Partners In Crime (Jeff X Rea...

By kaleebarm

1.9K 37 47

Okay. Im doing a Jeff x Reader. Because I'm bored. And I need serious help Like I really need help Please. An... More

Home or Not?
Birthday Party Two
Yet Again
Gone Into Fire


710 11 10
By kaleebarm

You were walking down the street with your child. Wait... child? When did you have a child you were like, 15.

You let go of the kids hand. What the fuck was happening? It like your memories were being replaced or something.

You knelt down and held the kids hand again. "Hey, do you know where your mommy is?" The kid said yes and pointed behind you. You turned and saw a woman who was breathing hard like she was running.

The kid ran up to his mom and hugged her. You smiled and kept on walking. You have been having these strange things where you feel your head spin and then you remember something. But it's never true.

Like just now. That little kid wasn't yours, let alone did you know him. I mean you were teenager.


You were walking through the park. It was getting dark now, you should go home. As you walked on the path, you saw a boy about your age walk in front of you. He was wearing a white hoodie and he had his hands in his pockets.

He stopped in front of you and pulled out his knife. "Bruh, put the knife down." You said hastily. "Sorry, but it's time for you to go to sleep!" He said raising the knife and bringing it down. You sighed and hammered him in the back. He stumbled a bit. "Dude, you almost killed me! Are you insane?!?" You said in a wisper-yell. "You could say that." The boy said as he attacked again. "You're funny, you know. JUST DO IT!" You yelled at him.

Try he might, he couldn't hit you no matter how fast or what moves he used. "Dude? Your Jeff! Kill me! I'm kinda waiting?" You said with a impatient face. He made another move at your shoulder. He cut it. "Hey look! Somebody hit me! That felt good." You said wiping away the blood. "Why you little dumbass!" He yelled as he tried to hit you. "What are you?" He said, anger relevant through his gritted teeth. "I'm just another human. Dude, you think I'm supposed to be scared of a murderer? You have got to be kidding me. I AM a murderer. Well, not yet. But one day." You stated.

"You, you're crazy!" Jeff yelled at you. "Fuck, I'm crazy? lOoK aT yOu!" You said. You obviously didn't want to play any games right now. Hey, I love games! Games like yandere simulator were nice to play when you were mad at a bitch. Or maybe Skyrim.

He hit your shoulder deeper this time. You flinched because you didn't see him coming. "Oh god my shoulders bleeding! Um, hold on..." you pulled out a knife and pulled out a zip tie at the end. The knife instantly heated up like a hair straightener. You used it to cauterize the wound. "Well, fuck this hurts." You said calmly.

Jeff just stared at you. "Who and what are you? Tell me! Before I kill you." he said to you now really angry.

You just started to walk away. He ran up to you and was about to stab the back of your head but you dodged and grabbed his wrist, twisting it slowly. "I want to join your little, 'possie.' Too bad your the only one in it." You said twisting his wrist harder. You let go and walked away.


"Hello morning hello sunshine!" You said stretching along the path with Jeff, who was clearly annoyed. You had been walking with him ever since he said he would let you join him. "Now, down to business! I wanna see those creepypastas! Maybe pick up a few things from my house, too." You said excitedly. "You seem exited. Exited enough." He said sulking with his hands in the pockets of his hoodie.

Your house was in the woods and you liked it there. You had imagined playing with a little girl when you were smaller. Or so you thought. But as you walked along the dark path and came closer to your house, you thought you saw two dark figures in the distance. Oh well I'm risking my life now, might as well keep going.

You walked happily as Jeff walked behind you with his hoodie up and his hands in his pockets. "Dude, really you should put your hoodie down. You need da melatonin!" You said. He shrugged but kept walking.

((If you dont know, melatonin not only is the chemical that can put you to sleep, but is also the dark pigment in your skin also known as a 'tan' and it builds up as you are exposed to UV rays to help protect from the sun. And sun tan lotion/spray also has melatonin in it. When you get burned by bleach, it basically sucks out all the 'color' from your skin. So know you know XD))

You sighed before walking back into your house. "Stay outside or you can come in the kitche- wait bad idea, just stay here." You said walking into the house.

As you closed the door behind you, your head started to spin. You shrugged it off and packed some things. And your phone. You knew you'd need that. But then as if a new person had entered you, you started to laugh insanely. "I'm hungry!" You yelled hysterically. You went down to the kitchen and grabbed a knife.

You ran out of the house and jumped Jeff. You didn't even feel like you anymore. You slashed his side, but not very deep. He jumped away and turned around to find you trying to hit him again. "Hey! What's wrong with you?" He asked as he was getting angry and a little worried. "I'm hungry! Can't you see?" You said, slashing another attack at him. He pulled out his knife and in your own state stabbed you you multiple times in the arms, legs, and shoulders.


You woke up in a bed that seemed to not been used in a long time. You looked at your arms and legs. You were covered in bandages. You heard murmurs outside the door. It sounded like three people. You caught words like 'the girl' and 'hungry' and also 'stabbed.' Hey, it made sense to you. You stood up and opened the door to see three people staring at you. One was Jeff, and the other two you had guessed was.... Slenderman and Ben?

"Hey, I'm kinda stuck in a house of murderers..." you whispered to them. "And it's awsome!" You ran down the halls waving your hands in the air and looking at everything. They just followed you in horror and in a little but of surprise. "Wait wait wait wait! I need some things: video games. Food. A bed. The possibility to take showers. And did I say video games?" You blabbered about the things you need witch was mostly books and video games and music.

