Guardians undercover(Katekyo...

Od ju7393

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#COWAwards2018 Gianini makes a new modified version of the Ten-Year bazooka, a new version that will allow th... Viac

Chapter 1: Failed Experiment.
Chapter 2. First Meeting
Chapter 3. Vongola Meeting
Chapter 4. Adoption
Chapter 5. Talbot
Chapter 6. Temporary Family
Chapter 7. School?
Chapter 8. How Long
Chapter 9. First Day
Chapter 10. Surprise
Chapter 11. Valentine's Day
Chapter 12: Family Weekend
Chapter 13: Invitation And Arrival
Chapter 14: A Butler And His Lord
Chapter 15: Party, Lurking Fear
Chapter 16: Disappearance
Chapter 17: Blood Moon
Chapter 18: Explaining To Them, Aftermath
Chapter 19: Sacrifices, And Resolve
Chapter 20: Short Lived Relief
Chapter 22: Hope
Chapter 23: Unknown Grounds
Chapter 24: Hellish Nightmares
Chapter 25: Only They Can
Chapter 26: A Place We Call Home
Chapter 27: Greedy Vulture
Chapter 28: It Has Begun
Chapter 29: New Memories
Chapter 30: Play, Rumors
Chapter 31: Proposal, Working
Chapter 32: Decision
Chapter 33: Reminiscing
Chapter 34: Memories of The Past I

Chapter 21: Daemon And Samuel, Beginning Recovery

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Od ju7393


I'm so sorry I took so long in updating, almost two months.  Finally I update, took me long enough.  I don't know whether you're all going to be kind of disappointed in this chapter or not, but I hope you all like it.  The other day July 7th I think I was walking home from walking (exercise walk) with my mom when we saw a dead person on a stretcher being wheeled over to a hearse.  I didn't feel like typing after that.  Also I want to let you guys know that soon, well not actually sure when, but soon I'll be writing a new story.  So I really hope to be updating soon, hopefully I don't take too long this time.  Sorry for any bad spelling or grammar.  Also thanks for reading.



While Knuckles continued treating Tsuna and Lambo the rest of the first generation left and went to where the rest of the tenth generation were. They didn't want to leave, but they knew that eventually the tenth generation would find their way there and start to ask questions. They had a right to know after all two people they cared for were fighting for their life, on the brink of death, but the first generation wanted to explain things to them as best they could, and as calmly as possible. But considering the situation calm was out of the question.

But for now the best option was to be there for the kids while they rested and try to at least be some sort of support to them, and figure out a way on how exactly to tell them all the current situation that Tsuna and Lambo were in.

They also had one more important thing they all needed to know. What was the thing that was injected in them all. And if their was any possibility that it was still in them, and causing any harm. The only way to know for sure is to hear the answer from the one person who knows, Jonathon holds all the answers to what they want.


Instead of handing Jonathon to the authorities Alaude decided to interrogate him. His accomplices had been given over to the authorities, but not Jonathon. Alaude wanted to in a way show him hell for what he had done to the kids. And even though he hated the idea to agree, Alaude allowed Daemon to help in the interrogation or rather torture in Daemon's case. After all he wanted to know what Daemon knew about this person since Daemon seemed to know this man.

Alaude along with Daemon were currently standing in front of one of the officers who had immediately tried to take Jonathon into their custody, but considering how scary Alaude and Daemon were, and how in a foul mood they were at the moment no one wanted to get in their way. Or give their own suggestions without having to fear what might happen to them.

Currently Alaude, Daemon and Jonathon were in one of the rooms that was the most secured interrogation room in the station(I'll use station referring to police station) that was so generously provided by the yard. Alaude had asked, more like demanded for the most secure room with no possibility of escape to interrogate Jonathon, and what person in their right senses would and could refuse Alaude when he was glaring at them.


(Daemon's POV)

I could think of so many way to torture him, to make him feel the same or maybe even worse than he did to the kids. I still couldn't believe that he would do such a thing, that Jonathon would dare hurt children for his own ambitions. That the man I once knew would become into....this monster.

Leaning against the wall I watched as Alaude questioned Jonathon, 'Well I guess I'll just how far Jonathon can hold out before breaking under his interrogations.' I thought with a sigh.

I hated the idea of letting the skylark interrogate him, and even though I hate to admit it he never fails to get the information he wants with his methods, but this time it seems as if he wants to vent his anger on Jonathon not that I can judge since I feel the same. But eventually I'll get my turn in asking him my own questions.

