Shades of Innocence (A GerIta...

By loudfirecrusade

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*This story does not belong to me in any way. This story is owned by Henrietta R. Hippo on* Fe... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19: Epilogue

Chapter 9

4K 92 167
By loudfirecrusade

WARNING: Sexual themes in this chapter.

A familiar sight greeted Feliciano as he followed Ludwig through the heavy metal door into the cafeteria for their final meal of the day. Hundreds of inmates from each of the prison blocks were crowded into the noisy hall, half of them already tucking into their food whilst others were still lining up by the serving station. Alfred and Arthur had just unlocked the door for the block D inmates and, as always, Ludwig was one of the first to pass through it without any fuss or violent jostling; he just swept through with ease and now Feliciano had been given that same privilege. Just two days ago however, someone had tried to push the Italian out of the way, clearly this man had not been aware of his and Ludwig's relationship, and was swiftly brought to the ground by the angry German...when the prison guard's backs were turned of course.

The Italian forever remained at his friend's side and he couldn't help but feel that everyone in the prison was getting more and more pissed off about that fact. At least the American prison guard was relatively happy about it, Feliciano had got the sense that he didn't like Arthur being friends with him, but since he now had Ludwig to take care of him Arthur had receded to the sidelines, occasionally offering the Italian a friendly smile or wave in place of advice or protection that he now got from the German instead.

Ludwig's empty table, as always, was unoccupied and sat right at the back at hall, waiting for the two of them. The German waited for Feliciano to pick up his tray before the two of them made to sit down. It was a routine that had fast become second nature to the Italian, they'd enter the cafeteria together, get their food together, sit down together and eat together and then leave together, all without any intrusions or problems. Today however, was a little abnormal. As he and Ludwig approached their table an inmate sitting close by suddenly stood up and attempted to block their path. He didn't place a finger on either of them, just stood in front of Ludwig, unblinking an un-intimidated

The loud voices around them quietened down to unsure murmurs as people's attention turned to this unusual scene. The German seemed momentarily vexed by the man's strange behaviour. But then, unsurprisingly, his eyes narrowed and his face turned sour; Ludwig's hand swatted violently upwards and smacked the man hard in the face, knocking him into the back of a table and out of their path. His dark eyes then shot in the direction of their audience and the sea of people hurriedly went back to their own conversations and tried not to notice the man who had just been hit as he struggled to get to his feet, blood starting to trickle out of his nose.

"Sorry about that." Ludwig grunted out of the side of his mouth towards Feliciano as they took their seats at the German's empty table. The Italian seemed a little startled by the attack that had just occurred; he always went a little frigid whenever Ludwig lashed out like that...even when it was necessary.

Feliciano smiled slightly, settling himself down in front of his tray. "It's okay..."

The German shook his head, casting a dark look over at the man who had finally managed to stumble back to his seat. "I don't know why that Arschloch didn't just move out of our way." he muttered, picking up his fork.

"Would he normally?" Feliciano inquired, glancing over his shoulder to look as well.

"I don't know whether I've seen him before or not." Ludwig said, eyeing the man a while longer before shrugging. "But everyone does, always." he added in a low growl.

Feliciano spun back round, drumming his fingers anxiously on top of the table. "...maybe it's me."


The Italian shrugged slightly, biting his lip. "Maybe they know, because I stick with you..." he murmured, trailing off.

"That I've gone soft?" Ludwig asked with a snort. "Well if those morons want to risk their skin by taking chances like that then they're going to swiftly learn otherwise." he said with a smirk, and Feliciano could have sworn the German just flexed his biceps beneath his sleeves.

Feliciano watched the German for a few moments as the blond began tucking into his beef stew; the Italian had had plenty of opportunities over the last month or so to see Ludwig raging in action, to keep him safe or defend himself. "...have you always been like that?" Feliciano asked quietly after a few moments.

Ludwig swallowed his mouthful, glancing up at the Italian sat opposite him. "Been like what?"

