Is This Real? {Sans x Frisk}...

By MillydaCloudQueen

4.8K 121 44

Frisk is a fallen human girl into the Underground. She meets some very special monsters, but will she meet so... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 4

285 7 4
By MillydaCloudQueen

Sans' POV

I realized everything Frisk had gone through.. I'm sure it wasn't easy. The least I could do was listen to her and try to encourage her. It just broke my heart to see that she would take out her pain like that.

Frisk's POV

"Can you p-please not tell anyone about this? Not even Papy.." I pleaded. "Sure kid. I know what will cheer you up!" Sans said cheerfully. "And that is..?" I asked him. "Meeting new people and making new friends!" Sans exclaimed. "Really?" I asked again. "Yup. Now c'mon kid, go get dressed and I'll take you over to some friends' house." Sans said. I nodded as I looked through my backpack. I got out a blue and magenta striped sweater, some black leggings, and some black converse. Sans walked downstairs so I could change in his room. I quickly changed and headed downstairs too. "Ya ready to go kid?" Sans asked me getting up from his spot on the couch. "Uh, yeah." I said back. Sans held out his hand for me. I gave him a confused look. "I know a shortcut" Sans said with a wink. I took his hand and in the blink of an eye we were in front of a fish head shaped house. "This is Undyne's house. She's the Head of the Royal Guard." San informed me. I gave him an understanding nod. He knocked twice before a tall fish monster opened the door. She had long red hair, sharp yellow teeth, and blue scales. She welcomed us inside. "So I see you have brought a human.." Undyne said eyeing me suspiciously. "I-I'm Frisk." I said as I held out my hand. She took it and began to shake it. "I'm Undyne. Don't try anything stupid, or you'll regret it." She said warning me. I just nodded. "Welp. We're gonna go visit sa'more people. Bye Undyne!" Sans said grabbing my hand teleporting us facing a huge lab. We walked in through the automatic doors. I saw a short, yellow dinosaur looking monster, and a robot. "H-H-Hi I-I'm Alphys." Said the dino looking monster. "Hello Dearie's. I'm Mettaton." Said the robot. "Hey. I'm Frisk." I said confidentiality. I waved at them. "Al is the Royal Scientist." Sans told me. I nodded as usual. "T-T-Thanks for s-stopping by!" Al said. Once more Sans teleported us in front of two houses. One seemed abandoned while the other had light coming from inside. Sans knocked on the door to reveal a ghost. "Hey. I'm Napstablook." The ghost said. "Thats a nice name. I'm Frisk." I said smiling. He mentioned for us to come inside. He had a desk and a computer in a corner, a fridge, a TV, and some books. What a neat house. We said our good byes and for the last time, teleported home- to San's & Pap's home.
As we got home Pap had just finished making some spaghetti. We all sat down and ate the slightly undercooked spaghetti. I realized I really didn't bring too many clothes, and that I needed to go shopping. Pap said he was gonna go visit Mettaton, so it was just Sans and I again. "Hey Sans do you know any clothes shops around here?" I asked him. "Uh, yeah, want to go right now?" He asked me. "Yes please, if you don't have anything to do." I said. I quickly looked through my backpack, and I had 60 gold I had found lying around. I'm sure that's enough.
Sans, again, grabbed my hand and took a 'shortcut' to the store. He grabbed a cart and followed me around with it. I stopped at the Clearance Section and Sans pulled out his phone and began playing a game as I looked around. In all, I got 2 pairs of skinny jeans, 1 pair of black torn jeggings, 3 t-shirts, and a blouse. I also got a black beanie, a gray beanie, and some blue converse. Of course I also got a few underwear and some bras. We walked over to the cashier, and paid everything. The total was 60 gold. Just enough.
We got home and Sans let me use two of his empty drawers to store my stuff. He walked out of his room to let me do so. I neatly put everything in there.
I looked at the clock and it was 5:04 PM. Papy still wasn't home yet, so Sans and I just watched TV together. "Kid ya hungry?" Sans asked me. "Yeah, a bit." I said back. "C'mon. Let's go to Grillby's" Sans said standing up. I did the same. We walked over there in about 2 minutes, considering how close it was. Sans walked up to the bar and took a seat, patting the one next to him. I sat down next to him as a flame head dude walked out from the 'Fire Exit'. "What can I get for ya?" He said to us. "Hey Grillby. This is Frisk." Sans said pointing over at me. I looked down nervously. "Hey Frisk. No need to hide your pretty face." Grillby said lifting up my chin to face him. That's when I realized our faces were just inches away. I quickly backed away and just said "Hi." "I'll take usual. You kid?" Sans asked me. "Fries are fine." I said returning to my original sitting position. "Be right back." Grillby said winking at me as he walked away. "Uh, what was that about?" I asked Sans. Before he could even answer, some weird ice monster came up behind him and put her arm around him looking straight at me. "Hey Sansy." The monster said. "Go away, Hice." Sans said taking her arm off of him. He stood up and faced her. "Still as aggressive as always, I see." Hice said smirking at him. She began walking over to me. "And you.." Hice began then pulled me closer so she could whisper. "You better stay away from my Sansy." She said in an evil voice while backing away. Hice winked at Sans before leaving.
I gave him a super confused look.

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