Falling For A Villain-Peter P...

Av EnaChiaraTeglovic

427K 8.7K 2.5K

Clary Wolf is a 15-year-old girl, and she lives in Canada, a city named Toronto. One night she said the word... Mer

Glowing Eyes
Peter Pan
Welcome to Neverland
The game
Lost Girl
Run, run lost girl
The cliff
Mermaid Lagoone
Peter Pan never fails
The pipe
The Game
Bloody Demon
I guess you got me
Pan like Pan
The test
Lost and unloved?
The Guilty Meadow
Is it all just a lie?
Am I falling for the demon?
Liam and a mermaid
Drive me crazy
Accepting me
Day with Peter Pan
He is a killer
What is going on?
Read please
New Lost boy
I fell in love with him
Race with Pan
The real Neverland
Pixie dust
Peter Pan
My Lost Girl
My life now
Your lover dead
Thank you!

The cage

6.4K 135 41
Av EnaChiaraTeglovic

Chapter 33

Every memory of my life back in Toronto with my family and friends rushed back in a second. My heart started to pound, everything was happening so fast. I tried to tell my body to move, but nothing. It felt as if my mind was the only thing still functioning.  
I closed my eyes and waited to feel the pain. To welcome death with open hands. But I didn't. I opened my eyes to see Peter in front of me holding the dagger in his hand. His eyes were dark as night, face a cold facade. His eyes found mine, an then back to the dagger. 

"Well, well, well I didn't know that there was a game going on." He spoke and chuckled. "Whose dagger is this?" He asked still holding the dagger. The boys tensed up, and I could see Brent squirming like a worm, and moving closer to the trees, trying to hide. Little bitch he was. "Tik- tok boys!" Pan told putting the dagger down. And then, like a flash, he trowed the dagger at Brent. The dagger landed just above Brent's head, it was deeply stuck in the tree. 

"Mine. Mine." Brent breathed out and stepped forward. 

"Brent. Why am I not surprised." Pan said crossing his arms." I want to know what happened." He added and glanced at me.  "And I want to know the truth."

"He cut my ear, and then I hit his shoulder, and then he threw the dagger at me and then you arrived," I summed everything up. Sad was silent for a second and then a sad smile on his face appeared.  

" Oh, I'm so sad that I missed your little game." He said as he started circling me. Not a good sign. I felt like a mouse in a trap. "So, we will play a new game ." He said and I gulped. 
"Who hits the bullseyes, three times, of you two," Pan said pointing at me and Brent.
"Decides what the loser gets. Now let's play." He said. Brent didn't move, I didn't move. 
"Now!" Pan roared and we instantly rushed to get the arrows. First arrows, both hit the bullseye. Second ones as well.  I kept telling myself to relax, and not miss this at any cost.

"Now!" I hear Pan and let the arrow go. Brent hit the bullseyes, while mine was a few centimetres away. I cursed under my breath and threw my bow on the ground.

"Brent, what does our loser get." I heard Pan.

"2 weeks in the cage." Brent said, making me turn around to face both of them. I tried to beg both of them for something else, two weeks were insane. 

"Felix, throw her in the cage," Pan ordered turning around.

"Wait!" I screamed and Peter turned around.

" Brent, the deal we had when we were fighting with daggers. You lost. You didn't sleep in the cage and you didn't tell me your fears. So I think you need to have a night in a cage as well." I said smiling innocently. Pan nodded, and a satisfied smile was on his face.

"She is right. The cage Brent, but let it be 3 days. Now Felix, throw them into the cages." He said and Felix grabbed both of us. He pushed Brent into his cage harshly, making the boy hit his head. I heard Brent mumble a few curse words as Felix locked his cage. 
Felix and I walked to my cage, and he opened the door for me. 

"Go inside" He whispered. I crawled in and Felix locked the cage.

"If you want I can bring you some pillow or-

"No thanks, it's okay," I said, but I lied. A pillow would be nice. It was a cage made of bamboo, it wasn't very comfortable. He nodded and then suddenly, I felt the cage swing and lift into the air making me let a scream out.
I heard Felix laughing beneath me. 

"Pan's order." He shouted and then, he was gone. 