Feliciano hesitated slightly, despite their friendship there were still certain things the Italian was wary of saying to the man's face. "...a little violent-" he blurted out quietly, stuttering slightly as the German's eyebrows rose up towards his hairline. "I-I mean...wanting to be in charge."

Ludwig looked like he was contemplating the Italian's words as he ate another hearty mouthful of stew. "It's not that I want to be in charge; I'm not." he said slowly after a few moments. "I mean no one goes around here doing my bidding or any shit like that." he pointed out, taking a sip of water from his polystyrene cup.

Feliciano nodded slowly. "Sì...but they do what you say."

"I only tell them to keep out of my way und leave me alone." Ludwig muttered. "Und I only take action if anyone in here thinks of confronting me." he added darkly, glaring eyes fixed on the people around them, even though none of them were even looking their way.

When their eyes met again across the table Ludwig's face instantly softened, Feliciano smiled slightly. " shouldn't have to act so strong all the time." he said endearingly.

"That's the only way I've ever lived my life." Ludwig muttered, leaning his elbows on top of the table. "When I showed up here, it's all I knew."

"So you've never interacted with anyone in here?" Feliciano asked curiously.

"Nein." the German replied straight away before frowning, looking a little indecisive. "Unless you count a few cellmates I had before you." he disclosed, shrugging slightly.

The Italian had completely forgotten that fact. "...what happened to them?" he asked interestedly.

"One committed suicide." Ludwig said casually. "I didn't influence that by the way." he added with a roll of the eyes when he saw Feliciano's own widen with horror. "The others were moved out of my cell after I...'convinced' them to leave." he said with inverted air quotes, smirking slightly.

Feliciano smiled awkwardly, tilting his head to the side curiously. "...why? Why didn't you want them there?" he questioned; the Italian knew the German was fond of isolation, but then why would he so willingly talk to him and no one else?

Ludwig shrugged, "I just wanted to be on my own." he said, scooping another mouthful of stew into his mouth.

"That has to be lonely though." Feliciano said quietly, making no move to eat his own food.

"Not really." the German muttered, swallowing his mouthful.

The Italian looked at him curiously. "Really? Five years is a long time to not have any friends." he wondered.

Ludwig looked up from his tray with a smirk. "Well I've got you now..." he said softly, taking a sip of water. "...haven't I?"

Feliciano smiled at him across the table, but still his pondering mind wouldn't allow him to stop. "...I've been wanting to ask you about that." he muttered, twiddling his thumbs together on top of the table.

The German went back to his meal. "About what?"

Feliciano bit his lip. "...well, what made me different?" he asked.

Ludwig paused, gazing over at him. "...what do you mean?"

"You never wanted to be friends with anyone, or to talk to anyone." the Italian clarified. "But you changed your mind with me?" he said with a questioning tone, a slight smile dancing in his eyes.

Ludwig rubbed the back of his neck, seeming a little hot under the collar. "Well...I didn't exactly want anything to do with you from the start." he drawled taking a large gulp of water.

The Italian nodded slowly, yet still couldn't hide the smile threatening to burst through. "...but you saved me from that sex auction." he pointed out, and never in his life did he think he'd be saying the words 'sex auction' quite as jauntily as he did. "...and you saved me a lot of other times, like that guy in the shower who was staring at me..."

"Usually I wouldn't have gotten involved." Ludwig muttered, placing his cup down on the table he gazed at the Italian with a raised eyebrow. "But you're a special case."

Feliciano beamed. "In what way?"

Ludwig shook his head; he picked up his fork again and tried to look casual when he spoke. "Feliciano...are you even aware of how unbelievably attractive you are?" he asked with complete sincerity, gazing up at the man.

The Italian flushed bright red and his smile was immediately replaced with bashful embarrassment. "...what?" he mumbled, tucking his hands in between his knees and lowering his head.

Ludwig smirked, almost chuckling. "You're a gorgeous Italian und no offence, but you're rather effeminate as well." he muttered softly, taking secret glee in the Italian's reddening face. "So the guys in here who claim to be straight can justify being attracted to you."

