Remain My Drug, My Desire

By twisted-diva

24.7K 1.2K 639

Their addictions continue on as they are being thrown into new problems. Ones that are harder to face everyda... More

Coming Soon
Not an Update
Not An Update
4 (The Feels Are Strong)
31 (Final)


682 33 29
By twisted-diva

-Sway's POV-

The next day I woke up with the sheets wrapped around me, as always last night was playing inside of my head.

Andy had already left for work. I would go in, today and help out, but I have someone to visit. Dad.

I showered, and got dressed. Today it looked like it was going to rain at some point. Well, great... Not really because I hate rain. When I was already to go, I headed out to go and see dad. This time I ended up taking a bus, instead of driving. I had to talk to him, I had to tell him about mom. I had to know how he was doing.

When the bus dropped me off, a block away of where they were holding dad, I decided that I would just walk the rest of the way. I went inside and asked to see my dad. They said it would be at least a thirty minute wait. I sat around, and waited. When my phone buzzed and I looked to see that I got a text from Andy.

'Where are you?' it read, I hit reply.

'Seeing someone. I will be in later. Bye.' I hit send, I didn't feel like saying I was seeing my dad. I mean everyone knows he is a low life, but he is still my dad. Uncle Ben was the only one, who ever tried to really help him. I mean it is, his younger brother. My phone buzzed again. I sighed and looked at it.

'Who?' it was Andy. I then was being called, so I didn't respond to Andy, I put my phone in my pocket and followed the man back to where my dad would be. The guy who walking me to my dad turned to look at me.

"Fair warning... Your father has been, well... Not his normal self," he told me. Now I was worried.

"Is he okay?" I asked. He was quiet and didn't answer right away.

"He admitted to the murder that had happened years ago... Now he is kind of losing his mind," he explained. Do I back out? Can I handle my insane father. I was too far in, because I see him waiting on me. The door was opened and I walked in, he was on the other side of the glass. I sat down, and picked up the phone.

"Why are you here?" were the first words he said.

"I wanted to see you," I told him. He looked pale, and I could see pain, and the crazy in his eyes. It scared me, and worried me.

"You wanted to see me?" dad asked, laughing, "You wanted to see your old man," he had this smile on his face, one that didn't reach his eyes.

"Yes," I answered.

"I'm a fuck up Sway," he said hanging his head.

"Yeah, well so am I," I told him.

"That's my fault, not yours," he snapped.

"I found mom," I finally said, just to change the subject. His face dropped.

"You found her?" he asked me, I nodded my head, "Is her life perfect?" he asked, again I nodded.

"You lied, she never cheated on you... You just didn't want me to see her," I said, looking at my father, trying to find some emotion on his face.

"Because I wanted you! I didn't want you to leave me!" he said banging on the glass. I jumped back, "I'm sorry," he quickly said, the men standing in the back were already looking our way.

"They said you were losing your mind," I said, I could now see the pain in his eyes, the hurt he felt. As his life mistakes finally made sense to him.

"I'm shit Sway, I was a worthless father, I worthless husband... I fucked up bad. I did ever since I was brought onto this earth. I shouldn't even be here." he said hanging his head. I couldn't take another second of these words. He can't say those thing.

"Dad, please don't think like that," I begged him.

"Sway it's true! Goddamn it," he said, again his hit the glass. "Fuck!" he yelled. I wanted to cry, I hated seeing him like this.

"Dad deep breaths... Please." I begged him.

"I'm sorry Sway... I'm so sorry. I'm sorry that I have failed you... I'm sorry that, that... I will no longer be able to be your father..." he said, and with that he hung up the phone and got up, walking away. I sat there, the phone still at my ear watching as he walked away. When he was out of sight, I finally put the phone down, and got up, quickly walking out. That could have been the last time I could have seen my father. When I got outside, I walked over to the side of the building, and slid down the brick wall. Pulling my legs in close, and dropping my head, I started to cry. He can't be my father? He failed? He fucked up? I want to take away, every little wrong thing he did, and replace it with every little right thing he did. The tiny little things he did... When he would come in my bedroom at night, once in a blue moon and give me a kiss. When one morning I woke up, and breakfast was on the table. When he finally bought me a CD player, so I could listen to music. When one night he and I danced around the tiny living room, sober. Those little things, I want to think of... Not the wrong. I countied to cry, feeling the pain inside... Will ever see him again? Will he ever be my father again? I pulled out my phone, and ignored the text's and missed calls. Instead I called mom.... She answered on the third ring.

"Hello?" she asked.

"It's me..." I said, "Sway," I added whipping a few tears away.

"Oh, Sway... Hi." mom said, sounding a little off.

"I think I lost dad.... He, he knows he fucked up, he knows that he will never be able to fix what he had done," I said, sniffling.

"Is he in jail for good?" mom asked.

"Yeah... I think so." I told her.

"I'm sorry," she said. She sounded off, like she was doing something else, or someone was trying to talk to her. "Hey, Sway can we talk later. The boys need me," she said.

"Yeah, of course," I said, and with that she hung up. They need you? I need you more.... Why doesn't she get that? I'm her daughter.... Is she pushing me away? Did she want to play me? Mess with my feelings. I cried again. Finally standing up, and started walking. I didn't dare to look back. I just couldn't.

I finally took a bus, to work and went right to Andy, who was pretty missed off. But when he saw my dry teary eyes, his expression changed.

