I'm into you (Naegiri)

By katherine-isabel

74.5K 1.6K 4K

Kyouko Kirigiri and Makoto Naegi are best friends and they've always just been Best Friends. After Kyouko's l... More

Author's Note
1: A New Chapter
2: Date with Mukuro
3: What Am I Even Doing?
4: Driving To School
Little Bitty A/N :)
6: The Break Up
7: W-what?
8: Telling?
9: The X-Files Bonding Session
10: School
11: Lunch With The Naegi's
12: Christmas
13: Packing
14: The Announcement
15: Present Day/Final Chapter?
Hey People!!

5: Health Project

4.3K 109 333
By katherine-isabel

~ Kyouko's P.O.V ~

Walking into 8th period Health class I'm worried out of my mind. I look at my the front board and I find my name paired with Makoto for the mysterious project were starting on today during class.

Meaning I have to sit next to and work with Makoto for the next month and a half and we have to work on the mystery project together, great.

Hopefully I don't accidentally spill the beans in my feelings for him during the next long month and a freaking half. I now personally dislike my Health teacher for making Makoto and I work together.

I sit down at my new assigned seat and wait for the class to fill up. I barely notice Makoto sit down next to me until he nudges me with his elbow.

I look at him with a question brimming in my eyes.

"Are you okay? You seem...a little off" Makoto asks me.

"I'm fine, just wondering what this 'mystery project' is gonna be" I explain myself truthfully.

The teacher walks in and starts class.

"Today we'll be starting on our parenthood unit. You should have a small manual in front of you to explain the rules of this project and I'll be around in a second to hand out the project" The teacher babbles.

I grab the manual and my jaw drops once I realize what the damn 'mystery project' is. It's the stereotypical high school baby project that every TV show that revolves around high school includes at one damn point.

I read a little more and I groan internally. We have to work with the person sitting next to us and act as if they are our significant other to get extra credit on top of taking care of a damn baby doll for a month and a half.

The teacher walks up to Makoto and I and places a baby doll in between us.

"Kyouko is a business CEO and Makoto is a stay-at-home-Dad. The manual explains the rest of the project and the grading system" The teacher says.

"Cool" I say.

Makoto lightly grabs the doll and pulls it closer to us. It's a baby girl doll.

"Should we name it instead of calling it it" Makoto suggests.

"Sure. Any ideas?" I ask.

"Uh...um..ugh" Makoto thinks out loud.

"Ah! We could name it Blake? Or Mikaela?" Makoto suggests.

"I like Mikaela. What last name are we choosing?" I ask.

"Mine, of course. Welcome to the world, Mikaela Naegi" Makoto says, holding Mikaela up like how Simba is held in the beginning of The Lion King.

I laugh at Makoto's immaturity and realize if I could just tell him my feelings maybe we could have and start a real family.

No. I'm getting way to ahead of myself. Makoto and Mukuro are very happy together, from what I hear from the both of them when they spend literally thirty minutes each day ranting about how great the other one is and blah blah other couple stuff.

After the teacher is done passing out baby dolls he passes out a rubric/ grading sheet, and a place to mark what we do with the baby for the next month and a half.

The only times we have to fill out the Baby sheet is once a week and summarize the week's most important events, concerning the baby doll.

We're given the rest of class to talk about who has to have the baby the most and other stuff like that until the bell rings and ends another long and tiring school day.

I almost forget the baby doll before I leave the classroom. Luckily Makoto was there to remind me or I would've forgotten the damn baby doll.

We walk to the parking lot together because Makoto is kindly driving me home from school today and for the rest of the week, hopefully. He says that's what friends or for but I know that no one else that would drive me home if I didn't pay them to or being in that persons debt. Maybe all of my other friends are assholes then?


When we climb into his Mini-Van, him in the front seat and me next to him in the passenger seat, he turns the radio on and there's a CD in.

It's an Avenged Sevenfold CD. Danger Line by Avenged Sevenfold starts to play and I grin. Makoto and I have the same taste in music, we always have, so I'm not surprised that he's into Avenged Sevenfold. Probably because I made him listen to it a lot last year and I actually bought this CD for him for his birthday. At least I don't have a shitty taste in music.

"How are things going with you and Mukuro?" I ask trying tinmake small talk even though talking about his relationship with another girl freaking sucks when you like your damn best friend.

Ugh, I need to get my priorities straight and soon.

"Good, I guess. We don't talk as much as we used to but hopefully that doesn't mess our relationship up to much" Makoto explains, distantly as if he didn't want to talk about it.

"Oh. Hopefully it doesn't" I say, forcing myself to agree with him even though I pathetically want them to break up so I could have a shot with him.

Ugh, I'm a piss poor excuse for a friend and an even worse excuse for a best friend. I'm a terrible human being.

"Yeah, hopefully" Makoto says distantly, again. Maybe he's just having an off day?

I nod and the car lapses into silence other then the CD playing in the back ground.

Makoto turns the volume of the radio up and sighs. I look at him with a confused look but he doesn't notice because he's paying attention to the road in front of the car. And that's a good thing, it's not like I want or need to get in a car accident any time soon.

He pulls into my driveway and I quickly climb out of the car, maybe a little too quickly.

"Have a good rest of your day" Makoto says.

"You too, Makoto" I said.

"Thanks. See ya tomorrow morning" Makoto says as I close the passenger seat door.

I wave as he leaves and head inside with a half-smile on my face.

I pull my boots off and go upstairs into my bedroom. I decide to work on my homework early so I can do whatever I want later.

Then I realized that I left the damn baby doll in Makoto's freaking car, great. He'll 'take care' of 'Mikaela' for the night, I suppose.

Dad doesn't get home until 6:30 and by then I've already had leftover pizza for dinner.

"How was school?" Dad asks.

"Fine, I guess" I said.

"You guess?" Dad asked.

"I dunno, the whole thing with Byakuya still has me sad. I suppose" I mumble.

"I'll beat his ass if you want me to" Dad says.

"It's fine, Dad" I said.

He rolled his eyes and definitely believe me. Hell, I barely believe me half of the time recently.

"Uh huh, okay kiddo" Dad says before going into his study and closing the doors behind himself.

I groan because I have to do the dishes tonight and retreat back to my room after I'm done.

I watch old Supernatural episodes until nearly eleven and by then I'm completely pooped so I decide to hit the hay.

Hey Guys!!

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and I'm sorry about the kinda long wait for this shitty filler chapter. Trust me and believe that it's a shitty filler chapter or don't, it's your choice.

Don't forget to Vote, Comment, and Follow me for more shitty fan fictions!!

See you in the next chapter, my AmazeBalls!!

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