Teach Me

By Fangirl1901

135K 3.8K 856

A Mergana AU that takes place after 1.08 The Beginning of the End Merlin and Morgana escape with Mordred and... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22 - Epilogue

Chapter 21

4.8K 145 51
By Fangirl1901

"I believe that the only reason magical people have been attacking Camelot is because they're angry at Uther for executing their kind," Morgana explained to Arthur and Merlin the next morning. "If you lifted the ban on magic and people could practice freely without fear of execution, I don't think there would be nearly as many magical attacks."

"But they still could attack," Arthur said thoughtfully. He wanted to lift the ban, he really did. Two of his best friends had magic, but he was king now and everything had to be thought through carefully.

Morgana smiled at Merlin, "someone once told me that magic isn't all evil or all good. Camelot has just as much of a chance of being attacked by an opposing army. Magic is like a dagger or a sword. It isn't good or bad itself, it depends on who's wielding it. Sorcerers attacked your father because he hated magic. If you showed them that you don't, we might even be able to ally with them. I know the Druids would certainly agree with me."

Arthur nodded thoughtfully, "what if we have people here who are just learning about their powers and don't have anyone to show them what to do?"

Morgana thought for a moment, "why not have a court sorcerer? He could deal with all the magical people in Camelot and point them in the right direction. Then, once they know the basics of what to do, they can go to the Druids. The Druids are great teachers."

"Well who would we get to be court sorcerer?" Merlin asked.

Arthur and Morgana looked at him and each raised an eyebrow. Merlin's eyes grew wide, "me?"

Arthur smirked at him, "why not? You taught Morgana everything and you'd also be trusted advisor to the King."

Merlin shook his head and smiled, "blimey, I must be crazy. Alright, I'll do it."

* * *

"I, King Arthur of Camelot hereby decree that the ban on magic that has been placed on Camelot for years, shall be lifted," Arthur told the citizens of Camelot as he stood on the castle's balcony. "I believe that the magical people who live in Camelot have been oppressed for far too long. I also believe that if we were able to embrace magic, we could make allies with other sorcerers. With allies, I believe Camelot could be the best army the world's ever seen."

The world was silent for a few moments and everyone stared at Arthur, hoping beyond belief that this wasn't a dream. Finally, the entire city burst into cheers and shouts. Arthur smiled and raised a hand to silence them, "Though, those who choose to abuse their magical abilities will be put on trial, just as an ordinary man would be put on trial for robbery, the crime justifying the punishment and vice versa. I've entrusted my closest friend, Merlin, with the task of court sorcerer. If anyone who is just learning about their abilities and doesn't know what to do, they can go to him. He will teach you how to control your powers."

Merlin smiled at Arthur and nodded, which Arthur returned. Merlin grinned at Morgana, the day he'd been working towards his whole life had finally arrived.

* * *

"Congratulations, Merlin," Morgana said when just she and Merlin were left in the hallways that night. Merlin jumped and turned around to face her, "thank you, Morgana. I think I actually might be going crazy, I can't believe I accepted."

Morgana smiled and walked forwards, wrapping him in a hug, "I think you'll do brilliantly. So what does it feel like to be the royal advisor? That's a pretty high rank now."

Merlin let go of her and rubbed the back of his neck, "it's... odd."

She smiled, "I bet you're glad now that you don't have to run around doing Arthur's chores for him."

Merlin chuckled, "yes, I am glad about that."

She smiled at him and said softly as she took his hands in her's, "you deserve this. You're a wonderful teacher and I never could've gotten this far without you."

Merlin shook his head and smiled, "of course you could, you're brilliant, Morgana. You didn't need me."

She shook her head and rested her hand on his upper arm, "no, I mean it, Merlin. You're my greatest friend and I never could've done this without you."

Merlin nodded, "I couldn't let you go through that alone. Not when I know what it's like to discover you have magic and no one else understands, I care about you too much to let that happen."

She looked at him and met his eyes. Before Merlin knew it, she was leaning forward and she pressed her lips against his. The kiss started out cautious, because Morgana still wasn't sure if he reciprocated her feelings, but tonight was a night for taking chances. When Merlin felt her lips against his, he wrapped an arm around her back and pulled her closer to him. He rested his other hand on her cheek and she smiled into the kiss as she wrapped her arms around his neck. She kissed him a little bit harder now, now certain that he felt the same way, and he deepened the kiss. She sighed contentedly as he did so and she only pulled back when air was absolutely necessary. She rested her forehead against his and smiled, "congratulations, Merlin."

He smiled back at her and connected their lips once more, this time much shorter and sweeter. Completely the opposite of their first kiss, which was far more passionate. This second kiss, though, was so sweet and tender Morgana was sure she would've melted to the floor if he hadn't still had a grasp on her waist.

She smiled as she thought about it later that night, this day has turned out far better than either of them had hoped.

Happy ending, yay! But seriously, did you expect anything less from me? 😜 Only the epilogue left now, I can guarantee fluff and cheesiness galore.

Also, I feel like I should've made the whole thing about abolishing the laws on magic longer, but I feel like I would've lost some of you there. Let me know what you think, comments and constructive criticisms are the highlight of my day. Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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