. "I'm sorry, I know this has probably ruined any chance I have of being officially released..."

Feliciano was torn. At these words the Italian actually felt a sudden surge of anger at the man; he knew perfectly well the implications of what he had done, what it would cost them...but when he met those deep eyes above him, so full of love and adoration and perhaps even just a little fear...the anger dissolved in an instant and he could only melt into the man's arms, shaking his head from side to side. "'re so crazy Ludwig."

Ludwig smiled deeply, "Only about you."

Feliciano grinned, leaning in for kiss. "Ludwig..."

"Feliciano? Is it okay if I come in?"

Ludwig and Feliciano went completely rigid, their lips just millimetres apart when the soft knock and anxious voice sounded from the other side of the bedroom door. The Italian's heart went into overdrive, it pounded frantically against his chest as he stared widely around the room, mad ideas popped up in his head as to what to do; push Ludwig hurriedly back out of the window? Hide him under the bed? Prevent Antonio from entering his room?...but even as that thought occurred to him he heard the door handle shifting as the Spaniard went to let himself in. Before Feliciano could react; Ludwig had darted silently across the room, his face the picture of pure panic, and shut himself inside Feliciano's small wardrobe that stood beside the door just as it was tentatively opened and Antonio's head appeared in the gap.

"Hola, are you okay amigo?" he asked quietly, his concern increasing at the sight of Feliciano's petrified face.

Feliciano nodded hurriedly, his eyes flitted towards his motionless wardrobe before he turned away from it, pretending to be distracted by his curtains. "Sì...I just, I...sì..." he cleared his throat, opening his curtains slightly to appear outside into the pitch black.

Antonio slid quietly into the room, watching him curiously. "Sorry I just...I thought I heard you talking so I was worried." he muttered.

Feliciano nodded, his heart doing a summersault in his chest. "Sì I'm sorry, I was...I was talking to myself, trying to calm down..."

Antonio switched on the bedroom light, a soft yellow glow lit the room and the Spaniard strode over to the young man, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder. "Feliciano, I want you to know I'm here for you." he said, suddenly rather insistent. "And Lovino too...I told him about what we just saw on the news, I don't think he was really listening to me, but if you want someone to talk to Feli..."

Feliciano tried to smile. "It's okay Antonio...I know you're both sick of this whole Ludwig thing." he muttered quietly with a shrug even as his heart continued to drum at a furious pace.

Antonio looked rather guilty. "It's not been easy for you." he murmured, gently turning the Italian away from the window to face him. "I understand, even if Lovi doesn't...and I know that right now you're probably worried sick." Antonio's face contorted into a more serious expression as the Italian continued to look down heartened. "Feliciano there have been times, I'll admit, that yes, both Lovino and I were a bit annoyed about your relationship with Ludwig; it was hard for us to watch you getting hurt over and over again..." he sighed. "...but I do really care about you, and I care about what happens to him..." Feliciano could have sworn he heard a sharp inhale from inside the wardrobe. " if you need someone to help you get through this, to reassure you, I'm here for you, Feliciano."

Feliciano almost forgot about his fear as he felt a sudden surge of warmth towards the man in front of him, and he gave him a genuine smile. "Grazie Antonio...really, I mean it."

Antonio smiled. "Good...for what it's worth, I'm sure they won't really shoot him...they were just trying to reassure the public, they'll probably find him soon and take him back, safe and sound." he said softly in a gentle tone of reassurance, he gave the Italian's chest a brief pat. The Spaniard's face suddenly dropped, and he looked very confused. "Feliciano...why is your jumper so wet?" he asked, giving the soggy fabric another curious poke.

Feliciano's eyes darted down to what Antonio was referring to. His dark blue jumper was now darker and unmistakably damp from embracing Ludwig, not to mention the slight smear of dirt across one of his sleeves. "Um, I just...I put my head out of the window." he said hurriedly, turning himself away from the Spaniard, his panic returning. " see if I could see's raining." he added.

Antonio stared at him in befuddlement. "What, out of the window backwards?" he asked, almost laughing in disbelief.

"...what can I say? I thought maybe Ludwig was on the roof." Feliciano muttered, he glanced fearfully towards his wardrobe which remained just as still as if it didn't contain a wanted criminal.

Antonio looked at him sadly. "Oh, well I'm sure he'll turn up soon..." he said vaguely, his arms swinging awkwardly by his sides. "...right, well I better see how Lovi is getting on so I'll-"

The Spaniard started with a violent jump. Something had just clattered from somewhere in Feliciano's bedroom; the unmistakable sound of a hanger falling off it's rail inside the Italian's wardrobe. Antonio might have been able to let it go as a random act of causality, but Feliciano's eyes had shot towards his wardrobe with such a look of intense fear and panic that the Spaniard couldn't pass it off as innocent. The older man stared at Feliciano with quizzical intensity. It took the Italian several moments to realise he was being stared at and when he did he let his head drop to the floor, his hands thrust behind his back.