"People in here are attracted to me?" Feliciano cried, eyes widening in alarm as he slapped his hands down on the table.

The German rolled his eyes, taking another sip of water. "Ja haven't you noticed? I don't want to scare you Feliciano, but you're probably the most desirable guy in here."

The Italian sunk in on himself, had his face not been so red he would have paled at that last remark. Whilst it was true there had been a few incidents where he felt as if he was being watched like easy prey, he hadn't fully appreciated that very few others, if any, were in the same situation. Feliciano frowned. "Oh...yay." he sighed.

"That's why I stepped in." Ludwig continued. "I know how things work in here...the second I saw you I knew there was going to be trouble with the guys in here taking a shine to you."

Feliciano bit his lip. "...sorry."

Ludwig shrugged. "Not your fault, if anything helping you was to my benefit just as much as yours." he informed him, tucking back into his food.


Ludwig swallowed his mouthful, rolling his eyes at the Italian's confused face. "Well if you got abused who'd be the one who'd have to deal with it?" he questioned. "Just easier to save your ass instead then let it happen."

Feliciano nodded slowly but smiled. "...oh, well thank you, I mean that..." his hand twitched slightly on top of the table, as if wanting to take the German's own. He held it still however, but looked beseechingly up at the blond with bright eyes. "...for a lot of things."

"Don't mention it." the German grunted, his eyes darting away from Feliciano's. "For once it actually feels good to be helping others for a change." he said with a shrug, glancing curiously down at the untouched food sitting in front of the Italian. "You not going to eat that?" he asked, hurriedly changing the subject.

Feliciano shrugged, picking up his fork he poked it into the rather slimy looking stew, nose wrinkling slightly. "I'm not really's not very nice looking anyway." he muttered, placing his cutlery back down. The Italian let out a dreamy sigh. "My brother's boyfriend Antonio brought me some cinnamon buns from our cafe when they last visited..." he murmured, resting his head on his hand.

"Well you won't get anything like that in here." the German grunted, moping up the remains of his own stew with a lump of crusty bread.

Feliciano sighed again. "Sì..." he poked his food again, letting his eyes wander up the stone wall behind the German to the tiny bared windows that ran along the top, where the stark light from outside was blaring in, casting lined patterned shadows across the room. Feliciano stared at the glow for a few moments, humming slightly. "I think that's the first thing I'll do." he said quietly to himself.

"What?" Ludwig asked, helping himself to the Italian's food who simply let him take it.

"When I get out..." the Italian explained, smiling slightly. "...the first thing I'll do is go home and stuff my face with pastries and pasta." he said happily.

Ludwig nodded slowly, his shoulders slumping slightly. "If I ever got out there's only one thing I'd want to do." he muttered, finishing his water.

"...what's that?" Feliciano asked softly, biting his lip slightly as he realised he may have touched a nerve by bringing up his release.

"Visit Gilbert's grave." the German said shortly. "I've never had the chance to, I wasn't even allowed attend the funeral." he grumbled bitterly.

"The prison wouldn't let you?" Feliciano asked in shock.

"Oh nein, I wasn't incarcerated then, I was just detained...they would have been willing to let me go under supervision but the Beilschmidts didn't want me there." Ludwig growled, his hand tightening around the empty cup so that it cracked. "So I was banned."

The Italian stared at him. "That's so unfair!" he cried.

Ludwig shrugged, letting out deep sigh. "Legally they were still his guardians...und as such they were in charge of the funeral, they didn't want the man who had stolen him away from them anywhere near it." he muttered softly, threading a hand into the hair at the back of his heck.

"Did they not know about the man who had killed him?" Feliciano asked, eyes wide with amazement.

Ludwig snorted. "They did, they didn't care; they hated me, not him...well probably him as well, but they blamed me for Gil's death." he muttered coldly, pushing Feliciano's tray away from him as he no longer felt the desire to eat.

Feliciano bit his lip. "...that's really not fair, Gilbert was more yours than he was theirs." he said softly.