*After 3 days*

Brent was out of his cage, and he told me his fears. He was of being left alone, and getting hurt. Ironic. But, after three days swinging in the air I figured that he wasn't all that bad. Still a dick, but... Felix always brought me food and water, and he stayed sometimes to talk with me. But Pan didn't come to see how I was doing. Maybe Brent was right after all. He didn't care.
 Sometimes he was nice and sometimes he was harsh and dangerous, I couldn't understand him even if I wanted too.  But would he ever like someone like me? Can he love?

*fifth day*

I was bored. And I didn't know what to do. And then I heard a British accent. Gosh how much I missed that accent. I smiled when I heard his voice, but removed it quickly. He didn't deserve to see me so happy for just hearing his voice.

"Are you comfortable up there?" Pan shouted and I moved to the door, looking down at him.

"Yeah, you have no idea. " I joked and he laughed.

"Bored aren't we?" He asked and I glared at him. He smiled at me and I couldn't help but smile too. Then he walked away. Just when I started talking to myself about him coming and wasting his time to only say a few words, my cage started falling down. It hit the ground and made me hurt my back.  Looking through the door I saw Pan. 

"You know you can be a little bit gentle, I'm in a cage made of bamboo," I said massaging my lower back as opened the cage to give me food. While eating he kept looking at me with closed eyes. 

"What?" I asked and he just shook his head.

"Nothing. Hope you will survive these 9 days." He smiled making me roll my eyes. 

"How is the situation back at the camp?" I asked giving him my plate and taking the glass with water from his hand.

"As usual. But we have some.... issues with mermaids.." He answered looking away.

"Because of Lala?" I asked, but I already knew the answer. He nodded before speaking. 

"I will just ignore them, they know that I'm too powerful for them." He said smiling cheekily. I let a chuckle out as I agreed. But that made me think about his power. I never really gave it too much thought. 

"Pan, how did you get your magic?"I asked and he arched a brow at me.

"You are full of questions, aren't you love?" He asked as I returned now the empty glass of water.

"Yep," I said. "Bathroom," I said and he nodded turning around. 

"Don't you dare try to run away." I heard him say as I walked away. I did my business and got back into my cage. He lift the cage back up and I just let a growl of defeat out.  He waved me goodbye and went back to the camp.

*9th day*

I was dirty and cold. I was bored. Being alone and bored for so long, wasn't good for my brain. I had very different thoughts, good and bad.  I thought about so many things while I was here. During the days here, I tried to crack the cage, I would kick it and punch it with my fist until they bled. Felix would scold me but always bandage my knuckled. While I lay there, I saw a small tiny crack by the door. I quickly got up and examined it closer. With a smile, I started to kick and punch again. The cage swung, making me almost sick, but I didn't stop. And then it finally broke. The door fell to the ground, making me almost fall down within. I inched closer to the opening and looked down. High, so high. I had to jump. I prayed not to break my legs as I jumped. I don't even know how I landed, but it wasn't graceful.  I got up and looked up at the cage, laughing.  Finally free. I had to think fast and move quick before anyone finds out I escaped. 

"Impressive" I heard someone making me already curse everything and everyone. I turned around to see Pan leaning on a tree.  
"No one has ever escaped the cage. Well, we will give you another one" He said with a grin. I shook my head as I stepped back.

"Hell no," I said. "Let's make it a game, if you catch me in the next 5 minutes, I'll go back into the cage." Before he could say anything I ran. I didn't even know why I said what I said, but I was so sick of that cage.  I was running and kept looking behind me, to see Pan right at my feet. I didn't even know how long I was trying to run away, how long he was chasing me for. At a moment, when I looked behind, I tripped. I fell down, slid down the soil and then hit a tree. I groaned in pain. I heard Pan calling my name as he slid down the dirt to me. I looked at myself, and then I realized my shirt was torn, and there was blood.

"Clary!" Pan got to me, and he saw the wound as soon as he kneeled down next to me. He tried to take a closer look, to check the wound, but as soon as he touched my ribs, I winced. He put pressure on the wound with a cloth that just appeared in his hand. 

"We need to get you back to the camp." He said as he took my hand and placedit on the cloth. "Keep putting pressure." He said as he picked me up. I winced as he listed me and started to walk. The pressure I was putting wasn't enough. That's when I realized the wound was deeper than I thought.

