Afraid to Fall ▷ Stilinski

By simplystiles-

1.1M 31.8K 13.8K

In the eyes of the alumni of Beacon Hills High School, Kennedy Martin is the picture perfect girl. She has be... More

Afraid to Fall
Chapter 1. The Beautiful Cousin Conjecture
Chapter 2. Not Just Some Guy...
Chapter 3. Danny Boy
Chapter 5. Superhero's Always Get The Girl
Chapter 6. Bowling Buddies
Chapter 7. The Dark Knight Brings People Together
Chapter 8. The Notebook and a Bone Saw
Chapter 9. Mall Invitation
Chapter 10. Mountain Lion
Chapter 11. I'm Her Peeta and She's My Katniss
Chapter 12. Beacon Hills High... After Hours
Chapter 13. Derek Hale Wants To Kill Me?
Chapter 14. Never Letting Go
Chapter 15. Drunken Slurs and Proposal Idea's
Chapter 16. Sharpies, Kissing, and Danny
Chapter 17. Ping Pong Balls and Fighting
Chapter 18. Papa Stilinski and Peter Hale
Chapter 19. Madigan to the Rescue!
Chapter 20. Parental Issues
Chapter 21. The Betrayal
Chapter 22. The Truth Comes Out
Chapter 23. Questions and More Questions
Chapter 24. The New Alpha and More Apologies

Chapter 4. Catching

51.2K 1.4K 676
By simplystiles-

"I hate the cold, hate it." I complained as my body continued to shiver beneath the fabric of my jacket. I don't understand why I have issues with keeping warm, but I am literally always cold, and sitting outside at night to watch a lacrosse game doesn't help much. 

Beacon Hills had a name for itself with winning the league every year, Jackson made it his life mission to make sure that we were at the top, because much like my cousin Lydia-- he didn't do the whole loser thing. When he graduates I only hope that there will be another captain as passionate as him, or Finstock will be in for a rude awakening. 

Lydia sighed as she glanced at me sideways, "Kennedy now is not the time to be complaining. Get  into the winning spirit. Now come on," she then hooked her arm through mine as she led me down the sideline of the field towards Scott and Stiles, who were approaching from the other side. Instantly my cheeks heated up and my face didn't feel as cold as it did two seconds ago. What is she doing?

Upon reaching the two boys whom my cousin never interacts with, she released her grip on me and grabbed a fistful of Scott's jersey as she tugged him towards her, "Scott, I just want you to remember one thing for tonight." 

I glanced at Stiles, only to find him looking at me. We both looked away from each other quickly, knowing that we had been caught for staring or in my case preparing myself to stare at him. This whole crush thing is really starting to become a problem and I need to find some way to fix it before the entire school finds out that I'm about as socially awkward as Greenberg. And nobody likes a Greenberg, trust me on that one.

"Uh, winning isn't everything?" Scott replied awkwardly as he glanced at Lydia's small hand that was still gripping his jersey. 

Lydia smirked as she straightened out the sleeve of Scott's jersey, "Nobody likes a loser." 

With that said she stalked off, leaving me to stand beside Stiles and Scott in total awkward silence. I glanced at them both briefly before I began to suffer from a massive case of word vomit, "Uh good luck tonight, not that you'll need it because you're actually a really good player, and the team really needs you, but still I'll wish you good luck because that's the appropriate thing to do."

Scott cracked a smile and nodded once, "Thank's Kennedy, I really needed to hear that." 

My eyes then fell on Stiles and I began to speak once more, "And I really hope you get to play tonight. I come to every game to see--" I quickly cut myself off when I realized what the hell I was actually about to say. Oh what is wrong with me? 

Stiles was watching me with wide eyes and red cheeks, obviously waiting to hear what I was going to say to him, but I wasn't about to disclose that particular information just yet. It's not like I want to let him know that I have feelings for him, that would be a disaster. 

"Kennedy! Come on!" Lydia shouted from the bleachers, I silently thanked my lucky stars as I walked away from the awkward situation I had left behind. I need help.


"Dude did you hear that?" Scott asked as I tossed my bag down on the ground beside the bench in annoyance. I don't know what the hell is wrong with me. Every time I am near that girl I lose the ability to speak coherently and think rationally. It's starting to become an issue, my ten year plan is not going to work if I don't learn how to speak to her without making a complete fool out of myself.

I glanced at Scott as I let out a sigh, "Hear what? My total inability to say "Oh hey Kennedy, thanks for the good luck and for wishing that I could get to play" yes Scott, I heard it, or well didn't hear it since it didn't freaking happen." 