"Tell me everything you know." Alaude demanded as he stood in front of Jonathon. I smirked and waited for the so famous interrogations by Alaude begin.

"Everything huh." Jonathon said as he smirked slightly, "Even if I did tell you what you want to know what good would it do to you."

Alaude glared at Jonathon, "Talk or you'll regret it."

Jonathon laughed then glanced at me for a few seconds before turning back to Alaude with a smirk, "I'll regret it, is that so, then how about you ask your friend over there what he knows. After all he was the cause of all this when he killed my son." Alaude glanced at me for a brief moment before turning his glare once more at Jonathon.

"Go on Daemon Spade tell him." Jonathon glanced at me while smiling like a mad man.

I sighed as I stood up straight and walked towards the table Jonathon was sitting at and sat on the spare chair in front of him, "You know as well as I do that it was an accident, but I won't deny that it was my fault that he died. That I killed him."

(Normal POV)

Daemon sighed and placed both his hands under his chin, "You should remember my mission to San Gimignano two years ago since it should have been your mission to begin with, I asked to take on the mission since at the time you were busy with gathering information for Giotto. As you should also remember I took on a student and taught him how to use illusions since he had such great potential."

"And on that mission your student followed you and he died." Alaude finished off as he leaned on the wall and stared at Daemon waiting for him to continue.

"I see you still remember." Daemon said with a bitter smile.

~Flash Back~

As Daemon walked around town looking for a few thieves who were reported to have been breaking into the homes, and had even began to break into shops of people, he felt someone had been following him for a while now.

He had ignored it thinking that it could have been someone who just happened to be going in the same direction as him, but he still had his suspicions since he had been feeling as if someone had been following him once in a while before but it had always been at a far distance. He could also faintly feel mist flames coming from the same direction he knew his follower was at. He ignored it also because he didn't in any way feel threatened by it, it felt somewhat as if someone was following him out of curiosity. So he let it be, but after a while it had begun to bother him to the point where he stopped walking and decided to confront this unwanted and unknown follower.

Daemon had had enough of this so once he rounded the corner of a building he stopped walking and stood in the shadows of the building to wait for the person who was following him. Normally he would have gone up to this unknown individual and asked them directly who they were and why they were following him and maybe a few threats and illusions if they were any threat to him, but since he felt no threat to himself from this individual he decided against using the methods he would have normally used.

He didn't have to wait long, about a minute after having stopped walking a figure could be seen walking by and muttering to himself. Of course Daemon knew right away that this person was the one who was following him since at one point he had caught a glimpse of that same person a few times during his walk. A tall young boy no older than fifteen years of age, or so it seemed to Daemon was running his hand through his dark brown hair and looking around the place.

"Do you need something from me?" Daemon asked as he walked out of the shadows walking towards the young boy. He was rather interested in this boy, since it wasn't every day that someone followed him without letting out a huge amount of killing intent directed towards him. Rather it seemed like this boy was just a regular civilian. But aside from seeing a boy, what Daemon saw was potential. The boy was a potential mist user, and if trained properly he'd be a good one at that.

The young boy jumped away in surprise or most likely in fear at having heard a voice come from no where. He seemed completely normal as far as a civilian goes, but it was still to early to label this boy as just a normal civilian for all Daemon knew this boy could have been hired randomly by an enemy family and paid to follow him to gather any sort of information on him. He also took into consideration that the boy had the potential and most likely could use mist flames if he knew about them, so he wouldn't be letting his guard down anytime soon.

Normally at the sight of Daemon people would practically run away since they all knew very well what he was capable of if he was angered or if those individuals were on his list having to do with his missions. For example one time while walking down town, which was rather crowded, and Daemon was in a rather foul mood so he wasn't very tolerant of certain people. And of course everyone in town knew exactly how and what to do when Daemon acted in that mood so wherever Daemon passed by the people would part away like the red sea did when Moses raised his staff in hopes that they themselves won't become victims of Daemons foul mood. And of course there were those people who were down right just terrified of Daemon and would rather keep their distance from him even if he had been in a good mood, those people were mostly the ones who had experienced or seen what Daemon is really capable of.

Many of the towns people knew very well that Daemon wasn't all bad, but still they were cautious of the man. But to many people Daemon was the very embodiment of a demon when he was angered. A very sadistic demon at that.

