True Monster (Karma Akabane X...

By Katsu-san

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|COMPLETED; UNDER EDITING| (Y/N) (N/Y) was the new girl in E-3. Brand new and full of mystery of her past. Bu... More

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Fesutibaru Jikan!
Kyōshitsu Jikan!
Takebayashi Jikan
Hidzuke Jikoku! Dai 4-ki!
E-Class Kik
Male or Female? Part 2
Gay or European? Part 3
Omoshiroi Sumairu
Shinzō Hossa
Kankaku o Oi Te
Pantī no Dorobō
Geitaidenwa Ga Mondaidesu
Kare no Ketsudan
Yūshoku no Hidzuke to Shazai
Enkaku Seigyo Satsujin Kikai
100k Special
Mayonaka no Pikunikku
Itai Namida
Gokai o Torinozoku
New Story
New Story!

Kumitate Jikan!

5.7K 167 127
By Katsu-san


In dark times, people usually channel their sorrows on those weaker than themselves, or so they think.

It was quite hard to tell why people would be mad at you for no reason, not even uttering a response to why they where like that.

But for (Y/N), it was quite different.

From what happened that last Saturday, she had every right to be mad at Karma, even though they haven't spoken to each other for a couple days. It seemed quite odd to the class, when they first met, (Y/N) and Karma seemed to be like twins.

(Y/N) being the friendlier twin, of course.

So seeing these two not talk with each other, was frighting. Like the moon was blown off the atmosphere.

Or at least 70% of it.

The world around this classroom didn't seem to matter, all you already knew, was blown away in the breeze.

It was slowly getting hot, and (Y/N) didn't like it one bit. She still wore her long sleeved uniform instead of her short sleeves.

"Ugh...." She mumbled under her breath as she scaled up the mountain around 7:45 in the morning.

Her new house mate, had stated to her early in the morning that he was going overseas to check something out.

But she didn't say anything. Only nodded and left the house.

After changing her shoes and taking off her light jacket, (Y/N) made her way towards the empty classroom. Sliding the door, a frown crossed her face.
Of course, there was one person there, extra early and ready being a demon.

There stood Karma, on the black board and appeared to be rubbing something on the blackboard. (Y/N) frowned.

Of course it was silly of her to think she'll have time for herself.

Karma didn't even look at her, but fully knowing she was there. (Y/N) walked past the devil, eyeing him.

Just what was he doing exactly that made him come this early? He is usually the last one to arrive, so why the change of heart?

Why didn't she like that smile he had on his face?

Her questions where soon answered as she saw him open a bag of dust that looked oddly familiar. Anti Koro-sensei dust? (Y/N)'s frown sunk deeper.

"I'm pretty sure he'll be teaching today on the blackboard, I can't wait to see his face when his tentacles explode." Karma chuckled evily as he blended the dust into the blackboard. His demon tail was already showing and nothing even happened yet.

"Already up to no good, Akabane-kun...." (Y/N) mummered under her breath. (Y/N) slipped into her desk and set her school bag onto the hooks on the side of her desk.

But, Karma suddenly stopped cold. But she didn't pay no mind to him, she only got out her materials for first period.

"Aka...bane...kun?" Karma whispered under his breath.

Why was she calling him that all of a sudden? She's been calling Karma by his first name for weeks, why the sudden change?

Then, it hit him.

"I thought I could trust you!" (Y/N) yelled at Karma. His eyes widen at her.

"No, no! That's not it (Y/N)! You know that!"

"Let me see your phone!" She shouted at him. He sent her a questioning look. (Y/N) held out her hand. "If that's not it, then let me see it."

Crap, he though she would just blow a fuse and get over it, she was absent minded after all. But it seemed that Karma underestimated her ability to be able to hold a grudge.

(Y/N) and Karma didn't say anything for a while, but Karma did turn around to stare at her but as he thought, she was to absent minded to even realize that he was looking straight at her.

(Y/N) was to busy thinking about her new house arrangements with her homeroom teacher.

She knew, after they killed Koro-sensei, she would have no other choice but go to the authorities after this was all done. It was quite depressing thinking about it.