"Angel what's wrong?" he asked. I didn't speak, I didn't say a word, I walked over to him, and wrapped my arms around him. He is the only man who has done me right. I didn't want to talk, I just wanted to feel his embrace. His smell, his warmth, the beat of his heart. Tears soaked his white button down, I really hope he didn't care. Andy rocked us back and forth, and I fell even more into him. The heavy weight pushing me in.

Andy suggested that we move things tonight. Taylor was willing to help, Danny and Juliet... Who had her baby, that was a boy came to help out. He was the cutest little baby I had ever seen.

"His name is William," Juliet said smiling. Kells also showed up to help out.

"He is so cute!" I said smiling at the baby.

"Do you want to hold him?" Juliet asked, I thought about it, while looking at the baby, he was indeed cute. I slowly nodded my head, and Juliet handed me William, I held him in my arms. What if I could have kids.... What kind of mother would I be? Probably the worst. And all of the sudden it felt wrong to hold this child. I quickly handed him back to Juliet. I wanted brush off the bad moment.

"Okay, time to start packing," I said grabbing a box and throwing stuff into it. Andy walked over, and helped me with my other things. Megan was planning on taking my spot here.

"So, I got signed today!" Kells said walking over, and tapping up a packed box.

"Congrats!" I said giving him a smile. I have yet to tell Andy what was wrong, and he hasn't asked me about it either. Instead he said we should pack, and then get moved in. After that, he wanted to celebrate. Then he'll probably want to talk about it. It was nice to see Andy and Kells finally get along. It was nice to see Andy and Danny's friendship, you could see the brotherhood. Taylor, had Ashley come over. She and Megan both awed over William. Juliet looked happy just to be here. Then there was me, standing back and watching, seeing the smiles and hearing the laughter. The happiness within the room. And a forced smile on my face. I could enjoy this moment, but I only say back, and watched. Watched this beautiful moment. I could feel that, pain creep up on me. When Andy walked over, pulling me from my thoughts, I was glad that he came over.

"Come on angel! Let's get all this to your new home," he said with a smile. I nodded, and we said our goodbyes, and drove the truck to the house. It was filled with all my things. From here, we were just going to unload the truck, and worry about unpacking later. I couldn't believe that I was moving in with Andy. We've been a thing for a couple of months now. I've lost count of how long it's been. And I'm already moving in with him! When everything was inside, Andy was already standing behind me. His hands, resting on my hips.

"You know the drill," he whispered, "Strip," he slowly dropped his hands, and I slowly let my pants drops stepping out of them. "I want you naked," he said, ripping my panties off of me. I pulled my shirt off. Andy unclasped my bra, and I let it fall off. "Turn around," he whisperd. I turned around slowly so I was facing him. He looked at me, body and then into my eyes, "You are so beautiful," he said leaning in and kissing me. His hands gripped my ass, as he pulled me in closer to him, I could feel him growing hard, "Jump," he said, and I did just that wrapping my legs around him. He walked out to the living room, and sat down, with me on his lap. "Take off my pants angel," he said. I nodded already out of breath from the kissing. I struggled to get his pants off, but I finally got them off. I tugged at his boxers. Andy removed his shirt. "Now, angel... Ride me," he said with that smirk on his face. I remembered how good it felt to ride him, to have a little control for once. So, I slid down on him, and winced in pain and moaned in pleasure. "Come on angel fuck me," he said kissing my neck.

"Okay, babe." I said placing my hands on his shoulders, and started to move up and down.

"God you feel amazing, pick up the pace angel," he said his breathing out of control. I nodded my head, and started to bounce harder and faster.

"Fuck Andy!" I cried out, Andy grabbed a hold of my breast and squeezed.

"So, fucking beautiful!" he groaned. You could hear skin slapping skin, Andy also gripped my ass cheeks. Pulling me closer, leaving kisses on my neck.

"Babe, I want you to fuck me!" I cried out.

"I know angel... But first you need to cum," he said, I started to bounce faster. If I cummed then he would flip me over and I'd be on my back. I finally cummed and so did he. And just like that, he was taking me off his lap, and placing me down on the couch on my back. "I want to have fun with this," Andy said licking his lips.

"What do you mean?" I asked him. He smirked.

"You'll see," he said, kissing my lips, and then slowly started to make his way down. He kissed both my breast, taking it at a slow pace. He pulled my nipple in between his teeth, causing me to let out a gasp. He finally made his way lower, kissing down my belly, until he finally made it to the end. "Found it," he said glancing up at me with that smirk, "I'm going to enjoy this," he went back down, and right away he bit down on my lips between my legs. Causing me to scream and squirm. I licked at my clit, sucking, biting, and full on sticking his tongue far inside of me. I could hear every little thing, the groan in the back of his throat, and my moans. I arched myself up, but he just pushed me back down. I finally came inside of his mouth, and he came back up and smiled at me, "You taste amazing angel," he said, "So sweet, so addicting," he came up and kissed me. "After I fuck you... I want to talk. Because you need to tell me what is wrong," he said. I couldn't speak, all I could was nod. Andy smiled, and gave me another kiss, before slamming inside of me. I let out a scream, and gripping onto Andy, pulling him in closer.

"Oh god! Andy!" I cried out. The couch was shaking, and my body was breaking out into a sweat. Sweat also trickled down Andy's face. He looked so beautiful, handsome... As he fucked me. I loved how he fucked me. I loved the way he made me feel. How horny he made me. I didn't want him to stop, so when he came, and so did I, out of breath I said, "Again!" Andy leaned down and kissed my forehead.

"Anything for my angel," he said, and slammed back inside of me. It was the best feeling in the whole world.

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