"Ja..." Ludwig glanced up at him, smiling slightly. " least someone understands that."

Feliciano smiled back at him, taking a few sips of his own water but still he left the tray untouched, he didn't think he'd be able to eat any of it. He and the German chatted together for a couple of minutes, passing the time until the block doors were re-opened and they'd be allowed to return to their cells. Just as the prison guards were moving into position and getting ready to unlock the doors another strange thing, similar to that of the start of dinner, occurred. An inmate who Feliciano recognised very well had gotten up from his own table and was striding over to theirs, he stopped right next to the Italian and grinned down at him with a nasty smirk.

Feliciano slowly looked up and his heart sank like a stone into the pit of his stomach. It was the large, skin headed inmate from the sex auction on his second day in prison...the one who had attempted to buy him before Ludwig came to his rescue. He'd seen the man a few times since the incident and it always made him feel sick to see him from afar, but up close it was absolutely terrifying. Ludwig knew all too well of this incident and his eyes narrowed, fixed darkly on the man's pig like face. "Can I help you?" he growled, hands braced on the table in case he needed to jump up into action.

The man's gaze flitted from the Italian towards the blond, still with his smirk fixed in place. "Ludwig, I believe you have something that belongs to me." he said in a low voice, clamping a large hand down heavily on Feliciano's shoulder, who winced noticeably and had to hold back a squeal.

Ludwig's face contorted. "Excuse me?" he demanded.

"You won't mind if I take him back, will you?" the man said calmly, almost with a smile as he dug his fingers into the Italian's bony shoulder and dragged him to his feet.

In a flash Ludwig was up as well, his knees jerking up so fast they almost sent the table crashing to the floor. "Get your hands off him." he said deliberately slowly, his dark eyes burning into the man's slightly mangled face.

The man merely continued to smile. "Why?" he asked innocently.

"Why!?" Ludwig barked in disbelief, veins starting to throb on his reddening forehead.

"Yeah, why? He's not yours is he?" the man said with a smirk, giving the Italian a slight shake, causing him to whimper.

Ludwig was thrown slightly off guard, getting quite flustered. "N-Nein but he's not yours you Arschloch!" he yelled, marching around the table he forcefully grabbed hold of the man's arm that was holding Feliciano. "Put him down before I break your arm off." he snarled, fingers digging harshly into the man's upper arm.

The man winced a little but strangely didn't react. "So he's not yours? But you still claim ownership over him?" he said slowly, looking from the Italian still struggling in his grip to the German stood in front of him.

"No one owns him!" Ludwig hissed, confused by the man's lack of response. "But he's my friend und if you don't let go off him und disappear I will make your life in here very interesting." he dragged the man closer towards him, growling into his face. There was a moment of silence, and Ludwig clenched his other fist ready for the inevitable fight that was due to break out, he cast a glance around to check the guards were preoccupied and wouldn't intervene. But to his and Feliciano's amazement the man simply dropped the Italian, pulled himself out of Ludwig's grasp and turned to leave, casually making his way back to his table.

Ludwig watched him go, eyebrows furrowed together before he gently placing a hand on Feliciano's shoulder. "Are you okay?" he asked.

The Italian nodded slowly, biting his lip. "...sì grazie."

"That was weird." Ludwig muttered.

Feliciano nodded. "Sì...he's not tried to get me back before." he said quietly, daring a glance over at the man as he was climbing back onto his seat.

Ludwig shook his head. "Not that." he grunted, eyes narrowing "I know that guy, we've clashed before, his names Eric...und that wasn't like him."

"What do you mean?"

"Eric never backs down like that, not normally, even if he won't fight he'll argue until he's red in the face." the German informed him, staring at the back of Eric's head from where they stood. "I don't understand why he'd just walk away like that." he said curiously; Ludwig shook his head, glancing down the cafeteria where he could see Alfred had just reopened the door to their block. "Come on, you done?" he asked the Italian, indicating to their discarded trays. "Let's get back."