He rose an eyebrow in confusion, "What? No that's not what I was talking about. I was talking about the fact that she was so going to say that she comes to every game, maybe that could be a conversation starter for you."

"Oh, right. Yeah I can tell her how I never get to see any playing time at all and I spend the entire game sitting on the bench. That will definitely make me seem more desirable thank you for pointing that out." I retorted as I sat down on my claimed section of the bench, I always sit in the same spot every single game.

Scott patted my shoulder sympathetically, "I'm sure she will come around eventually dude, don't stress over it."

Don't stress over it? How in the actual hell am I going to not stress over the fact that the girl that I have been into since the third freaking grade thinks I'm a total loser and can't do anything worthy of her time. It's insane how much I care about this girl, this one girl who I haven't actually had a full conversation with for the eight years that I've known her. That day that she moved here in the third grade and she showed up in my class, I knew that I wanted her. And Scott doesn't understand how it feels to have feelings that strong about a person who doesn't even give you the time of day.

The whistle blew and Scott grabbed his stick and helmet before jogging out onto the field with the rest of the team. As if the night couldn't get any worse, he is going out there while he still has no control over his wolf-like urges. I don't understand how so many things can go wrong for us in such a short amount of time. 

"Hey kid," 

I jumped slightly as my father placed his hand on my shoulder, my nerves are severely wracked at the moment. I turned slightly and smiled at him, "Hey."

"So you think you'll see any action tonight?" He asked with a hopeful smile on his face. I know it kills him that I can't even get a minute of playing time. I'm probably a huge disappointment in the son department for him at the moment. What else is new?

"Action? Maybe," I replied as I watched Scott get in position. I grabbed my glove out of my bag and began to nervously chew on the white material, this could end very badly for someone if his pulse get's too high. 

My dad clapped my shoulder again and smiled, "That's what I like to hear." I could hear his feet crunching the grass as he walked away and headed to the stands with the rest of the parents and students. I wonder where Kennedy is sitting? I feel like it would be to weird to turn around right now, so I'll just wait until the game starts so she won't catch me staring at her again. That was awkward enough.

The referee blew the whistle that signaled the beginning of the game, and my leg was bouncing up and down rapidly as I watched Scott begin to run. What if someone knocks him over and he wolfs out and kills the entire team? Oh god. This is not good, not good at all. Playing this game is a bad idea, as much as I hate to admit it-- Derek was right. 

When the ball was finally just laying on the ground, Scott ran for it, and just as he was about to scoop it up, Jackson shoved him to the ground, taking the ball and scoring the goal. The stands erupted into a loud cheer and Coach was jumping around and praising Jackass. I swear, that guy is such a tool and he doesn't deserve half the shit he gets. It gets on my nerves whenever I see him around Kennedy, the way he looks at her-- ugh, and he is dating her cousin which just fires me up even more. One of these days I'm gonna punch him in the face, if the situation is right and all..

Scott was looking in the stands at something, so I turned around-- only to find Lydia and Allison holding up a sign that said ''We luv u Jackson!" and wouldn't you know it, Kennedy was standing right beside Lydia, her small arms wrapped around her body as she bounced around on her feet to try and warm herself up. The fact that she wasn't holding up the sign made me smile to myself, but then I realized that Allison was holding it and that is really going to upset Scott. When I glanced back at my best friend, he stomped away from his previous position and headed back to line up. 

"Oh this is not going to be good," I sighed to myself. 


That's it. I'm investing in one of those insulated heating jackets that people in Alaska wear, because I am literally about to freeze to death standing up here. The fact that everyone's breath can be seen in front of them should ring a little bell that it's entirely too cold to be outside. 

And not only am I freezing, but Lydia has been complaining for the past five minutes about the fact that the score is 3-5, and we're on the losing end. God forbid that the team lose one game, Jackson and her would have a coronary. I haven't even been watching the game all that much, my eyes have been drifting to Stiles every second that they get the chance. He looks really nervous for some reason, his leg is bouncing up and down, and he has been chewing on his glove since the game started. I guess he really wants to win too.

"Which one is Scott again?" Allison's dad asked as we watched the teams re-line up after the previous goal had been scored. 

Lydia scoffed, "Number eleven also known as the only one who hasn't touched the ball at all the entire game."

"I hope he's okay," Allison mumbled as she held her hands over her mouth, I'm not sure if it was a reaction to being worried or if her hands were just cold and she was trying to warm them up, but hey it could even be a combination of the two. 

