Miss General

By moonlight468

91.1K 2.8K 333

Anna Berndt is a very skilled assassin in Russia. She has trained since she was born and is skilled in any we... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 14 (continuation)
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 20
chapter 21

chapter 19

2.4K 81 10
By moonlight468

            I’m not going to lie, it was actually kind of nice to be back in camp. I missed the action. Missed the work and documents. Missed my boys. Of course I would never tell them that. All of them already have such big egos. How have I gotten the most obnoxious troops in the whole army?

            I was back in my office, looking over at some interesting files, when a knock came. I called them in and was surprised to see General Carter. He was a tough guy. He’s very much built and always has a serious or angry face. He always wants to charge everything and use muscle instead of brains. We don’t really get along.

            “Yes General Carter?” I say.

            “Meeting.” He says then leaves.

            “Nice talking to you too.” I say to myself.

            I head to the meeting room. I pass some of my men and greet them all. Once I walk into the meeting room, I realize I’m the last to arrive. Everyone is sitting around a long table and I take my seat. I look around and notice two men I’ve never seen before. Both men smile at me but one of them seems to be more smirking than smiling. I studied them both. One of them seems to hold authority. He’s clean shaven with his hair slicked back and big glasses on his face. I look at the other one that was smirking at me. His eyes are strangely dark, almost black. But what you really notice is the big scar on his cheek. It must have been a knife wound. As I’m studying them, General Lake gets up and starts the meeting.

            “Now that everyone’s here. I have some important things to discuss with all of you.” General Lake looks at the two newcomers. “As you can see, we have some people here who you all haven’t met yet. This is General Demetri Dalch,” he points to the man with glasses. “And his second in command Robert Palinski.” He points to the one with the scar. “They’re the ones from Russia who have been helping us recently. We have formed an alliance and their going to be staying here to see how we operate and try to help us with our strategies.” He says.

            General Dalch smiles at everyone. “It’s a pleasure to meet all of you.” He then looks right at me. “Especially you General Berndt.”

            “Oh, thank you.” I say shyly.

            I’m not very good with compliments. General Dalch chuckles at my reaction but continues.

            “You really are something. First woman to be in the army AND becoming a General. I always wondered when this day would come. And now, because of you, we have turned this war around. I’m glad to have met the famous Annalisa Berndt.” He says sincerely.

            I look at him confusingly. “What do you mean ‘turned this war around?’”

            “Oh you don’t know?” General Dalch looks at General Lake. “You haven’t told her yet?” He asks.

            “Told me what?”

            “Well I was going to get to that but then General Dalch here, decided to just start talking nonstop.” General Lake says.

            “Sorry, I just get excited when I see such an interesting specimen.” General Dalch looks at me.

            Specimen? Oh don’t tell me he’s some kind of crazy scientist and wants to do experiments on me? I probably shouldn’t tell him about my bizarre bloodlust.

            “Anyways, what were you going to tell me?” I ask.

            General Lake looks at me proudly. “Apparently, that little battle in your town, has made you an idol.”

            “An idol?”

            “Yes. It seems that word has spread of the magnificent Anna Berndt and her troops. Everyone across America is talking about you, saying how you’re going to end this war and how we’re so lucky to have you.” He says.

            I look away and let the information sink in for a minute. Then I finally process what he said. My head jerks up as I look at General Lake with wide eyes.


            “Amazing isn’t it? Even the troops are hyped up and excited. Everyone in America is excited to see what Anna Berndt is going to do now.”

            I just look at him. Lost for words.

            “So the President thought it would be a good idea to use you as an idol. You give people hope and that’s exactly what we need right now. So Anna, what do you say?” General Lake asks.

            I look around the table at all the other Generals. Everyone is smiling encouragingly, except for General Carter and Robert. Actually, Robert is sneering at me. I think he’s against me becoming famous. I don’t trust Robert. There’s just something about him that doesn’t sit right with me. I look back up at General Lake.

            “Why not? What’s the worst that could happen?” I say.

            General Lake’s face lights up. “Great!” He then turns to everyone else. “Now on to our next topic. Robert here has given us some useful information it seems.”

            I look at Robert suspiciously. “What kind of information?” I ask wearily.

            “The Russians intercepted one of France’s telegrams. Apparently France is trying to get Spain to work with them. They’re also planning something big.” General Lake looks around the table slowly, carefully looking at everyone in the eye. “They’re planning to nuke various parts of the U.S.”

            Everyone starts yelling and cursing.

            “That’s impossible!” I yell. “Only America knows how to make an atomic bomb. How did they figure it out? Not to mention the costs!”

            “We’re not sure. Maybe they somehow figured it out or maybe someone gave them the instructions. As for the money, they already have a considerable amount in debt, what's more to them at this point? Either way, we’re trying to keep this quiet in case there is a traitor in our army.”

            “But this is serious. We have to stop them right away.” That’s the first time General Robinson spoke this whole meeting.