Feliciano nodded and followed the German to the other end of the cafeteria so they could retire back to their cell for the evening. As he passed Eric's table he dared a sly glance over his shoulder and saw the man conversing with someone sat beside him. This man looked rather familiar; Eric was speaking quietly to him, almost into his ear, and just at that moment both of them looked up to stare at Feliciano from their table. The Italian was met with a pair of cold, deep grey eyes that bore into his own from out of a familiar pointed face. Before Feliciano could dwell too long on this he was manoeuvred gently out of the cafeteria by Ludwig, and gave the British prison guard a smile as he left.


Feliciano yawned tiredly, curling up under the thin sheets on his bottom bunk his eyes sprung open once again and he was met with blackness. He was starting to regret not having anything to eat that evening as he was certain that was the reason he was being kept up. The Italian had been able to sleep easy the last few weeks now he had Ludwig and tonight was an unwelcome change. He sighed, flipping over onto his back, the bunk shuddered and creaked with the movement but above him Ludwig was already sound asleep breathing heavily and didn't wake. Feliciano closed his eyes again, trying to force himself into slumber, just listening to the silence in the still jail block.

It took Feliciano several minutes to notice that the German's steady breathing was slowly changing into quick, shuddering gasps of air. The Italian peeled open his eyes, staring up at the bunk above him even though he couldn't see it through the darkness. Ludwig was started to shift from side to side, shaking the metal bars of their bunk, his voice croaking mumbled, distressed words into the silence. The Italian knew what it meant. Ludwig was having one of his infamous night terrors, he'd only seen it happen once in his early days at the prison, and Arthur had told him he was surprised that it had been so long since he'd had an attack, and that it usually occurred almost on a weekly basis. Feliciano had been relieved that it hadn't happened in so long because the last time it had it had frightened him so much that he couldn't fall asleep even when it was over.

Tonight however, it seemed to have made a violent return. The German thrashed uncontrollably above him, his choked up voice getting more and more desperate. "G-Gil...don't go, hold...hold on Gil...d-don't..."

Feliciano lay there, clutching the sheets around him, heart pounding anxiously as he waited for the German to wake up. But Ludwig just kept on going, shouting and screaming, twisting and banging on the narrow bunk, his mind refusing to wake itself from his horrific nightmare. Feliciano couldn't stand a second longer, on a rather aggressive impulse the Italian wrenched off the bed covers and jumped to his feet. Without his weight on the bottom bunk the entire bunk bed was moving across the stone floor with the intense force of the German's brash movements. Quickly, and with some difficulty, Feliciano managed to grab hold of the ladder and heave himself up onto the top bunk, where he stayed with his feet fixed on the ladder as Ludwig's powerful legs were kicking in all directions and threatened to knock Feliciano down any second.

"N-No! D-Don't...hang on...l-love you..." Ludwig was sobbing now, the Italian could hear the way the words caught in his throat, and was certain there must be tears pouring down his face.

Feliciano bit his lip, tentatively reaching forward in the dark he found the German's shoulders and gave them a gentle shake. "Um, Ludwig?" he whispered. He continued to move, his voice quietened to a murmur as if he was starting to stir, and the Italian gave him a more firm jostle. "Ludwig wake up, you're dreaming." still the blond refused to wake, his head shaking from side to side. Feliciano grit his teeth and, with a deep breath, climbed up the last rung of the ladder and pushed himself forward so he was straddling the German's lap on the bunk. "Ludwig!" he cried, much louder now as he shook the man below him. "Wake up!"

Ludwig woke with a frightened gasp, and he sat up so quickly the force almost knocked the Italian clear off the bunk, thankfully Feliciano clung onto the bed rails just in time and managed to stay upright. The German impulsively clamped onto the man in front of him, his breathing coming out in short heavy gasps. "F-Feli?" he weazed, staring at the young man sat on his lap.

Feliciano nodded, gently tracing his fingers down the German's face, as he suspected he felt an awful lot of moisture running down his cheeks. "Sì it's me...are you okay?" he whispered quietly.