The cogs in Antonio's mind were turning slowly, occasionally faltering as he glanced from the seemingly motionless wardrobe to the timorous man in front of him. "Feli..." the Spaniard whispered in a voice of disbelief. " didn't."

Feliciano rapidly shook his head but his eyes apologetic eyes betrayed him, already burning with fresh tears. Antonio glanced back towards the wardrobe and in two great strides he moved hastily towards it. Feliciano got there first, he darted out as quick as a flash and stood between him and the doors with his arms held out wide. Antonio didn't look annoyed, or even insistent as he was halted in front of the Italian...he just looked at him with pity.

"Feliciano...come on." he spoke gently yet encouragingly, holding out a hand towards him.

The Italian bit his lip, tears started to seep down his face. He took a shuddering breath as he stepped aside. " might as well come out Ludwig." he whispered shakily, closing his eyes.

He wasn't sure whether Antonio had fully prepared himself to see the German inmate emerging from the young man's wardrobe, looking almost just as scared as the Italian himself. The Spaniard seemed at a loss for words, he shook his head, threading his fingers into his curly locks. "Oh Feli..." he groaned softly, shaking his head from side to side. "...what have you done?"

"Antonio it's not like that." Feliciano insisted quietly, glancing anxiously towards his bedroom door.

"He didn't know I would come here." Ludwig said softly as he moved to Feliciano's side.

Antonio seemed to come back to himself, he stumbled backwards slightly over the carpet, tugging and pulling at his hair. "Feli this is...this is insane! I'm sorry!" he blurted out in complete horror.

Feliciano bit his lip, holding up his hands in a calming manner. "Antonio please..." he hushed him.

Antonio shook his head in disbelief, he let go of his head so as to grab hold of the young man's hand, pulling him towards him and away from Ludwig "Feliciano, don't you realise how dangerous this is?" he demanded, casting fearful looks at the German over the Italian's shoulder.

"Of course I do!" Feliciano snapped, trying to pull himself away.

"Then what are you doing?" Antonio implored in bewilderment, pointing a finger at the blond. "Having him here!"

"I'm not an idiot Antonio!" Feliciano shot at him, tugging himself free of his tight grip, he took a deep breath, fixing the man with a firm stare. "I've known this all for a long time! I know what dating a man in prison would mean for me! And I know this is a bad idea but when you're in love you do crazy things!"

"B-But this goes a little far Feli!" Antonio spluttered incredulously.

Feliciano shook his head, tears raining down his face. "He's not doing any harm being here..."

Antonio sighed irritably, placing firm hands on the younger man's shoulders. "Feliciano you are harbouring a criminal, this is an offence! By hiding him from the authorities you could get put back in prison!" he asserted, manoeuvring his shoulders as if trying to shake some sense into the Italian.

"Well good!" Feliciano snapped, yanking himself away. "I want to go back! I can't stand being without Ludwig!"

"Feli don't talk like that." Ludwig spoke suddenly, making the two of them jump. He scooped Feliciano into his arms from behind; the younger man sniffed and turned to burrow himself into the German. Ludwig saw Antonio's eyes soften and he stared imploringly into the Spaniard. "Look,'ve always been the most understanding so please, I'm appealing to that side of you." he said softly, fairly, and Antonio hesitated until he gave a stilted nod. "I'll hand myself in quietly when the authorities arrive, I promise, no fuss or headache caused...und I'll tell them you didn't know I was here, und that I'd only just arrived when they showed up...but please, I just need to see Feliciano."

Antonio regarded him for a moment, and when he next spoke his voice was softer, calmer. "...but he wants to get you released, so you can be together officially...there'll be no possible chance of that happening now."

"I'm aware of that." Ludwig said hollowly, and he felt Feliciano's arms tighten around his waist. "It was a sudden decision, I saw my chance to escape und I took it...I'll most likely regret it when I go back there und never get to see Feliciano again...but for now all I want is to be with him, even if only for a short time."

Feliciano slowly pulled back from Ludwig's embrace to gaze at his friend with damp, saddened eyes. "Don't you understand how much he loves me Antonio? How badly we want to be together?" he whispered shakily.

Antonio seemed to be battling internally, his cogs were working furiously again as his brows furrowed and his face turned into a deep frown. Before any of them could speak again however, an unwelcome arrival suddenly burst into the young man's bedroom.