My cousin narrowed her eyes at the scoreboard, "I hope we're okay. We need to win this." She then stood up and held up another one of her stupid signs for Jackson, her eyes locked on Allison dangerously, "Allison? A little help here?" 

I watched in annoyance as Allison stood up and helped Lydia hold up the sign. I hate those stupid signs, I never help Lydia hold them up. The reason being that I don't like Jackson at all. He's a total jerk and honestly doesn't deserve Lydia. And, I'm pretty sure the only reason that Lydia is making Allison help her is because she is trying to get a rise out of Scott. He keeps looking up to see Allison holding one of those signs and he storms off farther onto the field every time. I feel awful for him. 

When I glanced back on to the field at the sound of the whistle, I watched with wide eyes as the ball flew up into the air and Scott literally jumped over someone to catch it in mid-air. He then ran down the field, effortlessly getting around the defense as he launched the ball into the net, scoring a goal. Allison and I jumped up screaming and clapping along with the rest of the crowd, while Lydia just sat there and fumed. 

"Way to go Scott!" I cheered as Allison smiled in pure astonishment, he did such a good job at getting down to the goal, it's like he was in a class of his own when it came to his skills. It was crazy. 

"Pass to McCall!" Finstock yelled as he ran down the field. And true to his command, the ball was once again passed to Scott, but it was from the opposing team. What in the world? Do they want to lose? Scott just took off with the ball anyway, and scored another goal. Once again the entire mass of people in the stands began to cheer. The score was now 5-5. 

I was in total shock at how quick of a turn around the game has has in the past thirty seconds, and now the clock was ticking down with ten seconds left. Scott had the ball once again and he was running towards the goal, but he stopped a few feet away from it. What is he doing? He was looking around at the defenesive players frantically, and I wasn't quite sure what was going on. And then Allison began to chant, "You can do it Scott." quietly under her breath. It was as if he heard her, and then he just took the shot right as the buzzer sounded. Leaving the score to be 6-5. We had won.

Everyone in the stands rushed down to the field, cheering and screaming happily. I lost Lydia and Allison as my feet touched the grass, and just followed the flow of the crowd. As luck would have it, my foot caught on a stray lacrosse stick and I fell right against someone, my hands gripping the material of the shirt as their hands shot out and grabbed both sides of my waist to steady me. I blinked rapidly as I saw the number printed on the jersey, 24. Of course I would fall right into him. 

"Oh my god, are you okay?" He asked me quickly as I looked up at him, not realizing my hold on his jersey. The amount of butterflies that were just released in my stomach is borderline a thousand, and my entire body is heating up at the fact that he is holding me. 

"Yeah," I answered honestly, because I was completely and totally okay with how he was holding me. He could hold me like this for the rest of my life and I would be one hundred percent okay with it. The way he was holding me is what made it so perfect, people were still pushing and shoving each other to get onto the field, but Stiles had turned our bodies so his back was to the little mob and I was out of harms way by the bench. 

He seemed just as in a trance as I was due to the fact that he wasn't letting go and instead was just looking at my face, his eyes seemed to be analyzing every small detail about it. My own eyes were doing the same, taking in the slope of his nose, the small sprinkle of moles by his left ear, the shape of his hazel eyes, all of it. It's as if the entire world stopped for a moment as we just stood here together in silence, absorbing each other as much as possible because time would start again. 

Finally something seemed to click in his mind and he blinked rapidly as his hands dropped from my waist as if I were on fire, he took a step back and rubbed at the back of his neck awkwardly, "Um that was..."

"My fault. Totally my fault, I wasn't paying attention to where I was going. I'm sorry." I blurted out quickly as my mind tried to recover from the euphoric state it had been in seconds before. 

Stiles opened his mouth to say something else, but the sound of Lydia calling my name stopped him short. He groaned in annoyance as I glanced over his shoulder to see her standing a few feet behind him beckoning me over to her. I chuckled as I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear, "Thank you for catching me." With that said I quickly walked away from him, and over to my demanding cousin. The spots on my waist where his hands has been still burning from his touch. 


hello! so stiles got a pov in this one! how exciting is that?  i really wanted to give it a go at trying to write as stiles in this story, i think it turned out good, and it's kind of fun to write as him. anyway sorry for the long wait. i've been super busy, but my new goal is to try and get ITT updated every saturday and then this story updated every sunday! we'll see how that goes though! haha, 

fan, vote, and comment! x

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