She knew she would never get adopted because most people who adopt children, want younger kids like babies or 4-year-olds. Not high school kids.

(Y/N) sighed for the millionth time today. It was barley even 8 o'clock and she was already becoming stressed out. Fantastic.

Suddenly, as (Y/N) looked up, she came face to face with a frowning red head. She flinched back into her chair. (Y/N) just wanted to slap him.

"What was that for, Akabane?!" (Y/N) shouted, her eyes turning red for a small instant, telling Karma she was slightly angry.

He didn't move or even flinch at her remark, only stared intensely at (Y/N), making her rather uncomfortable. She stared into his gold cat like eyes.

"W-what?" (Y/N) whispered out. A small blush was noticeable on (Y/N)'s (t/s) cheeks.

It almost made Karma break from his poker face.


"Why are you calling me Akabane-kun, (Y/N)?" Karma questioned the girl.

He didn't know why, but he was very determined into making this strange girl say his actual name out loud.

(Y/N)'s blush suddenly faded, to be replaced but a confused look. "Why would I call you Akabane-kun? We aren't close like I originally thought, so I switched to a more formal way, is there a problem with that?" (Y/N) raised an eyebrow at the red sadist. But was perplexed by his expression.

His face twisted with confusion, frustration, something else she couldn't identify, and oddly enough, anger. A burning anger that made her flinch.

"We aren't close as you though?" He hissed out. The words falling off his tounge like vemon. "What the hell is that suppose to mean?!"

(Y/N) couldn't wrap her head around it. Why did he care in the first place? It isn't like he gained enough trust from her, hell! All he's been doing is stabbing her in the back! And he feels violated?!

(Y/N)'s eyes turned into a dark red, darker than her usual color of anger. She sent him a deadly glare as her arura went dark.

"Are you kidding me?" She hissed out.

(Y/N) rose from her seat, slowly and steadily. She over towered Karma, were she had to lower her glaze to look at him.

"You expect me, to have trust in you?!" She yelled. "After all you did, you expect me to call you Karma, just like that?! I've given you enough choices to redeam yourself after almost killing me! And you expect me to call you Karma?!"

She was beyond mad, beyond anything that this classroom has even seen. To bad this isn't her highest mode.

Student after student trickled in during their little episode.

But those two failed to even realize the two teachers standing in the door way along with about five students, who suddenly felt uncomfortable.

(Y/N) sent Karma a disgusted look, directly for him. Made with love. "You are something else, Akabane-kun."

Karma, still in a crouch position, decided he had enough. He got up, his red bangs covering half of his face. He rushed quickly out of the door, pushing past Karasuma and Irína.

(Y/N) stood there, fuming. She was very mad at Karma, but saying very mad felt like an understatement. She was fucking mad with Karma. But, with deep breaths, (Y/N) reganded her composer and sank right back down at her seat.

The five students and two teachers gave her a curious look but didn't questioned what happened, it was none of their business after all.

About another ten minutes, the first period bell rang, signaling that the school day was about to start. By this time, everyone was already in the classroom, only waiting for their homeroom teacher, who came in, or flew in, the second the bell rang.

"Good morning class!" Koro-sensei spoke with a jolly voice. As if he just received the best present ever. But, he always sounded like that.

"Good morning sensei!" The students choursed together, besides for (Y/N). She sat at her desk, with a rather displeased look. She guesses that Karma was skipping today, after what happened.

Good, she didn't feel like facing him anymore today.

Class went on like usual, today the students where suppose to go down for a school assembly, making almost everyone in the classroom whince. After all, they were E class. Just a laughing stock for the main campus students.

They hated it.

"(N/Y)-san," the girl was called out by a rather bulky, serious tone man. (Y/N) looked up from her textbook.

"Yes, Karasuma-sensei?"

"You will not be allowed to go down to the assembly today. You will stay behind with the Target and wait for classes to resume."

(Y/N)'s mouth fell open. Not only did he say this in front of the whole class, but made a bigger scene when he slammed the door opened, not intended.