"Did you sort him out Antonio?" Romano forced his way into the room without knocking and caught sight of the orange jumpsuit clad convict standing with his arms wrapped protectively around his little brother. For a moment everyone was completely still, no one made a sound or any movement, no body even breathed. Then, without warning-

"OH HELL NO!" the Italian bellowed, the walls practically shook with the force of the explosion. "WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK FELICIANO!?" Antonio was forced backwards as Romano pushed him aside and strode up to the couple. "What the HELL is HE doing here!?"

"I-I told you Lovi, Ludwig escaped from-" Antonio tried to interject but Romano was too full of rage and fury to care for what his partner had to say.

"So you brought him here!? A wanted criminal! In OUR home!" Romano snarled, surging towards his brother even as Ludwig tried to hide the young man behind his back. The Italian merely shoved the German aside, and in his blind rage Romano was much stronger than Ludwig had anticipated, who stumbled right over his own feet and fell to the carpet. "SERIOUSLY!"

"Lovino please!" Feliciano begged his older brother. "Please please don't do anything! He only came here to see me!"

"More like KILL all of us!" Romano bellowed, glowering at the trembling man. "He's DANGEROUS! How could you do this!?"

"It was never my intention to-" Ludwig tried as he struggled to sit up but Romano cut across him.

"You know what? That is IT! IT FELICIANO!" Romano stormed to the other side of the room, gripping the back of his head. "I have been sick of this from the beginning! At first I was sure it was just some stupid phase and you'd grow out of it! That you'd forget about him and move on but clearly I was mistaking you for someone with intelligence!" he screamed, spinning around to fix the two of them with a deadly glare. Neither Feliciano or Ludwig said a word, they could not think how to calm the man down. Romano gave a sudden growl and delved deeply into his pocket. "Well I am going to put an end to this right now do you hear?" and from the depths of his jeans he removed his mobile phone and went to dial the number for the police. "I've already lost you once I'm not letting it happen again!"

"Lovino NO!" Feliciano yelled in a blind panic, but before either he or Ludwig could do anything to stop him; there came a loud crack, and the Italian's brother fell to a heap face down on the floor, his mobile resting inches from his face on the carpet with the number keyed onto the screen, but not yet dialled.

Feliciano could only gape in complete shock. Behind his brother's fallen body stood Antonio, who was holding the shattered remains of the Italian's bedside lamp in his hand, the blunt object in which he'd just used to send his partner unconscious to the floor. With trembling hands he placed it down on the floor, tentatively reaching over to touch Romano's back. "I'm sorry baby..." he whispered, his voice deep with concern. Both Feliciano and Ludwig held their breath, but to everyone's relief they saw the Italian's chest gently rise and fall, letting them know he was okay.

Feliciano took hold of Ludwig's hand, still unable to take his eyes off his incapacitated brother sprawled out on the floor of his bedroom. He only looked up when he saw Antonio approaching them, his face was unusually serious, all warmth and compassion drained completely from it, his eyes deep and searching.

"Right, listen to me right now both of you." the Spaniard's voice matched his new facade, so much more dark and authoritative than Feliciano was ever used to hearing him. "Feliciano, you love Ludwig don't you?" he asked suddenly, grabbing the man's arms.

Feliciano was rather perplexed by the obscurity of the question in the given circumstances. "...s-sì."

Antonio nodded. "...and you want to be with him? Truly and surely?"


"Even if that means giving up everything? Myself, Lovino, your life'd be willing to give that all up for Ludwig?" Antonio never broke eye contact with the young Italian, searching deeply into him for an honest answer.

Feliciano kept the contact, and slowly he nodded, squeezing the German's hand. "Sì...I do." he whispered.

Antonio let his eyes close briefly. "Alright then, and promise to take care of Feliciano, to never leave him?" he asked of the German, opening his eyes again. "You'll stay with him, keep him safe? Love him for as long as you're together?"

Ludwig stared at him, still deeply confounded, he was reminded of wedding vows. "Of course...I give you my word, Antonio."

The Spaniard stared at him long and hard, there was silence between them, and finally the man nodded. "Okay then. You two need to do exactly as I say." he said in a low voice, and in an instant the slow, calm demeanour of the Spaniard changed. He threw himself into the wardrobe and wrenched open the doors. "Right, Feliciano, gather some clothes together, as many as you think you can carry."

Feliciano looked confused. "What?"

"Underwear, shirts, socks...and I'd take a couple of jumpers." Antonio was muttering frantically to himself, his eyes flitting back to the two of them. "Ludwig, change into some of Feliciano's clothes, I'll be back in a minute." he disappeared out of the bedroom, leaving the couple looking utterly dumbfounded.

" he going to take us somewhere?" Ludwig croaked softly.