Ludwig shook his head, swallowing heavily. "It was so real...Gilbert, I could see him it was so clear I...I felt like oh Gott..." he stuttered, his hands tightening around the Italian's waist. " it was happening all over again." he was still breathing heavily, almost hyperventilating.

"It's okay, it was just a dream..." Feliciano murmured softly, using the edge of his sleeve to wipe away the tears clinging to the German's face.

"Is everything alright in there?" a voice suddenly echoed from behind them. The Italian turned and was met with a harsh light being shined in his eyes; Arthur was stood on the outside of their cell, shining a torch towards them with a look of concern and confusion etched on his face.

"Sì, everything's fine." Feliciano called back, out of the corner of his eye he saw Ludwig duck his head in embarrassment. "Really Arthur, it's okay." the Italian said hurriedly as the Brit made to get his keys out of his belt.

"Well...if you're sure." he muttered hesitatingly as he took in the sight of the shaking blond on the top bunk. "I'm on duty so I'll be patrolling around...if you need me."

Feliciano smiled in gratitude. "Grazie."

Arthur nodded and disappeared again. When the light from his torch had completely vanished from the Italian's range of vision did he shuffle back round to face Ludwig. The German was still holding onto him as he tried to take calming breaths; Feliciano tentatively wrapped his arms around Ludwig's neck. "It's okay..." he murmured, pulling him down for a hug.

The German stiffened slightly at the contact and for a split second looked as though he was going to push him away. But instead he slumped into the younger man, burrowing his head into Feliciano's neck. "...sorry." he grunted, fingers tightening on the Italian's waist.

"Don't apologise." Feliciano whispered into his soft hair, gently tracing his fingers soothingly through the trimmed locks at the back of his neck.

Ludwig let out a strange noise that sounded almost like a purr, and Feliciano felt the grip around his slip hips tighten instantly. The Italian continued to pet Ludwig's hair and cuddle him close, it was exactly the kind of the thing that would make himself feel better after a nightmare and he was certain it would help the German. It did seem to be working; the ragged breathing that filled the cell was slowing down to a more normal register; the tears that were soaking into his shoulder dried out and he could no longer feel the furious pounding of Ludwig's heart against his chest.

However the German had yet to let go of him. In fact Feliciano actually felt himself being pulled ever steadily closer until he was sat right on top of Ludwig's crotch, the German's fingers still dug into his hips. The Italian loosened his arms from around Ludwig's neck, gently patting his shoulders in an indicator that he could let him go. But if anything the more Feliciano tried to pull away the stronger Ludwig's hold on him became. After a few moments of this awkward struggle the Italian relented, and went back to the insistent cuddling; it was unusual for the German to be acting this way, but not exactly unwelcoming.

Feliciano closed his eyes, resting his head lightly against the top of Ludwig's head as he cuddled into the warmth. He was feeling deeply at ease, almost enough that he thought he could fall fast asleep on the German's lap. He could feel strong hands running slowly up and down the length of his back, lulling Feliciano into a deep sense of security, a flush of warmth resting in his chest as those hands moved to his front. An unexpected shiver suddenly swept down his spine and the Italian frowned at the intrusion to the calming warmth he was feeling. Feliciano peeled open his eyes to work out what had happened and was slightly alarmed see the German's hands on the front of his jumpsuit...slowly undoing the buttons.

He could just make out the outline of the blond in the darkness, but in his sleepy state the Italian hadn't realised what the German's hands had been doing. The front of his jumpsuit was slowly pushed open and a draft from their chilly cell caused goose bumps to break out across his chest. These were only heightened further by a sudden change in temperature as something hot and moist suddenly latched onto one of the Italian's nipples. Feliciano gasped out in shock, his shaking hands clinging the German's shoulders as he shuddered.

Ludwig was hurriedly pushing the Italian's jumpsuit down past his shoulders, his lips skating across the exposed chest in front of him; he moved to the other nipple, giving it a gentle tweak with his teeth before leaning up to bite the side of Feliciano's neck as he slipped his hands around the Italian's back, tightly grasping his rear. Feliciano whimpered softly as Ludwig's tongue stroked teasingly against the sensitive skin of his neck, his fingers clawed at the German's shoulders. He didn't know what was going on, his hazy mind was spinning, was this really happening? Ludwig bit down on Feliciano's shoulder and the Italian held back a groan, clutching the back of the German's jumpsuit.

