Cursed Tomb

By SaraRBA

2.1K 598 761

Sara is an adventurous and funny girl, after her long waited graduation she goes with her parents and her sis... More

Author's Note
Back in the Past
There is Hope
Dream Becoming Reality
The Mysterious Box
Artekdor's Story
Secret agents of Egypt
Legacy shall be carried on
Discovery or Fake Alarm

A Nightmare

120 40 54
By SaraRBA

It was dark and I couldn't see a thing but still, that didn't stop me from running. I was in desperation to escape the cold, sandy large hall that was occupied by dark ancient Egyptian pictures.

For an instance the people portrayed in the picture started moving and looking at me, screaming and trying to catch me it was as someone ordered to do that. I ran away from them and stopping to catch up my breathing, that was the moment I noticed a shadow of a person was following me and I could hear his loud breathing, he had an intimidating aura.

Energy draining of me I fell on the hard ground, yelping in pain from the ache coming from my knees. I returned my head to look behind to see who is running after me. I looked into the darkness and as my eyes got used to the darkness I notice a pair of yellow glowing eyes, my heart started pounding.

Now that I, his prey fell, he slowed down and kept coming closer and closer, releasing a terrifying sound from his mouth.

The full moon was shining through one part of the hall and I had an idea, I crawled to that place with all my force. Being under the light I was like a lone wolf praying for help, I needed moon's assistance to reveal the chaser.

When he stepped on the light, I could see him now completely and that terrorized me because he was a mummy. I screamed so hard from the fear which woke me up from the awful dream and I stayed in shock state for a while.

My body was covered in cold sweat and I was shaking, remembering the mummy's face. The nightmare seemed so real for it's own it was terrible, probably the worst nightmare in my life. And yet it contained the dark side of the ancient Egypt.

I looked at Vincent and I was impressed how he was sleeping in peace, not hearing a thing from my screams. Well, I guess the alcohol has made it's effect.

Not wanting to go back sleep, I washed my face, got dressed up and went outside to clear my mind. After some walking, I sat on a bench, thinking over again about everything. Asking myself thousand questions like how long will I stay here, when will we find the tomb? Who was that mummy? Was it the pharaoh? Is that a sign for me as where is the tomb located?

All these questions were interrupted by Alex's coughing; I looked at his sleepy cute face which immediately made me forgot about my concerns.

''Good morning Alex, you are up early.''

-''Morning Sara, yeah I couldn't sleep Liam is snoring so loud.''

''Haha I know the feeling, it used to happen to me before with my dad'' I stopped, noticing what I had said I felt sad but I continued not wanting to make Alex worried ''If he continues like that why you don't change the roommate.''

-''Why didn't I think about that before. Thank you so much for the advice!'' I smile at him; my stomach was twisting and turning. Dancing to his thankful words towards me.

From the first moment I saw him, I knew he was the right one and I fell in love. Well, maybe not love I'm not sure it can't be that fast but he is my crush, my first one. He is my dream boyfriend, the one I had imagined and wished for since I was little.

-''I know this may sound strange but what superpower would you want to have?'' said Alex.

''I don't know but I would want to be a Time Traveler. What about you?''

-''Memory manipulation or Telekinesis

''That's cool. Is there anything that scares you?''

-''I will tell you but don't laugh.''

''Okay I won't,'' I grinned.

-''Ornithophobia'' he said in a serious tone.

''What's that?'' I replied not knowing of that phobia, it was a new word for me.

-''That's fear of pigeons.''

''Didn't expect that coming'' I felt kinda bad for Alex because pigeons are everywhere, there is no escape from them. They follow you and can even fly on you.

-''So, what's your fear?

''Fear of thunder and lightning'' he looked at me with his beautiful blue eyes like he was sad for me.

-''In the future when the weather is bad, I'll protect you, Sara'' I screamed on the inside, how can he be this adorable but he better protect me or I am going to kick him. I hope he is not lying.

''Another question... Do you trust anyone with your life?''

-''I usually don't but if I would have to trust someone then I must chose you'' I melted from his words. What is he doing to me; he is causing troubles for my heart. Please God, don't let him be a playboy.

-''How about going to a Café with me?''

''Sure, let's go.''

