Don't Mess With Me. MitzanXR...

By TheZebraInside

67.4K 1.4K 352

Your Adam's Sister, and you are 19 and You Fall in love With the Ginger.. And his feelings are.. More

Day one.
The thought that counts
A new place
Settling in
Hes dead.
Im dead..
They will not go away
Max's thoughts
Should I tell him
You Lied
My Pain in life
Hidded Truth
Should Adam know?
Why Ross!?
My thoughts
Alesa your Sneaky
How far can we go!?
M-Max.. *Blushes*
Max's Pancakes!?
Pains in the but
The necklace
After the date
Don't give in
The truth about us
The scary part
Isabella's somewhat story
Chapter 39
The Boy's turn..
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
The Vlog
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Sorry for this (Updated)
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 68
Chapter 69 and 70
Chapter 71!
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80 (The Stream)
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Christmas eve
Chapter 92
Hey Guys!
The new Years party
The Suprise <3
The after party
He's home!
Stargazing's Date
Chapter 98
before the Mail Opening
The Mail opening
Last Chapter
Hey Guys Quick thing!


1.1K 22 3
By TheZebraInside

((your pov))

So.. I'm sitting on Max couch.. sigh.. I'm tired
I look at my phone and I'm getting and phone call FROM RUBY!!

(Y- you R-RUBY)

Y- H-hello?

R- y-you answer!

Y- are you crying!?

M- (y/n) who are you talking to!?

Y- Hang on Max.. whats wrong

R- C-caleb.. he.. he.. GAVE ME A PROMISE RING!

Y- Your telling me that you called me just to tell me you Got A FUCKEN PROMISE RING! To your boyfriend that only use you because you can get him DRUGs.. you know what I don't Fucken care Ruby

R- wow.. by the way my parents wedding is in 2 days you coming?

Y- Fuck you

I hung up the phone and thrown it across the room

"you know that Brakes your phone right?" Max Said being a smart ass and smirking I sit back on the couch and cross my arms and said nothing

"you need to calm down!" He said sitting beside me poking  my arm

Few minutes later Tim's walks in

"your back early Tim" Max said

"yea.. I fell asleep at my desk and Adam told me to go home.. gotta say that Man dose not know when to call it quits" Tim said

"What do you mean?" Max asked

"Alesa told him to go home and get some rest and Adam he will when he's done doing what has to be done" Tim said

"What!" I said "Adam's being a Butt!" I added well standing up

"Seems like it, but you can't do anything!" Max said I sat back down

"Unless you .. help me!.. help my brother" I said smiling

"Hes mine and Max boss.. we do what we are told" Tim said

"Ugh.. fine.." I said upset and walked over to my phone and called Adam..

(A- Adam y-you)

A- Hey what's up?

Y- you Adam.. Tim told me that Alesa called you!

A- and..?

Y- it's 2:30 am.. at least take and hour nap..

A- (y/n) I have to work I can't just take a nap

Y- Adam if.. you don't it will stunt your health it will make you very very sick.. It happened to mom too.. she got so sick she could not work she had to be in bed for a month..

A- it's only one all nighter

Y- that's what mom said.. but you and mom are the same you say one thing and it turns to another.. and I know that the LAST 3 WEEKS YOU HAVE NOT SLEPT so get your butt home and sleep!

A- Nope, I'm older and you can't tell me what to do!

Y- Adam, think about Mason before you do things next time.

I hung up the phone and both Max and Tim was looking at me "umm.... what!?" I said

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