Feliciano seemed at a loss for words, yet did as he was told and began to gather his favourite clothes together in a pile. Ludwig took a moment to get into drive before he followed instructions and changed into a shirt and a pair of jeans of Feliciano's, even though they were a little small for him. Antonio returned just as he was finishing getting dressed and dropped a large rug sack onto the carpet.

"Pack you clothes, and anything else you think you might need...leave your phone." he added when he saw Feliciano glance towards his device on top of his bedside table. The Spaniard disappeared again and whilst Feliciano was busy stuffing garments into the bag they had once used for a camping trip, Ludwig bent down and scooped up Romano. He placed the Italian gently on Feliciano's bed, draping the covers over him.

"Is he okay?" Feliciano asked quietly, glancing up from his over flowing bag.

"He will be." Ludwig muttered.

Antonio bustled in again, this time with a large plastic bag stuffed full of cakes and pastries. "Here." he thrust the bag into Feliciano's hands. "Ludwig grab the rug sack and follow me, both of you." his voice was still demanding and stark, no warmth to it at all, he grabbed Ludwig's discarded jumpsuit and stuffed it into his coat pocket. Silently the three of them left the bedroom, Feliciano giving Romano a brief hug and kiss before he followed on, gazing back at him sadly as he left, as he wouldn't know when he would ever get another chance to.

He didn't know what was going on. From the looks of it, Ludwig didn't know either. Antonio took them outside into the thundering rain, all of them staring around anxiously as they hurriedly darted to the Spaniard's small car and piled into it. Without a word Antonio started it up and drove off; Feliciano turned around in the back seat to stare as his beloved cafe faded from sight, lost in the darkness. The rain pounded heavily against the car as they travelled through the town. Beside him Ludwig had a tight hold on his hand, he could feel the German trembling with cold, and possibly something else.

After a minute or so of silence, Antonio suddenly pulled up into a side road that was completely deserted. He unbuckled his seatbelt and opened the car door. "Stay here, I've got to make a phone call." he climbed out, his mobile phone in hand and shut the door on the couple, leaving them sat in the cold dark car.

Feliciano watched as Antonio dialled a number and spoke into the device outside in the pouring rain. He couldn't hear what was being said, or who he'd called, and with a glance next to him he saw the petrified face of Ludwig staring out of the window at the Spaniard, his throat contracting as he swallowed. The Italia nudged him gently, giving his hand a reassuring squeeze.

"Hey...don't worry, Antonio wouldn't do that to us." the Italian's whisper sounded strange in the silence.

Ludwig nodded numbly, tearing his eyes away from the dark window. "Ja...I know...but who else would he call?" he muttered.

"I don't know, but I trust him." Feliciano told him certainly, even as he watched the Spaniard, not knowing what he could possibly be doing.

After a long while the man returned. Occasionally a car had sped past where they were parked and Feliciano had felt Ludwig's hand clamp down hard on his own. Antonio said nothing, rubbed a hand across his soaking wet face and set off again. Feliciano tried to avoid looking out of the window, afraid of where they were headed, but when they passed the large, looming steeple of the town's church he couldn't help but stare in awe at the dark shadows that eclipsed them as they drove around the large, hallowing building.

Feliciano felt Ludwig stiffen beside him. "Stop the car." he said suddenly.

Antonio's authoritative tenner faltered slightly at the demand. "What?"

"Stop the car." Ludwig told him again, more assertive this time as he tore off his seatbelt.

"Ludwig what are you doing?" Feliciano questioned concernedly, grabbing hold of the man's arm.

Ludwig brushed him off gently. "Stop the car Antonio!" he barked rather aggressively.

The Spaniard stopped abruptly, turning the car to pull up onto the pavement leading to the entrance to the grounds of the church. Without a second's hesitation Ludwig had forced open the car door and climbed out into the heavy gale.

"Ludwig where are you going!?" Feliciano shouted in panic, leaning himself out of the doorway towards him.

"Just stay here I'll be right back!" Ludwig called over his shoulder, he was already running from the car, vanishing into the darkness.

"Ludwig no! Ludwig come back!" Feliciano yelled desperately, tugging himself free of his seatbelt.

"Feli don't you go as well!" Antonio warned him but the young man had already gone. Slamming the car door closed behind him Feliciano turned and ran in the direction he'd seen Ludwig go before Antonio could try to stop him. He couldn't see the man anywhere in the darkness, and he couldn't hear him over the pouring rain that soaked him as he ran. Feliciano's legs hit a wall with a crunch and leapt over it, tearing across what he felt was grass beneath his feet. He didn't care if he was caught, he didn't care if Antonio left, he didn't care that there was blood now trickling down his knees; he only cared about finding Ludwig, finding him, before someone else did...

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