Prince Vegeta's Story

By liuxufei

7K 240 79

Disclaimer: I do not own Dragonball/Z/GT. We all know that Vegeta grows up to be a loving father and husband... More

Leaving Home
Meeting Frieza
Is Frieza Being Nice?
Uh oh
Continuing on with the dicipline
A Treat
Growing Up
True Love
An Idea


287 13 3
By liuxufei

I finished up this chapter a bit ahead of time and didn't want to keep you waiting. In this chapter, you're finally going to understand a bit about Fenila.

Vegeta's POV

Everything around me was completely pink. Pink, pink, and more pink. So pink that I felt sick to my stomach. I better figure out a way for program the spaceship so I can get off of this planet! Crawling back inside the pod, I studied the controls. Now that there wasn't any imminent danger, it didn't seem as confusing a before. Well, better get started. 

After several hours, there was no still no progress. Groaning at my bad luck, I thought hard on what to do now. Well, obviously, Frieza would probably be looking for me by now. I can only assume that the only reason he hasn't found me yet is because the ship isn't bugged. Well, he'll figure it out eventually. I can't just stand here and wait for him like a sitting duck. Guess I'll need some help.

Clambering out of the pod, I took another look around and tried to swallow my disgust. I needed to get some assistance and now definitely wasn't the time to be picky. Powering up quickly, I took a look at the pale pink sky and flew, away from the pink sun.

Fenila's POV

As I bandaged some broken ribs, my mind inevitably drifted back to Vegeta. I wonder how old he is? Well, he probably isn't much older than me. Thinking back to what happened a couple months ago, my heart ached and I blinked to hold back tears. 

Flashback Begins

"Fenila, you must run now!" my mother cried out to me. "Go! There isn't time."

"But mommy, I want to stay with you!" My voice back then still sounded childish.

"Fenila, run, now! Go to Frieza and tell him you want to work for him. Talk about your uncanny skill for healing."

My eyes started tearing up. I knew what was happening. Our king had broken a promise to Frieza, and now he was going to kill all inhabitants on this planet. My mom's only hope was that I would present myself to Frieza as a possible servant and maybe live.

"Make sure you call him Lord Frieza of Master Frieza. Do everything he asks for you to. Please Fenila, do it for me."

"B-but mommy, I don't want to leave. I can't work for him alone."

"Fenila, if you won't do it to survive, then do it so that our race may live on."

After that, I ran to Frieza, telling him about my perfect ability to heal, how I could see where bones were fractured and muscles were sprained. Surprisingly, Frieza agreed to let me stay. Maybe it was my skill, maybe it was because I called him lord, but to this day, I still don't know.

Flashback Ends

My planet had been destroyed shortly after that. I'll never forget the screams of my friends and family as they were obliterated, or the evil laughter of Frieza as he killed the rest of my people. No one should have to live through that, especially not a seven-year old.

Vegeta's POV

Finally, I stumbled upon a house, which was of course, pink. I walked right on inside without knocking and found some people who were also pink. It looked like a two middle aged people -probably the parents- and three younger kids, all around the size of teenagers.

"Tell me, do any of you know how to operate a space pod?" I asked, semi-politely. Then, remembering the techniques Frieza and my father uses, I added on, "If you don't respond soon, I'll kill you right now."

One of the youngest one said, "Um.. sir? I kind of know how too. I'll show you if you promise not to hurt my brothers or my parents."

"Okay then, I won't." I understood his loyalty to his family. I would defend my parents too, against anyone. I guess that was one of the reasons I came to Frieza's base without too much fight. I knew it was one way to settle an argument between him and my dad.

Grabbing his arms, I flew back to the space pod. After taking a peek around, he said, "I think you just press this button and when it asks you for your destination, say wherever you want to go." Nodding my head thanks at him, I got back in the ship.

"Hey! what about me getting home!" 

'You got legs, don't you?" With a smirk, I pressed the button and set the destination for Planet Vegeta-sei. I can't wait to see my dad and mom again. My mouth curled up in a slight smile, my first in several days, just thinking about it. With a sigh, the sleeping gas was activated and I fell asleep within seconds. My last thought was the next time I wake up will be at home. 

I still was working under Frieza. He shouldn't complain about me going for a little visit home.

The ship dispatched with a thud. I glanced outside, expecting to see the familiar terrain of Planet Vegeta-sei. Instead, what I saw was the landing pad in Frieza's base.

"H-how did I get here?!" My voice was extremely panicked. I was going to get punished, I knew it. But now, I don't even get to see my parents. This was bad, very bad. Then, the hatch door opened. 

Dedoria's pink ugly face looked in. Ugh, I hated that face.

"Well, looks like the monkey's little escape didn't go quite the way he planned it." With a chuckle, he dragged me toward the base.

I tried unsuccessfully to get out, but his arms were just too strong. "Stop struggling, monkey. I would beat you up right now, but Lord Frieza wants to land the first hit." Great, now I knew for sure that there would be a punishment. 

"You know, no one ever tries to escape Lord Frieza. Your plan might have worked if all the pods weren't controlled by a computer here. All Master Frieza had to do was click one button that retrieves all pods back here."

Damn! Well, that would have been good to know before I snuck out! With a happy look on his face, Dedoria threw me in a cell, the same one I was in one my first day here. He left without saying another word. Looks like this cell and I will get some more bonding time. Whoopee.

Fenila's POV

There was going to be trouble, I could feel it in the pit of my stomach. Getting many sedatives and bandages, my mouth turned down in disapproval. Why did he have to get in so much trouble! I didn't like to heal everyday, it's just that I'm good at it. I heard that Vegeta got caught stealing a space pod and had landed back here. Frieza's definitely not going to be happy.

Vegeta's POV

I groaned as I woke up. Then, yesterday's memories came rushing back. Oh yeah, I got caught and now I'm going to get punished. Then, Zarbon's face peeked in. He quickly grabbed my arm and led me outside of my cramped cell. 

"Lord Frieza has prepared a little surprise for you," he said with a grin. Zarbon was actually grinning. This isn't good. I had a feeling that my "little surprise" wasn't going to be very pleasant for me.

After we entered the room, Frieza turned to me with a sweet smile. My stomach sank. I had a feeling that pain was coming.

Another cliffhanger, yay! I'll try and stop putting so many of these in my stories. I just don't want to make my chapters too long. The next chapter will be up soon!

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