It happened again.

Insane laughter spilled from your lips as you held your stomach and fell over. "You, know I'm still hungry!" You said while jumping Ben. "Shit! What's happening?" He yelled as you pulled his head off the floor by his hair. "Exactly what I told you! She just jumped me!" Jeff yelled as he tried to pull you up, only causing you to jump on him.

The Slenderman had gone away a few moments before this. The look of murder was relevant in your eyes.

You took his arm and bit a chunk of his shoulder off. He tried to push you off but you stayed put swallowing the piece of meat. Hysterical laughter again filled the long hallways as you stood up, Ben just staring at you.

You snapped back.

"Oh that happened... sorry Jeff. And I guess Ben?" You said not really knowing what that sudden burst of energy was. "How do you know my name?" Ben asked as you giggled. "Oh my gosh random thought: I want to start a mini government! I dont know where that idea came from, but it sounds fun!" You said not meaning to avoid the question. "Right...." he said.

"Hey, I don't even know your name yet." Jeff said as he looked at you. You just stood there looking at him. "Well? I can't just stare at you all da- nevermind... just answer the question." You looked up snapping out of your thoughts. "Oh! My name is y/n. I guess you deserve the right to know since I kinda ate some of you..." you looked off into the distance. "Little Cannibal." Jeff scoffed as your eyes lit up. "Hey! Jeff! Can that be my new nickname? Please?" You pleaded. "Fine. But I wanna call you y/n." He said walking you to the living room with Ben, and told you to follow.

You looked around the huge living room where alot of monsters and human-like things focused their sight when the door opened.

"Hey guys. This is y/-Little Cannibal. She's new here." You looked off into space as Jeff almost said your real name, brought back to the real world when Jeff basically STABBED YOUR SIDE with his elbow! "Dude! That hurt! That was my rib! You fucking STABBED ME with your sharp fucking elbow you little phyco path I will cut you!" You laughed internally at the irony. You crossed your arms as you looked away.

You could tell that everyone was staring at the bandages that completely covered your arms and legs. "Oh these? Jeff just stabbed me a bunch because he was being mean..." you pouted and wanted to laugh so hard right now.

"Oh, I was being mean? YOU WERE TRYING TO FUCKING EAT ME YOU LITTLE CANNIBAL!" Jeff also looked away. "But I was just hungry... and I still am..." you said jumping Jeff again. He squirmed away and you yelled at him when he started running. "Oh no not this time! I said I would cut you!" You started running after him when you bumped into a tall figure.

The Slenderman.

"Hey! I was trying to get someone!" You said before realizing who you were talking to. "Oh, well it was at this moment, I knew, I fucked up..." you said looking down. "Look, you dont have to worry. You are welcome to stay." Well, you knew that. But you nodded and cooled off a little before literally rolling back into the living room.


"WHO FUCKING STOLE MY KATANA!" you yelled when you woke up in the middle of the night. Most everybody was awake... so that worked out well...

But what scared you was that this only happened every once in a while... so you know it'll get creepier as you get a little more comfortable.


You walked out wiping your eyes. When you looked up everybody was staring at you. Even Jeff. Well fuck.

"Um, a bloodthirsty monster came in through the window and dragged my bag away when I wasn't looking and then ripped it to shreds and took the sword?" You said coming up with a completely ironic story. Damn it now everything seemed ironic to you...

"I'm sorry it happens sometimes.... don't worry about me." You sulked back in and shut the door. You flopped on the bed and went back to sleep.

Damn irony....


You woke up with the sun shining on your face. The curtains and the window were open...


you yelled down the hallways as you started kicking yourself around.

Jeff walked up behind you and shook you shoulders.

"Y/n! It was me! Calm down." He said, still shaking your shoulders.

He stopped and you were caught in your thoughts. "Hello? Y/n? Y/n! Ugh, you Little Cannibal wake up!" You snapped back out of your thoughts to shake your head. "Huh? What'd I miss?" You said confused.

"Nevermind.." Jeff shrugged and walked away.

Wait a second... it's been more than a day since you had used the thing called video games. Holy fuck that was a long time.. now, is there a game console? You looked in the living room. Aha! You found it. But there was a problem. Someone was using it. It was Ben. "Ben can I have a turn? I wanna play!" You whined while looking at the game selection. Good games. Games were your freindssss.

"Uh, sure, I guess..." he said as you chose a game. I was COD zombies. It was a good game but you hadn't played it in like sooo long like really it's been a whole three days since you last played it.

You played video games all day not bothering to eat or drink anything. Which made you really hungry. "Jeff!! Bring me some foodd!" You whined as he walked in. "Go get it yourself." He said as he sat in a chair. "But I'm fucking hungry and I don't wanna get up!" You whined back. "Fine!" Jeff got up and got you some chips. Chips yes!


"I am so hungover on games right now, you don't even know..." you sighed as you started to talk to Jeff outside on a bench. Jeff sighed as he didn't really understand how you get hungover on video games.. hey! Its an art okay!

Your head drooped as you sat on a lone bench in a small clearing in the forest. "Hey! I've got an idea! Let's go out tonight!" You said as an imaginary lightbulb appeared over your head. "Y-you mean like, a date?!" Jeff said clearly not getting the point. "No, silly! Like, go out to kill people? As in Jeff the Killer?" You said noting the questions. "O-oh. I knew that." He said definitely lying. You giggled a little and stared into the dark forest.

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