Students gave her a curious glance, wondering about Karasuma's decision. She looked around frankly.

Why was she the only person not allowed to attend?! It made no sense.

"May I ask why, Karasuma-sensei?" The girl voiced up. Her voice barley above a whisper.

It made no sense to her, why was he saying this now? Right before they had to leave?

"Do I really need to remind you why, (Y/N)-san?" His voice stung her. Like a angry bee stinging the back of her neck.

It did make ringing go off in her brain.

Duh, you killed someone back at your last school, who in their right mind would want you in their school filled with snot nosed kids? Duh!

(Y/N) lowered her glaze to stare at her worn out desk.

Even though she understood why, didn't mean that she felt pained about the decision. Some gave her looks of question, why wasn't she allowed to attend? Others sent her envious looks.

No one likes attending these stupid assembles after all.

"I understand, Karasuma-sensei."

Karasuma nodded and left without an other word, shutting the class door behind him.

Everyone's eyes lingered on (Y/N) for a few moments before starting to make their way down the mountain leaving (Y/N) and Koro-sensei in the classroom.

Koro-sensei didn't even bother (Y/N), leaving her to her own thoughts and went zooming out of the class room at Mach speed. She didn't even bat an eye before he left.

(Y/N) sat there, not really knowing what to do with herself. It was quite in the classroom, she was pretty sure she would have at least a good 40-50 minutes by herself, or so she thought.

A hand suddenly gripped her wrist, shocking the crap out of (Y/N). She almost fell over, if it wasn't for the support from her suddenly assaulter.

She looked up, to be met with a mop of devilish red hair, tugging her out of the classroom and down the mountain. "A-akabane?!"

He didn't respond to her, only kept on tugging her wrist. "I can't attend the assembly, Karasuma-sensei said-"

"I'm not taking you to the assembly," his voice sounded so monotone, she didn't even bother to try and put up an argument.

"Then where are we going?"

"You'll find out later."

"But I want to know now."

No response. She huffed. "Can you at least let go of my wrist?"

No response. His grip on tighten and his pase started to quicken, to the point where she was basically being dragged by Karma.

"Akabane....!" She groaned. Suddenly, Karma came to a jeering stop, making her forehead crash into his shoulder.

(Y/N) stumbled back a couple steps, rubbing where her forehead was assaulted.

"What the hell?! Why did you stop all of a sudden like that?!" She seethed.

There was a small throbbing in the center of her forehead, causing a small headache to echo through her skull.

He turned to look at her agitated figure, with a small frown present on his features.

They seemed to be on the edge of the school, towards the path that could lead them towards the train station. If she wasn't tempted, she would of walked home from here. It was only a couple minutes away.

Too bad her teacher would over react either way, at the classroom or back home, didn't matter. He'll know if she left the freaking country for crying out loud!

The small throbbing in (Y/N)'s forehead slowly became numb, forcing her attention back to the red head. She set her hands on her hips, glazing at the frowning sadist.

"Why are you dragging me out here, Akabane?" She questioned.

She rasied her eyebrows at him, if he was going to act all weird, he better have a pretty good ass excuse to tell her why she was standing in the heat, despite her uncomfort.

Karma didn't answer her question, he didn't even seem to even hear her say anything. He instead, came over and pinched (Y/N)'s cheeks, hard.

A small gasp escaped her lips as her cheeks started to turn a painful red. "Ow, ow, ow!" She hissed out.

Karma stretched her cheeks out harder, exposing her top and bottom teeth. She tried to pry off his hands, but couldn't. His grip was to hard.

"Aka...bane! Stop!" She squirmed in her stance, slowly walking backwards, but Karma still wouldn't let go.

His face crossed between what looked like anger, frustration and a little bit of boredom.

He let go, after five minutes of pleading from (Y/N). She scrambled backwards, rubbing her now numb cheeks.

They where spotted with red splotches in the center from the loss of circulation. She sent Karma a glare, but he didn't seem frazzed at all.

"What's that all about?!" She screeched. She sounded more like a bird warning another to stay away from its food rather than an irritated girl.