But the thing about this young boy was that he didn't run away nor show any fear. He did seem nervous, but other than that he seemed rather normal considering that he was currently in front of a rather sadistic and terrifying person.

The boy turned towards the voice and saw Daemon leaning against the wall watching him. Clearing his throat the boy stepped closer to Daemon, not to close but not to far either, "I've come to ask for your help."

Daemon raised an eyebrow, "Nufufufu, and why should I help you? I could easily help you, but I've never seen you before so I'd appreciate it if you state what motive you have to ask for my help. And of course it's common courtesy that you introduce yourself first too."

The young boy licked his lip, and brushed some dark brown hair that had fallen over his hazel eyes to the side, and took in a deep breath. To Daemon he looked quite nervous, "My name is Samuel Rizzo. The help I want....isn't exactly help, it's more of a favor." Samuel looked at Daemon for a few seconds before continuing as if he was afraid that Daemon would just tell him to stop and walk away, and he wanted to make sure that Daemon was listening to him, "For a while now I've been able things I've never done before."

Daemon had pretty much begun to get an idea as to what Samuel wanted, but just to make sure that he wasn't wrong, which he knew was highly impossible, he wanted to hear the boy say it. But there was also one more thing he wanted to know about the boy, he wanted to know if the boy has any connection to any enemy family.

Daemon felt his lip twitch lightly forming a smirk, "And those things are? And what do those things have to do with me?"

Samuel looked Daemon directly in the eyes which very much made Daemon more amused and interested since almost everyone avoided looking him in the eye in fear of being one of his many victims.

"I've been able to make anything I think of appear. But it never stays for long, and it always looks different from what I think. And....and I know for a fact that only you will be able to help me since I know you can do things like this too."

Daemon smirked, he was right. Of course he was right, after all he was Daemon and there was no way he would ever be wrong especially when it came to mist users. Now the only one thing left....

"Before I give you my answer, I need, no I want you to tell me if you are or are not affiliated with the mafia. And if so which one." Daemon said as he looked at Samuel. The way he looked at him looked almost as if an animal was looking at its prey waiting for the perfect moment to go in for the kill.

And of course Samuel answered with all honesty for mainly two reasons, one was because he didn't want Daemon to doubt him and cause him to lose his chance, and two he was a bit afraid of Daemon with the way he looked when he asked if he was affiliated to the mafia. Samuel wasn't with the mafia nor did he ever plan to, until he began to make things appear out of thin air. And he knew of only one person (which everyone knew even if they didn't want to) who could possibly help him, and that person is none other than Daemon Spade.


Daemon had agreed to help Samuel, so in order to help him Daemon took him on as a student and began to teach him little by little what he knew.

It has already been two weeks since Daemon began to teach Samuel. As their training progressed Daemon learned more about Samuel. Samuel lives just on the outskirt of Sicily in a town (city?) called San Cataldo, so it wouldn't be a problem if Samuel left after each sessions to his home since it wasn't that far from the Vongola mansion. He also learned that Samuel was actually sixteen years old, and that he had a younger brother named Callum who is two years younger than him. They live with their father since their mother had died a few years earlier of an illness.

The more Daemon learned of Samuel the more he began to grow very fond of the boy, and anyone who knew Daemon personally would be able to tell at just a glance. To many people it seemed rather weird since the person who seemed nothing more than a sadistic being actually cared personally for someone other than caring for Elena, The Vongola, and the towns people (even though the towns people find it hard to believe that Daemon cares about them with the way he sometimes acts).

To Daemon, Samuel was almost like a sibling. Since Daemon didn't have any brothers only sisters', it kind of felt like he had a kid brother.


To say that training was not easy is an understatement. The training that Daemon was giving was torture. To some it might seem that Daemon was enjoying torturing the poor boy....which was true, well half true. Samuel would be put under illusion after illusion that would last up to days. All to see how long it would take Samuel to get out of it on his own.

It's understandable, but the type of illusions he was put under had gradually went from normal to just horrible and unbearable. Which in a way made Samuel try harder to get out of them, so he could get away from those illusions, illusions that he never wanted to see ever again.

"An illusionist should be able to use or put anyone under an illusion faster than a heartbeat, they should also be physically ready. True all illusionist aren't always the fighting type which is rather boring, but they should also be trained to fight. Since at some point as an illusionist we meet the occasional person who can easily counter our illusion or isn't even affected by an illusion." Daemon glanced at Samuel who sitting one of the chairs in the training room of the Vongola mansion, "So from this day on we will add physical training into your daily training."