"You're bleeding out. We have to teleport. But It will hurt." He warned. I couldn't even pay attention to what was going on anymore.I felt lightheaded. I felt how the air around me changed, and the wound started to burn. The pressure was put on it, but from the inside, making it feel like a burn.  

"William!! Come in Clary's tent now!" Pan screamed and that made me open my eyes. We were back at the camp. We got in my tent and he lied me on my bed carefully.  

"Are you hurt anywhere else?" Pan asked placing his hand on my forehead. 

"I don't think so." I whispered. He put his hand on top of mine, putting more pressure on the wound.

"Yes Pan?" William came into the tent, and as soon as he saw me he rushed to my side.  

"Stich her up." Pan ordered. 

"Why can't you fix her with your magic, it will be faster Pan?" William said as he moved out hands away from my wound so he could have a clear view of it.  

"I said stitch her up." Pan said moving away from me. Will didn't say anything, but he just got to work. He rushed out to get all the equipment he needed.

"I need to get your shirt off," Will said nicely, looking away from me. I nodded and he moved closer to cut through it.  

"Just rip it!" I said through my teeth, and he did. My ribs and belly were covered in blood. Will didn't waste a second and jumped straight to work.



I was on a cliff looking at the sunrise. 

"I knew I would find you here." I smiled and turned around to see Pan smiling wide at me.

"Well this is our place isn't it?" I said as he came to me. 

"Yes, it is." He said and kissed my forehead. I giggled and turned back to watch the sunset. Pan hugged me from behind and I grinned. Then he kissed my cheek. Everything felt right, everything felt at peace. 


I opened my eyes slowly. Looking around I saw Pan next to me, his green eyes worried.  The dream flashed in front of my eyes, making me almost smile at the memory.  I

"Well morning," Pan said with a sigh of relief. I wanted to sit up but he didn't let me.
"Stay laying, the stitches are fresh." He said and I nodded."How are you feeling?" He asked and I looked at the stitches.

"Amazing as you can see." I said showing at the scar on my ribs, going down my stomach.  

"If you didn't run away from me you wouldn't be here laying in your bed stitched up." He said crossing his arms.

"So it's my fault?"

"Are you really trying to blame me for your clumsiness right now?" He asked with a smile on his lips. I just scoffed while he laughed in my face.

"Well, I didn't want to go back in that bloody cage," I said glaring at him.

"Sorry, but you have 5 more days in that cage." He told crossing his arms. "You had a piece of wood stuck in the wound. I have no idea how you managed to hurt yourself so badly." 

"Clumsy," I said with a slight smile. 

"Tomorrow you are going back in the cage. Now rest, I will bring you food later." He said before leaving me alone. I looked at my stitches again. Fifteen stitches, nice. Looking at the stitches reminded me of what Will said earlier. Pan not healing me with magic. He seemed to do against it. Even in the nightmare, he didn't heal me. He was just panicky looking around. Why couldn't Pan use his magic to heal me? Then Fellix came in.

"Hey, how are you?" He asked sitting next to me.

"I'm fine, it's just a few stitches," I said and smiled at him.

" I was so worried." He said and I looked at him.

"That is nice of you." I said with a smile. 

"Well we are friends, aren't we?" He said returning a smile. I took his hand in gratitude. 

"Yes, we are," I said. I let his hand go and then decided to ask a question.  "Felix, why didn't Pan use his magic to heal me?" I asked and Felix sighed.

"Pan never uses his magic for something like that." He answered, and it didn't sound as he will tell me anything more. Basically no answer."I need to go, and I will put this time some pillow in your cage this." He said getting out. I fell asleep for a while, and Pan walking in woke me up.  I was covered in sweat, panting. 

"Nightmare?" He asked after he looked over me and I hummed in response. He gave me water and a towel to wipe the sweat from my forehead. He gave me food, that I inhaled quickly. I was starving. After finishing the food I placed the dishes on the table and lay back in bed, covering myself with the blanket. Pan was reading a book, but it seemed as if he wasn't reading at all. He would turn the pages here and there as if he was reminding himself that he is supposed to read. He was distant.

"Pan, why aren't my nightmares going away?" I asked. He blinked few times and then looked over at me.

"It's obvious. You are still scared of something. But you don't want to admit it. It's hard, I know, but if you want to have a peaceful night, you will have to do it." He said. I thought about it, about the nightmares. And lately, all nightmares involved Pan. Was I afraid of Pan? But that didn't feel right. I didn't fear him. The only time I have was when he killed the mermaid. I love being around him. Annoy him. I remembered when we slept together, I didn't have any nightmares.  

