Zodiac Mansion

By Savvy0303

118K 2.9K 2.7K

♈♉♊♋♌♍♎♏♐♑♒♓ One Mansion. Twelve friends. Sent down from the sky to do something, but none of them know what... More

Welcoming The Characters
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Hello there

Chapter 16

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By Savvy0303

The day before Leo had begged Virgo what they where going to do the next day, she got annoyed with him and told him she was planning on going to the amusement park. Leo grew excited and quickly rushed to the room he was sharing with Sagittarius and told him the news. The two made an oath that they will wake the others up early so they  would be able to ride everything. That morning the woke up, quickly got changed and rushed to everyone's room and banged on there doors so they will wake up.

"Ugh, What do you idiots want?" Aries asked, clearly annoyed with the two for waking her up.

"I just want sleep, nothing else" whined Libra rubbing her eyes.

"See, I told you, All you want to do is sleep" Scorpio shook his head.

"Like I said before that is not true. Do we have to have this conversation again?" Libra asked, trying to make a point.

"Oh gosh, please no" Scorpio said, preparing to cover his ears again.

"We're wasting time with all this talking. Virgo said we're going to the amusement park today!" Sagittarius said with excitement in his voice. Aries eyes grew wide as those words came out of Sagittarius's mouth. She quickly rushed to the room her and Virgo were sharing and got changed. When she came out she was all ready to go.

"What are you guys waiting for let's go!" Aries grabbed Sagittarius and Leo by their arms and dragged them to the amusement park, which wasn't a far walk.

"Of course, that's why they woke up early" said Capricorn shaking his head.

"No way really!? I thought they woke up just to see my amazing looks" Gemini said sarcastically.

"Ha! yeah right. As if anyone would like to see that" Aquarius joked, earning a punch on the arm by Gemini.

"Ow! Hey I was just kidding" Aquarius laughed nervously. Gemini just scrolled at him.

"I wouldn't mind" Someone mumbled to himself.

"What was that?" Cancer asked.

"What? oh nothing" He rubbed the back of his head.

"Oh okay" Cancer giggled.

"Come on people let's get this show on the road" said Taurus said excitedly.

"We need to get dressed first" Virgo said. "Unless you're planning on wear that to the amusement park" Virgo pointed to Taurus. He was still in his pajamas and he was wearing bunny slippers. Taurus blushed of embarrassment

"Yeah okay" Taurus began to make his way to his room he was sharing with Capricorn, Gemini grabbed his arm and whispered.

"Tell me where you got those later, they're kinda cute" She laughed.

"Shut up" He mumbled embarrassed.

"Come on! Let's hurry up and get dressed. I can't wait!" Pisces said excitedly. They all got changed and made their way to the amusement park. Of course the fire signs were the first to get there since they left before the others did.

"Finally you're here" an impatient Aries spoke, 

"You know you could've paid for your selves and gone in" mentioned Scorpio.

"Yeah, but the sign says your not allowed to come in with out a supervisor" Leo pointed to a green and white sign.

"Fair point" Libra said.

"Come on" Sagittarius rushed the others.

"Yeah come on, come on let's go" Pisces started rushing the others as well.

"Okay okay, stop being so pushy" Virgo said.

"Oops sorry, I can't help it" Pisces giggled. After the signs paid, they went in to the amusement park and just look around, seeing what should they do.

"So many things to do" said Cancer amazed. 

"Roller coasters here we come" shouted Leo but he was pulled back by Scorpio.

"Not everyone wants to ride roller coasters" mentioned Taurus. 

"Groups?" Asked Pisces.

"Yeah, groups of four so we won't lose each other" informed Virgo.

"Okay" replied Cancer.

"Even then, they still might loose each other" Capricorn mumbled.

"Yeah that might be true" Aquarius smiled. The twelve split up into groups of four and headed their different ways. Group one contained Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, and Gemini. Group two held Capricorn, Virgo, Taurus and Scorpio. Lastly group three had Libra, Aquarius, Pisces, and Cancer.

Group one went straight to the biggest roller they could find.

"Are you sure you wanna go on this on first?" Gemini gulped.

"Yeah you know what they say, go big or go home" Aries smiled.

"That's what see said" Leo laughed. Aries elbowed him in the gut.

"You should just keep your mouth shut" Sagittarius laughed.

"But you have to admit it was funny. Wasn't it?" Leo looked at his friend for support.

"You're an idiot" Sagittarius said.

"Love you too" Leo joked.

"Shut up". 

"Come on what are you guys waiting for" cheered Gemini making line for the roller coaster.