Samuel cleared his throat as he watched Daemon pace around the room while occasionally chuckling, "W-who will I be doing the physical training with?"

Daemon walked over to Samuel and stopped in front of him, "Me of course, and occasionally one of the others, but not Giotto though." Daemon said as he frowned slightly remembering how he had to ask the others for some help. He hated that he had to ask the other guardians to help with Samuel's training. Especially from G, since G was practically one of the best gun experts he knew, he needed someone to shoot at Samuel for training. And of course Knuckles, even though he knew that Knuckles would hold back since he preferred to not fight. And Asari also since Daemon wanted Samuel to get used too and be able to dodge any sort of weapon at every distance and angle. Though Daemon didn't ask Alaude, for one since Alaude wasn't there and even if he was he wouldn't ask him at all, and as for Lampo. Lampo is too lazy, and wouldn't even try....unless he was threatened to like he usually is.

So in the end Samuel learned a very valuable lesson during his training with the others. To never anger any of them if he didn't want to die. And well curiosity almost cost him his life. He had heard of how strong Alaude was, but he had never actually seen the man fight. So he was curious about him, and of course Samuel managed to get the courage and ask Alaude what he should never have asked, "Are you strong? I've heard you're strong, but Daemon said you weren't. I want to see how strong you are." Samuel had made two big mistakes, one was to practically question whether Alaude was strong, and the other was mentioning Daemon. For anyone who knew off what Samuel said, they all knew that the boy clearly had a death wish if he said such things to Alaude.

Lesson learned, he was never going to listen to anything Daemon said concerning Alaude. And anyone's potential fighting skills without asking the opinion of the others.

~Time Skip, A Big One (Three Years Later)~

It took a while, but it was worth it. Samuel turned out to be a great illusionist, but not as great as Daemon or so Daemon would say. The only difference between Samuel and Daemon was that Samuel wasn't sadistic and didn't use an illusions on people unlike a certain someone who took every opportunity to try out any new illusions on people who he doesn't like.

Samuel was too much of a kind person, he rarely used any illusions unless he needed to. It was hard to believe for some people to think that such a kind person was a student of Daemon's. Some had even come to believe that Samuel would have ended up just like Daemon. And they were glad that he didn't end up just like him.


"Sorry about this Daemon, but you were the only one I could give this to." Giotto said as he handed Daemon a sheet of paper, "I had planned to give it to Alaude since it was originally meant for him, but it's taking longer than I expected to get the information we need. And well I need someone to go to San Gimignano right away."

Daemon held back a sigh as he accepted the paper that Giotto was handing to him and looked at it for a bit before looking up at Giotto, "I thought that there was only one survivor after the entire Da Capo* family was killed."

Giotto sighed as he sat down in his chair and placed his elbows on his desk, "So did I. But it seems that some of the family members including the second youngest brother of the boss hid before the attack. Now that they appeared it looks like our suspicions were right. Carlo was the one who killed his entire family, and now it seems that they want to kill the lone survivor, the youngest daughter, Mikaela DeFrancesco. I'm not sure as to why, but I can only assume that since everyone else died she was left with the family fortune, and he wants it now."

Daemon glanced back at the paper for a while before finally folding it and putting it in one of his pockets, "All you want me to do is bring her back here after I incapacitate them?"

Giotto nodded, "We need them alive in order to interrogate them. And after all their family was once in alliance with us, but most of all they were our friends, the least we can do is keep Mikaela safe, and keep her from knowing what her brother has done."

"Very well. I'll take care of a few things then leave immediately." Daemon said as he turned around and headed for the door, "Nufufu, I can't promise you that they'll all be intact....mentally or physically."

"Daemon" Giotto said in a warning tone.

Turning around a bit Daemon smirked, "Don't worry, I won't go overboard with it. But if they try to do anything to harm me or Mikaela I won't hold back." Giotto looked at Daemon with a pained expression before finally sighing and nodding.

"Do as you must if you have to."

Turning back towards the door Daemon placed his hand on the door knob, "If Samuel is here I'll be leaving him in your care."

"Of course." Giotto said as he watched Daemon open the door and walk out closing it gently behind him.


He expected this. He knew this would happen. He knew Samuel was stubborn and got his way with many things. So now that Daemon told him that he had to leave for a mission and that he was to stay at the mansion until he comes back, well Samuel wasn't very please with it.