His face stayed blank, but his eyes screamed of anger. They stood there, in a awkward silence. (Y/N) sighed.

"If your not going to talk to me, then don't drag me out here for no reason," she tried to walk past him, but he grabbed her elbow, making her stumble back a few steps. He released her once she was directly in front of him.

She looked back at Karma, to be met with the same angry glare.

She was getting tired of this.

She placed her hands on her hips, while glazing at Karma. "You dragged me out here, now tell me why I'm here."

He still didn't respond, but a small sigh escaped his lips. She raised her eyebrows.

"I'm not going to just sit here and wait for a response, Akabane-kun. So hurry it up."

His glaze didn't move from her figure, but he shifted uncomfortable on his feet. Like he was nervous or something. But (Y/N) knew that wasn't the case, if Karma was nervous, he would of been biting his nails.

"I wanted to, apologize...." Karma mumbled under his breath. He turned his face from the (e/c) eye girl to stare at the grass under their feet. But Karma was talking so low, (Y/N) couldn't even hear him.

She cupped her hand around her ear, and leaned in more towards his face. "What did you say?"

Karma cursed her inside his mind. Of course she was going to make him repeat it, to try and hurt his pride. He cursed more.

But that wasn't the case, (Y/N) truthfully didn't hear what he said and was trying to hear him, but he just tooken it the wrong way.

"Never mind!" He almost yelled into her ear, making her flinch. "Just don't talk to me anymore!"

He stomped down towards the train station, or the school. (Y/N) didn't know.

She could only tell by the way Karma was acting, he wanted to say something to her that he was too embarssed about.

It made the corners of her mouth curve into a smile.

(Y/N) decided to grab a drink from the vending machines in the main campus. Karasuma-sensei might of told her not to go to the assembly, but he never said she couldn't go grab a drink from the main campus, she had enough money anyways.

By the time she reached the vending machines, she saw Nagisa standing and grabbing a drink as well. (Y/N) smiled and skipped towards his direction.


The bluenette looked up to his named being called. His blue eyes wandered for a second before landing on a skipping (Y/N). He waved towards her as she came right next to him. "Hey (Y/N)-san. I thought you weren't allowed to come to the assembly?"

(Y/N) gave the boy a small smile. She then started to dig in her pockets, trying to find some money for a drink. She was so thristy, she would make a dessert look like a ocean.

"I'm not, I was near by so I decided to grab a drink real quick," she explained quickly after finding some money.

He nodded in understanding. It was quite depressing to be in the classroom alone, so he didn't question it. The assembly was already done anyways, so who cares?

Nagisa got his drink out and (Y/N) moved to stand in front of the machine, trying to decide on what to get. After selecting a drink, (Y/N) grabbed it and started to chug it down. Nagisa sweatdropped.

"Are you that thristy?" He asked with a small chuckle. He only gotten a nod from the girl in response. She finished the drink within seconds.

"Ah, that felt good!"

"Oi, Nagisa!" A sudden voice called out to the small bluenette. Nagisa and (Y/N) turned around, it seemed they failed to see (Y/N) since she's shorter than Nagisa. Which amazes everyone.

Two boy stood in front of the two E class students. One boy, who was at least 5'6 stood tall with the standard boys uniform with glasses pushed to the bridge of his nose. The other boy, just slightly taller than Nagisa was a bit over weight, the only feature standing out of the boy was his freakled cheeks.

"You guys...are kinda forgetting your place, aren't you?" The boy with glasses spoke.

"Laughing it up during the assembly...Just think about the trouble you caused for those around you?"

Nagisa backed up a little bit, bumping into (Y/N) slightly.

But she seemed not to even notice him. Her (e/c) eyes were trained onto the two.

It was quite clear what they were trying to do. They where trying to intimate those lower than them. It was quite disgusting just looking at them.

"You keep your eyes on the floor, where Class E belongs" the boy with glasses got into Nagisa's face. He was now pushed into the wall, covering (Y/N)'s whole body. Either he ment to do that or not, didn't make sense to her.

Doesn't he know what she's capable of? Didn't Karasuma-sensei tell anyone what happened at her last school?