"Wasn't she just scared a minute ago" Sagittarius whispered to Aries.

"That's Gemini for ya" Aries smiled. "Two faced like always" She smiled at her friend. The four waited until the carts came along. As soon as they did people started filling up the carts, Leo spotted a blonde cutie loading the cart.

"Hey guys, I'm going to sit next to that cutie" Leo pointed, he began to make his way to the blonde but was pulled back by Sagittarius.

"Sagittarius, what are you doing!?" He asked

"Didn't you say you loved me earlier?" Sagittarius asked. "Then you wouldn't mind sitting with me" He laughed.

"Aww man" Leo pouted. 

"Leo as if you had a chance with her" Aries laughed.

"Jealous much?" Gemini joked

"As if". They filled the carts, Gemini sitting with Aries and Leo sitting with Sagittarius.

Group two contained of Virgo, Taurus, Scorpio and Capricorn. They looked around until they spotted a ride that they were interested in to start off they day. 

"What about that one?" asked Scorpio walking up to the ride. The ride took you all the way up and shot you straight down at a intense speed.

"Oh yes let's do that one first" Taurus pointed, like a little kid.

"Yeah, I don't see why not. Come on let's go make line" Capricorn said.

"You guys go on ahead, I'll wait" Virgo suggested.

"Nope, you're coming too" Capricorn took Virgo by the hand.

"I really don't want to though" Virgo said.

"Is it because you're scared?" Scorpio taunted.

"Uh Scorpio what are you doing?" Taurus whispered.

"What of course I'm not" Virgo informed.

"Oh really? Then prove it" Scorpio smirked. Taurus then figured out what he was doing.

"Fine, I will" Virgo took her spot in line.

"Thanks Scorpio" Capricorn sighed, and followed his girlfriend.

"Hey no problem man" He smiled. 

"Nice going Scorpio" Taurus patted his back. "Now can you do that when Aries tries to kill one of us?" He asked, Scorpio laughed.

"Psh, I can just distract her with my looks" he joked.

"Trust me I tried that" Taurus chuckled. They made line and when it was their turn they buckled up. Once the ride was all the way it it quickly shot down, It filled Virgo with excitement. 

"Wow that was so..." Virgo started.

"Fun?" Capricorn answered for her.

"Yes. Fun, Let's do more! We have all day! Come on" She dragged Capricorn by the hand.

"What I have I done?" Scorpio questioned in fear.

" Oh loosen up" Taurus smiled. "This day will be ten times more fun now that she's hooked" He said.

"Stop using the word fun" Scorpio said annoyed.

"Fun, fun, fun, fun" He teased.

"Why you" Taurus ran, Scorpio chased after him.

Third group first went on bumper cars, The rammed into each others, along with other people just having a blasted. Once it was over the met up with each other and decided on what next.

"That was so fun" Pisces raised  her hands in the air. 

"I know right" Cancer agreed.

"Not for me, I kept running into walls" Libra pouted.

"That's because Aquarius kept running into you" Cancer pointed to Aquarius.

"It was you!?" She yelled.

"I do not recall such actions" Aquarius lied crossing his arms.

"Yeah you did I saw yo-"

"Pisces be quite" Aquarius covered her mouth. 

"But she's telling the truth" Cancer said.

"I hate you girls" Aquarius sighed, they girls giggled at Aquarius's comment.

"So what next?" Libra asked the group.

"oooh, let's go play some games and win prizes" Caner suggested. 

"Yeah, lets go to that one over there" Pisces pointed to a game. The game was called Knock Down and just like the name all you had to do was knock down six bottles, that were stacked like a mountain, with a signal ball.

"Yeah, it looks simple" Libra looked at Knock Down . The four made their way to the game and paid for four balls so they each had a chance to throw one.

"Okay now ladies, step back and watch the master" Aquarius smirked.

"Ten bucks he misses" Libra whispered to Cancer, Cancer smirked.

"Deal" She whispered back. Aquarius threw the ball dead in the center a knocked all six balls down.

"Ha! Told ya I  could do it" Aquarius pointed. "Who's the man?"He pointed to himself.

"Not you if you keep acting like that" Pisces giggled.

"Where's my ten bucks?" Cancer put her hand out.

"He got lucky" Libra gave the crab ten bucks. Aquarius picked his prize, which was a mini donut, he placed on his head as if it was a hat.

"My turn next!" Pisces said. She the ball but it only knocked down three out of the six. She frowned but then smiled. "There's always next time". Cancer was up next but she knocked down five out of the six.

"So close". Libra was up, but she completely missed.