Samuel wasn't upset about Daemon leaving, heck if Daemon left without a word he probably wouldn't give it a second thought. Samuel knew that this mission was something that he couldn't miss for anything in the world. He didn't know what this mission was about and didn't care, but he felt, no, he needed to be there.

Samuel who had his arms crossed across his chest sighed and let his arms fall to his sides, "Fine."

Satisfied with the answer Daemon nodded, though he doubted that Samuel meant it. But Daemon couldn't afford to make sure whether Samuel was telling the truth or not. He needed to go if he wanted to get to San Gimignano quickly. Though if Samuel did come Daemon knew that he would be able to take care of himself. Sure Samuel was very good and using different weapons and using illusions, but he still had a long way to go.

After making sure that Samuel had headed towards the mansion Daemon left.


Samuel wasn't stupid, he was very observant of his surrounding and of people. He knew very well why Daemon didn't want him to go with him. He knew very well, yet he pretended not to know a thing. He knew where Daemon was going, he had seen the paper in Daemon's pocket. Though it was folded, and couldn't see any clear writing very well. But one thing that he did notice was that there was a certain mark, insignia on it. And there was no way he would ever forget that mark. Each city had it's own stamp, as well as did every high social family. That mark belonged to San Gimignano.

There was only one thing he could think of as to why Daemon would go there. The only person he knew that had any involvement with the mafia that lived there....even though it had been a long time ago, was Mikaela. He had known Mikaela for a long time since they were children. And they still sent letter to one another once in a while.

In one of the many letters that Samuel had gotten, one of them had bothered him greatly. Mikaela wrote that she had felt as if someone were watching her, following her. She didn't feel safe at all. And she thought that maybe she was going crazy since at one point she thought that she had seen her brother which is impossible since he died.

Or maybe the Vongola had gotten wind of the new mafia family that was created there, and they wanted to send a representative. But why Daemon? Since the Vongola was still knew in being in the mafia did they want to make an alliance with any family that catches their attention. If so why send someone who could potentially ruin it?

Why would they send Daemon though? Everyone knew that Daemon wasn't the number one choice to send as a representative, at least not on his own that is.

Taking a deep breath Samuel turned around and headed away from the direction of the Vongola mansion and began his way to go to San Gimignano. He hoped that he was wrong, and that it was only a meeting with another family.

False Hope. He hoped everything was okay, yet he couldn't shake off the feeling of something horrible happening.


~Time Skip (Next Day)~

Daemon would have reached San Gimignano earlier if only the road wasn't so muddy. The day before at night while on his way it began to rain and the road had gotten so muddy. He didn't want to waste any time and just go, but he knew very well that with the condition of the road it would take him much longer to get to where he wants, especially since it was still raining very heavy all the way into the early hours of the morning.

So much to his distaste Daemon had to wait until the rain had lightened to continue. On the road he realized how glad he was to have waited to leave later, now that it was barely even raining and the sun was out, he would feel the carriage lose control occasionally. So now he thinks if he had left when it had been raining harder, would he even be alive now.

Roughly two hours later Daemon had finally reached San Gimignano.

"Now to find Mikaela before anything happens." Daemon muttered to himself.


It didn't really take Daemon long to find Mikaela. She hadn't changed at all since he had last seen her, she still looked very much the same, small figure, calming aura, and her slightly sun kissed skin, well except that she had grown a bit. She had let her dark hair grow all the way down past her shoulders, when she was younger she always had it just above her shoulders. She had grown taller, not much though, and as always she still wears colorful dresses. Always a light peach or pink which were her favorite colors, she liked all light colors.

Mikaela was quite surprised to see Daemon. She wasn't expecting to see him, maybe one of the others, but certainly not him. He was a good man, but she never liked how he always put up illusions to confuse her when she was younger. Mikaela had know Daemon and the others way before the Vongola had become a mafia family so she came to care for them as if they were part of her family, after all they were her friends.

Slowly letting out a breath that she didn't even know that she was holding, she adjusted the bag currently in her arms and moved it to her hip, "I never expected to see you again. Are the others with you or are you alone?"

"I'm alone. You're daring Giotto sent me here Nufufufu."

Mikaela blushed and stuttered, "H-he is not my darling! A thing of the past, I'm over it." At one point when she was younger Mikaela had started to like Giotto, and once said that when she was older she would marry Giotto. Though those feelings changed over time. Though she can't deny that Giotto has a favorable appearance as do his guardians.