Ludwig suddenly pushed the Italian backwards off his lap so he could finish undressing him, hurriedly tugging at the small buttons on the front of the jumpsuit that were still done up. Feliciano swallowed heavily, and with shaking hands he began doing the same thing to Ludwig, letting the buttons on the blonds' jumpsuit fall undone like his own. The German paused momentarily to allow Feliciano time to fully undress him; the Italian let his fingers trail delicately down Ludwig's smooth pecs down to his muscular abs, inhaling sharply. Ludwig shivered slightly and he sat Feliciano up on his knees so he was able to fully remove the rest of his clothing so he was down to just his tight underwear.

Being a virgin and not having gotten past so much as a kiss; Feliciano had never been in this position before, but that didn't mean the effects of it weren't working. The Italian couldn't help but blush as Ludwig's eyes fixed directly on the throbbing bulge in his underwear and he resisted the intense urge to cover himself up. He let out a sharp gasp as one of the German's large hands suddenly cupped him down there and gave him a gentle squeeze. Feliciano moaned softly, his trembling fingers clutching the back of Ludwig's neck as that torturous hand continued to move, pressing into his crotch and squeezing in all the right places.

Ludwig leant down and pressed a wet kiss against the Italian's jaw line; Feliciano shivered, his fingers digging into the back of the German's neck. Something inside Ludwig must have snapped, all of his patience was lost and he seized the young man, his strong arms wound around the Italian's waist and with a deep growl he threw him down onto the bunk with his head against the pillow. Feliciano squeaked out in surprise when just as suddenly the German flipped him over onto his stomach, lifting his hips upwards towards him. The Italian bit his lip, his heart pounding with nerves as he felt Ludwig's fingers slip into the waistband of his boxers and swiftly whip them down his legs, leaving him fully exposed.

Feliciano swallowed, burying his head into the pillow to stop himself from whimpering in fear. He kept trying to tell himself that he trusted the German, he truly did, but that didn't stop his legs turning to jelly and quivering as Ludwig ran his long fingers along the length of his back. Ludwig's hand skated up towards the back of the Italian's neck where he threaded his fingers into his hair, tugging lightly as he leant down and pressed gentle kisses in-between Feliciano's shoulder blades. The young man grunted softly, arching his back to those soft lips he lifted his head up from the pillow. Three of Ludwig's fingers slid down his neck towards Feliciano's lips and forced their way into his mouth. Feliciano gagged slightly in shock before realising what the German wanted him to do and he began to suck, running his tongue thoroughly across these thick fingers, making them slick with saliva that ran down his chin.

When Ludwig felt his fingers were sufficiently wet he pulled away from Feliciano's mouth and the Italian inhaled a sharp breath of relief. However it was swiftly turned into a yelp of shock when he felt one of those soaking wet fingers pressing firmly against his exposed entrance. Feliciano bit his lip, whimpering softly when that finger was shoved inside his body; the intrusion felt strange and a little uncomfortable, yet strangely arousing. The Italian forced himself to keep quiet as the finger probed and prodded, but he couldn't help the deep groan that escaped him when a second and then a third finger joined it, moving around inside him and stretching the tight passage. Feliciano grunted softly, curling his fingers into the sheets beneath him and pushing back against those fingers to get them to go even deeper.

Ludwig eventually pulled them away and Feliciano let out a groan of disappointment as those fingers slipped out of him; his straining erection was drenching the sheets beneath him with precum. He let out a surprised gasp when his hip was grabbed onto and he was thrown onto his back; above him he could just make out the German hurriedly pushing his own jumpsuit and underwear down to rid himself of the constricting clothing. Feliciano automatically parted his legs as Ludwig surged towards him and grabbed hold of his waist; the Italian clenched his eyes shut, biting down on his lip as he waited with nervous anticipation for what was about to happen.

