Ross Is My Life (✔)


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Love <3 at first sight. Ross meets this girl and falls in love with her. She felt the same way also. What wou... More

Going to a Concert
Arriving at the Concert
Meeting R5
Hanging Out
Telling the Truth
What happened?
Who texted?
What's Going On?
The Next Day
Can you please tell me?
Please Don't be Mad at Me?
Happy Birthday
It's Her
I'm Sorry and I love You
What just happened?
At the Concert
What should I Do?
Best/Worst Day Ever
The Perfect Day/The Date
The Very Next Day
The Party
Where's Ross?
What Have You Done!?
I Want U Bad
Best Friend Day
How Could You!?
What Can I Do & Who's that?
Thank You
What the Hell?
Authors note
New Stories

A Text from Ross

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Chapter 4 - A Text from Ross

(Tina's POV)

*BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! BEEP!* The alarm rang. "Jen hit the snooze button! Make it stop!!!" I yelled under my pillow. "AHHH!" Jen yelled as she woke up and hit the snooze button. "Thank you." I said as I rested my head on top of the pillow. I got up and talked to Jen. "Jen?" I asked. "Yeah?" she replied. "For some odd reason, I can't stop thinking about Ross and yesterday." "I know why." she stated. "It's because you like him." she said excitedly. "what!? That's crazy!" "Tina, I have never seen you like this with a guy before." "What are you saying? That I'm in love with him?" I questioned. "Well...yeah." Then my phone rang. It was a text from Ross.

Ross: Hey!

Me: Good morning!

Ross: Can you come over?

Me: Yeah. Sure. But just me?

Ross: Yeah. I want to show you around and Rocky can show Jen around. Also talk to u.

Me: okay, but why Rocky and Jen?

Ross: Well last night when u guys were at the concert, it seemed to me that Rocky and Jen like each other so I thought he should show her around.

Me: oh okay. I think that's a great idea, considering she does really like him. :) See u in a bit. Bye.

Ross: :) Bye

We ended and I got ready. "Where are you going?" Jen asked me. "I'm just getting ready, since Ross is going to pick me up." I replied. "Why is he picking you up?" "Well he wanted to show me around his neighborhood and his house since we're going to be there for quite a while." "Oh. I know why." "What?" "He likes you." "No he doesn't." I chuckled as I said that. "Yeah he does." Jen stated. Then there was a knock on the door. "I'll get it." I shouted. It was Ross. "Ready?" he asked me. "Yeah." "Bye Jen. See ya later." Off I went with Ross to his house. The drive there was fun. Ross and I got along pretty well.

Hope u guys enjoued this chapter sorry it's short. I'll try to make the next one long. :)

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