Little White Lies (Bill Ciphe...

By anadelrey_

287K 11.5K 15.8K

Book 2 Seven years post Weirdmageddon, (Y/N) returns to Gravity Falls with her best friend, Monty. They go ba... More

On The Road Again (Prologue)
Cabin, Sweet Cabin
Hey, Princess
The Plan
The Decision
Adventures In Grocery Shopping
Rainy Days
It Can't Be True
Monty's Secret
A Drunk Man's Words...
Agh support me?
The Dark Room
Sweet Dreams
Fact Of The Matter Is...
They're Coming
Too Late
Inter-Dimensional Travel
Execution Day
one more thing
S E C R E T (but not rlly)
Part 3 Is Up!


11.3K 466 580
By anadelrey_

There's your living room. Let's just pretend there's a tv above the fireplace

You woke up when you rolled off the couch. The blankets fell with you and you let out a quick scream before you hit the ground. Monty jolted awake and sat up.

"What happened?" He demanded.

You groaned. "Sorry, Monty." You mumbled sleepily.

Monty laughed as he picked the blanket off of you. "Are you okay?" He smiled.

"Oh, I'm just peachy." You sat up and rubbed your eyes. "I'm hungry."

"Me too." Monty sat back on the couch and covered himself up with the blanket. "Know any good restaurants?"

"Greasy's." You answered immediately. "Let's go to Greasy's."

"What's at Greasy's?"


Monty gave you a look.

"Good food. Pancakes, waffles, tons and tons of bacon. And coffee." You closed your eyes. "Mm, I need coffee."

"Sounds good, actually. I'm down." Monty stood and stretched. "Lemme get ready first. Just five minutes."

"Sure thing."

You perfected the art of getting ready in less than ten minutes. All those times when you overslept and had to book it halfway across campus, you barely even had time to use the restroom.

This was one of the times where that came in handy.

You raced up the stairs and opened your suitcase. You threw on one of your college t-shirts and a pair of shorts. After slipping on a pair of converse, you sprayed some dry shampoo in your hair and quickly put it in a bun. Quickly, you brushed your teeth, applied some deodorant, and sprayed some perfume.

Monty wasn't done by the time you finished, so you put on a little eyeliner and mascara. By the time you got downstairs and slipped your phone in your back pocket, Monty was pulling on his hoodie and coming down the stairs.

"Ready?" He asked as he reached the bottom step.

"If you are." You tossed him his keys.

Seconds later, you were both out the door.


"Here you go, sweetie." Lazy Susan said as she sat down your plate. "Two pancakes with butter on the side. And scrambled eggs and toast for you, handsome." She poured more coffee into each of your mugs and blinked at you before she went back to the kitchen.

Monty smiled as he watched her retreat. "Was that a—"

"Yes, she did just try to wink at us." You said before taking a sip of your coffee.

Monty started laughing quietly, and though you tried not to, you snorted in the coffee mug and quickly pulled it away from your face before it could get all over you. It dribbled down your chin and Monty leaned his head down and laughed harder.

"Stop laughing." You said with a chuckle, reaching for the napkins at the end of the table.

He finally shut up by the time you cleaned everything up. You poured an abundance of syrup onto your pancakes.

"Listen, we have to finish cleaning today. Then we gotta get food. Like from the store."

"Today's a chore day?" Monty said, taking a bite of eggs.

"It won't take long."

"(Y/N), you realize your 'cabin' is about the size of a mansion, right?"

"It is not."

"Don't you have maids who can do it for us?" He joked.

You stopped cutting your pancakes and gave him a look. Monty only chuckled.

After you finished eating, you dragged him back to the cabin. For the first two hours, you cleaned in silence. Then Monty had the brilliant idea to listen to music. It took the whole soundtrack of Hamilton—and a short break for you to cry and Monty to comfort you. It wasn't your fault it hit you hard every time— and nearly all of Les Mis for it to be just decent in your terms. You were bored with it anyway, and both you and Monty decided it would be easier to just leave it as is.

Once that was decided, you went to the grocery store. Both of you split up with two carts and agreed to meet up at the truck thirty minutes later. Speed shopping was also something you were good at.

At the end of the allotted time, you went to the truck with all your groceries. Monty got healthy things. He got apples and strawberries and tons of oranges. Along with meat and bread, milk, and all all the things you'd really need.

You got the good stuff. You got your own gallon of milk along with the largest bottle of chocolate mix you could find. A large jar of pickles was next to the bag of donuts. A case of ramen was sitting on top of all the chips.

Monty shook his head as he started loading everything, but you opened up the jar of pickles and got one for yourself. Once everything was in the truck, it was nearly sunset.

You got home, put everything in its respective place, and then made yourself some chocolate milk.

You plopped down on the couch next to an exhausted looking Monty as you sipped your drink from a bendy straw.

"I'm hungry." Monty looked at you.

Monty was the one who could cook, and it was apparent he wasn't feeling up to it.

"I've got it."

You sauntered into the kitchen and made ramen for the both of you.

And two bowls of ramen and five episodes of Supernatural later, both of you were passed out on the couch.

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