            “I agree but it’s going to be difficult. We found out that they won’t be able to do it for at least a month. So we have to take them out before then.” General Lake says.

            General Carter grunts. “Well my men are ready now. We’ll go take them out right now!” General Carter gets up, just waiting for the word so he can go charging in.

            I roll my eyes at him. “This is a complicated mission General Carter. We can’t just bust in and start swinging willy nilly.” I say.

            He glares at me.

            “General Berndt is right. We need to think about this clearly. Robert actually came up with a plan that I believe will work.” General Lake says.

            General Carter sits down and grumbles to himself. “Well what is it?” He asks.

            General Lake looks at me. “General Berndt. I believe it would be best to have your troops go in there and stop them.” He says.

            “Didn’t we just say we can’t just barge in there?” I say.

            “Yes but your team is best at being stealthy. They can easily sneak into the core of France and take down the enemy.”

            I freeze. “Wait. You want me to sneak in with a whole army into the middle of France, where we will be severely outnumbered, and destroy the atomic bomb and basically take out anyone we can?” I ask.

            “Precisely.” He says.

            I slam my hands on the table and jump up from my seat.


            General Lake looks at me calmly. “Now General Berndt, I wouldn’t assign this to you if I didn’t think you could do it.”

            “You’re basically asking me and my men to go on a suicide mission. You know once we’re in there that we’ll be alone. There won’t be any back up. And once we’re noticed, which we will be, we won’t be able to get out of there alive.” I say.

            “You don’t know that for sure Anna.” General Carter says.

            I whip my head in his direction. He’s smirking!

            “We all believe in you.” His grin widens.

            I look at him in disbelief. He wants me to die. He’s betting on my death. I look at the others. General Robinson seems to be thinking before nodding.

            “It will stop them from bombing the U.S.” He says.

            My mouth drops. I can’t believe it. How could he agree? Just like that? I look at General Dalch and I see he’s studying me. He smiles.

            “That would definitely be interesting.” He says.

            This can’t be real. They’re really considering it. No, they’re not just considering it, they’re going to make me do it. I don’t have a choice. Even if I refuse, they’ll just make my troops go in there alone. I can’t let them do that. They wouldn’t survive. At least with me, they have a chance. A very slim chance but still a chance.

            Do they really hate me that much? They wouldn’t do this to just anyone. Is it for publicity? Are they jealous? Or do they just hate me because I’m a woman? Now that I think about, if I died in a tragic way that would inspire the people to rise up. And I would be out of the spotlight. They hate me. I just never realized it was to this extent. They’re hoping I die. They want to get rid of me, for more reasons than one.

            I look at Robert. The slime ball that suggested the idea. He smiles at me evilly. I never had their trust. They saw me as an eyesore and Robert gave them an opportunity to get rid of me. I glare at him and his smile widens. He’s challenging me and whether I like it or not, I have no choice but to accept.

            “Alright. It seems I don’t have a choice anyways.” Everyone smiles. “But,” They look at me confused. “I get to prepare my men with whatever means.” I say.

            “That’s fine but you only have a month.” General Lake says coolly.

            “Oh don’t worry. That’s plenty of time.” I say.

            Even though I said that, I really didn’t know if it was. I don’t even know if my special training will help them but it’s the only chance we have to surviving.

            “What are you going to do?” General Dalch asks.

            I smile. “Special training.”

            “Oooo what kind?” He asks.

            It seems I caught his interest again. And something tells me that’s not a good thing.

            “I was looking through some interesting files earlier. And it seems there’s this island that no one’s used for quite some time.” I say.

            General Lake and Robinson stiffen.

            “What island?” General Carter asks.

            “Oh you don’t know? It’s called Sobreviver Island. It’s Portuguese for survive. It’s an island used to help the men train but they stopped using that tactic over 30 years ago. I don’t know why though. I thought it was good practice.” I say.

            “It didn’t help the troops in the end. That’s why it was shut down.” General Lake says angrily.

            That’s the first time I’ve seen him angry. Must mean I’m doing something right.

            “Well I believe this will be beneficial for my troops.” I say.

            General Lake glares at me and I just smile at him. We’ll see who the real fool is in the end. I’m going to protect and prepare my men to the best of my ability. If it’s one thing that we assassins are good at, it’s not failing.

            “Well if that’s all, I’m going to go get everything ready. We’ll be gone for the whole month. Wish us luck Generals.” I open the door and before I leave I say, “And Robert.” And then close the door.


            So I just wanted to say that I changed it from Europe to France. I know, I’m stupid. I’m not very good with geography and history. Kind of funny because of how my story is. Oh well. Anyways, sorry you didn’t get to see any of the guys this chapter but this was vital information. I’m setting up the scene for the climax. There’s probably going to be about 8 or so chapter left and maybe a prologue. Depends how I end it. So now is the time to tell me who you guys think Anna should end up with. I have two in mind but you can always change my mind or help me make up my mind. Well talk to you later lovelies.

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