A Frozen Soul

By ashily1313

16 0 0

A freezing attic, A little girl, A snow storm. This scenario makes up the death of two people. But how? More

A Frozen Soul

16 0 0
By ashily1313

I got a letter in the mail today with no return address not even a stamp. My name is Emma, I’m 22 years old, and I just moved into the neighborhood. I thought the letter would just be a simple welcome letter, but it wasn’t it was so much more. The envelope sealed with a red wax press, and the letters A.K on it held a warning letter, the letter read…

                      To whom it may concern,

There are secrets in the house that stands before you, secrets that you or anyone should or will ever know.

              Sincerely A.K

             I stood almost frozen in fear I had never been in this type of situation. This is the sort of thing you would hear from some kid around a camp fire, but this is not a camp story this is reality, wasn’t it? I walk inside with the letter, still stiff none enthusiastic with the fear and feeling I was being watched. Drifting off in my thoughts I shake my head, bringing myself back to reality. It was only an immature neighbor trying to frighten me away I tried to tell myself with a convincing attitude, then continue my day.

            It was only a few days later, the letter still fresh in my mind. I was now fully moved into my new home so I decided to look around. On my little adventure I found some old blue tile that desperately needed to be cleaned, I made a final decision to yes, take out the old, dirty, red carpet that flooded the floor upstairs, and I also found a picture of a small family, a hanging high above the window in a guest room, at least to high for me to reach at the moment so I decided to leave it for now, I didn’t focus much on what must have been the parents, for some reason my eyes were directed to the young girl in the long blue dress that stood beside them. Strange picture to leave behind I mumbled to myself as I turned around and walked out to the hallway. Out of no where a door shows up on the wall, I mean I'm not crazy of course it must have been there before but,  I just could not remember for the life of me.

               With curiosity I walk up to the old hardwood door and put my hand on the cold brass handle, a dense cloud of dust poured from the door as I pulled it open. Backing out of the door way I cough a little then open my eyes to see a fairly large stair case before me, leading to what must have been an attic.

                When I reached the top of the stair case I came to another door, with much more hesitation then before I reach out and turn the handle. Realizing it was locked I ran back down the stairs and slammed the door shut as fast as possible, Looking down I saw the letter I had received just days before at my feet, witch was much more then frightening considering the fact I had left the letter down stairs in the kitchen. This is not real I tell myself its just on old house its all in my head, while in the back of my mind knowing full well this all wasn’t some big coincidence. In need to calm down and get away from the house I went for a run.

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