Of course not, who want to share a classroom with an actual killer?

"After all, there's no hope for you anymore," the fat body finished. It made (Y/N)'s blood boil.

They thought they know everything E Class goes through? Climbing up and down an mountain everyday, trying to kill a octopus that's basically untouchable.

They had no idea what they do everyday. But she'll never voice these thoughts.

"Say something, E Class!" The fat boy suddenly grabbed Nagisa by the collar, making Nagisa's back slam into (Y/N)'s head.

"I'll kill you!"

The boys didn't get much more talk in, before (Y/N)'s forearm streched out to grab the fat by the neck. They just suddenly realized it wasn't just Nagisa here, but an other student.

The boys grip suddenly altered on Nagisa's collar, letting him fall down. (Y/N) ducked under Nagisa's body to quickly cover the boys mouth.

(Y/N) looked back at the boy with glasses, fixing her a very fearful glaze. His scared expression, along with the chubby boys squirming under her grip, it made her chuckle lowely.

"And yet, it looks like you never killed anyone before," she smiled at the boys. She let go the fat one, letting both of them escape.

(Y/N) dusted off her hands, then fixed Nagisa a big smile. "I'll see you at class, Nagisa-kun."

He didn't say anything as he watched (Y/N) head back up the mountain towards their classroom.

About half an hour later, when (Y/N) got back to the classroom, everyone came back in a rather sour mood.

"Welcome back, everyone!", (Y/N) brimmed in happiness.

She didn't want anyone to see her in a more sour mood then they where. Then someone would expect something was up. Like a over dramatic octopus for instant.

People moved past her, ignoring her very presence. One after one student passed her, not even Nagisa gave her his usual kind smile.

"Move outta the way," a bulky voice ordered her. A suddenly jab from Terasaka shoulder bumped into her forehead, making her stumble back a couple steps.

No teacher entered the classroom, even though it was time for Irína-sensei class. She guessed she wasn't up to it. Karma didn't return either, (Y/N) remarked in her head.

Oh of course he didn't.

Isogia came up to (Y/N) with a paper in hand. He didn't smile at her, just looked at her with lowered eyes. Like he was tired.

"This paper was handed out at the assembly, its about student council events. Make sure you read over it, (N/Y)-san."

(Y/N) looked down at the paper, her eyes skipping over dates she was bound to forget. She looked back up to give Isogia a kind smile, but he left her handing there, in front of the depressed looking class.

She didn't understand why, but she felt red hot furry race through her whole body.

Why are they all depressed like this?! No one in the class even has one single smile! They all are acting like someone died. Hell, if anyone in this building died, I'm sure everyone would be freaking happy! We're assassins!

(Y/N) folded the paper and placed it into her pocket before stepping out of the classroom before anyone could ask her what was wrong, it wasn't none of their business anyways.

(Y/N) marched out of the classroom, deciding to skip today, there was nothing important going on, so who would care anyways?

She got her answer after unlocking the door to her shared apartment.

(Y/N) opened up her phone after folding laundry. 6 missed calls, four from Koro-sensei one from Kaede and one from Nagisa. Four voice mails, all from Koro-sensei. 37 messages. Three from Kaede and two from Nagisa. The rest from Koro-sensei.

He did know she would be home, right?

(Y/N) looked through her messages after a long shower, which proved to be very soothing to her. She came back out with dripping (h/c) hair, dress in a simple (c/s) shorts and a (c/s) with a small white ocutpus in the middle of her shirt.

The things Koro-sensei talked about was mostly about how he was very disappointed with her skipping class, not like she wouldn't hear him talking about this when he got home.

Kaede mostly talked about how she skipped out on walking her home, like she promised. She'll walk Kaede home next time.

The ones from Nagisa, was thanking her about what happened with those two jerks by the vending machine. She shrugged it off.
She just felt bad, nothing more, nothing less.

(Y/N) slowly nodded off to sleep, on the couch, slightly bent over the arm rest.

Japanese: Kumitate Jikan! Also written as 組立時間! English: Assembly Time!

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