After having calmed down Mikaela brushed aside some of her hair behind her ear, "If you don't mind me asking, what did Giotto send you here for?"

Daemon walked closer to her completely ignoring the looks and whispers from the people around, and gently placed one of his hands on her shoulder, "Not here."

With those two words she understood that it was something that was not meant to be heard out in public. Nodding she turned around and motioned for Daemon to follow her.

Shaking his head he chuckled, "I have the carriage. Get in." Feeling slightly embarrassed Mikaela nodded and followed after him.

Once they were in the carriage Mikaela told Daemon which way her house was. They both sat in silence with only the occasional directions given by Mikaela.


Fear. His fears had been confirmed. He wished that he had been wrong, but sadly he wasn't. This mission really did have to do with Mikaela.

Samuel watched from a distance as Daemon and Mikaela had gotten onto the carriage. Samuel had hoped that he had gotten sooner there, but as luck would have it he didn't.

As quickly as he could he followed after them, but keeping a distance. While still hoping that maybe Daemon had just decided to help her home. And it had nothing to do with Mikaela. Though there was a very small chance at that since it seemed that Daemon knew her very well with the way he interacted with her.


After having gotten to Mikaela's home, which was a simple home fit for at least two or three people. Seemed nice and cozy. Daemon had begun to explain as to why Daemon was there, of course he left out the part of her supposedly dead brother. The girl had been through so much. She had seen her entire family be slaughtered at such a young age, and she was left alone with no one, not a single family member. And the only family she had which was an aunt didn't want her since she was in fear that if she took her in she might die also. All she was left with was a few items, small things that she could have as a memory of her family, and a large amount of money. The Vongola had taken in Mikaela for a while until she decided to leave.

Daemon even though he was considered a heartless man, a demon without any consideration for others, he didn't want to cause the girl any more pain by telling her that the ones who want to kill her are her brother and a few members of her family.

After having explained everything Daemon told Mikaela to pack a bag of things she needed and to leave everything else and that he would send someone later on to get the rest of her things. Quickly Mikaela packed the few things she could fit in one bag. She made sure to pack two dresses for the time being, some money, and of course the few momentos of her family, there was no way she would leave any of that behind.

Before Mikaela had finished packing Daemon slowly walked towards a window and slightly moved the curtains. He knew someone was watching them, and it wasn't a very pleasant feeling. Sure if it was just him he wouldn't care, but Mikaela was there with him so he couldn't take any chances. He knew that if they didn't leave that instant it would be to late.

At the same time he felt an oddly familiar presence which he ignored for now since right now that threatening feeling was the most important one at the moment.

Quickly he made his way towards Mikaela, "We don't have time, just take what's in the bag now. We have to leave." Mikaela looked up in slight shock since she hadn't heard Daemon walk into her room.

She opened her mouth to protest, but the look on his face made her quickly close her mouth and nod. She shut her bag and picked it up from the bed heading towards Daemon. Daemon took the bag from her and headed towards the door only to quickly turn back and face Mikaela, "Is there another door we can leave from?"

"Yes, but the door won't open. A few days ago it jammed and it won't open." Mikaela said as she looked at him worriedly.

Daemon was mad, he should have known to think of every possibility. It all made sense now. He didn't sense anyone on his way there, he didn't feel anything or see anything threatening around when he saw Mikaela in town. But he did now once they were in her house. In the house where there is only one exist aside from the windows since another possible exist has been disabled. They had been trapped. They needed to leave now more than before, he knew they needed to leave earlier since he didn't sense anything. He didn't sense the presence he had before, it was gone. Normally someone would think that they were safe, but Daemon knew better. He knew they weren't exactly gone....they were waiting. It was now or never, no matter how small it was he needed to take this chance and make a run for it.

Daemon cursed, he had been careless. Quickly he grabbed Mikaela's arm and pulled her towards the door, "We don't have time anymore." He said as he put an illusion of themselves and the house, since if they opened the door whoever was there would know that they were there.

He opened the door, and as quickly as possible they went to the carriage.


For the first time in his life in many years since he joined Giotto and the others he felt as if he had failed.

As they left Daemon looked in every direction, and had Mikaela keep herself down just in case if they were spotted she won't get hurt if they are shot at. Still with the illusion on they had almost made it into town when they showed up.

The carriage had come to a halt and fell over on it's side with the horse dead since the horse had been killed with one shot to it's head.

As Daemon stood up from the ground since when the carriage fell over, he grabbed his scythe which was left in the carriage. At times he would cover the tip of it with a poison, well it didn't kill anyone just paralyzed them....for a long time.