We got up, Alex called a taxi to come and pick us up. Later we arrived at a small yet beautiful modern café, on the inside it was decorated by black and white patterned chairs with metallic tables. It had a few people inside and it was quiet, it surely was a lovely place where you could drink your coffee in peace where no one could disturb you.

The waiter came and picked up our order, after some minutes he placed them into our table. Alex ordered for Macchiato while I ordered Cappuccino. I can't deny that it's my favorite one, topped with cream and chocolate powder.

As I get a sip of it I knew that it was the best Cappuccino I had ever tasted. It's not that I am praising the Egyptians but it was rich and delicious, the more I drank it the tastier it become.

I noticed that I had been giving all my attention to the coffee and not Alex so I decided to ask him personal questions to find out more, his experience, his likes and dislikes. Who knows, maybe someday we are going to get married I will ask him just in case.

''How old are you Alex?''

-''I'm twenty one, you?''

''I am nineteen.''

-''Wow, you are the youngest in our company. So you only finished high school right?''

''Yeah that's right, I don't have time for college.''

-''Okay, so, do you have any other brothers or sisters?''

''I have only one sister and that's Kelly, which you have met.''

-''Oh right I remember.''

''How many siblings do you have?''

-''I have two brothers, they are twins and older than I am. They always mock me for being the smallest in the family, my mother tends to scold them for their childish behavior but they still continue. It's a huge mess going on in our house, it's like going through a war every single day.''

''It's lively there in your house, you are so lucky to have them in your life.''

-''Well, they annoy me sometimes but yeah I'm lucky. Sara... I am curious about one thing I didn't see your parents home when I came to pick you up. Did they leave to another country?'' This question hurt me really bad. I knew that one day someone will ask me about this but I never knew that it would upset me this much. I thought that I already moved on but when Alex asked me I can't help it but think of the past, imagining the plane scenario. Our family last hugs....

-''Did I said something I shouldn't have?''

''Yes you did'' I snapped to him, got up from the chair and left the café. Running away from the past reminder, tears were forming to my eyes, my legs barely ran. The emotional pain was stopping me, suffocating my life. It never happened to me before, to release my anger to an innocent person who had nothing to do with it. So, it seems like the past is destroying me step by step, turning me into a monster like a poison.

While I was running, behind me was Alex following and shouting to me to stop. I couldn't stop, the monster inside me didn't allow me to stop, and it controlled my mind and my body. As I was passing the street many people were saying a lot of offending words to me like crazy wench, stupid but I didn't give them importance.

At one moment a red car was driving so fast that it couldn't stop I sat down in fear and closed my eyes wishing that it won't hit me, after some seconds someone wrapped his arms around me and said to move or the cars are going to hit me.

It was Alex that did that even though I was awful at him.

''What about that red car?''

-''What red car? I didn't see any red car'' he replied to me, making me surprised at the fact that the red car disappeared into the thin air

-''Come let's go back to the hotel'' I nodded at his speech. The words weren't coming out from my mouth because my mind didn't collaborate with my mouth.

We arrived at the hotel and as we came indoors I stopped and grabbed Alex by his shirt, he stopped and looked at me.

''I am sorry for today. I didn't mean to snap to you, can you please forgive me?'' I said with my earnest emotions. I had intentions or to say it more precise, I needed to clear off some things before going where others were. I can't allow myself to make enemies or to scare someone off because of my past, my absurdity. What I had one isn't that bad but however it may be for somebody else.

-''It is okay Sara, I forgive you. I understand that I had put my nose into a very personal subject that shouldn't matter to me.

''No I am glad that you asked me but that is very emotional thing to me. I didn't know that I was still trapped by my past but never mind I'm going to try my best to overcome that. Well, my parents weren't home because they are in different places. My father is dead, while, my mother is in a coma.''

-''I am so sad to hear that, I hope your mother get's well as soon as possible.''

''I hope so too'' Alex gave me a slight smile assuring me that I can't lose hope, things will get okay by the time.

''And Alex...''


''Don't tell anyone about what happened today.''

-''Okay, I won't tell. You can rest in peace because the secret is safe with me'' he smiled so widely, showing his perfect white teeth.


Thank you guys for being such sweeties, showing me a lot support.

In order to repay your kindness, I will dedicate each chapter to my top fans.

By the way, huge thank you goes to my editor : editinginprogress

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