"What are you thinking about?" He asked bringing me back to reality.

"Am.. Nothing. Nothing." I said.

"Clary, I checked on your family." Pan suddenly said in a low voice. 

"How are they? Are they worried? Are they sad?" I asked in a rush, sitting up. Pan quickly closed the book and pushed me back into the bed, reminding me not to move so much. He sat back in the chair before he talked.  

"They are okay. They are worried about you. Missing you." He said. It sounded as it was hard for him to tell me that, as it was a burden.  I loved my family, but I was just not a person that wanted to live in that world.

"Pan I need you to do something," I said and he raised his eyebrow. "I need you to make them forget me," I blurted out. 

"Are you sure that you want that?" He asked me in full seriousness. I hesitated with my answer. But the more I thought about it, the more I believed it was the right thing to do.  Of course, I didn't want them to forget me, but if that would get me of their minds, and continue their life in peace, then that's a decision worth making. 

"No. But please do it. To everyone who knows me. I will do whatever you want, just do it." I said and I felt tears burning my eyes. Peter then sat next to me, stroked my head and then kissed my temple. 

"Let's do this. I won't make your family forget you. I will alter their memories. " He said and I smiled in gratitude. "I'll do it, and in return, I want to know what your nightmare is about." He said. Of course, he was making a deal out of this situation.

Peter Pan P.O.V.

"My nightmare is about you," Clary said, making me gulp.  "You kill me, actually your shadow. Then you came and. I'm saying some stuff to you. Believe I think." She kept mumbling, but I was frozen in shock. Same nightmare. Exactly the same. 

"I'm not sure what the nightmare is telling me..." I heard her say. I looked at her, not sure what to say. 

"You'll figure it out. I know you will." I stood up.  "Goodnight love," I said and left. 

I quickly made sure that my shadow alters the memories of Clary's family. I gave it all it needed and send it on its way. They will forget that Clary ever left, they will think that she is in some camp and they can't get her on her phone or visit her. I knew that she didn't want her family to forget her. It wasn't a good feeling, to be forgotten.   I went back to my tent and as soon as I touched my pillow, I was welcomed with a dream. 



I was standing behind a tree looking at Clary. She was looking at the sunrise. Her hair was flying in the wind.

"I knew I would find you here," I said and she turned around with a smile. I smiled wide at her. She was so beautiful.

"Well this is our place isn't it?" She said I came closer to her. H

"Yes, it is," I said and kissed her forehead. She giggled and turned her back to me to watch the sunrise. I smiled at her and hugged her from behind. 



I opened my eyes and I was in shock. This was a dream. A really peaceful and happy dream. Dream about me and Clary. I quickly started searching for a book under my bed. This couldn't be a mere coincidence. First Clary and I had the same nightmare, and now I had a beautiful dream. I couldn't read the meaning behind it. I searched for the book named "somnium" which means dreams. It was all about dreams and nightmares. As soon as I found it I started looking through it.  


When two people have the same nightmare it means that they are scared of something, and that fear if a bond between them. As it may not be the same fear, it is connected. Most of the time the VINCULUM is influenced by repressed emotions.  The nightmares can cover many fears and lies and sometimes show the truth the people that share the nightmare are to scared to face. Emotions are the drive for the bond, and the strongest emotion to seal the bond is love. The people with the same nightmare,  become a animas servorum- (bound souls.) And they can't break it. It can only fade over time if the bond is not strong enough. If there is no love and no lust.

I closed the book. I couldn't wrap my head around the information. Around the bond. Clary and me, bound souls? No, that couldn't be true. Must have been bullshit. The book was old.   I burned the book with my hand, dusted the dust off and went back to sleep. But now, there was no dream, it was the same nightmare Clary and I shared. 

Hello guys, It's me! So first of all thank you for reading this and for 1.7k reads. It means a lot to me. Please share my story, vote and comment. This story is coming to an end soon.  I'm writing the other part of this story, we can say another book. I will let you know the name.  

Please let me know do you want that Alec, Clary's ex, to come on Neverland or not, and do you want some special thing to happen. And if you have some questions, ask. 

Love yaa all!! xoxo

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