"Stay inside. Don't come out until I tell you to." Daemon said as he leaned over the carriage to glance through the window. Seeing Mikaela nod he pulled away and looked around.

"Nufufu, first you shoot and now you won't even come out." He said as he adjusted his hold on his weapon. Shortly after having said that five figures could be seen moving from behind a few houses, and heading towards him.

Before the figures came out from their hiding place he recognized one of them. Carlo. Quickly Daemon put Mikaela in an illusion.

Carlo smiled as he came into view, "My friend, it has been a long time. How are you?" He glanced at the carriage, "If you don't mind please hand Mikaela to me. After all this has nothing to do with you."

Daemon frowned, "Oh really. Well I'm afraid I can't do that."

Carlo sighed then lifted his hand pointing the gun he had at Daemon, "Then I'm afraid you'll have to die along with her."

She could see, and hear everything that Daemon said. She knew that he was talking to someone, but for some reason she couldn't hear what the other person was saying. She couldn't even hear his voice. It seemed as if Daemon was speaking to himself, but she knew there was someone there. She knew there was more than one person aside from her and Daemon. She had heard the footsteps, but she can't hear them talk.


Samuel felt his heart sink as he saw the horse get shot and the carriage fall over. He wanted to run towards them, but he couldn't move his legs. He was frozen in place.

Just as he was able to move again he saw the one person he never expected to see ever again. A person who he thought was dead. He knew for sure that he was not an illusion, after all he was taught how to distinguish reality from an illusion.

He saw Carlo point the gun and Daemon while the other people with Carlo moved in closer, almost as if they were waiting for Daemon to be shot down to move and get Mikaela from the carriage.

Looking on in fear he quickly got off of his spot where he was hiding behind a few trees. He ran in their direction, as he ran Carlo pulled the trigger.


Instead of moving he positioned his scythe in front of him and stood in front of the carriage in hopes that it wouldn't hit Mikaela.

Just as the bullet was shot he managed to bring his scythe up and made the bullet go slightly of course and hit the ground. It was a wonder why none of the people who lived there were making a ruckus at hearing a gun shot, but of course any person in their right senses would stay hidden and quiet in hopes that they won't get involved.

As quickly and efficiently as possible he disposed of the people closest to him. Once they were taken care of he faced Carlo. Carlo of course was ready for Daemon as he had his gun once more pointed at Daemon fully loaded.

Daemon moved slightly, and Carlo pulled the trigger. Daemon managed to dodge, and headed towards Carlo, just before he reached Carlo Daemon put Carlo under an illusion.

Carlo was in complete darkness, he couldn't see nor hear anything. He could still feel the gun in his hand. In fear he began to randomly shoot everywhere.

Daemon quickly moved away from Carlo as he had begun to shoot, but none of those bullets were anywhere close to Daemon or the carriage.

"Mikaela! I want you to be ready to run, understand."

A muffled short reply could be heard, "Yes."

Deciding to take this chance Daemon quickly went over to Carlo ready to strike him down when Carlo turned his gun towards Daemon and shot.

Before Daemon could even move he felt something push him out of the way. Stumbling almost falling to the ground he turned around only to see the bullet make contact with someone. Someone he knew very well. Samuel.

He could only stare in shock for a few seconds until he practically ran towards Carlo and with a swift move of his arm he brought down his scythe onto Carlo.

Once Daemon was done with Carlo he quickly turned towards Samuel only to see him gasping for air, and his hand over his chest with dulled eyes staring at nothing. Those eyes slowly losing it's light, gazing at emptiness.

Coughing Samuel slightly turned his head towards Daemon and smiled, "I-I'm're okay."

"You Idiot." Daemon said as he quickly went towards Samuel to check the wound, "Damn it. I need to stop the bleeding." He said placing his hands on Samuel's wound.

At hearing no sound what so ever Mikaela began to think that it was over, "Daemon." Mikaela called out softly sounding almost afraid that something could have happened to Daemon and whoever was the enemy was going to kill her.

Daemon glanced over at the carriage, "Stay inside! Don't come out." Daemon said as he continued to apply pressure onto Samuel's wound.

With what little strength he had left Samuel slightly shook his head with a small smile while placing his hand on Daemon's hand, "I....won't last long." He gasped out in a whisper, "I want you to take Mikaela away from here. D-don't let h-her see any of this. tell her I'm....sorry."

