Monster ♦︎ Cricky AU [✔️]

By howsyourcoffeejesus

38.3K 3.1K 983

Chris was far too young to die when he did, and Ricky accidentally stumbles upon his dead body. Ricky, being... More

1: Oh, Hey, Look. A Cut Up Corpse.
2: Ryan Touches A Stranger's (Dead) Body
3: This Chapter Used To Have A Title, But It Was Lame
4: Phase One Of Ricky's Project Begins
5: Hey, Look, Angelo Exists
6: He's Alive!!1!
7: This Chapter Is Literally Just Ricky Taking Care Of A Living Corpse
8: This Chapter Is A Tad Bit All Over The Place But It's Fine
9: This Is Lowkey Just A Filler Chapter I'm Sorry
10: Basically, Chris And Ricky Sleep On The Same Mattress
11: I Promise The Plot Will Start To Actually Pick Up Again Soon
12: Ricky Shows His Dad His "Experiment"
13: I Swear To God Guys The Plot Is On Its Way Back
14: Honestly, I Just Wanted A Little Bit Of Ryangelo Action
15: The Next Chapter Is Where Things Start To Get Interesting, I Promise
16: Chris And Ricky Pretty Much Just Get Ready For Their Date Thing
17: If You Thought The Date Was Gonna Go Perfect, You Were Wrong
19: More Cute Shit!!1!
20: Oh No, Another Problem Of Some Sort
21: Chris Has Another Outburst Of Anger
22: Chris Attacks!!1! (Yes, Again)
23: I Think We All Knew This Was Coming Soon Enough
24 (Final): Get Ready For Some Tears, Kiddos

18: Lots Of Crying And Hugging Featuring A Tad Bit Of Kissing

1.2K 121 69
By howsyourcoffeejesus

Ricky was quick to help Chris into the car after that, starting on the way back home as fast as he could. He was probably going way over the speed limit, but he really didn't care. All he wanted to do was get Chris somewhere safe.

On the whole ride home, Chris stayed silent. He didn't feel like talking anymore, he just felt like shutting down somehow. He didn't understand what had happened in the restaurant at all. All he knew was something different was set off inside him, and he didn't know how to explain it.

When Ricky took the turn down his street, Chris requested to stay at the house at the end of the street, where he had stayed for his first few days of being alive... Again. He figured maybe he could try to get himself calmed down in there by himself.

Of course, upon his request, Ricky asked if he could come with him. Ricky wasn't sure what would happen if he left Chris alone again, especially in the state he was in now. Chris didn't respond to his question until the two of them actually got out of the car.

"I... I w-want to b-be alone," Chris spoke quietly.

Ricky didn't oblige to that request. Instead, he followed Chris as he walked into the house.

"I sa-said I want to b-be alone," Chris repeated with a sigh. But still, Ricky didn't listen, trailing behind his as he slowly made his way up the stairs.

Chris could feel his anger rising again as he heard Ricky's footsteps still behind him. "I w-want to be alone!" He exclaimed.

Ricky tried his best to stay calm, as he could tell Chris was starting to get angry once again. He was starting to realize this might not have been the best idea after that episode in the restaurant, but neither he nor Chris understood what was happening to him, and Ricky was determined to help him, just as he had been since day one.

However, the second Chris turned around to face him, that determination he felt turned to fear. Now, Chris had that same look in his eyes that he gave that waiter that he slammed him to the ground. As much as he hated to admit it to himself, Ricky was afraid of what Chris could do to him. For the first time ever, Ricky was afraid of Chris.

In a spurt of uncontrollable anger, Chris raised his hand, and smacked Ricky right across the face, hard, sending him into the wall next to him. He yelped as he fell a bit to the side, his own hand now on his face.

"Ow, fuck," he hissed, gently rubbing his face.

"R-Ricky," Chris whispered, now realizing his own actions. He hadn't meant for that to happen, but it was something he couldn't control.

The taller boy slowly walked towards Ricky, bending down to his level where he was sat on the floor. But Ricky, not knowing what to expect at this point, backed up, flinching away from Chris.

That one little flinch was all it took to make the tears threatening to spill from Chris' eyes break loose.

"Ri-Ricky, I'm s-sorry," he cried. "I'm s-so sorry. I d-didn't mean to d-do th-that. I didn't mean t-to hurt you, I didn't want t-to. Oh G-God, I am a m-monster."

"No, no, hey, it wasn't your fault," Ricky said softly, moving closer to the taller boy, who was now sitting on the floor sobbing. "You don't know what's happening, you don't have control over it. It was my fault for making you angry."

Ricky carefully wrapped his arms around the crying boy, pulling his head into his chest, just letting him cry. He wanted to help Chris, as he always did, but this was some kind of problem he didn't know how to solve. As Ricky stroked the taller boy's hair gently, Chris tightly wrapped his arms around him, his shoulders still shaking.

"I'm a m-monster," Chris kept repeating into Ricky's chest.

"Hey, don't say that," Ricky said. He lifted Chris head from his chest, and looked into his eyes. "Listen to me," he spoke softly, both his hands on the sides of Chris' face, brushing away some of his tears with his thumbs. "You are not a monster. What happened tonight wasn't all your fault. You hitting me wasn't your fault either. No matter what you do, you'll never be a monster to me, Chris."

Chris sent Ricky a small smile at that, but there were still a few stray tears running down his cheeks, messing his makeup up a bit. Ricky rested his own forehead against Chris', his hands still on the taller boy's face.

He didn't know what exactly made him want to do it, but before Ricky knew it, he was leaning forward, meeting Chris lips with his own. Chris was confused at first, of course, barely remembering what he was supposed to do, but he quickly got himself together, and began kissing the smaller boy back.

The two of them pulled away after a few moments, both of them smiling. "You feel better?" Ricky asked.

Chris simply nodded in response, engulfing Ricky in a hug again. "Th-Thank you for not being m-mad at m-me," he said quietly.

"Of course," Ricky replied. "Now, come on, let me take you back home, okay?"


Ricky's parents were already fast asleep once they returned. The smaller boy helped Chris upstairs as quietly as he could manage, then helped him change into something more comfortable, before changing his own clothes.

The two of them then got into bed, Chris wrapping his arms around Ricky as usual, both of them smiling. After a few moments of silence, Chris spoke up before the smaller boy could fall asleep.

"Hey, R-Ricky?" He said quietly.

"Yeah?" Ricky replied, rolling over to face him.

"C-Can I, um, k-kiss you again?" Chris questioned hopefully.

"Of course," Ricky chuckled, allowing Chris to envelope his lips in a kiss.

Sure, in the scheme of things, he was technically kissing a dead man. But, he didn't care. Chris was alive again now, anyway.

"I-I li-like your lips," Chris told him as they both pulled away.

"Thanks," Ricky chuckled.

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