In one swift movement Ludwig entered Feliciano, his fingers digging harshly into the young man's hips. Feliciano had to hold back a scream; it hurt, a lot; the German's fingers were nothing compared to the real thing, the large intrusion was stretching him so much he was worried he wouldn't be able to take it. The Italian's trembling hands clenched tightly onto Ludwig's biceps, his breath coming out in high pitched whimpers as the German kept going, moving slowly further into him. Blood trickled down onto the sheets, a sign of Feliciano's virginity given to the man above him who was gazing down at him through the darkness. "You okay?" he grunted suddenly into the silence.

Feliciano bit his lip, tears starting to seep down his face. "...i-it hurts." he mewled, his voice hitching in his chest.

Instantly he felt the German's movements stop, and his hands moved from the Italian's hips up to his face where he gently stroked his thumbs down his soft cheeks. Their eyes met in the darkness, more easily seen at this close proximity; there was a long silence only broken by the Italian's soft breathing as they gazed into each other, the German's fingers tracing soft patterns across his skin. Feliciano could feel the German moving in towards him, his hot breath was cascading like a waterfall over his lips as their faces grew steadily closer. Their eyes still locked, their naked bodies pressed so close together as the tip of Ludwig's nose brushed delicately against Feliciano's, they both swallowed a lump in their throats at the uneasy pause, both unsure of their next move. The German above him shivered and bit his lip, he suddenly shifted on the bunk as he tried to close the gap between them, but the change in position caused him to buck forward involuntarily into the Italian and the tip of his penis grazed something inside the young man that just-

"Ahh!" Feliciano threw his head back and he let out a scream; the pain he had been feeling was quickly overshadowed by an intense pleasure that took over. The moment now lost, Ludwig settled for a quick kiss on Feliciano's neck before he slowly pulled back out, only to thrust in again more easily than before. The Italian bit his lip, circling his arms around the German's neck as he began to thrust into him, slowly at first but then hastily gathering speed, gripping harshly into the Italian's slim hips.

Feliciano clawed at Ludwig's back, gasping and moaning with each meeting to his prostate; he'd never felt anything like it. The entire bunk was shaking with the force of the German's erratic thrusting, their moans and grunts of pleasure, the sounds of skin on skin filled the cell. Friction from Ludwig's stomach brushing up frantically against Feliciano's erection was sending him into a frenzy. The Italian's shaking hands buried themselves in the blonds' hair and with a loud cry he came across their bare chests. Ludwig shuddered violently and was over the edge in a matter of moments, sinking his teeth into Feliciano's shoulder as he emptied his load into the young man.

The German collapsed heavily on top of Feliciano, their bodies coated in a sweat and sticky mess. The Italian still couldn't comprehend what had just happened; Ludwig slowly sat up and pulled out of him, Feliciano shivered at the feeling. He was completely drained of energy and could do nothing but lie still on Ludwig's bunk, gazing up at the dark outline of the German with a curious smile on his face.

But Ludwig...Ludwig was frowning. He scrambled hurriedly onto his knees and began hastily redressing himself; Feliciano watched in confusion as the blond suddenly leapt down from the bunk. He started pacing around their cell with his head in his hands, breath coming out in short pants, similar to the ones he had when he'd woken up from his nightmare.

"...Lu...Ludwig?" Feliciano murmured, he was exhausted, he could barely stay awake. His eyelids drooped but he forced them to open; the German was stood with his back to him, hands threaded into the hair at the back on his neck.

Feliciano tried desperately to ward off sleep but to no avail, his eyes closed as his fatigued muscles gave way. In his tired state he couldn't recall whether it was part of his dream or if it really happened, but after a few still moments he'd felt a hand brush gently through his hair, soft fingers lightly brushing his skin. The Italian drifted off to sleep, and could of sworn he'd heard someone whisper tearfully into the darkness.

"Feli...I'm so sorry."

Arschloch - Arsehole

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