It was almost as if he was just waiting to say what he needed and wanted to say since shortly after that Samuel never uttered a single word.

~Flash Back End (Really Long Right)~

Daemon drifted into silence after that, he didn't look at any of the two people in the room with him. He looked at nothing but his hands on the table. After Samuel died Daemon took Mikaela away making sure she saw nothing and took her to a safe place, he had moved the bodies to the side disguising them with an illusion, then returned and took Samuel's body along with the others. Carlo wasn't dead he made sure of that, but the others did die. Samuel was given a proper burial, and after that Daemon never took on a student. He never wanted to go through that ever again.

Alaude said nothing. He didn't really care what Daemon feels or whatever happens to him, but he knows what it feels like to lose someone close to him.

"Because of you." Jonathon whispered, "Because of you my son died! It was your fault! And my other son Callum he suffered so much after that. He was never the same. So I decided to help him to no longer feel that pain, so I used him in my experiments. But he died, though I learned a lot thanks to him." He glared at Daemon, "I should have killed your son. I should have killed him to make you feel the same thing I felt."

After that the interrogation continued, but of course Jonathon said nothing more. There was still no answer to whatever substance was put into the tenth generation.


It has been two weeks since the tenth generation along with the other children were rescued. And within that time they managed to get one of the people involved with the experiment to talk about everything he knew. And to their relief whatever was injected into the kids doesn't last longer than a week, and it won't cause any damaged after that.

The children were all reunited with their parents' though some of them were dead. All of the children who died were all given their proper burial. A mother of one of the children had started to ask where her daughter was, if she was still missing. And when she was going to be found, even though she had seen her daughters body. It was as if she was in denial and refused to believe that her daughter was gone.

Jonathon and the people who were part of the experiment were all arrested, and of course many of the parents' of the children who died wanted them to be in jail for life, while others wanted them to be tortured to death just like their children were. To make them feel the same pain their children most likely felt.


Within those weeks the injuries that the tenth generation had were all healed by Knuckles with a little bit of help from Ryohei. But the wounds that Tsuna and Lambo had were to severe. They were able to stop the bleeding on Tsuna, and remove the bullet, but he had lost so much blood that his body wasn't able to function properly anymore. It was a miracle that he was even alive, normally by this time a child would have succumbed to the wound and have died.

Lambo had all his wounds healed as well, but the trauma to his body seemed to have been too much that within those two weeks Lambo had only woken up three times, but after that nothing. His body was at it's weakest, that it had seemed that he would have died at any second if it hadn't been for the treatment he had gotten from Knuckles.

They were afraid to know that one day one of them or both of them would die. They were all afraid, angry, and just empty. They could only wait, pray, and hope that the treatment that Knuckles was giving them worked.

~Time Skip (Three Days Later)~

The first sign, a light of hope that they saw or heard was a small finger twitch. A finger that hadn't moved unless it was moved by someone had just moved.

Once everyone knew of this they all practically ran to the infirmary, and the looks they were in it seemed that they hadn't gotten any sleep, and probably didn't leave to eat.

"If you're all going to be in here, please stand a little bit away. I need room to work in." Knuckles said as he slightly pushed the closest person to him which was G.

Though he was upset of being told to move he sighed and did as told, and along with the others moved away.

A few minutes after they moved, and Knuckles had started to examine the child a pair of eyes fluttered open only to close immediately after being blinded by the light coming from the room. At seeing this Knuckles quickly closed the curtains and returned back to the child on the bed.

And once again those eyes opened. They had never felt this happy before, they all felt as if they had just been giving the best gift in the world. The best gift at seeing those green eyes slowly blink as they looked around the room until it landed on the group in the back of the room.

Now the only thing they needed was to see those brown eyes they all wished to see now.  But for now it seemed like this was the first steps of recovery.


Da Capo*-for those who are in choir or better yet play the piano or any instrument already know what this means.  But for those who don't, it means repeat.  Like maybe a certain verse in the song or in the music is to be repeated again.  Since it's most commonly used in music.

I kind of feel like maybe I made Daemon seem a bit weak.  I don't know if you guys liked this back story of what happened, but I hope you guys liked it.  So I don't know when exactly I'll be updating, but I really hope it's soon though.  And once again Sorry for taking so long in updating.  I'll try to update more before classes start again.  Since I don't know what times my classes will be, I know for sure one of them is going to be at night though.

That's it for now, I hope you enjoyed it.

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