"How!?" She asked.

"You suck!" Aquarius chuckled. Libra wacked him up side the head.


"Let's go play another game!" Pisces said.

"Yeah, I'm sure I'll win this time!" Cancer said all confidently.

"I don't want too" Libra sighed.

"What? Afraid you'll loose or completely miss again?" Aquarius taunted.

"What of course not!" Libra said. "I'll show you" She walked to the closes game and paid for all four of them. Libra lost again, but Cancer and Pisces tied for first. Pisces picked a stuffed unicorn while Caner chose a crab to match her sign. Libra shrugged.

"I suck" 

"I know" Aquarius smiled. 

"Shut up".

It was becoming dark when Virgo texted the signs to meet up at the exit of the amusement park. They haven't ate since the morning so they decided to leave earlier then they wanted. All twelve soon arrived at the exit, each holding prizes.

"It's been a long day" Aquarius commented. 

"Tell me about it I'm all worn out" Taurus yawned.

"What did you guys end up doing?" Capricorn asked.

"Well we went on bumper cars first, some other rides and oh we also won prizes" Pisces said. 

"Not me" Mumbled Libra. Cancer, Pisces and Aquarius managed to win prizes, but sadly Libra didn't. 

"Ha! Libra you suck" Leo laughed.

"I said that too" Aquarius joined in. Gemini hit them both in the stomach.

"Both of you shut up" She said.

"What did your group end up doing?" Pisces asked Virgo.

"Well we went on many fun rides, won some prizes, at some snacks and went on some more fun rides" She answered.

"Wait a second did Virgo actually have fun?" Sagittarius joked.

"Of course I did, I'm not a robot" She said.

"You sure do act like it some times" Sagittarius mumbled louder then he meant to.

"What was that!?" She almost yelled.

"Nothing" Sagittarius weeped.

"What did you four end up doing last?" Scorpio asked Aries, Leo, Gemini and Sagittarius.

"We basically went on every ride, played every game and tasted every food sample here" Aries answered.

"Woah, we weren't even here all day" Cancer said.

"Wait wait wait wait wait. Every ride?" Taurus asked.

"Yes, That is what I said" Aries answered.

"So does that mean-"

"Yes" Leo answered. Scorpio broke down in laughter.

"Wait I'm confused" Pisces said.

"Yo-you went on the little kids rides" Scorpio eyes began to water because he was laughing so hard.

"Is there a problem?" Aries asked.

"It's just so funny" 

"Oh really them, how would you like to try it?" Gemini smirked.

"No thank you" Scorpio started to calm down.

"Who said you have a choice?" Sagittarius grabbed Scorpio from behind the four then began to drag inside the amusement park.

"Now this is going to be funny" Aquarius said.

"What are they going to do to him?" Pisces asked.

"Who knows" Cancer answered.

"Let's go see" Virgo said. By the time they got there the four already tied Scorpio onto a carousel. 

"Um excuse me but you can't do that" said the man in charge of the carousel. Aries put a five-hundred dollars in front of his face.

"I'll double it if you keep him on until he throws up" Aries smirk. The man took the money.

"Pleasure doing business with you" He closed down the ride so only Scorpio could be on it.

"You guys can't be serious" Scorpio said trying to escape the rope.

"We are, bye Scorpy" Leo waved. 

"Are they really going to leave him there until he throws up?" Libra asked.

"Nah, Aries Kind at heart" Aquarius said.

"How do you know that?" Capricorn asked.

"I know her better then anyone" Aquarius smiled.

"Okay now what's the real answer?" Virgo asked.

"Fine. I over heard her talking to that man saying to only do it for thirty minutes" Aquarius answered.

"Alright guys let's go get some lunch" Sagittarius rubbed his belly.

"Wait you guys are really leaving!?" Scorpio yelled. The signs just ignored him and left. A young boy, with his mother, then came across Scorpio on the carousel. 

"Mommy why is this strange man riding a little kids ride?" He asked his mother. Scorpio became embarrassed.

"Just ignore him" She said to her child. 

"But mommy" The boy said.

"Just leave strange weirdos be" The mother then dragged her son away from Scorpio.

"I HATE YOU GUYS" Scorpio shouted, knowing the others couldn't hear them. Libra stopped dead in her tracks.

"Huh? What is it?" Cancer asked.

"Nothing. I just got the feeling that someone said something highly offensive towards me" Libra said.

"Yeah, It's probably nothing" The girls shrugged it off. The eleven went to get dinner while Scorpio was stuck on the ride for the next twenty minutes. 

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